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Glossary Unit 3

Task table
STT Name Student Code Task
1 Nguyễn Kim Cúc 20193499 Quizz
2 Đặng Ngọc Anh Đào 20204072 Column 1
3 Lê Thị Bích Diệp 20204073 Column 2
4 Lê Thị Duyên 20204079 Colum 3

1. Glossary
1.1. Column 1
Term  Definition  Sample sentence  Vietnamese

Aerosol (n)  a metal container in which Aerosol cans are Bình phun (thuốc
liquids are kept under banned from aircraft sâu) 
pressure and forced out in a cabins. 

Altitude (n)  height above sea level:  We are currently Độ cao so với mặt
flying at an altitude of biển 
15,000 metres. 

Anthropogenic (Adj)  caused by humans or their The chapter on plant Nhân tạo 
activities  responses to
herbicides reminds
the reader that
stresses can be

Atmosphere (n)  the mixture of gases around These factories are Không khí 
the earth  releasing toxic gases
into the atmosphere. 

Atmospheric (Adj)  relating to the air or to the Plants are the main Thuộc không khó,
atmosphere  source of atmospheric khí quyển 

Atom (n)  the smallest unit of any A molecule of carbon Nguyên tử 
chemical element, consisting dioxide (CO2) has one
of a positive nucleus carbon atom and two
surrounded by negative oxygen atoms. 
electrons. Atoms can
combine to form a molecule 

Biological (Adj)  connected with the natural Eating is a biological Thuộc sinh vật học 
processes of living things  necessity! 
Bromide (n)  a drug used to calm people He took a/some Thuốc an thần 
who are very unhappy or bromide to calm his
worried  nerves. 

Bromine (n)  a chemical element that What could have (hóa học) brôm 
exists as a strong-smelling, motivated this
dark red liquid that changes philosopher to
easily into a gas, used in abandon philosophy
photographic materials and and study an
other industries  important economic
topic: chemical
methods of obtaining
iodine and bromine? 

By – product (n)  something that is produced Buttermilk is a by- Chất được sản xuất
as a result of making product of making ra trong khi chế tạo
something else, or something butter.  một cái khác ; phó
unexpected that happens as phẩm 
a result of something 

Chlorine (n)  a chemical element that is a The chlorine in the (hóa học) clo 
greenish-yellow gas with a pool makes my eyes
strong smell, added to water sore. 
in order to kill organisms that
might cause infection 

Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) a gas used in fridges and, in CFCs cause damage to Chất gât hại cho
– (n)  the past, in aerosols (= a the ozone layer.  tầng ozon 
metal container in which
liquids are kept under
pressure and forced out in

Compositon (n)  the mixture of things or The composition of Thành phần cấu
people that are combined to the city’s population tạo, kết cấu 
form something  has changed
dramatically in the
past 20 years. 

Compound (v)  a chemical that combines Salt is a compound of Kết hợp 

two or more elements  sodium and chlorine. 

1.2. Column 2
Term  Definition  Sample sentence  Vietnamese equivalent 

Coolant (n)  a specially prepared liquid When the engine is Chất lỏng làm nguội 
that is used to stop a running, say starting
machine from getting too from cold, it produces
hot while it is operating  heat, part of which is
carried away by the

Denitrify (v)  to break up nitrates (= Denitrifying bacteria Loại bỏ nitơ 

chemicals containing reduce the fertility of
nitrogen and oxygen), for the soil. 
example in soil, and so
release nitrogen into the

Depletion (n)  a reduction in something.  Increased expenditure Sự làm suy yếu, suy
has caused a depletion giảm 
in our capital/funds. 

Dissipate (v)  to (cause to) gradually The heat gradually Xua tan, làm tiêu tan,
disappear or waste.  dissipates into the tiêu tan 

Exhaust (n)  the waste gas from an Car exhaust is the main Khói, khí, hơi nước (từ
engine, especially a car's, reason for the city's một động cơ thải ra) 
or the pipe the gas flows pollution. 

Exposure (n)  the fact of experiencing You should always limit Hành động phơi bày/
something or being your exposure to the tình trạng bị phơi bày 
affected by it because of sun. 
being in a particular
situation or place. 

