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Students' Perception on the use of Zoom in EFL Speaking Class

Nava Arlinda junior 192120049

Universitas muhammadiyah purworejo

Speaking is how to someone express something with word or sentence which could be
expressing opinion,give story from one to others,Sharing information and sharing
experience.beside that speaking very important for our.because with speaking we are can get
many benefit in all of department as technology, science, culture and education.speaking in
education department very important.the importance of speaking in education is to development
communicate skills or with one students to another student,development understanding student
about languange and speaking can increase our confident.Because many student not confident if
they in front of class with many reason like im shy, im afraid, i cant speak english. It has been
shown in the study conducted by Khan et al. (2018) that have little of vocabulary is one of
reasons many students why cannot speak english fluently.Therefore, speaking can bring a big
change into education.

In speaking,there are also common problems that often occur in all circles, especially
students .According to Mueen in Al-Roud (2016), there are several factors which affect students’
performance in speaking English fluently; such as, lack of adequate and appropriate vocabulary,
shyness, nervous, fearful to speak, and lack of confidence.These problems often occur when
students practice conversations with native speakers which are not understood by the
interlocutor. or when students are practicing in front of the class to carry out teacher orders such
as making speeches, reading stories or others. These problems consist of incorrectly setting
pauses or stopping in vocabulary, too many fillers in speaking, mental problems such as
embarrassment, nervousness and others.Moreover, in speaking online also have problem that
student of them is students havent many ideas even though speaking online requires a
lot of ideas because in online speaking time is very flexible so that anyone can adding time that
who want.and the next,pronunciation not clearly or mispronunciation,vocabulary that is own so

The benefits of learning online or online speaking include learning to be done anywhere
and anytime, learning can also be adjusted to the capacity of each student. Online learning also
prioritizes student initiative and learning or in this network, academic
interaction between students and teachers is not limited, it can be done for 24 hours, so this can
improve the quality of student learning.Teachers can see students 'posts and provide feedback on
students' assignments. So that interactions can be carried out widely. So the student involvement
in learning is getting more intensive.(Ojat Darojat,2020).solution for online learning is teachers
should make material that can enjoyed students during e-learning,the teachers not give many
material when online learning because that can make students bored,dont give assigment too
much.based on The research,many students expression that e-learning can increase motivation to is also can help performance students and teacher.Factor most important for the learning
online is self-motivation.

The research from Blanka (klimova,2013) "the importance of writing" that writing can
develop thinking skills students,make logical and persuasive arguments.moreover,according to
the research from( ozgur celik,2017)states that importance of listening to emphasis skill as
listening comprehension that also can make students fluently speak to the native speakers.

Speaking on Online learning In Language learning most effective to improve language

skill for students.without speaking students and other cannot build relation in school and
around.because existence of speaking student becomes know how to speak english nicely and
know how to expression in english language.for the improve speaking skill students can pratice
with podcast or record they voice for self-value.

Students perception on online learning in speaking skill is provides them much freedom
to connect with their teachers, with one students to student using online learning their
study materials more comfort and flexibility of time.especially using zoom when their online
speaking class,the application more effective for speak online because the teacher and the
students can see face and how to pronun the words.e-learning Will valuable in the learning
procces if teachers and student cooperative (Thamarana, 2016).

Speaking online for students usefull,usually with face to face students do not confident
and nervous.However, there is helps to describe EFL in speaking online ability for students.This
study purpose to find out the students' perception related to their ability and expectation during
online learning.Forums for discussion online are popular interactive tools used for educational
especially online learning purposes (Payne 2020).

The research of study show the perception of students that which is with questionaire
has been used to collect data from 2 student in muhammadiyah university of Purworejo, there are

1.) what are the students benefit of Online lesrning in speaking skill ?
2.) what are the students challenges toward the implememtation of online learning in EFL
speaking ?
Those questionnaires of research was given as follows :
1. what are the advantages of Learning speaking online?
2. Are there any difficulties in speaking online?explained!
3. What are you satisfying using zoom during speaking online?
4. Do students feel challenged in speaking online?
5. your future hopes for learning speaking online?



