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A. H. Bowling


A. H. Bowling


© 1970, 197 1 Almark Publishing Co " Ltd .
Tex t, line d rawi ngs , and col our art i) A . H . Bowling

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First Pub lished-August 1970

Reprinted- March 1971
Repri nted-July 1971
Reprinted-June 1972

ISBN 0 85524 000 8 (hard cover edition)

ISBN 0 B5524 00 1 6 (paper covered edition)

By the same author:


Printed in Great Britain by

Vale Press Ltd ., Mitcham , Surrey CR4 4HR
for the publi shers. Almark Publishin g Co " Ltd .
270 Burl ing ton Road , New Maiden.
Surrey KT3 4N L, England.

THIS book is a com pan io n volume to Scott ish Regim ents 1660· 19 14
and it is Intended that the two publicat ions betwee n them should give a
concise. but comprehensi ve, coverage of the hi s tory of the Britis h
infan try regiments and their uniforms in the period up to 1914. afler
wh ich the widespread wearing of full-dress unif orms was larg ely di s-
continued . The Scotti sh regiments were given separate treatment. for
their histories and uniforms var ied considerably from other British Arm y
infanrry reg im ents. In this present book.. the subje ct of Bri tish infantry
Is given the more extensive treatment that the generally stan dardi sed
nature of the uniform allows. Highland dress is, in fa ct, illu strated
but there is no duplication of what has already appeared in Scottish
Regiments. Apart from the 114 colour drawings whi ch show the d eve lop-
ment of British infantry uniforms from 1660-1914. there are gro ups of
multi -view line drawing s which show the major unifo rm cha nges for each
main period of Br itish military hi story. These draw ing s. showing th e figure
from variou s aspects, are intend ed parti clJlarly to assist mod el soldier
In addition to the un iform details, there is a double page of weapon
drawings depi cting to scale (where possib le) the changing side arms of
the Bri tish infan tryman over the 1660· 19 14 period. W eapons peculiar
to Scottish r egiments. are. however. omitted since these are Includ ed in
the companion vo lume. Full details of title and regimental ch anges are
given. but for convenience the 1914 titl e is frequent ly used to avoid
compli cated cross-re ferencin g: thi s Is indicated at the appropria re points
in th e telC t, how ever. Photographi c coverag e is as thorough as space
allows, though it w ill be app reci ated that actual pictu r es ca n only dal e
from the latter half of the ni neteenth century. All the pi ctures are from
the author 's person al collecti on and have been chosen jud icious ly with
a view to both showing essentia l deta il and to conveying th e
'atmospher e' of British in fa nt ryma n in Victorian times . Ma nv of these
pictur es are hitherto unpubli shed . There are also a number of con tem -
porary prints . nol so r eliable as photographs. but nonetheless o f great
inte rest.

Secti on Page
Part 1.- /660- /800 5
Pan 2: /800 -1 9/4 16
Colour Plar es (Un,/orms) . 17. 21 24. 25. 29 32
CO/OUI Plares ( Facsimife prints) ...• .. " covet. 20. 28
4fJ{)Bndlx 1.- Infamrv Weapons 43-45
4ppendJx 2: Nead~d,ess 1800·19111 .. .... . . . . ... . 4R
ABOVE.- Btlgade 01 Guards. 1866. The first figure shows the undress rumc
worn by a Staff Sergeam. Coldstream Guards. This is sCiJllet with
plain blue collar and cuffs piped white. Tfle 10rage Cap is dark. blue wllh
a band 01 gold lace and gold trlmmmg on the peak. H,s swold scabha,d
IS black with b,ass lirrmgs. Next, is the RegImental Sergeant Malor.
Scors Guards. weaflng Ihe Warrant OHlcels' runiC wllh gold lace on rllfJ
col/a! and cuffs. Th~ badge III ,ank ",om on both arms. IS the Royal
Arms supsl;mposed on a gold 4 bal chevron. The sold'Br m a grey
grearcoar IS if PflViUB 01 t/le ColdSlleam Guard.s. His red Plume IS 0"
tlls righl 01 {he bearsJ:m . Tile {)Ioneer o f rhe GffmadlPI Guards wpal'
the whUp. crossed 8~-es and grenades on both ;urns. FRONT COVER
CololJI SelOeanl Gfenadler Guards, 1 R?~i ThrHP l"ell' thlee g'acte I.. f
tunic In (hp Guards Inr ranks /;plnw rh3t of uR,c£!{ they were Warrdnr
Officer S!'rgednt and Orher Ranks Tfie Ser(}eafllS were dlstll/gll/shell
by (lold (ace "11 rhp cuRs rhp c"'our badgp kitS,') L om (In bl·rh "'m~ im(!
(ht: (:fim!il.n rl.~" I: a.~ 11.m 'e"h , {lnr 5/1 III/Qe l

Part 1: 1660-1800

THE beginnings of the British Army in the form of a regular force came on
the accession of Charles 11. The first regiments to be embodied were
the ones that had served either as Parliamentary forces or, as in the
case 0'1 the Grenadier Guards. as a regiment that had served King
Charles in exile . The earliest regiments to join the 'standing ' Army were
Ihe regiments laler to be known as The Ufe Guards. The Royal Horse
Guards, Th e Grenadier Guards and Th e Coldstream Guards to be followed
a few years later by the regiments which eventually became The Royal
Scots. The Queen 's and The Buffs. Gradually more regiments were
added. especially between the years '685 to 1701 . These reg imen ts
saw much service on the Continent. serving in Fra nce. Belgium and
Holland between 1692 and 1711 . Those regiments serving with the
Duke of Madborough 's lorces added many famous battle honours to their
historIcal records. and the engagements conce rned included Blenheim ,
Ramilles, Oudenarde and Malplaque!.
The War of the AUstrian Succession was especially of note, as the
Battle of Dellingen in 1743 was the last conflict In Which British troops
were commanded In the field by the reigning king. From now on the
Brit ish Army was constantly on service throughout the world and major
engagements included the Capture of Quebec in 1759. the North
American campaign of 1763-4 . and much service In India including the
Battle of Plassey in 1757 . The Seven Years War. 1756· 1763 . resulted
in one of the grealest of all actions for The British infantry. This was the
Battle of Minden in Which six regiments supported by Hannoverian and
Hessian troops routed a French army estimated at 50 ,000 men. The six
regiments concerned. laler 10 become the Suffolks, Lancashire Fusiliers.
Royal Welsh Fus ilier. King 's Own Scottish Borderers, Royal Hampshire.
an d King's Own Yorkshire light Infantry, stili celebrate Mlnden Day .
The American War of Independence. 1775-1782 . saw very many
British infantry regiments engaged and a great number of lessons were
learnt during th is period especially with regard to th e use o f lighl infantry
and the adaptation 01 clolhing to suit the con ditions of a new tYpe 01
wariare . The Seige of Gibraltar. 1779 to 1783 . was another importanl
episode in the history of the Briti sh Infantry Here only five reg iments,
laler to become the Suffolks, Dorse tshires, Essex . Northamptonshire, and
Highland Light Infantry. supported by contingents o f the Ro val Artlllerv
and the Royal Sapper'> and Miners. withstood a seige by Spa nish and
French forces . All the in fantry regimen ts concerned were granted
the mOlto 'Montis Insignia Calpe ' 10 be borne on the cololJrs and were
granled the badge of a Castl e an d Kev . part o f Ihe arms o f Gibraltar

UN IFORMS 1860 TO 1800
Throughout the period of full dress unif orms the Brit ish in fantry wa s
always ma i nly distingui sh ed by the r ed coal , though there were a few
exc eptions to thi s suc h as the green of the Rifle Corps and the c lothing
of some of the regiments in the late 17th Century.
Before 1740 there are few surviving official re cords of the dress worn
by the Briti sh Army , and al though there are a ceria In amount of con-
temporary written descriptions available there are only a few drawings
and paintings from which the early infantry dress can be reconstructed .
In 1660 The King 's Royal Regiment o f Guards (Grenadier Guards) are
shown with the musketeers wearing an all red uniform. with a buff coat
worn over the jacket (Fig 2)· . The officer at this period is shown wearing
a blue coat laced with gold (Fig 1) . This garmenl may be a civilian coat
or a form of undress coal , since il is known that at this period officers in
°Throulhouc chit book. "lure r.ferencu In parenthetes indlcue th~prln. uniform
d~winl' In colour on Pile., 11. 21. 14, IS. 29. Ind n . The ker to each plue lives the
contempo~ry dd. of the relimenr concerned. with rhe 1914 till. fU dilferenl) In

1660·1670' The mfantry was composed 01 pJlt:.emen and muskereers

rhe first tWO figures In this group show the style of dress 101 muskeleers.
(he loose buff COBI bemg wom over the co/ou'ed unJlofm lacker. he r
musl;.et was a match/ock. the plkemen haVing B full coat and B bleaslpJa18
The pike was about 16 leer In length, he end figu re depicts an offlcel
weSltng the clothing worn m hot climate SIauons Colou rs : MIJSKeleerS 01
Coldsrream Guards, red wllh grpen cuffs. buH lacket. whi le buws
PlkeMlin vI Coldslfeam GIJ81ds mcrn coal fod cuHs. "fPeches and
stucklngs. whfte sash and bows, Ottrcer 01 Colds(ledm GUdfds, 1670. all
"gill flfey ~'1i(h !;tv blue rllJlmns on hat should"", kr1ces and shflPS
8aldflc! (slvnrd ht'/') Wd'i 51 Y blue w ch Q·j/d en 1/HOluely

1660~ 1686 : The first figure IS of an inlantry officel. and the second a
!Jflvate. still armed with a matchlocl:. and having the bandolier 01 caJ{·
ridges. A tYPIcal dress 01 the period would be lor the 9th Reglmem, red
lined olange. WIth white stockings and gley bleeches Fm the 2nd
Regimenr i t would be red Imed green. WIth green bleeches and whue
stockings. The third ligUle is an officer 01 the Grenadier Company.
Grenadier Guards. The coat Is of a cflmson colour with medium blue
cuffs. The cap. belt and pouches were also medium blue with all lace
and embroidelY gold. The Claval was while. edged with a gold lringe.
The l oun" figure shows a Glenadiel officer 01 the 11 rh FOOl. 1686. The
cap was light brown with a led bag. and Ihe coal was red with Ilghl
blown cults. Shoulder wi ngs and braid wele all edged with Silver.
The bleeches and stockings were light blown. and ehe sash was crimson
with silk longes. gloves and belts wele dalk blown. The light bro wn is
the same shade as the co/ouI olten rs/eued to as gosling green

some of the European armies did not wear regulation uniform.

