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Solid Mensuration

• the study of three-dimensional geometric shapes, their properties, and

• a branch of mathematics that deals with the measurement of the

volume and surface area of solid objects.

• Understanding plane figures is crucial in engineering and design, as

they form the basis for more complex structures and objects.

• It is used in engineering, architecture, and other fields that require the

calculation of the volume and surface area of 3D objects.
Basic Definitions and Concepts:
• Point:
Basic Definitions and Concepts:
• Point: A point is a fundamental concept in geometry. It represents a
location in space and has no size, length, or width. Points are typically
denoted by capital letters, such as A, B, or C. In engineering, points
can represent the position of an object or the intersection of lines and
Basic Definitions and Concepts:
• Point:
Basic Definitions and Concepts:
• Line:
Basic Definitions and Concepts:
• Line: A line is a straight, one-dimensional object that extends
infinitely in both directions. It is defined by two distinct points and
has no thickness. In engineering, lines can represent the path of
motion, the direction of forces, or the edges of structures.
Basic Definitions and Concepts:
• Special Lines:
1. Segment: A line segment is a part of a line that has two endpoints.
It is named by its endpoints
Basic Definitions and Concepts:
• Special Lines:
2. Ray: A ray is a part of a line that has one endpoint and extends
infinitely in one direction. It is named by its endpoint and another
point on the ray
Basic Definitions and Concepts:
• Lines:
Basic Definitions and Concepts:
• Plane:
Basic Definitions and Concepts:
• Plane: A plane is a flat, two-dimensional surface that extends
infinitely in all directions. It is defined by three non-collinear points
(points that do not lie on the same line) or a line and a point not on
that line. Planes are essential in engineering for defining surfaces,
analyzing forces, and designing structures.
Basic Definitions and Concepts:
• Angle:
Basic Definitions and Concepts:
• Angle: An angle is a measure of the rotation between two
intersecting lines, rays, or line segments. It is typically measured in
degrees or radians. Angles are formed by two rays (called the sides of
the angle) that share a common endpoint (called the vertex). In
engineering, angles are used to describe the orientation of objects,
the direction of forces, and the geometry of structures.
Basic Definitions and Concepts:

Basic Definitions and Concepts:

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