Gaseous (adi)  consisting of gas or gases, Steam is water in its (thuộc) thể khí 
or like gas:  gaseous form. 

Global warming (n)  a gradual increase in the Reversing the effects of Sự nóng lên toàn cầu 
earth’s temperature, global warming may be
caused by gases, esp. the greatest challenge of
carbon dioxide, our time. 
surrounding the earth 

Ion (n)  an atom or small group of Entry and exit of ions i-on 
atoms that has an into the simulation
electrical charge because region can be
it has added or lost one or represented as a first-
more electrons  order process. 

Layer (n)  a level of material, such as There was a thin layer of Lớp  
a type of rock or gas, that oil on the surface of the
is different from the water. 
material above or below
it, or a thin sheet of a

Mesosphere (n)  the layer of a planet's Data indicates that Tầng giữa của khí quyển 
atmosphere above the mesospheres are
stratosphere and below present at Venus and
the thermosphere:  Mars. 

Data indicates that

mesospheres are 

Molecule (n)  the simplest unit of a A force that exists only Phân tử 
chemical substance, between charged
usually a group of two or molecules (ions) or
more atoms  surfaces. 

Oxygen (n)  a chemical element that is Oxy in theory is a bit oxi 

a gas with no smell or stronger than hydro. 
colour. Oxygen forms a
large part of the air on
earth, and is needed by
animals and plants to live. 

Ozone (layer/shield) a poisonous form of In 1983, the (tầng Ozon) 

(n)  oxygen  environmental
standards were set for
other major pollutants:
carbon monoxide,
nitrogen dioxide, fine
particulates, and ozone. 

1.3. Column 3
Term  Definition  Sample sentence  Vietnamese equivalent 

Particle (n)  a minute portion of Dust particles must have hạt (vật chất) 
matter  got into the motor. 

Photosynthesize (v)  (of a plant) to The grasses need light t Quang hợp 

use carbon dioxide from o photosynthesize. 
the air, water from
the ground,
and energy from  
the light of
the sun to produce food fo
r itself and oxygen

Pesticide (n)  a chemical substance used The pesticides thuốc trừ sâu 
to kill harmful insects, that farmers spray on th
small animals or biological eir crops kill pests, but
agents (such as a virus, they can
bacterias, fungus)  also damage people's he

photosynthesis (n)  the process by which Photosynthesis is a Quá trình quang hợp 
green plants and certain highly complex process. 
other organisms use
energy from sunlight to
generate excess oxygen 

pollutant (n)  a substance that damages Toxic waste is an chất gây ô nhiễm 
the environment.  example of a pollutant. 

Process (n)  a method or way of There are 5 steps in Quá trình 

manufacturing things  water treatment
process: chemical
filtration, and

Radiation (n)   a form of energy that She was exposed to high Tia phóng xạ 
comes from a nuclear levels of radiation. 
reaction and that can be
very dangerous to health 

Smog (n)  a mixture of smoke, gases, We were prevented by Sương khói 

and chemicals, especially heavy smog from seeing
in cities, that make the anything. 
atmosphere difficult to
breathe and harmful for

Solvent (n)  a liquid in which solids will Solvents can exist in Dung môi 
dissolve  many different forms
such as solid, liquid, gas 
Vapour (n)  gas or extremely small Poisonous vapours burst Hơi 
drops of liquid that result out of the factory during
from the heating of a the accident. 
liquid or solid 

Ultraviolet (n)  Ultraviolet light has Ozone is the earth's Tia cực tím 

a wavelength that is primary filter for
shorter than visible light ultraviolet radiation. 
but longer than X-rays 

Troposphere  the lowest part of Above Tâng đối lưu 

the atmosphere of the troposphere is the
a planet stratosphere which is
much more stably

Thermossphere (n)  the layer of a Does Venus have a tầng nhiệt 

planet's atmosphere abov thermosphere? 
e the mesosphere and
below the exosphere

Stratosphere (n)  a layer in Most other planets in tầng bình lưu 

the upper atmosphere of our solar system have
a planet where stratospheres. 
the temperature increases 
with height

2. Quizz
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