At this period the Coldstream Guard s are shown as having green
faeings. the pikemen wearing a green coat with red cuff s. The coal
reached to the knees. and was worn with red breeches and stockings and
a white sash with gleen fringes. T he figures depictin g a grenadier and
mu sketeer of the Cold stream Guards 1670 (Figs 3 and 4 ) show the
loose till ing coa ts of the period and also the beg inning 01 the special
head -dress associated with the grenadier companies . This head -dress
gra dually became taller and more ornamental. and developed iOln the
mitre cap .
The diff erence between Ihe grenadier and the ordinary soldier can
be seen in Figs 5 an d 6. These represent a grenadier and muske l eer of
the regimenl raised bV John Granville. Earl of 8ath , in 1685 : Ihis
regiment be came the 10th FOOl and In 1881 received the tille of The
LIncolnshire Regimen t. The significance o f Ihe status of a grenadier
can be seen in the elaborate braiding on the coat, and th is differen ce can

again be seen in Figs 7 . 8 . and 9 . These three ftgures show the cloth ing
worn by a regiment raised in 1685 as ' Our Ordnan ce Regiment' (now the
Roval Fusiliers ). As there was no regular artillery al this time. King
James 11 deci ded Ihat an Ordnance Regiment should be ra i sed for the
care and protection of the cannon, which were kept at the Tower of
london. As par t o f the Ordnance Regiment's duties was 10 protect the
cannon when on the march. each man was armed with a fusil-a
superior type of light m usket. Since it was the first regiment to be
fully armed with fusil s, the King granted permission for the regiment
10 be styled ' Our Royal Regiment of Fu siliers'. The other arms ca rried
were a bayonet and sword . Fig 10 shows Ihe style of uniform worn by
officers at thi S period , again a 100s8 fitting coat, a waist sash and a
baldrick over the right shoulder carrying the sword. Fig 11 shows the
dress worn by a private 01 the Grenadier Guards in 1705,
From Fig 12 onwards we come to the period when th ere is a good
amounl of reference material to work from . In 1742 an official publi-
ca tion titled A Representation of the Cloathing of His Majesty ' s House-

1680-1732: The feft hand figure is a grenadier 01 1680; the grenadier

companies were added co inlantry reglmenes in aboue 1678. The ne.(I
figure Is a Grenadier Guardsman 01 1705. The hal was black. wllh a
white border and the coal led with blue collar and cuRs. All lace \Vas
white and belts were brown. They had blass buckles and the breeches
were blue wl/h white slockmgs_ The third figure shoVls a grenadier 01
the Queen's (2nd Foot ) in 1715. The cap was red with the Prince 01
Wales's crest. The small nap !Vas blue wllh a while lamb. He wale a
red coat wuh blue lapels and cutis all decorated with the fegimemdl
pausm lace Stockings wele white and the belts find pouch were hrown
The rigllt hand ligUle IS an officer 01 the 33rd Regimen t In 1732 His dress
WR!' all red WITh sliver lace. a cnmson sash, white stockmgs. an(1 ii
blac}, hat eUrled with sih-er braid
1710· 1735 : On che lelc is a g!enadJer of the 3!d Foot (Buffs) in 1725.
He has an aJJ buff cap with a black gryphon as a badge. Below rh ls IS
a black g!enade wich led flames. Th e coat was led, rhe cuHS buH, the lace
and gairers whne, and the belts brown, The figures shown next are an
office! and p rivate 01 the 171 0 pallod, Typical dress would be red coals
with yellow fa cings and si/vel lace fOI the officers. the sash being
crimson with a sliver fringe. The lasc man is a gfenadie! 01 the 1 SI FOOl
Guards (Grenadier Gualds) in 1735. and he has a blue cap beallng the
Crown and Garler SIBr. Below thiS a red flap with the Whire Horse 01
Hannov8r and (he mOtto 'Nee Aspe!s rerrent'. The coal was red Wllh
blue lapels and cuffs. the lace being whil e. He wore buR bells and ij
'GR' c ypher in brass on the black pouch. The gairs!s wele wMre.

hold and al/ the Forces upon the Establishment of Great Br itain and
Ireland. was prepared . Thi s hand coloured work shows the uni fo rms worn
by all the cavalry and infantry regiments . Fig 18 is based on the figure
shown in this book. Line Infantry regiments 1 to 50 are shown. all with
full lapels except for numbers 18, 20. 38 , 47. and the Invalids.
Regiments 4. 7 . 8. and 18. 21, and 23 have blUe breeches. and the
rest red except f or the 42nd. a kilted Scots regiment. Th e fae lngs are
shown as :
Colour Regiment
Blue 1. 4, 7, 8 , 18.2 1, 23. and Invalids
Deep Green 2 and 46
Green 19 and 36
Gosling Green 5
Medium Green 11
Olive Green 24
Pa le Green 39, 41 and 4 3
P a le Buff 14 and 22
Buff 3 , 27 ,3 1, 40,42 , and 49
~ 15 , 20, 25 . 26 , 28. 30. 3 4 .37 . 38 . 45 , an d
Ye llow 47
Co lou r Regiment
Deep Yellow 9 and 13
Bright Yellow 10
Light Yellow 12 and 16
Pal e Yellow 29
Greyish White 17
Red 33
Orange 35
Bla ck 50
White 32. 44. 48
All regiments wors lace of regimental pattern . The waistcoalS were
red for all regiments except the following : 5th-Gosling Green. 20th-
Yellow, 30th-Yellow. 35th-Orange. 39th-Pale Green. The pouch flap was
light buff as were the belts. except for regiment s 3. 4 , 8 , 11. 12 . 13, 16,

1742-175 1: At chls period lhe glenad iels and l ust/lers wore che mltfE
cap, the balCalion men being lefelled to as 'hat men'. The first figu l e
IS e Roval Welsh Fusiliel 01 1742. Th e coat was led wllh blue lapels,
cuHs and curnbacks. All /ace was of regimental perre m . m (hiS case white
wit h one edge 01 yellow and a l ooth shaped red line between the white
and yellow. The wa,stcoar was f ed, (he bleeches blue. the ganels white.
(he belrs buff. and the pouch black, The Field OHlcer of 1745 shows rhe
st yle of d l ess worn by m l anrfY offlcels Although the thlfd ligure IS 01 rhe
same peliod as Ihe lusllier rhe coat 15 d ifferent co mOSt of (he 1742
leglmenes, Insread 01 the TUII lapels only white fa ce was worn on tillS
coal The regi mem shown is the 20th Foot. the uml ofm bemg 8 led coat
with yellow cutis and rumbacks. a yelfow waistcoat ,ed bleect/es and
whIte gaIters ' he floh, hbnd figllre shows (he dress wOtn by rhe InvalIds
In '75' , rhese Invalid Ba us/tOns were used 101 gafflson durles. and were
the pfRdeCeS$OI$ 01 (he Welch Regiment ( 41 s1 Foot). Dress: , ed COM,
blue cuRs and wrnbac~ s. brepchc... and WBIHrorJ/ <md IV/me ,.,alte,s
1751-1758: Th e t WO infsntlY soldiers shown are weaflng the marchmg
order eQUlpmenr. Although the coat ;s shown open it was usua/ro button
rhe lapels OV"e( so that the f ront 0/ the coat was closed. Besides the
usual equipment a water canteen. havel sack end a skm covered holdall
wele cclfled. The side arms were the 'Brown Bess' musket, a SWOrd and
a bay'oner. The ochel (jgUles show an officer and prrvate on se/vice in
North Ameflca. The campaign dress at firs t was the same as f Of the
first twO figures but due la servIce conditions and lack of supplies many
changes were made so that rhe appearance of rhe uniform alrered
considerably. The head-dress was alrered by cutting the edges. the tails 01
the coat we!e cut off and office! s dlessed more in rhe fashion of (he men
The tomahawk was used by the Bfltish Infamry and was cartied in place
01 the sword.

