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Cleric: Spirit Domain


Edited are in bold

Spirit Domain

Spirit Domain Spells

1st Faerie Fire, Unseen servant
3rd Phantasmal Force, Borrowed Knowledge
5th Speak with the dead, Spirit Shroud
7th Banishment, divination
9th Commune, Contact the other plane

Spirit Animal:
- Starting at the first level, you can cast the Find Familiar spell as a ritual. When you cast it
you can choose a form from one of the following: the normal familiar form, a beast that
has a challenging rating of ¼ or lower, or a pseudodragon. Furthermore, When you do
so the familiar becomes your spirit animal, gaining a number of additional characteristics
compared to a regular familiar. Your spirit animal is incorporeal, allowing it to move
through other creatures and objects as if it was difficult terrain. It takes 1d10 force
damage if it ends its turn inside an object. Your spirit animal can cast the spare the dying
cantrip, its maximum hit points are twice you’re cleric level and it has resistance to all
damage except force damage.
Additionally, you can communicate telepathically with your spirit animal and perceived it
through its senses as long as you are within 1 mile of it, even if it’s on the Ethereal
Plane, and can perceive through its senses as a bonus action instead of an action.

Spiritual Sense
- At 1st level, you gain an innate sense of when lingering or malevolent spirits are nearby.
By spending 1 minute in contemplation, you can detect if any creatures have died within
the last 24 hours in a radius of 60 feet around you. You do not learn how they died, but
you do learn how long ago they died and what type of creatures they were. You also
learn if there are any undead within the radius.

Channel Divinity: Warding Spirits

- Starting at level 2 you can call upon the spirits to offer supernatural protection to you and
you’re allies. When a creature you can see within 30 feet of you takes damage, you can
use your Channel Divinity as a reaction to grant them resistance to that damage.
Improved Spirit Animal
- At the 6th level, the form of your spirit animal is enhanced. The familiar can now enter
the Ethereal Plane from the Material Plane, or vice versa. It is visible on the Material
Plane while it is in the Border Ethereal, and vice versa, yet it can't affect or be affected
by anything on the other plane.
Additionally, when you take the attack action, you can forgo one of your own attacks to
allow your spirit animal to make one attack of its own with its reaction.

Starting at 6th level, you can transform you're familiar into a beast with a challenge rating
as high as your cleric level divided by 3, rounded down.

Potent Spellcasting
- Starting 8th level, you add you’re wisdom modifier to the damage you deal with any
cleric spell.

Sight Beyond Vision.

- Beginning at 17th level, you and you’re spirit animal are permanently under the effects of
the true seeing spell.
Additionally, when you access you’re spirit animal senses, you are not deaf and blind in
regard to your own senses and are able to harness and understand both perspectives
Background Prophetic Dreamer:
You led a normal, perhaps mundane life until you began to have vivid dreams that have guided
you toward your calling. These could be dreams that explain why you chose your class or to be
an adventurer. Perhaps you've had a dream to go forth and do important things, help a cause,
or defeat a great threat upon the world. You have traveled far from your home and/or family, and
given up your former way of life in order to fulfill these dreams and find out what they mean.
During your travels you have kept a journal of your dreams and have studied notes and lore to
interpret what your dreams could mean. You also have a sense of dejavu and have honed your
senses to pick up on small details that may relate to your dreams.

Skill Proficiencies: Perception and Investigation

Tool Proficiencies: Choose from the following Artisan's tools: Calligrapher's supplies,
Cartographer's tools, Cook's tools, Painter's supplies, a Herbalism Kit, or Musical Instrument
Languages: One of your choice
Equipment: A scroll case or a book full of notes and drawings from your dreams and studies,
one bottle of ink, and inkpen, 10 sheets of parchment, a set of common clothes, herbalism kit
(tools based on you’re tool proficiency) and 5 gp

Feature: Clairvoyant Dream

Treat this similar to the Hermit background feature: Discovery

During a long rest, or while your body is unconscious or asleep for at least an 8 hour period, you
have extremely vivid dreams about past, present, or future events in the world and gain
knowledge of that event. It could be a recounting of past encounter that allows you to see it from
a different perspective, or something occurring elsewhere while you are sleeping, or something
that will occur in the future.

Work with your DM to determine the details of your dream and its impact on the campaign.

Suggested Characteristics

Choose characteristics from the Hermit background suggested characteristics.

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