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1.1. Introduction
As I am working as a production planner at Snowtex Sportswear Ltd. I need to involve in every section of
this company to fulfill my tasks to ship goods from initial order to bulk shipment. As Planning Sr.
management is an essential part of a manufacturing unit I need to assess or gather proper ideas about
Planning management. It is not only a matter of my company. There are a lot of companies in
Bangladesh that have the same situation. So, such type of assessment needed to done regular basis
among the other companies.

1.2. Background
Snowteex Sportswear Ltd. is a company specializing in the manufacturing and distribution of high-uality
sportswear and outdoor apparel. They cater to athletes, fitness enthusiasts, and outdoor adventurers
worldwide. The company was founded a few years ago and has quickly gained popularity due to its
innovative designs and commitment to using eco-friendly materials.

Capacity Planning:

Capacity planning is a critical process for Snowteex Sportswear Ltd. It involves forecasting the demand
for their products and determining the production capacity required to meet that demand. By
effectively managing their capacity, Snowteex can ensure they have the right resources, including
machinery, materials, and labor, to produce their sportswear products in a timely manner.During peak
seasons or when launching new product lines, the capacity planning team collaborates closely with
production, procurement, and logistics departments to ramp up the manufacturing process. They may
also consider outsourcing some production to meet the increased demand.

Lead Time Management:

Lead time management is another crucial aspect for Snowteex Sportswear Ltd. It refers to the time
taken from receiving an order to delivering the finished product to the customer. Managing lead times
effectively is essential for customer satisfaction, as timely delivery can lead to increased customer
loyalty and positive brand reputation.

To manage lead times, the company focuses on streamlining its production processes, reducing
manufacturing cycle times, and optimizing logistics. They work closely with suppliers to ensure a steady
and timely supply of raw materials. Additionally, they implement efficient order processing and
fulfillment systems to minimize lead times and deliver products to customers as quickly as possible.

By maintaining a close eye on both capacity planning and lead time management, Snowteex Sportswear
Ltd. can strike a balance between meeting customer demand and efficiently utilizing their resources.
This approach allows them to stay competitive in the dynamic sportswear industry and meet their
growth objectives.


2.1. About Snowtex Sportswear Ltd.

Snowtex has been setup by highly educated and well-experienced entrepreneur with excellent track
record of Industrial Management, International Marketing as well as Local Business. It is managed by
highly qualified and experienced personnel. Skilled workers are employed for its manufacturing units.
The company's success comes from its practice of maintaining the standard of quality, time schedule
and meeting the buyer's need. At present Snowtex consists of more than 19,000+ family members with
the annual turnover of $250 million.

Figure -1: Snowtex Sportswear Ltd.

 To develop long-term relationship with its partners (customers & suppliers) and workforce.
 To provide a safe, friendly, family like environment for the work force.
 To Motivate, train and develop the workforce.
 To continuously improve company’s performance by learning & implementing new system,
method & technology.

Snowtex will be an outstanding organization in the country through fulfilling its commitment &
obligation to its partners (customer & suppliers) and making the company a best place to work.And also
supplying quality apparels across the world to the best of the retailers and the biggest brands of the
fashion industry.

2.2. My Role & Responsibility

 Creating and maintaining production schedules based on sales forecasts, customer orders,
and available production capacity. Plan the production process to meet delivery deadlines
and optimize the utilization of resources.
 Assessing the production capacity of the manufacturing facility and ensuring that it aligns
with the production requirements. This involves determining the available labor, machinery,
and materials to meet the production targets.
 Collaborating with the procurement and inventory teams to ensure timely availability of raw
materials and components needed for garment production. Monitor inventory levels to
avoid stockouts or overstocking situations.
 Tracking the progress of each order through the production process and addressing any
bottlenecks or delays. Communicate updates to relevant stakeholders, including sales teams
and customers.
 Coordinating with the quality control department to ensure that garments meet the
required quality standards.
 Determining the required workforce for different production stages and ensuring that
skilled workers are available for each task.
 Identifying areas for process improvement and implementing strategies to enhance
production efficiency. This may involve analyzing production data, identifying inefficiencies,
and implementing corrective actions.
 Ensuring that production processes adhere to all safety and compliance standards, including
labor laws and environmental regulations.
 Maintaining effective communication with various departments, such as design, sourcing,
marketing, and logistics, to ensure smooth coordination throughout the production cycle.
 Addressing any production-related challenges, such as equipment breakdowns, material
shortages, or unforeseen delays, and finding suitable solutions to keep production on track.
 Keeping accurate records of production data, including production volumes, lead times, and
performance metrics.
 Overall, the Production Planner in the RMG sector plays a pivotal role in ensuring that
garment production is efficient, cost-effective, and meets the company's quality standards
and delivery commitments.