This reseach was conducted using qualitative design.this study take in muhammadiyah university
of Purworejo On April, 8 2021.participants of this study is two learners in the english program
who are aged is 20 years old and the class consist of female and male but in this research i used
only female.when the research be held i gave four questions to two students.


In every scientific research certainly have instrument for collecting data.i used qualitative as a
intruments collecting this result of quesionnaire show that the students suffer many
challenges but in other side the students enjoy with online learning.

Data analysis

From the data,speaking learners have different opinion in the results of questionnaires.this
research was conducted with descriptive analysis which to explained in specific means.


Firstly the writer discusses the questionnaire that filled by the students.questionnaire is used by
researcher to know speaking with zoom application.In, addition, the result of questionnaire gives
information advantage and disavantage of using zoom when speaking the research,
writer gives questionnaire on five students.

The following is complete result of the questionnaire based on the students responses.

Table 1.
Perception Coding result

Benefit - flexible manange time

- develop student competence

Challenging - little understanding

- facilities not completed

Table 2.

Perception Coding result Example of statement

Benefit Flexible for manage time - speaking online is we are as

students more flexibel and we
can doing speaking in

- speaking Online for me so


- i enjoy with speaking online

because i can doing something
with study

Develop student competence - with speaking online i can

understand new vocab

- my speaking online be better

and fluent.

- more information about

speaking online and now im
not shy if public speaking

Challenging Little understanding - often, if i speaking online

class i have some lateness
when understand the material.

- im felt difficulties when

speaking online
- sometimes, i felt nervous and
shy it is makes me not
understand the speakers speak.

Facilities not completed - bad signal it is one of my

challenging for the speaking

- for me speaking online

wasting the data

- if using laptop make me

difficult because laptop cannot
brinh everywhere.


I was given questionnaires for students muhammadiyah university of purworejo there are consist
of five questions and was answered by them.

A.Questions answered by respondent Hera restuyana

1.) apa keuntungan dari pembelajaran speaking online?

= mengembangkan potensi

2.) apakah kesulitan yang anda alami saat speaking online?

= Kesulitan yang saya hadapi yakni materi yang disampaikan kurang jelas pada saat


3.) apa anda puas menggunakan app zoom selama speakimg online? Berikan alasan!

= Puas, dengan menggunakan aplikasi zoom, kita dapat belajar speaking online tanpa bertatap

muka selain itu kita bisa lebih mudah berinteraksi dengan orng banyak sekaligus

4.) apakah anda merasa tertantang untuk belajar speaking online? Mengapa?

= Tentunya tertantang, untuk melatih kemampuan.

5.) harapan kedepan untuk pembelajaran speaking online?

= Harapannya yaitu makin bagus dalam mengikuti pelajaran.

B. Questions answered by respondent anggita
1.) apa keuntungan dari pembelajaran speaking online?

= Menurut saya pribadi keuntungan dari pembelajaran speaking online yaitu pembelajaran jadi
fleksibel , dan mampu mengembangkan intelektual ,serta dapat mengembangkan kompetensi .

2.) apakah kesulitan yang anda alami saat speaking online?

= Menurut saya kesulitan yang saya alami sejauh ini seperti saya kurang jelas dengan materi yang
disampaikan oleh dosen ,kemudian saya terkadang merasa malu atau pun gugup saat pembelajaran
speaking online ini.

3.) apa anda puas menggunakan app zoom selama speakimg online? Berikan alasan!

= Menurut saya sendiri dengan menggunakan aplikasi zoom selama online saya merasa puas , sebab
aplikasi zoom dapat membuat saya dapat belajar Speaking online tanpa bertatap muka selain itu membuat
saya lebih mudah berinteraksi dengan banyak orang sekaligus .

4.) apakah anda merasa tertantang untuk belajar speaking online? Mengapa?

= Menurut saya sendiri tentunya merasa tertantang karena dengan belajar speaking ini membuat saya
harus belajar banyak hal ,dan menambah vocab baru serta melatih kemampuan saya.

5.) harapan kedepan untuk pembelajaran speaking online?

= Menurut saya harapan kedepeam untuk pembelajaran Speaking online yaitu tidak memakan kuota
banyak , pembelajaran nya makin menarik atau lebih bagus lagi , serta fasilitas aplikasi yang memadai.

