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Evaluación 1.

Read the text carefully and answer each of the activities found in the activity, each
question is worth 4 points. You can support yourself with the support material.


Sports are full of wonderful moments, but perhaps nothing is as exciting as the
experience of observing the Olympic Marathon. It is the longest and hardest race
of all. The name of “marathon” comes from an old village in Greece. A famous
battle was fought there in the year 490 B.C. in which the greeks beat the less
successful persians. After the battle, the most rapid soldier ran all the way from
Marathon to Athens – a distance of more than 40 kilometers- to tell people the
good news. When the modern Olympic Game were started in 1896, the organizers
knew about this incredible story. The marathon has been a race since then.

In the ancient world, the Olympics were held every 4 years. These games were the
most important events of all the athletic activities. In our modern world, the
Olympics are as important as in the past. The finest sportsmen are brought
together to one place or at least greatest amateurs are. The Olympic athletes are
considered amateurs because they earn less money than professional sportsmen.
Olympic athletes are often students or teachers of a sports. They have to spend a
lot time training. Their governments pay for their training, trip and pocket money,
because they want them to be better than the rest. They want them to win. Some
people think that this has changed the Olympics. They feel that the games are
more political than ever and thus that they are becoming a political marathon.

Answer each of the activities

1. Extract qualifying adjectives and set aside the noun it modifies.

2. Write the sentences where adjectives appear in comparative degree of
3. Copy the sentences that have adjectives of superiority.
4. Write the sentences where comparative adjectives of inferiority appear.
5. Write the sentences with adjectives in the superlative degree.


1. Wonderful – moments

Old – village

Famous – battle
Good – news

Incredible – story

Ancient – world

Athletic – activities

Modern – world

Olympic – athletes

2. Nothing is as exciting as the experience of observing the Olympic Marathon.

The Olympics are as important as in the past.

3. They feel that the games are more political than ever.
4. The Olympic athletes are considered amateurs because they earn less
money than professional sportsmen.
5. It is the longest and hardest race of all.

The greeks beat the less successful persians.

The most rapid soldier ran all the way from Marathon to Athens.

These games were the most important events of all the athletic activities.

The finest sportsmen are brought together to one place or at least greatest
amateurs are.

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