2.3. Area that I want to explore

This report has been prepared as a part of our internship program in order to fulfill the requirements of
the PGD-GB program. As I am working in an apparel manufacturer & done my internship at my
workplace, I have chosen the Assessment of Capacity Planning & Lead time management at Snowtex
Sportswear Ltd as my attachment topic. Many organizations face challenges in responding quickly to
fluctuations in demand and adjusting capacity accordingly. Additionally, lead times may vary significantly

depending on the complexity of the product or service, causing uncertainties for customers and
impacting their decision-making process.

Exploration Focus:

Developing a more agile approach to capacity planning and lead time management can be a game-
changer for organizations. The goal is to enable the company to adapt swiftly to changing market
conditions, customer demands, and unexpected events.
By focusing on enhancing agility in capacity planning and lead time management, organizations can
better respond to market dynamics, improve customer satisfaction, and maintain a competitive edge in
the industry. This approach will require a combination of data-driven decision-making, process
optimization, and a willingness to adapt to changing circumstances.


3.1. Broad Objective
Long-term supply capabilities of an organization and the predicted level of long-term demand.

3.2. Specific Objectives

1. Identify Capacity requirements to meet current and future projected workload.
2. Develop and maintain a capacity management plan
3. Ensure performance goals are met on time and within budget.

3.3. Methodology
Combining quantitative and qualitative methods can provide a comprehensive understanding of the
topic and offer more robust insights. Though capacity management issues are generally expressed in
quantitative outcomes, an analysis of capacity issues regarding a service company requires additional
qualitative approach. The two used method, and action research, support the usage of both measures.
Case study is primarily defining the quantitative problems but the action research and its results are
stated in numerical changes. The results were not implemented but presented as suggestion outline as
the fundamental scheme was to give the needed competences for an entity which would commence the
lead time management.

3.4. Limitation
To make this report fruitful I have needed enormous data of previous history or performance
of individual section. But except Planning no other section has recorded data. For that
reason, I have to rely on their opinion.

 Due to the busy schedule of the employee collecting data from them was very challenging.
 For criteria selection, most of the responses are collected through an online survey so there is
a high chance of less accountability.
 Some criteria were very difficult to score and frame under a rubric.

3.5. Scope
The scope of the project "Implementation of Fact-Based on Production planning of Snowtex Sportswear
Ltd." includes optimizing the lead time.


4.1. Findings

The RMG industry experiences significant seasonal fluctuations, especially in fashion apparel. Capacity
planning must consider the varying demand patterns throughout the year and align production
accordingly. Capacity planning should focus on balancing production lines to avoid bottlenecks and
optimize the utilization of resources. Imbalances in production can lead to excess inventory for some
products and delays for others. RMG companies often receive orders of varying sizes, ranging from small
boutique orders to large bulk orders. Capacity planning needs to address this variability and ensure
efficient production for different order sizes. The RMG sector typically involves complex global supply
chains with multiple suppliers and manufacturers. Managing lead times across the entire supply chain is
crucial to ensure timely delivery to customers. Efficient production processes and well-organized
production lines are necessary to minimize lead times. Lean manufacturing principles and continuous
improvement initiatives can contribute to faster production times. In the RMG sector, successful
capacity planning and lead time management are essential for meeting customer demands, reducing
time to market, and staying competitive in a rapidly changing industry. Organizations that focus on
agility, collaboration, and process optimization are better positioned to succeed in this dynamic sector.

