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Oxford International School

Dhanmond i (M ain) Campus, Hotline: 9115392, 9145587

House: 34, Road: 27(old), New 16, Dhanmondi, Dhaka- 1209
Lesson Plan for Class-__, Term-1, ______________.

Lesson No: Total Duration: ____ Minutes

Lesson Name:
Sub Topics:
Teaching Materials:

1. Engagement (Previous Lesson) Duration: ____ Minutes

The teacher asks questions to get to know, what they already know about the topic and for creating interest and curiosity about the

1) Explaining new Words relevant to the Lesson

2) Relevant experience

3) Elicitation from the student

4) A Puzzling question relevant to the lesson

2. Exploration Duration: ____ Minutes

Students explore the new concept through several methods and communicate with their peers and the teacher plays the role of a
Teacher Student
3. Explanation (Teachers) Duration: ____ Minutes

Students to come forward to describe their own understating within the group. Teacher checking for misunderstandings and
give formal definitions and explanations of concepts.

4. Elaboration Duration: ____ Minutes

Students describe individual group work to the class, the teacher can re-teach more details about the concepts in more detail,
copy work, and further explanations.
5. Evaluation Duration: ____ Minutes

The teacher evaluates students’ understanding using self-assessment, peer-assessment, writing assignments, exams, projects,
book reports, or a model.

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