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-If you will not be absent or if you will not be late. However, If you will be going to absent or if you will be late then you
can mention “TL/Group Leader/ Teacher I am not going to report tomorrow because there’s an emergency”

If you check the time and the student is late for 3 minutes, you to send a late student report. You have to message your
student fisrt telling "hello, the teacher is in the room now" before sending the late student report.
To send message to your student:
-in the chatbox in chrome solution
-If the problem is not fixed ask help to the IT.



Complete - when you have free talking eventhough you did not use any books.

Incomplete - the student entered the room got disconnected multiple times until the end of the time without sharing
something new to the student.

Succesful (only for level test) - if you end the class saying goodbye and you assessed better

Unsuccesful (only for level test)- absent, very late, having technical problems

Absent as per KM - when received a messade from korean manager that the student will absent.

Romove from Agenda - when you check your schedule you're expected to handel a class today but when refreshed it
disappeared -- it has been removed from your agenda.

Notes/Special Instructions/Tracker for Cover Classes

If you're the cover teacher and the link and tracker of other teacher has been sent to you. You have to type your name
there. Ex. T. Shila
Example of Special Instructions - "KM told to change the book from 2c to 3C". If the korean manager doesn't have any
special instruction leave it empty.

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