23. 24. 29. 38. 40. 41. 43. 44. 46. 47 . 48. 49 . and 50. with bla ck flap s.
The style of dress worn by the Foot Guards in 1742 is shown in
FIgures 12 10 16. The officer carries a spontoon and Ihe sergeant a
halberd . The spontoon was d iscarded in 1786 and the halberd wa s
gradually repla ced after 1792 . Sergean :s then carried a pike . Th e
drummer and fifer are wearing the Royal livery of red . blue and gold .
Fig 16 i s a grenadier company man. In the Guards at thi s time only the
grena di er compa ny wore th e mI tre ca ps. all battalion compan ies w earing
the three corne red ha t. Infantry o fficer s of 1742 are giv en in Figures 17
and 23 . Both officers are wearfng a gorge t: th is is the sma ll curved pla te
wo rn below the throat.
The dress o f 1751 had a to tally d iff eren t appearance 10 th e previous
dress. Th e coat was now worn open and sh ow ed more o f the w ais tcoat .
but It was stil i buttoned across in m arch ing order. The batta li on
-c ompan ies still wore the ih ree cornered hat an d the gren ad ier companies
the mitre cap. T hese latter were em broidered most ly in the same mann er
wi th a c rown an d Royal cyp her, on a ba ckground of fa cing cl o th w ith
the red fl ap below having the W hite Horse o f Hanno ver and th e M otto
'Nec Aspera Ter renl'. Cenaln regiments had a speci al device In place of
the Crown and Cypher , amongst these the regiment which became the

1768-1777 : The sergeam carrymg the halberd is from 'he 35 ,h Foot 1777.
Coar was led laced with orange on collar. culls and lapels. He wore
whue rumbacks. waistcOat and breeches. and a crimson sash With a
central scrips 0/ orange. The LIght Company man 01 1770 shown neXl
IS wearmg rhe 1751 coat w ith the tails cut away. The head· dress is 01
leather. He ;s aImed wah a tomahawk 85 we re ornel units serving In
North Ameflca. The head-dress 0/ the next soldier ;s blaCk fur with gill
Crown and Cypher on the fronc. representmg a pl/vate of 'he 11 th FOOl
In 1770. The coat is red with collar, cuffs and narrow lapels 0/ dark
green. The wfnbacks were white. as were the breeches and waistcoat.
He wore black gaieers. The lace on the coat was wh ite WIth (WO red
and two green stripes. The end figure IS that 0/ an officer 0/ the Grenadlef
Guards. '776. Ne wore a black hat edged in gold, and a fed COSl with
bfu8 collar. cuffs and laoels. all laced in gold. fie had while lining to
hiS coal, white waIstcoat. breeches and gailers and crimson waist sash.

Buffs had a Dragon. the Northumberland Fu siliers had SI George and the
Dragon. and the Royal Irish Regiment (Fig 19 ) lhe Irish Harp. Some
regiment s had wing s on Th e coats as in Figs 19 and 22 . white the
other regiments were as in Figs 20 and 21 .
Fig 24 shows the very elegant dre ss worn by an offi ce r of a Roya I
reg iment. in this case the Royal Fu si liers of 1756. The red, blU e and
gold of the coat shows well against the whiTe wai STCOat. Also the
change in the cuff s from the previous period can be seen on the coat.
The four figures for 1768 depic t (Fig 25) the 50th Foot; a regiment
talsed in 1755 (Royal West Kent Reg iment): (Fig 26 ) the 53rd Foo t
(K ing 's Shrops hire light Infantry): (Fig 27 ) the 66th Regim ent of Fool
(after 1881. the 2nd Baltalion. Royal Be rkshire Regt l. and ( Fig 28 ) a
regiment raised in 1756 as the 2nd Battalion. 12th Foo t. an d renumbered
65th Regiment o f Fool in 1758 . becoming the York and Lancaster
Regiment in 1881 . The interesting points aeout these fig ures are the fur
caps intrOduced short lv before 17 68 and the white breeches. which were .
however, replaced with buff for regiments with buff fa eings ; the bla ck

FAR RIGHT ' the 33r') Font,
1799 (The Duke of WelllllfJlon 's
Rye) was Irom 1782 CD 1853
);nown as the' Sf Yorkshire West
fllding Regimene The uniform
shown I S a seallet coal With collar
and cuffs of rhe same colour. The
lace and buttons are sI/vel. wl rh
the sash Crimson, and gifr gorget.
There is silver plate on the sword
belt. The plume on the hat ;s
red and white. In 1799 the 41 S(
and 53rd Foot also had led
lacings. RIGHT: An officel 01 the
56th Regiment 01 FOOl in 1800.
He wea rs 8 black hat with fed
and wh ile plume, a scar/er coal
with purple l acings and St/\l81
lace and bU(lons. In 1881 the
56th were amalgamated with rhe
44th Foot to form the Essex Regi-
mene. The tacings at rhe 56rh
we re purple before /881 . being
then changed I D wh i te. In 1936
the Essex Regiment was granted
purple facings.

gait'ers were intrtldu ced in 1767 for line infantry. and on the coat the cuffs
were made smaller. These figures have been based on a Manuscri pt Book
in the Pr ince Consor t's Library. Aldershot. A ba sic figure shows the
regimen ts all with the same head- dress and the same shape of coat,
the only d Ifference being that so me regim ents ha ve loops o f squa re-
ended la ce wh i lst others are shown with bas'tion-shaped loops. Thi s
Manuscript Book can only be accepted as a rough guide to the period,
as with most of these early works on uniforms. Many o f the regiments
show n were serving abroad an d it was o fte n many yea rs before they
caught up wi th the regulations.
Th e la st type of long sk.i rt ed open fr on t coat worn by the infantry Is
given in Figures 29 to 40. Figs 29 to 34 illustrate the uniforms worn
by the Colds tream Guard s in 1790. Basically the three regiments of
Foot Guards wore the same uniform except for the spacIng of the
buttons and la ce. and certain small regimental distinctions. The
Coldstream Guards shown wore their buttons and lace in pairs. the
Grenadier Guards even ly spaced , and the Scots Guards in three 's, a

1775·1804 : The first figllre 01 fhlS group shows the dress w orn by
all BriTish Infantry In N orth America during the wi nrer of 1775 It
included a lur headdress ornamented In some cases wllh a raccoon tai l
The coat was made 01 wh ite blanket marelial and had a band 01 IIghl
blue on the cuffs and another band around the bOllom of the garment
The ties were fIght blue. Millens wele WOln, and the gallers were black
Next is shown a sergeam 01 the Balla/ion Comoany 01 the GI8nadiel
Gualds. 1790. He wo re a black hat, with white lealher lipped black. Th e
red coat had blue collar. cuns and lapels aff with gold lace. There was a
gold epauletfe on the righl shou/del, and a blue, edged gold, slIap on the
lelt shauldel . He had wh ite lining to his coal. while waIstcoat and
bleeches, black gallBls, and a crimson sash. The thi rd fIgure i s an
off/cel of the Light Company 01 the GUalds who wears a led coar with
while lace The end figure IS a FIeld Officel 01 the 16th Foot Ifl 1804
The coat IS red with yellow facings and sdVBI lace. and he has blue
trouselS tflmmed wlCh black.

di st inction retained to this day. The drumm~r. Fig 30. had single spaced
bastion loops for the Grenadier Guards. and lace In two 's and three's for
the Coldstream and Scots Guards . The drummer's lace for tl'-e first
tWO regiments was white with a blue fleur·de· lys pallern . and for the
SCOts Guards black with a yellow fleur-de·lys. The grenadier and
battalion companies were also dresse d in similar fa shion with the usual
reg imental differences, For the Une Infantry Ihe pattern was a red coat
wi th collar. lapels and cu ff of la ci ng colou r, and while turnba cks . In the
case 01 regiments with buff facings the turnbacks. waIstcoat and breeches
were all buff The lace for officer s wa s gold or silver and the other rank s
had lace 01 regimonlal pallern

RIGHT rho sIgnals snCllon of rhe 2nrl Bn GfouCeHefsl lllp. ROI In 190{
'lhf'Jw,ny ' he eQu"w,enr I nr isual slgndlJing In the fIeld a( rh,,, pel10d
rhf. scsndiJld 0 1 elflcll'ftcy reqlllfPd "~I B reglmenNlI signaller wB.'i lrelV
hiqh a<;"t "'ad to b~ (I( llic'cm ~ ,,1, fldO It;lnfPfl) <md h"I"'QrrJflll
LEFT: Officers of rhe 50rh Foor. 1845 (Royal Wesr Kenr Rgr). The
officer on the left ;s a Field Off,cer. Ne LVealS his sword bOlt over the
crimson waist sash and his sword In a brass scabbafd IS suspended
Ifom (WO white slings. He 1$ wealing spurs. The officer below Field rank
on the right wears his swofd bell ovel the light shoulder. HIS scabbald
15 black. with gilt mountings. Uniform fearules the A/bert shako. a scader
coal with black lacmgs. and gold lace. fliGHT: Ohicels 01 a Fusillel
Regiment 1895. The officer on (he right 0/ the plclUre is (he regImental
Ad/UliJnf. H,s collar and cuffs denote hIs rank as Lieutenant. The Ad/Iltam
fode with the Commandmg Officer on Parade and wears "dmg breeches
and black "dmg boots. The sabr818che was 01 black Jealhet The OfflCBI
i n the centre is weBflng the dark blue. black bra ded palfol lacket and.
being I(om a Royal ,eo/men!. his cap band is scarlet. The offtcer on
the lell is a Lieutenant In Full Dress
Ktr 10 lie ur"l
(t, 1660. TII. Klni ' l Roy&1 Reil l . of Gdl •• O ffker (GrC!nld r'r Gdl.). ( 2 ) 1660 . Tile
IC.lnl!: I Itoyal RtiC . of Gels .. "'1tul.:ettrr ,G~en.dlt'r CId, .). (J) 16 70, The lord General' ,
Reil of Foot Gdl " G t enldl" ICo hl u ru m Cdl.,. Coi} 1670. Tht Lord Gtnfn l I Reil
of FOOl Gd, .. Muskttttr (u,I.:huf,m Ga l .), I SJ 1685 Tht h rl of 8uh 1 Rt' i;1 o f FOCl I ,
G~tna:j l tr ( Llncolnsh lr. RtiC I. ( 6 } I68S . The Eut of Bnh I ~tit of Foot, "hll~elefr
I llncoln,hl r. Rei l I (7) 16 8S. Our Ro),. 1 Reil. of Fu. ,Herl Grrrlldr t r. 1 8 ) 1685 . Our
itc),11 Reil. o f Fu l llo efl. Fltl rh e, . / 9 ) 11oB5 . Our Roy. t ;'til. o f Futlhtr, Mrn n (11.0,.1
fUld.t'l' f 10) 1681i1 Co lonels nlme I !lIn ). O tfrcu I Nordlum~l'r l.nd FUlf lltr. !
1 1,. 1705 Fm .1 Rtil 01 FOOl Go, Prl\lUI' r 11, 1745 FIrst r.:tit. 01 fOOl Gd l Offictr
III 17015 Flfll fI~ it. 01 foot GtlJ S~rin"t I hI 17 -'5 , First Il~it of Foot G~J .
D"lI"'trll~~. li S } 11-'5 . F,rH Rt-it. of Foot G.:! J. f lf~ r 11 6 ) 174.5 Fh lt Jt ~iZ r o f FOO l
cadl .. Gr,,,~:j l 't l~" Grenad·,r GII , 1.11 1 , 17 "'5 . Colon,l 'l name (JOthl. O ffl(t.
LlIna., hHf Rfil 1 f' 8 J IT"'S Col.oncr ~ n.m~ I lOth , Pt''''' lf I Eau bnell ~'" Rt-it I
II ~I 1751. 18th !Th, 1\0y~1 IrllhJ Re-ft . of fOlu. Gnnu:l .,. t Ror.1 It,,,, Rt- p ,.
10, PSI l6th i!,e.:1 of Foot. ';;;'fn" le' ,Woret-Her,,,,rt Reill .) (21 I 1751, 91h Re,t. 01
f oot. Grtn~d , e, I Norfo lk "'''it r


