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Universidad Cristiana Evangélica

Nuevo Milenio


Ingles IV

Nombre del docente:

Erick Pineda

Nombre del estudiante:

Gisselle Sagastume Romero

Número de Cuenta:



Peña Blanca, Cortes

Nombre del trabajo:

Guía #1 Grupal

Fecha de entrega:

30 Julio 2023
Write a comparative account of what was and will be in this world

In past civilizations there were a number of interesting events that could be

talked about, but in this case I will talk about what happened approximately
2 years ago, it is no secret to anyone that we live in quarantine from 2020
to 2022, depriving ourselves of carrying out many activities that were
previously easy to do. COVID-19 is the disease caused by a coronavirus
called SARS-CoV-2. The WHO became aware of this new virus for the
first time on December 31, 2019, after the notification of a conglomerate of
cases of the so-called viral pneumonia, which occurred in Wuhan (People's
Republic of China). Probably in the world there will be many other
diseases that can become pandemics, we hope that by then science has
advanced much more so that people's lives are not endangered, later on, I
think that all people believe that there will be many more advances in the
area of health since now it is combined with technology. There was doubt
on everyone's part about whether or not we were going to get ahead with
the Covid-19 issue, the cure was not found at the time, but currently we
have defeated it, thus being able to resume our lives normally.

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