4.2. Purpose of Capacity Planning

Purpose of capacity planning is to ensure that an organization's resources, such as production facilities,
equipment, labor, and materials, are effectively utilized to meet current and future demand. It involves
assessing the production capabilities and limitations of the organization and aligning them with the
projected demand for its products or services. Capacity planning helps ensure that an organization can
produce enough goods or deliver services to meet customer demand without causing delays or
shortages. By aligning production capacity with demand, businesses can enhance customer satisfaction
and loyalty. Capacity planning helps identify periods of overcapacity or underutilization of resources. By
matching production capabilities with demand, organizations can avoid unnecessary costs associated
with excess capacity or the opportunity cost of lost sales due to insufficient capacity. Effective capacity
planning allows businesses to optimize their production processes and reduce operational costs. By
avoiding excessive inventory or underutilized resources, organizations can minimize wastage and
improve profitability. Capacity planning provides a clear understanding of the available resources and
their limitations. This information enables organizations to create realistic production schedules,
ensuring timely delivery of products or services to customers. Capacity planning is essential for making
informed strategic decisions about business growth and expansion. It helps organizations identify when
and where to invest in additional capacity to meet growing demand or enter new markets. Capacity
planning allows organizations to allocate resources effectively, ensuring that each department or
production unit receives the necessary support to meet its targets. Capacity planning helps identify
potential bottlenecks and areas of vulnerability in the production process. By proactively addressing
these issues, organizations can mitigate risks and maintain continuity during unforeseen events or
fluctuations in demand. Capacity planning involves forecasting future demand trends and considering
long-term business strategies. It helps organizations prepare for the future by investing in the right
resources and infrastructure to support growth. Capacity planning is essential for coordinating the
supply chain effectively. It enables better collaboration with suppliers, ensuring a steady and timely flow
of raw materials to support production requirements.In summary, capacity planning is a strategic
process that helps organizations optimize their production capabilities, resource allocation, and overall
operational efficiency. By aligning capacity with demand, businesses can achieve a competitive
advantage, enhance customer satisfaction, and make well-informed decisions to support their growth
and success.

Figure -2: Capacity Demand Planning

4.3. Storeroom Capacity Planning

Garments storeroom capacity planning and lead time management are crucial aspects of running a
successful apparel business. Effectively managing these elements ensures that can fulfill orders
efficiently, maintain adequate stock levels, and meet customer demands promptly. Let's delve into each

a. Inventory Management: Regularly monitor your inventory levels to ensure you have enough stock to
fulfill incoming orders without overstocking. Use inventory management software or systems to track
stock movement and set reorder points to trigger restocking when inventory reaches a specified level.

b. Forecasting: Analyze historical sales data, market trends, and customer demands to forecast future
demand accurately. A good forecast helps you plan production and replenishment orders, avoiding
stockouts or excessive inventory.
c. Space Utilization: Optimize the use of your storeroom space. Arrange products systematically, label
and categorize them, and use proper storage equipment like racks and shelves to maximize capacity.
d. Safety Stock: Consider maintaining a safety stock of essential items to act as a buffer in case of
unexpected spikes in demand or supply chain disruptions.
e. Supplier Relations: Maintain good relationships with suppliers to ensure a steady flow of materials
when needed. Communication is essential to avoid delays or shortages.
f. Continuous Improvement: Regularly review and adjust your capacity planning strategies based on
changing market conditions, seasonal fluctuations, and customer preferences.

4.4. Lead Time Management

a. Supplier Communication: Clearly communicate lead time requirements to suppliers and confirm their
ability to meet them before placing orders. Promptly address any issues or delays in communication.
b. Production Scheduling: Plan production schedules in advance to allow sufficient time for the
manufacturing process. Avoid last-minute rush orders that can lead to longer lead times.
c. Process Efficiency: Optimize your production processes to minimize lead time. Identify bottlenecks
and inefficiencies and implement improvements to streamline workflows.
d. Quality Control: Emphasize the importance of quality control during production. Avoid reworks and
delays caused by poor product quality.
e. Order Tracking: Implement a system to track orders at each stage of the production process. This
allows you to identify potential delays early and take corrective actions.
f. Contingency Planning: Have backup suppliers or alternative production options available to handle
unexpected delays or disruptions in the supply chain.
g. Customer Communication: Keep customers informed about their order status and any changes in
lead time promptly. Transparency and proactive communication build trust.

By effectively managing garments storeroom capacity and lead time, ensure a smooth production and
order fulfillment process, reduce operational costs, and deliver an exceptional customer experience.
Regularly review and adjust your strategies based on performance data to continuously improve your
processes and stay competitive in the market.

Figure -3: Lead Time Management

4.5. Production Capacity Planning

The garments order capacity refers to the maximum quantity of apparel that a manufacturer or supplier
can produce within a specific timeframe. It is an important consideration for both the supplier and the
customer to ensure that the supplier can meet the production demands and deliver the required
number of garments within the desired timeframe.