Part 2: 1800-1914

THE 19th Century started with the Egypti an Campaign where the
Glo uces tershire Reg iment won the distin cti on of wearing a back badge
on the head· dress . Thi s was gained at the Battle of Alexandr ia. When
the reg iment was fighting off an attack by Fren ch Iniantry they were
sudd enly attacked from the rear , the rea r rank being ordered to face
abo ut and engage the atta c kers . Although heavily outnumbered their
coolness and accura te firing made the enemy withdraw ,
After the Egyptian cam paign there were a number of minor engage-
ment's but in 1808 the Peninsular Wars began . Thi s campaign was
f ough t throughout Spain and Portugal and ended in 1814 with the
Fren ch armies suffering great losses and being driven back into France ,
Among st the many honours awarded for the Peni nsula campaigns is
' Badajos ', T h is wa s a ve ry heavily guarded lortress with almost im-
pregnable fortifi catio ns. For over a week the artillery pounded the wall s
in an attempt 10 brea ch th em, and many men were lo st In attempts to
scale the walls, The for tress fell at last when men of the 3rd and 5th
Div is ions m anaged to ente r through o ne 01 the breaches. Other
honours include ' Tala vera', 'A royo dos Molinos '. ' Salamanca' and
' Albuhera ', It was at Albuhera where the M iddlesex Regiment gained the
nickname ' The Die Hards·.
The final battl e against the French armies of Napoleon wa s Waterloo.
on Sunday , June 15, 1815. After the Napoleonic Wars there was a
period when the Briti sh Arm y wa s not engaged in any major campaigns.
but by 1839 the Indian Wars had started and these finished with the
taking of Sabraon in 1846. In 1845 there wa s the New Zealand War
against th e Maoris, and in 1850 ~ 52 the Ka ffir Wars,
T he Crimean War of 1854· 1856 added many fa mo us names to the
battle honours of the infantry regiment s. names such as ' Allna ',
'Sebas topo l ', 'Inkerman ', and for the 93rd (Argyll and Sutherland High ~
landers). the famous ' thin red line', came the honour ' Balaclava '. Th e
India n Mutiny of 1857 ga ve the infant ry r egi ments much hard service
un der very d iffic ul t con dit ions and at all l imes enemy for ces grea tly
o utnu m be red them , After ihe Muti ny there w ere many sma ller w ars and
campaigns su ch as China 1859: the Abyssinian Cam pai g n o f 1868 , T he
A shanr] Expedition 187 3 . and between 187 0 and 1898 the Second
Afghan War , the Z ulu , Fi rst Boe r War, Egyp t, Burma , T i rah and Sudan ,
and fin al ly th e South A fri can War and Ihe Gr eat War 19 14-18 ,

TIle 5rl1 Fot)( (NI)flflUmfJerl8fJd
Fusl/ielS) An office. 01 1 fl37 is
wearing tile SCilflel Goatee with
the unusual shade (11 lac,ng
colour known as gosling gu,en.
The wtngs and lace are gold and
burtons gllc. He is wearing tile
CfIIT/son Lighl InlamfY sash with
cords and tassels. The black fu(
head-dress has lhe dlsrlllcrive
plume o f the N orthumberland
Fusil i ers, lawer hall wh ile, l OP

UNIFORMS 1800 TO 1914

The uniform of this period starts with a complete change from that
worn before 1800. In place of the loose fitting long skirted coat and
three cornered hat worn previous IV the soldier now wore a shako and a
c lose fining jacket. The shako was cylindrica l in shape with a flat top
and a peak. Later models had a peak at the ba ck wh ich coul d be turned
down as a protection for the neck. The large brass plate on the front
bor e the Crown and Lion , Trophies of war and the regimental number.
Above the plate was a bla ck rosette, and on top . in front , a plume.
white for grenadiers, red and white for battalion companies . and dark
green for Light Infantry. Th e jacket was now buttoned to the wa is t and
had collar and cuffs of regimental facing colou r. Some r egiment.~ had
gold or sliver la ce for officers while the other ranks ' ja cket was
ornamen ted with loops of regimental la ce on the front, cuffs and skirts.
The officers at th is time sti li wore the large bicorne hat worn with previou s
uni for ms and it appears that they only occasionally wo re the sha ko .
Although this shako was very heavy and uncomfortable it rema ined In
use for 12 years, being repla ce d in 1812 by the ' Waterloo shako ·. This
was also k.nown by such names as the ' Wellington ', ' Bel gian ', or
' Portugese '.
The ac tual shako was shorter than the previous one but ha d a false
front making the height 81- inches, Across the fronl were plaited co rds ,
the se being cri m son and gol d for offi cers and while for grenadier and
battalion compeny men , The light company m en were to have green
co rd s but in som e re.giments whi te was worn . The tuft s and ros ettes
were worn on the left side and were the same as f or the 1800 shako

O(ltcer' s JaCKet c . 1812. lhn; JaCkel "ad
lapels which could be worn In VBflQUS
ways .- (1) l O show the (acings : (2)
burconed ovel so lhar (acings did n01
show. or (3) buuaned over with the
l OP of rhe lapels folded bacK la show a
carner of the (a cings. Some regimenes
had gold or SIlver lace and buttons.
Orhels wore no lace. A few regimems
had twists of card in faci ng colour as
illustra ted. On the white turnback a
badge of a grenade for Grenadiels or a
Bugle lor light infantry was worn.

1800-1812: The infamry men shown i!lusuate the sudden change of

appearance in rheir dress when the shako and shore skirted iackel were
introduced. The coal was red Wilh collal and cuRs of l egimem af lacing
colovr. The turnbBcks were wh ile. all lace was 01 legi memal paeeem.
and breeches were whice and gaieels black. Regimems wich buff facings
had buff lurnbacks and bleeches. The equipment consisted of a lighc
brown knapsack wom on ehe back. A l ighl gley rolled blanket was
carried on rap of ehe knapsack. A black carrridge pouch was carried
on the right hip. The knapsack and pouch bale a leg/meneal device. All
straps and be/cs were wh ite w ith brass buckles. The f ourth figure gi ves
(he dless of an officer during rh is period. rhe blaCK bicome hat had a
red and white plume. He wore a long eailed coae with ei ther gold or
silvel lace and buttons and epaulettes. Wh ite breeches. black boors and
crimson sash completed the dress. Although the basic umform l or
offIcers was SImilar rhe appeBrance alcered considerably when (he bucron.
holes were laced With gold or sillier.

, /. JJ/!V~Jll.WIILI' d.1J1e.rr(lJlTl£r,
1Ir.."',Vl..jV'"..,nlllT amI k¥".. OTIII!ll
/ "Lw,/,/ rrrlt ,l'ltrr",'n
""" '",,,1' .'/ IhU''//'y'IH''''
0 .. Thr 1I11i; ••II....
'1~~ t,h ..... ,./u/,J "
1'N"" M~t *rf'/7 ,/,-.1,.,..1/;'/
./: ",/,."
'H' ...

