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Major Assignment 2 (Tugas Besar 2)


NIM : 41118310104

Hello, my name is hananto imawan, I am one of the 4th semester students at the mercubuana
bekasi university and i am taking a regular class 2 or commonly called the employee class .In this second
big assignment, Sir Haris asked his students to write whatever leisure was done by their colleagues and
here I would write what the compilation was doing. I was free. In my opinion this can be spelled out with
a hobby because people like to do something in the tempo of time repeatedly.

Hobbies are something that is done differently from our work. Hobbies remember our bodies and
minds. And here I will tell about the activities or hobbies that I do compile time. I usually do photo editing
or design a logo when leisure comes. I don't know why I feel like designing a logo or changing a person's
photo can make my mind and heart calmer, maybe because there is my own satisfaction. yes maybe
because the effect of working all day requires something we think we should do.

I usually edit photos or logos using Corel Draw X7 and add Photosop. Usually the photo editing
technique that I do uses human face objects which will later be changed with line patterns that are shaped
to resemble the face of the photo and later colored with a slightly polished color tools with gradations so
that the color palette used can be disguised. For the hobby of editing, I do this actually a lot of names or
technical terms that are used, but what I know and have made are the Vector and WPAP techniques.
upright and flat face shape pattern is not curved like a vector, and the colors used are usually monotonous
and random forming patterns consisting of 4 or more colors whose color is more to CMYK (Cyan-Magenta-
yellow-black) I once tried to make WPAP but the end result not good and in my opinion this is a difficult
editing technique to make, maybe because I'm not used to making it. Okay Below I paste the example of
my editing with, photos using corel draw, the technique I use is usually called Vector.
I forgot, for this photo editing I used to spend almost 1 day for the manufacturing process. Why
long time? because the drawing of the lines are all manual , so we have to be patient & painstaking to get
a shape that is almost similar to the photo material, and also the coloring often inhibits me because it is
not easy to determine and gradation. I think the coloring process is very vital and influential in the final
result. Why is that, because of the shape of the face of the eyes, ears, nose and hair that can be good or
at least based on the results of this coloring. After so we just export to jpg or png format depending on
our taste, usually after so I post to my social media via Instagram, well this is where my self-satisfaction
comes from. When I post the results of my vector to social media, it must be very crowded, my friends
direct messages to me, asking to make a vector with the basic material of their photo objects. I actually
don't mind if I have more free time, I will definitely make them. But lately I am more preoccupied with

I also often participate in logo design contests on websites such as,, & but from the website design that I mentioned I have never made money
maybe because my design results are still not good. But I once got a fad to get a job request to design
their brand logo through the Facebook group 5 times and as a result they want to buy my logo design,
even though it doesn't pay a lot but I'm happy because my work is used and appreciated.

Maybe that's enough I share what stories I did when I was free. I apologize if there are still many
shortcomings or errors in my writing. Alright, that's all and thank you for reading. Have a nice day.

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