Production Facilities: The size and capabilities of the production facilities play a significant role in
determining the order capacity. A manufacturer with larger and more advanced facilities may have a
higher production capacity.
Production Technology and Equipment: The use of modern production technology and efficient
equipment can increase the speed and accuracy of garment production, thereby affecting capacity.
Workforce: The number of skilled workers and their efficiency in the production process influence the
capacity. Adequate staffing and well-trained employees can help meet larger order quantities.
Production Processes: The efficiency of the production processes, such as cutting, sewing, and finishing,
can impact the overall capacity.
Production Timeframe: The timeframe during which the production is expected to take place, including
working hours per day and the number of days per week, directly affects the capacity.
Order Complexity: The complexity of the garments and the customization requirements can affect the
production speed, potentially impacting capacity.
Seasonal Variations: Some manufacturers may have higher or lower production capacities based on
seasonal variations in demand.
Inventory Management: Effective inventory management practices can optimize production capacity
and ensure the availability of raw materials.
Quality Standards: Maintaining high-quality standards may require additional time and attention during
production, which can affect the overall capacity.

It's essential for both the supplier and the customer to have a clear understanding of the supplier's
order capacity before placing an order. This helps prevent overloading the manufacturer with orders
they may not be able to fulfill within the required timeframe.When discussing an order with a supplier,
it's crucial to inquire about their current capacity and whether they can handle the desired order
quantity without compromising on quality and lead time. If the order quantity is significant or has a tight
deadline, it's advisable to check with the supplier about their ability to prioritize the order and meet the
required production schedule. Additionally, it's wise to have a contingency plan in case of unexpected
delays or capacity constraints to mitigate potential risks.

Figure -4: Capacity Planning

Yearly Average Capacity: 15,189,644 Pcs

Yearly Average Capacity: 835,430,400 Min

4.6. Capacity Measurement Definition

In the context of the Ready-Made Garments (RMG) industry, capacity measurement refers to the
process of quantifying the production capabilities of a garment manufacturing facility or a specific
production line within the facility. It involves determining the maximum output that the facility can
achieve within a given time frame while considering various factors such as labor, machinery, production
processes, and available resources.

Capacity measurement in RMG includes both the production capacity and the utilization of that
capacity. The production capacity is the maximum output that a facility can achieve under ideal
conditions. It is usually expressed in terms of the number of garments produced per day, week, or

Figure -5: Line Efficiency

Figure 6: Capacity utilization rate formula

The number of skilled workers available for different production tasks, including cutting, sewing,
finishing, and quality control. The efficiency and speed of each production process, such as cutting,
sewing, and finishing, determine the overall production capacity. The types and conditions of machinery
used in the production process impact the efficiency and speed of garment manufacturing. The time
required to complete the production process for each garment, from receiving raw materials to
delivering finished products. The actual performance of the production facility in terms of meeting
production targets and minimizing downtime. The RMG industry often experiences seasonal fluctuations
in demand, which can affect the overall capacity of the facility. By knowing their production capacity,
manufacturers can plan and schedule production to meet customer demand and avoid backlogs or
delays. Capacity measurement assists in allocating resources, such as labor and machinery, efficiently,
ensuring smooth production processes. Capacity measurement is crucial in making informed decisions
about investments in new machinery or facility expansions to support business growth. Manufacturers
can use capacity measurements to assess the efficiency and productivity of their production processes
and identify areas for improvement.
In summary, capacity measurement in the RMG industry is a vital aspect of production planning and
resource management. It enables manufacturers to optimize their operations, improve performance,
and meet customer demand in a competitive market.

4.7. Order Lead Time
The garments order lead time refers to the time it takes for an apparel manufacturer or supplier to
process and deliver a confirmed order to the customer. It includes the entire process from the
placement of the order to the shipment of the finished garments to the customer's location. Lead time
can vary depending on several factors, and it's essential for both the supplier and the customer to have
a clear understanding of the expected timeframes. The complexity of the garments, such as design
intricacy, number of components, and customization requirements, can impact lead time. Larger orders
may require more time for production and processing compared to smaller ones. The availability of raw
materials and fabrics necessary for the garments can affect lead time. Shortages or delays in material
procurement can lead to production delays. The manufacturer's production capacity and workload can
determine how quickly they can process and fulfill the orders. During peak seasons, such as holidays or
fashion seasons, the demand for garments may increase, potentially leading to longer lead times.
Ensuring high-quality garments may require additional time for inspections and adjustments during the
production process. The shipping method chosen and the distance the garments need to travel to reach
the customer's location can affect lead time.

