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Subject : English
Topic : Expressions of instruction, invitation, and permission
Class/Semester : VII/ Semester II
Day/ Date : Friday, 16 June 2023
Hour : 5-6 (2 X 45 menit)

I. Instructional Objectives
1. Students are able to identify expressions of instruction, invitation, and permission
2. Students are able to differentiate expressions of instruction, invitation and
3. Students are able to make sentences by integrating the expressions they have
4. Students are able to produce a dialog from sentences containing one of the
expressions of instruction, invitation, and permission
5. Students are able to present the dialog in front of the class
II. Materials
Materials containing expressions of instruction, invitation, and permission are
provided through Power Point media (Appendix 1). The expressions of instruction,
invitation, and permission material contains definitions, identifying expressions of
instruction, invitation, and permission and how to refuse them.

III. Methods: Cooperative and Contextual Learning

IV. Teaching Procedures:

A. Pre – Activity
 Opening (7 minutes)
1. The teacher greets the students.
2. The teacher gives the students apperception by asking them about the last
week topic (the expression of suggestion and obligation).
Examples: What topic have we discussed about on the last meeting?
Have you ever inviting someone?

Have you ever asking permission to someone?
Have you ever giving instruction to someone?
Do you ever know about expressions of instruction, invitation,
or permission?
 Tuning-in activities & Building Knowledge of Field (BkoF) (15 minutes)
1. The students access a YouTube link about expressions of instruction,
invitation, and permission.
2. The student taking a note what expressions are on YouTube.
3. The student mention what expressions are found in youtube.
4. The teacher displays and explains the subject matter through power point
B. Whilst Activity
 Modeling/ Guided Participation: (20 minutes)
1. The teacher gives the students an example of a dialog using the learned
2. In groups (3 students per group), students are asked to analyze a dialogue
to identify what expressions are used in the dialogue presented.
3. Each group works on an exercise to differentiate dialogs that use 3
different expressions through media word wall (Appendix 2)
4. The teacher gives feedback on the students' work.
 Practice Activity (20 minutes)
1. The teacher asks the students to work in pairs
2. The students work in pairs to make a sentence containing one of the
expressions of instruction, invitation, and permission
3. The students arrange the sentences into a dialog
4. The teacher walks around the class to check and help students' work
C. Post-Teaching
 Oral Publishing (25 minutes)
1. Each pair presents their dialog in front of the class.
2. The teacher asks the students to collect the dialog results.
3. The students reflect on their learning by filling in the Gform provided.

V. Instructional Media & Sources:

 Power Point Slides
 Google form
 Wordwall
 Laptop
 LCD/Projector

VI. Assesments:
A. Process
 In the process of analyzing and working on problems through the .......
platform, the teacher goes around the class to check the students' work and
their understanding of the expressions of instruction, invitation, and
permission (Appendix 2).
 In the process of creating the dialog, the teacher went around the class and
supervised each pair of students to check the proper use of expressions to
create the dialog. In this activity, the teacher focused on guiding the accuracy
and appropriateness of the use of expressions used by the students in making
the dialog.
B. Product
Result of the students’ work in making dialog and can demonstration in front
of the class. Their work will be scored based on the correct and the appropriate of
the use of expression and sentence structure in their dialog.
VII. References
4. LKS Bahasa Inggris Semester Ganjil Kelas

Appendix 1

Power Point containing expressions of instruction, invitation, and permission material can be
accessed through this link

Appendix 2

The assessment quiz can be accessed through the quizis link

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