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lesson plan in music grade 3 pdf

What is a detailed lesson plan pdf. Types of detailed lesson plan. Semi detailed lesson plan in music grade 3 pdf. uses cookies to personalize content, tailor ads and improve the user experience. By using our site, you agree to our collection of information through the use of cookies. To learn more, view our Privacy Policy. A Detailed Lesson Plan in Music for Grade 3 Subject: The Basic Notes Reference: K to 12 Curriculum Guide: Music and Arts
Materials: Illustration of the basic notes Strategy: Group work : singing round song Time duration: 2 hours Objectives: after the discussion, the pupils are able to: 1. identify the basic notes, 2. draw the basic note on the staff and 3.
share the melody of the basic notes to classmates. Teacher's Activities Pupil's Activities 1. Drill: Yes ma'am T: Good Afternoon class. Are you ready for today's activity?
2. Review: Our topic is all about drawing Our subject for today is music right? staff By the way, what is our topic last It is on how to draw the G-cleff time? properly. Can someone come in front and draw it? 3. Motivation: Before we start our knew topic, I want you to sing this song. 4.

Presentation: Our topic for today is about the basic notes. What is basic note all about. 5. Discussion: What are the basic notes? Can someone give me a note if you have heard something from your elders? Yes, the basic notes are the lower do, re, mi, fa, so, la ti and the higher do. Ma'am do Mi, so La, ti How about their tune? what is the sound of
each note. Before we sing the tune of each note, we have to locate them on the staff that you have drawn. The lower do will be located on the imaginary line below where the first circle is then going up is re until you reach the higher do. Doe- a deer a female deer Ray- a drop of golden sun Me- a name I call myself Far- a long long way to run Sew- a
needle pulling thread To know the tune, let me lend your La- A note to follow so ears and then you sing after me. Tea – a drink with jam and bread Do- a note that will bring us back to In order for you not to forget the tune do. of the basic notes. I will teach you a song that will make you remember it. 6. Generalization: That's it our discussion for today.
Who can give a short summary on what have we discussed today We learn the basic note and sung the respective tune of each note We also draw the notes on the staff that we discussed last meeting. 7. Evaluation: Let me hear if you really know the respective tune of each basic notes. I will group you into 4 and we will have a round song of the tune
of the basic note. Each group will sing the do-re-mi with the right tune. Then sing it through round song while the teacher is the conductress. Here is my basis of scoring (rubrics) 1.

Voice -5 2. Memorization -5 3. Cooperation – 5 8. Homework We already learned how to sing the basic notes.
All I want you to do for next meeting is to memorize the do, re, mi song. It will be our vocalizing song every time we are on our music subject. Prepared by: RANDA A.ANCHETA uses cookies to personalize content, tailor ads and improve the user experience. By using our site, you agree to our collection of information through the use of
cookies. To learn more, view our Privacy Policy.

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