Efficient communication between the customer and the supplier is crucial to avoid delays and ensure a
smooth order fulfillment process. The lead time may also be influenced by the payment terms agreed
upon between the customer and the supplier. It’s essential for both parties to discuss and agree upon
the lead time before placing the order to set clear expectations. Additionally, customers may sometimes
request expedited lead times, but this could lead to higher costs as it may require the manufacturer to
prioritize the order or incur additional expenses to meet the tight deadlines. As lead times can vary from
supplier to supplier and depend on specific order requirements, it's always a good practice to inquire
about lead times when working with a new manufacturer and factor this information into your
production and delivery schedules.

Figure 7: Order Lead time

In 2022 Order Receive: 21,006,654 Pcs

Average lead time Snowtex Sportswear Ltd got: 105 Day
In 2023 average lead time Snowtex Sportswear Ltd got: 92 Days
4.8. Long-term capacity Decisions
Long-term capacity decisions for Snowtex Sportswear Ltd., a company specializing in sports apparel
manufacturing, are strategic choices that have a significant impact on the company's production
capabilities and growth over an extended period. These decisions are based on actual company data,
market trends, and industry dynamics. Snowtex Sportswear Ltd. may consider expanding its existing
production facilities or building new manufacturing units to increase its overall production capacity.
Facility expansion allows the company to meet growing demand and explore new market opportunities.

Investing in modern machinery and advanced manufacturing technology is crucial for increasing
efficiency and capacity. Upgrading production equipment can lead to faster production cycles and better
product quality. Long-term capacity decisions may involve investing in the development of a skilled and
trained workforce. Snowtex Sportswear Ltd. can focus on employee training and career development
programs to enhance productivity and retain talent. Snowtex Sportswear Ltd. may consider vertical
integration by acquiring or establishing its own facilities for producing raw materials and components.
This strategic decision can provide better control over the supply chain and reduce dependence on
external suppliers. Long-term capacity decisions can prioritize sustainability practices. Snowtex
Sportswear Ltd. can invest in eco-friendly materials, energy-efficient processes, and ethical
manufacturing practices to align with consumer demands for sustainable products. Snowtex Sportswear
Ltd. may explore entering new markets or diversifying its product lines to achieve long-term growth.
Market diversification can reduce reliance on a single market segment and increase overall demand for
the company's products. Investing in research and development (R&D) is essential for continuous
product innovation and process improvement. Snowtex Sportswear Ltd. can allocate resources to R&D
efforts to introduce new and technologically advanced sports apparel. Optimizing the supply chain can
enhance capacity planning. Snowtex Sportswear Ltd. can collaborate closely with suppliers, implement
efficient inventory management, and establish reliable logistics networks to ensure smooth operations.
Regularly monitoring production performance and analyzing key performance indicators (KPIs) help
Snowtex Sportswear Ltd. identify areas for improvement and make data-driven capacity decisions. Long-
term capacity decisions should include risk management strategies. Snowtex Sportswear Ltd. can assess
potential risks, such as changing market conditions or supply chain disruptions, and develop contingency
plans to mitigate them. Capacity decisions should account for scalability and flexibility to adapt to
changing business needs. Snowtex Sportswear Ltd. can design its facilities and processes to
accommodate fluctuations in demand and changing market dynamics.

By making informed and well-planned long-term capacity decisions, Snowtex Sportswear Ltd. can
enhance its competitiveness, meet customer demands, and achieve sustainable growth in the sports
apparel industry.

Figure 7: Long time capacity Planning

4.9. Forecasting
Capacity forecasting is a critical process for Snowtex Sportswear Ltd., as it enables the company to
proactively plan for its production capabilities and meet future market demands. By analyzing historical
production data, market trends, and sales forecasts, Snowtex Sportswear Ltd. can predict the required
production capacity to ensure a smooth and efficient production process. The company considers
factors like seasonal variations, lead times, and external market dynamics to develop accurate capacity
forecasting models. These models help in making informed decisions about facility expansion,
technology upgrades, and workforce planning. Regularly reviewing and updating the forecasts allows
Snowtex Sportswear Ltd. to adapt to changing market conditions and maintain a competitive edge in the
sports apparel industry. With effective capacity forecasting in place, the company can optimize resource
utilization, minimize production bottlenecks, and deliver high-quality products to meet customer