C. Questions answered by respondent Diana anggraeni

1.) apa keuntungan dari pembelajaran speaking online?

= Salah satu keuntungan dari Pembelajaran speaking secara online adalah mengembangkan kompetensi.
Dengan pembelajaran speaking secara online kompetensi yang Kita punyai semakin berkembang

2.) apakah kesulitan yang anda alami saat speaking online?

= kesulitan yang saya hadapi saat speaking online adalah kesulitan materi yang disampaikan Kurang
jelas sehingga saya kesulitan untuk berbicara lebih lanjut tentang materi yang disampaikan.

3.) apa anda puas menggunakan app zoom selama speakimg online? Berikan alasan!

= Puas,Sebab speaking online kita dapat belajar tanpa bertatap muka

4.) apakah anda merasa tertantang untuk belajar speaking online? Mengapa?

= Ya tertantang, sebab kita perlu banyak kosakata baru atau vocabulary agar dapar belajar speaking

5.) harapan kedepan untuk pembelajaran speaking online?

= harapan saya kedepannya untuk pembelajaran online yaitu semoga kedepannya memiliki applikasi
yang cukup memadai yang tentunya tidak banyak mengeluarkan kuota untuk belajar speaking

D. Questions answered by respondent Anaini nirbayanti

1.) apa keuntungan dari pembelajaran speaking online?

= mengembangkan kompetensi

2.) apakah kesulitan yang anda alami saat speaking online?

= kesulitan yang saya hadapi selama speaking online adalah materi yang disampaikan kurang jelas

3.) apa anda puas menggunakan app zoom selama speakimg online? Berikan alasan!

= puas, sebab applikasi zoon dapat belajar speaking online tanpa bertatap muka selain itu lebih mudah
berinteraksi dengan orang banyak

4.) apakah anda merasa tertantang untuk belajar speaking online? Mengapa?

= cukup tertantang karena dapat melatih kemampuan speaking

5.) harapan kedepan untuk pembelajaran speaking online?

= harapannnya yaitu makin bagus

E.Questions answered by respondent Riffa ayu dwi

1) apa keuntungan dari pembelajaran speaking online?

1.) apa keuntungan dari pembelajaran speaking online?

=Menurut saya keutungan dari pembelajaran speaking online dapat mengembangkan intelektual
dari diri siswa itu sendiri
2.) apakah kesulitan yang anda alami saat speaking online?
= Kesulitan yang saya alami saat pembelajaran speaking online terkadang materi yang
disampaikan kurang jelas dan kadang masih malu untuk berbicara
3.) apa anda puas menggunakan app zoom selama speakimg online? Berikan alasan!
= puas. Karna aplikasi zoom dapat belajar speking secara online langsung bertatap layaknya
tatap muka dan aplikasi zoom mudah untuk berinteraksi dengan teman dan guru atau dosen.

4.) apakah anda merasa tertantang untuk belajar speaking online? Mengapa?
= iya karena banyak hal baru selama pembelajaran speaking online seperti akan menemukan
kosakata baru atau vocabulary baru
5.) harapan kedepan untuk pembelajaran speaking online?
= Diharapkan tidak banyak memakan waktu yang lama karena fasilitas tidak memadai , dan
diharapkan fasilitas memadai Discussion


Based on the research, the students reasons during speaking online felt happy, enjoy, and glad.
The students give their opinion about during speaking online go on such as they can manage time
as well as, time to work and place flexible, effective as long as learning process. In other side,
the students also have difficulties as facilities or device not adequate, the students donts
understand what the teachers says and the majority of students reasons is have bad signals.
Consequently, many students not maximal when they practice speaking by online currently bring
positive vibes because with speaking by online simpilify students that afraid, shy, or nervous
when speaking online.


The result of this study that online learning bring positives for students when doing speaking
online,speaking online reveal that can increase student motivation.moreover,speaking online
most effective for language skills.therefore speaking online have challenging when online class
such as decrease demand of this material,students not understand,and mostly of students have
bad signals and the data is extravagant.therefore many student enjoyful with speaking class
because not wasted time.

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