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Simplify :










3. Thirty articles are bought at Rs. 450 each. If one-third of these articles be sold at a 6% loss; at what price
must each of the remaining articles be sold in order to make a profit of 10% on the whole?
4. The cost price of an article is 25% below the marked price. If the article is available at a 15% discount and its
cost price is Rs. 2,400 , find:
(i) Its marked price (ii) its selling price (iii) the profit percent
5. A shop-keeper buys an article for Rs.450. He marks it at 20% above the cost price. Find :
(i) the marked price of the article. (ii) the selling price, if he sells the articles at 10 percent discount.
(iii) the percentage discount given by him, if he sells the article for Rs.496.80
6. Ajay buys a toy at a certain price and sells it for Rs 60 at a certain profit percent , he makes the same loss
percent if he sells it for Rs 30 .At what price should he sell it to break even ?
7. A customer gives Janak a fake note of Rs 200 to buy a gift and gets Rs 40 as change .
Does Janak make a profit or a loss , and what is its percentage ?
8. A sold a painting to B at 20% profit . B spent Rs 1000 on its restoration and sold it to C at 10% profit . If C paid
Rs 15000 to B , how much did A buy the painting for ?
9. If we increase CP by 20% and keep the SP constant , the profit percentage falls by 25 percentage points .
What was the original profit percentage ?
10. Ram sold his bag at 6% loss . Had he bought it for 5% less and sold it for Rs 62 more , he would have made a
profit of 12% . What was the original selling price of the bag ?


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