The Ready-Made Garments (RMG) sector, being a highly dynamic and competitive industry, requires
efficient capacity planning and lead time management to succeed. Here are some specific
recommendations tailored to the RMG sector:

Data-Driven Demand Forecasting: Collect and analyze historical sales data, market trends, and
customer preferences to develop accurate demand forecasts. Utilize advanced forecasting techniques
and software to predict future demand patterns, which will help to plan capacity and lead times

Agile Production Systems: Implement agile production systems that can quickly adapt to changes in
demand and fashion trends. Consider adopting lean manufacturing principles to reduce waste and
increase operational efficiency.

Vendor Collaboration: Build strong partnerships with suppliers and vendors. Regularly communicate
with them to understand lead times for raw materials, components, and accessories. Collaborate closely
to streamline the supply chain and reduce lead times.

Dual Sourcing: Develop alternative sources for critical raw materials to reduce the risk of supply chain
disruptions. Dual sourcing can also create competition among suppliers, leading to improved lead times
and pricing.

Time and Motion Studies: Conduct time and motion studies to identify potential bottlenecks and
inefficiencies in your production process. Optimize workflows to maximize productivity and reduce lead

Just-In-Time (JIT) Inventory: Adopt a Just-In-Time inventory strategy to minimize inventory holding costs
and reduce lead times. JIT ensures that materials arrive just when needed for production, reducing the
need for excess stock.

Automation and Technology: Embrace automation and technology to improve production efficiency
and reduce lead times. Robotic automation and computerized manufacturing systems can enhance
speed and accuracy in the production process.s

Cross-Training and Multi-Skilling: Train your workforce to be versatile and capable of handling multiple
tasks. Cross-trained employees can be deployed where the demand is high, reducing lead times for
specific product lines.

Set Realistic Lead Time Expectations: Communicate realistic lead time expectations to customers and
retail partners. It is better to under promise and overdeliver, as this builds trust and customer loyalty.

Continuous Quality Improvement: Implement quality control measures throughout the production
process to minimize rework and delays caused by defects. Continuous improvement in product quality
will lead to reduced lead times due to fewer rejections.

Supply Chain Visibility: Enhance supply chain visibility through the use of technology and data sharing.
Real-time tracking of materials and products can help identify delays early and enable proactive
measures to mitigate them.

Capacity Buffer: Maintain a capacity buffer to handle sudden surges in demand or unforeseen
disruptions. This buffer can be in the form of flexible production lines or subcontracting arrangements
with other manufacturers.

By implementing these recommendations, the RMG sector can enhance its capacity planning and lead
time management capabilities, resulting in improved efficiency, reduced costs, and increased customer

Capacity planning and lead time management are crucial aspects of Snowtex Sportswear Ltd.'s
operations to ensure efficient production and timely delivery of sports apparel products. Through
capacity planning, the company strategically assesses its manufacturing capabilities, taking into account
factors such as available resources, machinery, and skilled labor. By forecasting future demand and
aligning it with production capacity, Snowtex Sportswear Ltd. can avoid underutilization or
overburdening of resources, optimizing production efficiency and reducing operational costs.

Concurrently, lead time management plays a vital role in meeting customer expectations and
maintaining a competitive edge. Snowtex Sportswear Ltd. focuses on streamlining production processes,
reducing setup times, and implementing just-in-time inventory practices to minimize lead times.
Effective lead time management helps the company respond quickly to customer orders and market
demands, enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty.

By integrating capacity planning and lead time management, Snowtex Sportswear Ltd. achieves
seamless coordination throughout the production process. Cross-functional collaboration ensures timely
order processing, procurement of raw materials, and delivery of finished products to customers.
Continuous monitoring and improvement of these processes guarantee optimal performance and the
ability to adapt to changing market conditions. As a result, Snowtex Sportswear Ltd. remains agile,
competitive, and well-positioned in the dynamic sports apparel industry.

Snowtex Sportswear Ltd. (Accessed: 12 Oct


Nuruzzaman, Md. (2005), “Development of Readymade Garment Business (RMG) in the

process of Lead Time reduction- A study on Bangladeshi Readymade Garment Sector”, Draft

Master Thesis, GBS, Gothenburg University, Sweden


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