- '7' ..t", ..f.,' /';If'/
1 ' /;"" dI4J
4._ '1'1'1: , TII" 1'.'11 ren....1I ,.r .. o,.'ur.r.., ....
Off,cer 2nd Foor ( Queen's Royal We'i'r SUffey flgr.) . 1799 ThIs
contemporary Imnt shows the style 01 undofm worn by leg/mental
office's JU'" poor 10 the mr/oduCflon of (he shako 7 he gOfgee and sword
wets glfr ,,,11
The ptale was gilt for officers and brass for olher ranks . When on active
service , a black waterproof cover was worn with this head·dress.
Fig ures 41 . 42. and 43 show the unllorm worn by Ihe 69th
RegIment of FOOl fin 1881. 2nd Bn. Welch Rgl ). The officer. sergeant
and private are from Ihe gren adier company. as Is shown by the while
plume and by the wings worn on the shoulders . The sergeanl is armed
with a pike and sword. his badges 01 rank being worn on bo th arms

K~y to nlu rt'~
Ill) 11S1 . 17th Rtlll . ot foot. Grtnldltr (lticutenhlte Reil.,. (11,,7. 2, Colontl. n",..,e.
t 12th) . Officer ISuffol1c hal.) . (24) 1756, Tht' 7th (or ROYI I Fl,llilltn), Offiur. (Ro~1
Fulllltnl. flS) 168. SOth "till , of Foot. Grtn.d l" (Ro)l" Wnt Kent "t.,). ( 26) 1768.
S]rd R.,t. of FOOl , G,enadlff ( Kina: ' J ShroP,h lr. l',ht In'"u!')') . 117 ) 1768 , 66th bit.
of Foot Gren"dltr I Royal Blnklh", R'it.) . (IIJ 768. 65th Reil of FOOl. GrMIClef
I Yor~ _nd lll'lc,utt'r Rtlll.) . (19) 1190 . Col strum Rtft. of Foot Gels .. Officer.
,10, 1790. (oldnrelll'! IhiL of foot Gal , Orummt'f. I ] ) 1790. Co'Q ll nlm Reil
GT,nldl.r Coy.. Se'IUnt. (12 J 1790. ColdUrt'.m Reil. . Grrnadltr Coy Gr,nldi,r
I ll) 1790. Coldnrum R'it •• Batullo" Coy .• 5f!'iunt . (l4) "90. Cotdstrflm Reil ••
8unhon CO)/. Pr,u.UI l all Coldll rum Gch.. J. llS) 1190. ltO' I Elu Ktnt J I\t]t. of Foo!
I The all lh ). O ffi cer. f]6) 1190. ]rd tEau Ktnt) , Rtit. of Foot ( Tht Bl/fh) . Stf'j'tant
/17! 1790 , ]rd IEut Ktlnd Rt,t of Foot (The Bufh) . Pn"ue lall The Sufh ,
( J8 1790 . 5th INorthl.lmbe rll nd ) Rtlt of Foot Officer. /39) 1790 5th CI''''oflhllmbtr-
land, 11:'11 of FOOl. sltrliunt I~OI 790 51h INonhu mbtrltndl Rtil of FOOl. Pr •• ul!'
(Ill Northumtltrland FUl lhrrl ). (~ J 'liS . 69th , Soulh Linea nlhlfe I 1\t,1 of FOOl
O ffi ce. (Welch 1I: t ' I ' ("" 1815 691h FOOl Gren,dler Coy ser lunl .W. le h 'hit I

1800·1812: This group illustrates Ught Inlantry and RinB Corps oHicels
01 the Peninsulal pellod. The first figure . f,om a Light Inlantly regi ·
mene. wears a rBd coat with colla,. cuffs and lapels 01 reglmental/acmg
colour, whire b,eaches, and black. boots. The second ligUle is an offiCBr
0/ the 43rd Monmourhshire Ughc In/an(fY. who wears a red silver laced
jacket. and a pelisse 01 led. si/vel laced and edged with grey fur. The
of/icer of the Rlne Brigade is weafing a dark green black braided Jacker.
and a pelisse also in dark green braided black and edged with brown lur
The waist sash was crimson wffh the cords and tassels as for Light
Inlantry. He IS wearing grey overalls w ith brown leathel sllappmg. The
belts are black. The l ourrh figurs IS a soldier of the 6th R,Pe Battalion.
60th Foot. 1802. The Jackee is gleen with ,ed piping, whire lfousers, and
black gaite!s. The beles we re buff and the belt ove, the lelt shouldel
carried 8 led flask COld.

Figures 44. 45. and 46 show an officer . sergeant and private of the
Light company, 44th Regiment of Foot (later the Essex Rgt ). the
distinction here being the wings and green plume . The wings on the
officer 's coat were gold or silver according to the regimental lace. in this
case silver. The different style of sword of the light company officer
and the crimson sash ending with cords and tassels were di stin ctive to
light Infantry regiments . as with the grenad ier company badges of rank
worn on both arms by other ranks . The cent re {or battalion I companies
were dressed as Figures 50, 51. and 52, the jun ior officers having on e
epaulette and field officers two . The other ranks had small woollen tufts
at the end of the shoul der straps and NCOs wore their stripes on the
right arm only . The regiment Illustrated Is the 30th Regiment of Foot
(later East La ncashire Rgt) .
The 52nd Regiment of FOOl was raised In 1755 and became the 52nd
(Oxfordshire Light Infantr v) Regiment in 1803 . In 1881 the 52nd was
amalgamated with the 43rd and became the 2nd Bn The Oxfordshire light
infantry. The full title of The Oxfordshire and Bu ckinghamshire light
Infantry was granted in 1908 . The light Infantry regiments of 1812
were dressed as line regiments. but with light Infantry appoin tment s.
the distingui shing faature being the tapered head -dress with the Bugle

badge and green plumes. Sergeants ol Light In fantry were not armed with
the pike . Example s are given in Figures 47 . 4B. and 49 . The fou r
In fa nlty regiments. the 30th , 44th. 52nd and 69th were all at Waterloo
and were granted the ' Waterloo ' battle honour. Th e equipment worn by
the men c onsIsted of a black box shaped kn apsa ck worn on the back,
with on lOp of this a grey rolled blanke t. The straps for the knapsack.
were looped under the arms and a strap across the chest held them
in place. the swords and bayonets were worn on the left. the be lt
com ing ove r the righ t shoul der. Over the left shoulder was the belt
fo r th e cartridge box. and th e haversack and water canteen were worn
at the left hip. except for sergeants where the haversack. and canteen were
worn at the right hip.

1812-1816 : The dress worn during the Warerloo period. The coat was the
same as the 1800 partern. but grey overall trousers were worn . The
head-dress. (he ' Waterloo shak o'. was o/cen covered by 8 waterproof
cover. The eQuipmenr changed to thar shown. The knapsack was blaCk
with a white regimenral number on it. A roJ/ed bl;;mket was c8ff1ed on
top of rhe knapsack. and a blaCk cartridge pouch on right hi p. A haver·
saok and blue water canteen were worn on the left. All scraps were wh ite.
The third figure shows the undress jaCkel and cap worn as larigue and
barrack dress, and rhe last figu re shows a corporal 0/ the SCO l S Guards
Light Company. He w ould ha ve a green plume and rank. badges on both
A fter Waterloo the dress of the Army began to get a new Jook. In
1816 a new shako was taken into wear; this was the 'Regency shako '
and It was in use until 1829 . The dress for this per iod was for
officers a double breasted long tailed coat with collar and cuffs of
regimental fa cing colour, and lapels wh Ich could be worn either bultoned
across or buttoned back to give a pla stran effect in fa cing colour .
The sword belt was worn over the right shoulder and the cri mson sash
round the we ist .

Kt , to fi, lHlU
I oU) 1815. 69ch Fool . Gnmldlcr Coy •• PrI'U IC (Welch Rei l .). ( .... ) 181 S. 4-4 1h (u n
UUJI) Rti!. of Foot llint Coy .• Officer , fun Reit.,. ( 45 ) 181 S. 4-4 t h P..elit. Uiht
Coy., Se'iUnt I Euu Rtit. ) ( 46 1 1815 . 41 th Rei'. Uitlt Coy ,. PrivOltt f EUflt Reit.).
, ,,,. , 1815 . Slnd IO)l:fonilhlrt L aM InflllU'yl Relit., Office,. ( 48 ) ' 815 . ilod P,ell:l.,
Sef,Unl. ( 4'i1 ) 18 15 S2.1I:! Ref'" P ri ~:ut' ( all O)C, ~nd BIJU.I , lIjh, Infuury) , ( 50 ! IBIS,
lCldl" (~ ,"bn di Mh lr . ) Reil. 0' FOOl. Offiter , ( :5, J 18 1S. lOth Rtil .• S.r.unc . ( 51 "11 S.
30tl1 Rtit" Prl vlH f ~ 1I SOl.nh LAncuhlr. IhI' )' CB I 18 15. 9511'1 or Rifle Reil .. Officer ,
' 54 ) 18 1S. 95,h o r R,ff" R.eiL St rlt~nl . 1,5 1 18 1S. 9sIh or RIRt Reit.. Rlflemlln fTht
RlfI. BnflC!. ). ( 56 1 1110. 11d. I leluuenhlr. , Rei" of FoOl . Grenad ier Coy. , Offic*r.
, 57) l e O. l71h R*i:f .. Gr*naolu Coy Srrjunl, (5 , 18)0. 17th R*1!t .. Grenldll! r Cor ..
Pn Ul1! t l~c.e lll! rtlllre Reit , ~ 59) 1839 . Sln:l t Shrapshiu J Reil. of ,"not Officer.
160 , '8n S),d Rtit. . Se'iUnt. 16 1, 1819. Slrd Rt i l •. Prlvul! I Kin; s ShreplhHe l liht
'" rlttl.), J 162 ) 18ll , GrVl ad ler Gdl " O fflt.,. 16] I l eH, Grrnadfe. Gch.. Se.t;unt

