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Action plan

Conduct the following two assessments to identify the current level of maturity of your organization's
•performance management
Strategic Planning Maturitysystem:
*Trademark assessments of The Global Performance Audit Unit, powered by The KPI Institute

Based on the findings of the assessment, complete the template below of an action plan. The number of
sections included in the template below is just for reference. Feel free to add any sections that you may need
to complete a full action plan to improve your performance management system.

No. INTIATIVE NO 1: HIRE Actions to be made

Analysis right number of new joiners and skill & learning require.
1 interviewing and selection test such as ability, cognitive, judgement test
appointing deserving and well qualified and skill candidate in company
2 Issue/ needs addressed lacking in skilled employee who have knowledge on current trends and technology.
3 Needed resources money 120 USD
4 Persons involved HR manager, department head of production team, line manager.
5 Time frame 20 days

No. INTIATIVE NO 2: PLAN Actions to be made

REWARD AND BENEFIT Setting target, goals and expectation that employees need to fulfil
1 PROGRAM implementing strategies in organization and finalising type of rewards to be offered.
monitoring employees performance
2 Issue/needs addressed low productivity rate, incompletion of task on time, lack of motivation among employees.
3 Needed resources 250 USD, Monitoring team
4 Persons involved people professional , departmental heads, line manager, stake hoLders
5 Time frame 1 month

INTIATIVE NO 3: Actions to be made

NO. INSTALLATION OF NEW recognising which kind of technologies are required to install
1 TECHNOLOGIES arranging funds and implementing training and development programs for employee.
connecting to dealers
2 Issue/needs addressed lack of appropriate technology in terms of current need, expectation.
3 Needed resources 500 USD
4 Persons involved HR professional, stakeholders, investors.
5 Time frame 2 months

Describe for each initiative the desired results, and what is the reality you envision.
hiring of new employee help in increasing productivity of organization and achieve desired goals using
1. current technology and latest skill. This help in reduce time period and cost of production.

reward and benefits scheme helped me to motivate employee to perform more effectively and efficiently.
2. It increase productivity, employee engagement and help in reducing unneccessary absenteeism.

installation of new technologies help organisation to fill technical gap on basis of current trend. This
3. technologies help in reducing man power need and save time. It also enhanced utilization of resources
and product quality

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