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Saturday, Aug 4th, 2023



2 D


4 a potato
two potatoes

5 bread
6 happy AND excited

7 worried AND sad

Teacher: Nazia, Jess, meet Filip. He’s our new student.
Jess: Hello.
Nazia: Hello.
Teacher: It's his first day at school in Scotland. Filip is learning English.
Nazia: Me too!
Jess: Welcome to our classroom Filip.
Jess: We are drawing a picture. Do you need a pen?
Filip: No... thank you.
Jess: A pencil?
Filip: No...
Nazia: A ruler!?
Filip: No! Can I have the pencil, please.
Nazia: Here you go.
Nazia: Thank you.
Jess: No problem.
Nazia: Ah! Miss, can we go to the toilet, please?
Teacher: Of course.
Nazia: This is the corridor. These are some books. This is the girl's toilet. And this is...
Filip: The boy's toilet!

1. Who is Filip?
a. a new pencil
b. a new student
c. a new teacher

2. What does Filip need?

a. a ruler
b. a pen
c. a pencil

3. Where does Nazia want to go?

a. to the classroom
b. to the restroom.
c. to the canteen.
Jess: Hi Nazia!
Nazia: Hi Jess. Hi Filip. Today the canteen has lots of people.
Jess: What are you eating?
Nazia: It's a cheese sandwich.
Filip: I'm eating spaghetti.
Jess: I'm eating soup... What's the matter Nazia?
Nazia: I don't like this food. It's boring.
Jess: Imagine you could have any food... What would you like?
Nazia: I would like... some pizza, please... and I would like some curry and a chapatti please... Oh!
And I would like a banana... and some pineapple with chocolate ice cream, please!
Jess: Okay... What would you like Filip?
Filip: Ah! Can I have kotlet schabowy please?
Jess: What's that?
Filip: It's Polish food. It’s pork ... from a pig with potatoes and beetroot. Mmm I love it!
Nazia: Ah. I don’t eat pork... but I do eat potatoes! What would you like Jess?
Jess: I would like a pie please. My family has a party tonight at my house... Would you like to come?
Filip: Yes please.
Nazia: Will there be chocolate ice cream!?
Jess: Probably not... But there might be some pineapple!
Nazia: Aw – thanks, Jess!

1. Where are the children?
a. canteen
b. classroom
c. restroom

2. What is Nazia eating?

a. a cheese hamburger.
b. a cheese sandwich
c. a cheese hotdog.

3. Does she like her food?

a. Yes, she likes it.
b. No, she doesn’t like it.
c. Yes, she loves the food.

4. What food would Filip like?

a. He would like some Polish food.
b. He would like some pizza.
c. He would like some chocolate ice cream.

Jess: I'm really excited about our trip to the museum. Are you excited Filip?
Filip: I'm... worried and nervous.
Jess: Why are you worried and nervous!?
Filip: Nazia said there would be dinosaurs there... I'm scared of dinosaurs!
Nazia: I said there would be dinosaur skeletons!
Filip: Dinosaur skeletons! That's even scarier!
Nazia: Well, I'm angry.
Jess: Why are you angry?
Nazia: I’m angry because of this traffic jam. This journey is taking ages... And I love the museum!
Jess: What are you looking forward to seeing, Nazia?
Nazia: I'm looking forward to seeing the wildlife exhibition. I love animals. They make me happy...
What about you?
Jess: I’m looking forward to learning all about volcanoes and earthquakes... They're amazing!
Nazia: We're here!
Filip: Wow! That was great. I love the museum.
Nazia: Weren't you scared of the dinosaurs?
Filip: No! I was relieved the dinosaurs didn't eat me. I was interested to learn about them.
Nazia: Well done Filip! I'm proud of you.
Filip: Did you enjoy the museum?
Nazia: Yes, I enjoyed the wildlife exhibition. But I’m sad I didn’t have time to see everything... How
about you Jess?
Jess: I loved the model volcano. I pressed a button and it erupted! It was very, very surprising!
Nazia: I think our teacher was surprised too!
1. Where are the children?
a. at school
b. in the classroom
c. in the museum

2. How is Filip feeling?

a. He is angry.
b. He is worried.
c. He is excited.

3. What does Nazia like?

a. She likes animals.
b. She likes traffic jam.
c. She likes volcanoes.

4. What makes Jess surprised?

a. The button
b. The dinosaurs
c. The vocanoes

1. You learn something in the .

2. You eat something in the dinner hall .

3. You wash your face in the .

4. You use to draw a picture.

5. You use ruler to make a straight line.

6. You use pencil case / box to put the things in.

7. What do you say when you ask for something:

8. What do you say when you do not know where the toilet is

Excuse me, where is the toilet?

9. Answer the questions: “How are you feeling now?”

10. Answer the questions: “Where are you now?”

I am at home.

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