Ke ,. to filurtl
( 6<4 ) f8ll. Grtnldlt:, GI!." Pri vne. ( 65 1 18ll. 19th (In Yorlt ., North Rldlnll P.'oIl . 01
Fool . Offiefl . ( 66 , ISll. 19th Relt. $erjUtlL 167) ISll. 19th Re"I ., Ptly,ut (lht
Yorltsh,r. "'fil.' (68) 18)2 . 2.)ra (ROfll Welch FIIIII,tn I Rtllt. 0' Foot. Offiul
169 , la n . Uro ReiC.. 5trjunt. r]O) ISll , 2)rd Rti t P" ... u. (Roy.1 We lth
hUlI.fn) 171! IIJl . Tht R.f1e Bflald,. Off'ictr. (71, 1812 Th. !t,n. 6"ilOI. Sft"ftlnr
\ 71, 18)2 Tht !t,n. 8Ui'Gt Rllltm.n . (74J '854 Th, 7th \ or Ro'f" ~UI I II "'J . Offic.' .
11S, ' 8~" . The 11t! 10' Royt' FUld' er' J. S''1unt. f"l 185 .. . The 7th to r ROY1 1
FUlmen. P, I.... '. I Rg),al F.t.IUle,. , I nJ 1356 ,,91h (or th, Prlnuu Chltlott. of V{ll u 's, .
Ihi' Office. r ?l J 1856, nth Reil S.,.I1", . (19) 18S6. 49tM Rt, I ., Pr, ..'u. ( orl l
Bedr.. hlr. h.c J. (10 ' 1861 , 46th (501l dt !Jevorutu,.-t, Reil of foot . U ff""H j 8 1 I 86 1
46th Rf:iL SUiU l' l ,821 1861 Hth Rtil P' lUle j Du\o.e of Com ...... WI lliht
IlIh ll l', I . 8J I de ' 51011 j O .dorcbh 'r ll' l l,ll[ InlalH ' 'f I Ih lt O ffIC II 1'4 I 1861 ;1. 110
Reil ., ~c-rlunl (Oxfordlh,r. and S uclunl:hlmlh ,lt l lVhl 'n'lnl,, '

1812-1816 : The lefe hand figure is that of a Field Officer. He is weating
(he jacket lapels bUlloned back showmg the lacings and lace. The JBcker
is (ed and the lapels. collar and cuffs are 01 reglmemal lacmg colour.
The epaulettes were gold or silver according to the reglmemal lace. He
had a crimson sash. while breeches and black boots. Field ORicers wOle
the sword suspended from a waist belc. The second figure gives the reBr
view 01 an olf,cels' uniform. in this case from a Fusilier regiment . A black
head-dress was worn with while plume. gold lines. and a gold
grenade on a red ground. The Jackee was led with blue collar and cuffs.
and whire rutnb8ck and gold lace. The oOicer wearing the grey ovefcoat
is a Battalion OR/cer. He is wearing a gorget. a small crescent shaped
ornamenced plate worn ;USI below the collar. This ind,cated chat he was
on duty. The sword bele and crimson sash are worn over the coal.
The last figure IS a Sergeant Ma/Of 01 a Line regiment. The srripes and
lace were silver, and the sash was crimson with a Cen(faJ stripe 01
regimental facing colour.

LEFT: Olficel's coatee. c. 1825. The

scarlec coat had lull lapels which
could be buttoned across or hooked
back co show the lacings in plaslfon
fashion. The collar and cuffs wele
lacing colour. and the lace gold Of
silver. Not all regiments had lace.
Epaulettes or wings were worn on
this coatee. RIGHT: Officer's coatee.
1829-1855. ThiS remained In use
with few alterations until 1855.
8 uTtons were spaced smgly or In
pairs according to regiment Two
epaulettes or wmgs were worn. The
collar and cuffs were of facing
colour. \'Iuh gold lace l o( all
reg i ments from 1830 The badge IN
the bOIlom of rhe ta ils was 01
reglmenral plutern
1816-1830 : This gfOUp shows the unifofm worn by officefs. Flfst the
Royal Fusiliers of '825. fearuring a black bearskin cap with gilt plate
and gold cords and while plume. The jackec was red with blue fac ings
and gold lace. and a white edging (0 the collar. cuRs and lapels (s ee
below) . The trousers were cut Cossack fashIon. being wIde at the knees
and taperi ng (0 the ankles. They were 01 a light bluish gfey malerial
Round the waist was worn a crimson sash. The next figure is an officer
of a Lme regi ment In 1830. This pattern coalee was worn from 1829 co
1855 (see below). Third is a Field Officer ollhe 30th Foot, 1818. The
shako had silver lace. The coa(ee was red With yellow collar. cuffs and
lapels. The lapels could be buttoned across ro give ehe Iront an aI/ red
appearance. It had white tumbacks. silver butlons and epaulerres. He
wore sky blue trousers. a black be/r. and a crimson sash. The last
figure IS a Light Company officer of 1828. fr om the 62nd Fooe. His
coae ;s red wieh while lacings and silver buttons. The lace and appoint·
ments were also silver. The sash was crimson and the trousers were of a
light greyish blue shade.


Reg im en' Faci ngs Reg i ment Facings
Gren ad ier Guards Blu e 32nd FOOl Wh ite
COldstream Guards Blue 33rd Foo t Red
Scots Guards Blue 35th FOOl Orange
1st Foot Blue 40th Foot Buff
4th Foot Blue 42nd Foot Blue
14th FOOl Buff 44th FOOl Yellow
23rd FOOl Blue 51st Foot Grass Green
27th Foot Buff 52nd Foot Buff
2Bth Foot Yellow 54th Foot Green
30th Foot Pale Yellow 69th Foot Green
( Condnued overleaf I

mt r !dly
(1' rH si)! fit"!} a
( dJ (u,n ,I rh£:
Grp.nB{ilP( GlJif/(/~
,H2P Th e head
Q'e(s had a hllP
plum iJnd iJ gilt
pial'" and g' Id
lassE'l s. The
COdlee had datA
blue calJar. cuffs
and lapels all
edged Wi th gold
lace. plus gill
bllrrons. and
gold wmgs on
sealle( cloth The
belt pl8ce and
gorget were gilt
In the bac*9round
s(dnds a Of/Vine
of the reg lmenr

Regiment Facings Regiment Facings

71 st Foot Buff 9 1s1 Foot Yellow
73rd Foot Dark Green &2nd Foor Yellow
79th fOO l Dark Green 95th Rifles Black
The 5151 and 52nd were light Infantry regiments
The 4 2nd. 71 st, 7Jrd . 79th and 92nd were Scottlsn reglments
The 91 st fArg vllshlre) Regiment wore the line regimen! s uniform
The dress of the 951h Rlnp Regiment was dark green With black facings
and belts . black braid and sli ver bunons for officers . and while metal
buttons for other ranks Figures 53 . 54 and 55 give examples
Kt ~ t o fl l llrU
{is, 1861 . nnd IO.tonhhlre Lllilht Inh,nu")') ReiC .• P"YJte (0" lnd Buck•. Urnt
'nfanery) . (86) 189S. The Hlrn pthln: Rete .. Offk.r. {a7) 189S , The Hlm plhirt Rei l . ,
Se/iunt. j 88 ) I US , Tht H;ampsh!re ReiC .. Prlnte. (89) 1895, Tht H"hllnd ll,he
l nrlMf)' Off.cer. ,9011 895. The H,.hland lliht'. Serjtlnt. (91) 189S . The
H'l;hland l'iht Inbntry. Pnu,uo. ( 92 ) 11197. Royal Welsh FUllhtrl. Office" (91) 1897 ,
Roy .. ! Wellh FUI.ilerl , SrlllunL (9 4 ) 1897. Ray. ' WlI!hh F'HU'tl'l , FUS ilI er. (95, 1897
rto)'at Inth Rlflu, Officer. (96' 1897. Royal lrun Rifles, Sef(nnc. ( 97) 1897, Ro),.'
Ifl l h Rlfln . Rlfle-m.n . \ 98 / 191 1 . Imh Gdl .. Officer. ( 99 ) 1914',Imh COd • . , 5'rjunc
1I 0.0! Iql4 tr,11'I Gdl •• GUard'm,n, {IDJ} 19 14 The Ltnc:lllh're Fus llle,. , Officer.
1 101 1914 The llnruhlre Fullllerl , Srf'iU"~ . (10 3 ) 191 .... The LJncuhlr~ FUI/IIIHI
F(u iller ( 10 4 ) l'ilJ4 . The Sherwood FO'r.Jtert (Not1l",hl""hlre Ind Derb)'1hi~J Rql
Officer /1 05 ) 191 4, The- Sh,rwood Fornle n . S,,.um. (106) 19 \04 The Klna s Roy" r
Rifle u.rp~ •• Offiur

11 > >;;

LEFT: Officers. 36th Foot 1850 (1881 . 2nd Brn Worcestershire Rgt ).
The centre figure is a Field Officer wearing his sword belt round the
waist. the other oHlcers of JUntor rank. 8re wearing the Albert shako ilnd
the last pattern 01 coalee with the pocket Raps removed Irom lhe coat
fluls. The 36th had dark green facings. RIGHT: The Regimental CO/OUl
01 lhe 31 st FOOl C. J 850. Battle honours aUlhoflsed in 1847 are shown
on thiS colour; the ground was bun COloured. the lacing colour of the
31st beforB becoming the 1St Baccalion East SUffey Regiment In 1881
when the {acmgs were changed (0 white. The C%ur shown above it IS
the Oueen 's CO/OUI, which was based on the Union Flag wflh r/le
regl memal number and Roya/ ctown m gold lace.


