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Name :……………………………………………..Class :…………………………….Number :………………..

The text :

My name is Tom White. I go to Clenvel high school in Brighton. I’m in the 9 thform.
John Striter is our history teacher. He has a lot of classes at our school but he is never
tired. He is always helpful, patient and funny. Mr. Striter likes his job very much. He
explains all the lessons simply and clearly. He is about fifty years old. He goes
swimming every day. At the weekends, he plays tennis with his sons.

His wife, Suzan is a Maths teacher at our school. She doesn’t like her job because
the students don’t usually like her subject. Sometimes students don’t like history
either, but I think it’s very interesting. We do a lot of interesting things in the class and Mr. Striter always
helps us. He comes with us to our school trips and he knows a lot about historical places, plants and
animals. I admire him and I like his subject, too.

Reading Comprehension: (5pts)

1) Say “ True “ or “False “ and justify ( 2pts)

a) Mr. Striter is a young teacher (……………………)


b) The history teacher is an active person (……………….)


2) What is the history teacher like (1pt)?


3) What does the underlined word in the text refer to ? Tick the right option (1pt)
“us” (par.2) refers to:
the pupils me and the other pupils Mr Striter and his sons

4) Circle the correct alternative (1pt)

I admire him : means : a) I smile at him
b) I love him
c) I see him
LANGUAGE ( 10pts)

1) Circle the correct alternative (3pts)

Mrs. Shedly is our French teacher. She is about forty years old and she is very (fluently – attentively -
active). When she comes into class, she ( writes – calls – does ) the register then asks a pupil to write the
(names – date –flag) on the board . She is ( an – a – the ) excellent teacher . She is serious and helpful.
She explains the lessons ( badly – sadly- clearly ) and carefully and all her classes are always (interest –
interesting –interested ) . All her pupils love her very much.

2) Match each utterance with its appropriate function . There is an extra function . (2pts)

Customer : Good morning , sir

Shopkeeper : Good morning . Can I help you? (1)……………………………………….

Customer : yes, please . I want to buy (2)………………………………………..a dress for my daughter .

Shopkeeper : Which one do you want ?

Customer: Can I see (3)……………………………….. the green one over there, please ?

Shopkeeper : Of course . Here you are sir .

Customer: how much does it cost (4) …………………………………………………………… ?

Shopkeeper : It’s only twenty dinars .

Customer : Ok , I take it .

The functions: a) Asking permission b) inviting c) asking about price

d)expressing desire e)offering help

3) Fill in the blanks with words from the list . There are 2 extra words (3pts).

Courtyard / flag / collected / them / voluntary / basket / proud /cheerful

Last Monday was a nice day at school . A group of (1)……………………..pupils

decided to

clean the school . They (2)………………………..all the garbage and put a waste paper

(3)………………………in every classroom .They also painted the walls and planted lovely trees

in the school (4)………………………… The headmaster was very (5)………………………..of

them. He thanked (6)…………………………and encouraged them to keep their school
environment clean .
4) Put the words or verbs in the correct tense or form (2pts).

Yesterday, Ali got up early . He dressed up and (have)………………………his breakfast. Then ,

he ( go) ………………………to school by bicycle . He enjoys (cycle)………………………… and he
usually rides his bicycle (slow) …………………….. and carefully.

WRITING (5pts)
Write a letter to your English pen friend in which you describe your school , your favourite teachers
and your favourite subjects .

These hints may help you :

Content :……./1.5 Language :………./2 Mechanics : ……./1.5
●Big/ small / clean ….

●friendly / kind / serious / explain slowly…..

●interesting / enjoyable / easy ….

Dear : ………………….


Yours …………………………………….


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