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Many believe that the goal of one’s career should be to pursue a passion while others feel it is

merely a way to earn a livelihood.

Discuss both sides and give your own opinion.

There are a lot of hobbies or specific infatuations that people do passionately, some people
think that the main objective of one’s life is pursuing their passion. Others believe that this is
not such a crucial thing in people's lives, they can just make a living from it.

Starting with the first opinion, according to which our main goal should be to achieve heights in
our hobbies. This point of view really matters because people need to have something that will
push them forward, in most cases this is the passion for some infatuations, it could be
everything, starting with sports and ending even with welding. If a person is not having a
passion to be the best in a field where he is, this person probably will not even be in an average
level in this area. For example, world’s one of the popular athletes – Cristiano Ronaldo, he has a
huge passion for what he does. Since childhood, he wanted to be the best, achieving what he
wants, that is why he is one of the best players in the history of football, if not the best.

On the other hand, the other opinion is also not wrong. It is right that people should pursue
their passion, however, they should have an additional sources of income and devote time to
them too, because we live in a world where every single day something changes, everything can
go wrong, and you can lose what you have. For example, a couple of years ago, when Covid-19
started, quite a lot of people around the world lost their jobs, their source incomes, and so on.
However, people who had an additional part-time job or an online job did not suffer as much
losses as others.

To conclude, in my opinion, there must be a balance between passion and earning a living. As
mentioned in the previous paragraphs, focusing on one thing may not always end up in a good
way, there should be something that you will have in case of loss. But if someone believes that
he will become the best in his field, he should make every effort to achieve this.

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