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Final Reflection

Date: July 25th, 2023
To: Anthony Yarbrough
From: Samantha Lovato
Subject: Final Course Reflection

Mr. Yarbrough,
This course has helped Samantha’s technical communication in a way that might have not been
understood before completing this semester, there is so much detail that goes into successful
communication. The SLO’s provided her with new information and made her think outside of
the box, for example, Review and editing is more than grammar, you also must edit the message
for the audience to understand. All that she has learned can apply to her current career and will
advance Samantha’s communication skills.
Project one was a challenge for her to become familiar and comfortable with recording an
instructional video and uploading it to YouTube. Samantha was most proud of all the edits in the
video that had to take place for the audience to understand the purpose, this was all new to her,
but she had fun with this project and learned how to use multimodality. The first set of SLO’S
was hard to figure out, the six-word memo helped her step outside of the box and gave her
meaning and purpose when it came to producing a clear message for her audience.
Project two was Samantha’s favorite, she got to be creative as well as use what she had learned
thus far in class. Writing the complaint letter was therapeutic because of the heated topic and
what is going on in the world with injustice of other people of another race and color. This topic
sparked a desire to convey a message of intolerance to stereotypes and degrading of human
beings, she enjoyed creating that message. The response letter will be useful in Samantha’s
current career, she does not directly work with the public but trains employees who do and this
lesson provided real experience with a large company replying to their customers. Creating the
tweets was enjoyable for her and she experienced how powerful a short message could be and
what type of response can make a customer feel that a company is committed to change.
Project three was the most challenging for Samantha, the topic she picked was grand and there
were so many resources to use. Learning to be persuasive is a skill that is not easy to master, the
main points need to be clear and concise. The PowerPoint was a breakdown of the main points
with images that make the most impact, she enjoyed being able to pick something that she was
passionate about to research and propose a solution on. This project will guide Samantha in
future proposals at work, this could pertain to process improvements and efficiencies that the
company is not using. The research part was informative, and she learned more about the topic
and why there are delays on repairs and the finding that goes into a highway project.
Overall, Samantha enjoyed this class and learned new communication techniques that are
useful in everyday life and in her career. Samantha thought Anthony Yarbrough was very
detailed and helpful, she thinks he is a great professor and wants his students to succeed and to
gain something from this course.

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