From 1830 to 1855, represented by Figures 56 to 76. the uniform was
a long lailed coatee. with Ihe officers an d men of Ihe grenadier and
ligh t companies wearing wings and the battalion companies wearing
epaulettes . Fig s 5 6 . 57 , and 58 give the uniform worn by the
grenadier company of a line regImen!. The white trousers were worn In
summer and the dark grey in winter. The red stripe on the grey trousers

1832~1834: The other ranks' pattern unitolfn was the red COBrse wl(h
collar and cuffs 01 regimental laemg colour. and whlre lUrnbacks. The
coals were decorated with loops 01 while lace on (he Ironc. collar. cuffs
and pocket flaps of the coat calls. white worsted epaulettes bemg worn
by the battalion compames and wmgs by (he grenadier and light
companies. They wore dark trousers f or wincer and wh,re lor summer
wear. The equIpment conSlseed 01 a black pack and grey blanket worn on
the back and a black ammunicion pouch worn Irom a bell suspe/lded over
the lefl shoulder. All straps were while. The figures shown are from left
to r lghr. a sergeant of (he 2nd FOOl , 1832, a private 01 1834. a pflvace
of (he grenadier company. 6th Foor In 1844 and a eorQoral 01 the 16th
Foor. 1844

was authorised in 1833, but the pocket flaps on the coatee were nOI
worn after 1848 and the white trousers were replaced by grey in
1846. Among other changes of this period was the replacement of the
bearskin cap o f the grenadier companies bV a shako in 1842. while
the sergeants ' sashes were changed to pla in crimson In 1845.
Figures 59 , 60. and 61 show the Light Infantry dress of 1839 . Th e
sergeant now had a coatee with no lace on the front , th is new dress
for sergeants being introduced in 1836.
The Grenad ier Guards 0 " 1832. Figures 62 , 63, and 64 , wear the bear·
skin cap granted to the regiment in JulV 1815 as a distinction for
defeating the Grenad iers of the Garde Imperiale at Waterloo . The coat
had a red co llar for officers from 1831 to 1834 after which it was
changed 10 blue. the collar and cuffs both having gold lace. Officers had
8 wide red band on th e trousers but at this period the other ranks' grey
tro users did no t have a stripe. Th e sergeants had gOld lace as usua ll v
worn by se rgeants of Gua rd s regimen ts.
The uniforms of the 1830s were perhaps the most elaborate and
colourful that the Brit ish infantry had worn, but they were also the most

Key to fia ures
( 107) 1914. The Kinl ', Roy al Rl ne Corpl, Serleant. \ 108) 1914. lhe Kina', Royal Rifle
CorpI, Rln.mJn. (109) 1911 . The I(lnl', (Shroplhlrt L ah l Inhoony) , Officer. (1 10 ) 1914.
The IOnl ', (Shroplhi rt lIaht Inn.n try). SerafJnl. (I ll ) ,,, ... the Kin, ', (S hroplhire
l iaht Infan try). Pri .... tt. (1 12 ) 1914. The Gordon H1al'llJndtn. Offic;er. 1113) 191 " . Th
Gardon Hithl. ndtrs , SerJun t. (114) 1914. The Gardon Hiahllnden. Prj..·ue.

Officer 's tunic, 1880 ID 1914. Scarlet with

COllar and cuns of lacmg colour. gold laced
col/ar and cuRs. the collar and fronc edged
white and a while stripe down skllt diVision
at back. also on back 01 skirl a flap with
while pipmg and 3 gill bUllons. f jght buttons
on front . From 1880 to 1902 che rank s were
shown by the lace on the cUffs and collal and
by insignia on the shoulder cords. The tunic
shown is for a Lieutenant COlonel. che MOlor
has che same collal bur w/lh cuffs as shown
nexr to runic. next to {hi s is the cuff f Ol a
Captain and above this cuffs for LleUlf>nants.
OHicers with rank below that of Maiol d id
not have the row a/twisted cord on the collar.
From 1902 the sash was worn round Ihe
wa isl and all officers had the same lace as
shown 10' 8 weutenanc on (he cuffs and the
collal w ithout the roiV of twisted COlds. Top
cenue is rhe gold b,aid shoulder COld.
The Bo rder Reglmene. 1896.- a sergeant In
walking Out dress and a privare in full dress.
The sergeant is wesring a glengarry Th IS
Scolllsh hea d~dress wss inlloduced (0 all
inlanClY legimenrs in 1874. The lamllial three
chevrons S$ a badge 01 lank f or sergeants
was 8ucha"sed by a GenefiJl Order 01 1802.
CoJ/ar badges lor inlantry were Introduced
in 1876 The privBte has rhe Matlln/·Hent y
"ne and weals hiS marksman's badge on ,he
feft cuff. Note that for 'Guard Ol d el -. sho wn
here. on ly one carlfldge pouch and Ihe bay
anSl flog were warn not the full 8quipmenr

Indian Mutiny and Crimea: The first rhree IigUles iIIuscrate mlanuy
during the IndIan Mutiny. When campaigning many combinations 01 dress
wel6 wOtn and these figules ale based on contempolarv drawrngs. The
undless cap was wom. coveled with a c/orh and having a CUlCBIn
pl orecring the neck. Soldiers l ought at times In the gfey shm and blue
Clousers, or in the white 01 light d rill unit ol ms. The offlcel IS wealing Ihe
led shell jackel The last figure is that 01 a privat e 01 inlanu y weal/ng
trench order equipmem dUling the Cllmean War .

An officel we811ng che uniform

accoldmg to DI8SS RegUlations.
1857. Th,s conslseed 0/ a scarlet
lUnlC with collar and cutis 01
lacmg colour. gold lace, and
badge 01 "Ink pfsced on collaf.
ThIS offlcel may be an sdlutant
as ehe legulations give a bfBSS
scabbsld f01 Field Offlcel s. steel
101 Adjutants and blaeA leathel
with gill mountmgs 101 mhel
oHlc@rs A delStl draWing vf che
patfern 01 tUniC WOff/ bv this ':;:~~::~~~3@~~
office! IS Q'~en on ,,,~ next page . ...._ .... ~

Crimean Period : The tWO privates are a Ugh, Infantry man and a Baltalion
man. The eQuipment consisted of a black knapsack worn on the back
and a black ammunition pouch. all bellS being while. Borh men rue
wealing the A/ben shako. The coatee shown was the last type 10 be
worn by the Brilish infantry. When the Crimean War starred it was soon
seen that this ty pe 01 dress was most unsuitabfe tor warfare and a new
uniform was incroduced featuring the double breasted rumc. The
officer is shown in the last full dress coatee. This garment had collar
and cults In lacmg colour. the froms of rhe collar and the culfs slashes
being heavily ornamenred with gold lace. The skIff rurnbacks were white
and the sash crimson. The last ligUle is of an officer Ifl trench kit. The
red sheJl jackel had col/ar and cuff s o f fa cing colour, and rhe troUSBIS,
a! dark Oxford mixture. almost black. wele rucked into gum boots.
During tMs campaign officers WOle many odd 10lms 01 dress including
civilian type iackets on occasions.

Officer 's (Unic. 1855 (0 1874. This

was 01 scarlec cloch with collal and
cuffs 01 fa cing colour. It had gold
lace, white pipmg, and gilt buttons .
The badges 01 officers rank wele
worn on the collal. Field Offrcers
had collars edged alllound with gold
lace. CaPtains. Lieutenants and (43
Ensi gns had gold lace on che lOp and
{r onc edges only. The col/alS shown ((~---=j
are. /l om lOp 10 bo((om. Colonel.
l.Jeutenant Colonel. Major. Captain.
l.Jeutenrml . Ensign f o r Field Offlcels ~
the cull had (WO rows of face and
I he mm., edges v I rh e cult slash and
"md the innel edge of (he sk. ill flap
l'Vere Imed With (}() /d l ace. In 1868
tlt~ cufh chdnqed (.1 ,m;mefJ srvle

Group of oHlcels 01 the 5 1st Light Intantly, phologlaphed at Cutragh
Camp on August 17. 1857. They are wearing the dark blue undress Irock
coat and ClJmson sashes. The 1857 Dless Regulations describe the Light
Inlantr y 100age cap as dalk green with black silk oak lea( band and gold
embroidered bugle ilbove me numbel. The third officel !tom the lelt is
Ilom the 531d Light Intantty. and wears lhe regimenral numbet below the
bugle. This was not done in the 51 st. Noee the warelprool leggings on
the seared Major. An Dlderly stands on the tar Jett.

un co mfortable a9 can be seen in Figures 65 to 10; 65. 66 , and 67 show

the dress worn by a Line reg imen t. and 68. 69 . 10 the dress of a Fusilier
regiment. the main difference being the epaulettes for line regiments.
and the bearskin cap and wings for Fu siliers. The sergeant and private
o f Fu siliers are wearing a lace shape referred to as bastion . The officer.
sergeant and private of the Rifl e Brigade. Figures 71. 72 . and 73 . wear
the shako with bronze appointments and the bla ck ball tuft . The men 's
jackets were changed to double-breasted in 1833 and the white metal
buttons were changed to bla ck .
The lasl of the costee uni form s. worn until the Crimean War. are shown
in the three Roya l Fusiliers figures No s 14. 75. and 76. At this period
came the change lO the double-breas ted full skirted tunic. with small
turn-backed lapels in fa c ing co lour for offi cers . From thi s period the
uniform gradually changed so that by 1896 the dress w as almost Ih')
same as the la st fu ll dress of 1914. Onl y sma ll detail alterati ons were
ma de in the act ua l uniforms. For instance th e other rank s ' cuffs be com ing
pointed and the officers' cuff s hed the elaborate brai ding and la ce indl
cating rank reduced to a single la ce. edged whh narrow braid .
Th e figur es from 80 TO 98 illUSTraT e different bran ches of in fantry during

