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Submitted By:

Sayaree Jamal
Section: 28

Submitted To:

Mehedi Kayser Pabitra

Department of English
Faculty of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences, East West University


Spring 2022

Date of Submission:

6 March 2022
The Most Important Decision of My Life


i. recent experience
ii. vital change

Thesis statement: The decisions made by people influence the course of action in one’s life.


Body paragraph 1:

Topic sentence: I had faced many of such obstacles before but a recent experience will always be
a vital moment contributing to the person I am today.
1. Point: Apprehensive educational future
i. After college graduation
ii. Shift to Dhaka
iii. Stepping out of comfort zone

Body paragraph 2:

Topic sentence: In addition to my choice, there were two other possibilities that I was presented
2. Point: Additional choices
i. Shift to India
ii. Migrate to Sweden or Canada
iii. Ultimate move to Bangladesh
Body paragraph 3:

Topic sentence: I profusely thought about my decision to migrate to Bangladesh.

3. Point: Reasons for migration
i. Lack of companionship
ii. desire to live in Bangladesh
iii. struggle with mental health


Summary of the main idea: Decisions made by a person influence their lives.

Summary of the main points: Uncertain future, stepping out of comfort zone, migration to
Dhaka, additional choices, lack of companionship, struggle with mental health, etc.

Final comment: I look forward to life, in every way, as a blessing and prepare myself for the
challenges of life that lie ahead
The most important decision of my life
The decisions made by people influence the course of action in one’s life. In every stop of life,
we are given challenges whose outcomes differ depending on the choices that we make.
Decisions have the power to mend or bend the course of life all within the blink of an eye.

I had faced many of such obstacles before but a recent experience will always be a vital moment
contributing to the person I am today. It was after I had graduated college. All my friends were
gearing up for admissions to the universities of their choice. Amid such chaos, I was suddenly
faced with a rather important confrontation, the one I dreaded. A talk about my higher studies,
about moving out from my birthplace, about settling into life in a completely different
surrounding. I have lived all my life in the bustling city of Dubai, the land of the riches, rather
the land of comfort for me. I was asked to consider shifting to Bangladesh as it would be much
easier for my mother. It was a dilemma I did not want to encounter but alas, there I was, a freshly
graduate already trying to figure out what would be a suitable conclusion for the issue my life
was involved in. After a lot of pondering, I built in some courage to step out of my comfort zone.
I decided I would move to Bangladesh, start afresh and thrive. Although I was petrified about my
selection, it was therapeutic to have made such an important decision for myself.

In addition to my choice, there were two other possibilities that I was presented with. One of
them was to move to India. Whereas, the other was to move to a country that grants citizenship
to expatriates preferably Canada or Sweden. While both of these choices had their benefits, I
chose what according to me was the harder way out and eventually chose to move to my country
of origin, Bangladesh.

I profusely thought about my decision to migrate to Bangladesh. A crucial reason as to why I did
it was because of companionship. Growing up as a single child in a foreign country has been
bearing for me, especially during my young years as I was mostly away from my extended
family. Being among my vast family has always brought me immense joy and energy even if it
was a short time. So I wanted to relish it, if possible forever. Another reason for my decision was
my longing to live in the city where my roots are. I wanted to experience my parents’ joy and
struggles. Also, during my late adolescence phase, I struggled heavily due to depression and
anxiety which at one point even led to my life relying on medication. Thus, moving to a new
country meant I could have a new start in life.

If I was asked whether I regret it, I can tell you without uncertainty that I do not. Life has
unexpectedly been treating me well. I am unsure if it will last for long but I am confident that I
can survive and thrive in the new environment. I look forward to life, in every way, as a blessing
and prepare myself for the challenges of life that lie ahead.

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