The office!s 01 the 9lh Fooe (Norfolk Rge) when Slationed in India In
1878. The uniform wOrn IS unusual in chac the jackel is cut on the lines
01 a Norfolk Nicker. The uniform was 01 a drab colour and in lhls
phot ograph the glengarry is being worn. This was a un;vf>fsal undress
headwear at {Ms petiod. Four officers are wea(lng "Poshteens', These
native coalS. made o f sheepskin Wilh the hai r inSide the Coal , we re very
popular on the Nonh West Frontier Slat/ons.

the last years of full dress Uniform. When the Cardwell reforms of 1881
were introduced in the army. besides amalgamating units to make two
battali on regiments 11 also meant that a new system of regimental facing
colours was ordered . Engli sh and Welsh regiments were given white
facings, Scottish ye llow, and Irish green, while all Royal regiments
retained their blue facings. By 1914 some regiments had received
permiss ion to reve rt to their old facing colour and these ca n be seen
In the li st of 1914 regiments which follows on page 37,
Th e regiments of Infantry were divided i nto line. Fusiliers. light
Infantry. Highland and Lowland Scottish . and Rifles. The Scottish
regiments are described in a sepa rate book· and are not inc luded here,
The dress of the Line regiments at 1914 consisted of the blue
' Universal Pattern ' helmet, a scarlet tunic. and blue trousers with a
narrow red stripe . The officer's tunic (Fig 104) had co ll ar and cuffs
of regimental facing colour. Th e cuffs were bordered at the top with
gold lace, edged with a tracing cord and ending with a small Austrian
knot at the top point. The bUllons were equally spaced . On the back
ski rt were three buttons on each flap. On ea ch shoul der was a triple
plaIted gold cord bearing the rank badges For oth er ra nks the tuni c
was as shown in Fig 105 , the co ll ar, cuffs and shoulder st raps being
o f fa cing co lour. The ra nk badges for al1 ranks below that of an officer
werfl wo rn on the right arm only .
'SCOnI 5 H REGIMENTS , 1660 1904 IA ltl'lnrks Publ1ciltlOll5 1

1861 · 1875 : The officer in rhe undress fr ock coat has a blue cap with a
band of black braid roun d the lower section. In Royal reglmenes thiS
band was red. The f rock coar was dark. blue with gill buttons and the
sash was crimson. The next officer is wearing the first pallern single
breasted run ic which replaced the double breasted one 01 the Crim ean
War period. This was red with collar and cuffs of fa cmg colour. The
collar. cuffs and skirt flaps were ornamenced with gold lace and all
piping was whlre. The sash was crimson. The two privates are wearing
the valise equipment, consisting of a black valise worn low on the
back. Th e overcoat was carried across the shoulders. Bet ween the valise
and coar the mess ti n was carried. The straps and pouches we re whne


Title Pro- 1881 titre Facings
The Queen 's (Royal West Surrey Agll 2nd Foot Blue
The Buffs (East Kent Agt) 3rd Foot Buft
The King's Own I AovalLancaster Rgt) 4th Foot Br ue
The Royal Warwi ckshire Regiment 6th Foot Blue
The King 's Liverpool Regiment 8th Foot Blue
The Norfolk Regiment 9th Foot Yellow
The Lincolnshi re Regiment 10th Foot While
The Devonshire Regiment 11th Foot Lincoln
The Suffolk Regiment 12th Foot Yell ow
The Prince of Wales's Own (We st 14th Foot Buff
Yorkshire Rgt )
Th e Ea st Yorkshire Regirnent , 5th Foot White
The Bedford shi re Regiment , 6th Foot White
The Leicestershire Reg iment 17th FO Ol While
The Roya l Iri sh Regiment 18th Foot Blue
Ale xand ra . Prin cess of Wares 's Own 19th Foot Gra ss
{Yo rkshi re Rgtl Green
Th e Che shire Re gimen t 22n d Foo l Buff
1878· 1900: The (jrst {hlee figures show the inlanllY pl/vate wearing ,he
newUntversal Parrern ' helmet head·dless. The tunic was ,ed with collar
and cuRs In lacmg colour. The rrousers wele dafk blue wllh a narrow
red stripe and black gaiters and boots. The method of wearing the equip-
ment had now changed and the valJse was carri~d m the mIddle 01 the
back wuh rhe mess ' in on rap 0/ the valise The havels8ck srrap went
over the 1/9hl shoulder as previously worn. The water canteen was srill
on the light hip, and all s{laps and pouches were while with bl8SS
buckles. Th e founh figure shows an officel wesling a parrol jacket. Th,s
was 0/ univelsal pattern, in dark blue cloth with bl8ck braidmg round
the edges. black COlds across the Ilom. and with a black AusCtian knot
on each cuff. The (f ousels wele dark blue with a narrow red srtipe and
the cap was dalk blue with a black or led band and a reglmemal
badge worn in Ifont.

Title Pre-1881 title Faclngs

The South Wales Borderers 241h FOOl Grass
The Gtouceslershire Regim en! 28th & 61st Foot White
The Worc estershire Regimen t 29th & 36th Foot White
The East Lancashire Regiment 30lh & 59th Foot White
The Ea st Surrey Regiment 3 1st & 70th FOOl White
The Duke of Wellington 's (West Riding Agt) 33rd & 76th Foot Scarlet
The Border Regimen t 34th & 55th Foot Yellow
T heRoval Sussex Regiment 35th & 107th Fool Bl ue
The Hampshire Regime nt 37th & 67th Fool Yellow
The South Staff ordshire Agt 38th & 80th Foot White
The Dorsetshire Regiment 39th & 54th Foot Grass
The Pri nce of Wales 's Vo lunteers 40l h & 82nd FOOl White
(50(llh Lancashire Ag tl
The Welsh Reg irnent 4 1SI & 69th FOOl White
The Essex Regiment 44th & 5 61 h Foot White

Two sel geancs and twO privaees 01 the Ease YOl kshlle Regiment pilar co
rhe inlloduceion 01 ehe Slade Wallace equipment, (hey Bre all wearing
che old valise equrpmem 01 1866 and ale armed with che Lee-Met/old
Magazi ne line, Compare with dlawings on page 38, but noee che scarlec
cloth protector worn on the shoulder,

Ti tle Pte-1881 ti tle Facings

The Sherwood Foresters 45th & 95th Foo t Lincoln
(Nottingham shire and Derbyshire Rgt l Green
The Loyal North Lancashire Reg i ment 47th & 81st Foot White
The Northampton shire Regiment 48th & 58th Foot Wh i te
Princess Char lone of Wales's 49th & 66th Foot Blue
(Roya l Berkshire Rgt l
The Queen 's Own (Royal Wes t Kent Rgl ) 50th & 97th Foot Blue
The Duke of Cambridge 's Own 57th & 77th Foot l emon
(Middlesex RgO Yellow

Sergeam Major, Lance Corporal, PI/Vale. Colour Sergeam and Dlummsl

01 che Yo rk and Lancaster Regimenr in '890, Full dl ess. marching ordel
iJnd walking out dress are shown here. The regimen! was an amalgamallon
i n 1881 01 the 65th and 84th FOOL , che uniform IS scarlet with while
lacings. Note the long service stripes worn on the cuff by lanks below
selgeanr, and the fed sashes 01 (he senlO! NCOs
1900 : The cwo figures on the left give the campaign dress worn by the
Northumberland Fusiliers ar the stal[ 01 the Souch Alrican War. The
helmet. uniform and putrees were all 01 a IIghc khaki colour but rile cop
folds of che helmet pugaree wele red. On the jacket the burcons and
shouldel mles were brass. and rhe lank stripes were 0 / worsted lace.
In this order of dress ChB Colour Sergeant at Jelr wears a crown above
three chevrons in place of the Colour badge, The SIade Wal/acs equip·
ment c8f1ied featured a black valise al the sl/oulders with. at the walsr.
the rolled greatcoat and the mess t in in a walerplool covel abovB /l.
A walsr canteen and haversack were worn at the hips. The straps and
ammunitIon pouches were whire with brass buckles. The third and fourch
figures show a pflvate and officer in marchmg ordel . The priva te wea l s
the blue helmec and 8 red tunic with col/al and cuffs 0 1 facing CO/OUI.
The Slade Wal/ace eQuipment is as be/ore. The officel is w~aling lhe
red serge iacker wllh collar and cuffs of facmg c%ur. breast pockets.
and gilt buttons.

Title Pre·188l title Facings

The Duke of Edinburgh 's (Wiltshire Regt ) 62nd & 99th Foot 8uff
The Manchester Reg iment 63rd & 96th Foot While
The Pr ince of Wa les's 64th & 98th Foot White
(North Staffordshire Rgt )
The York and Lanca ster Regim ent 6 5th & 84th Foot White
The Connaught Rangers 88th & 94th Foot Green
The Pri nce of Wales 's Lelnster Regimen t 100th & 109th Foo t Blue
(Royal Canadian s)


The uniform of the Light In fanl r y was the same as for the Line
Infantrv regiments the only d iff erence being in the helmet. For Lig h1
Infantry this was covered in dark green cloth . (Figs 109 , 110. 111 ).
TI Ue Pre-1881 ti tle Facings
Prince A lberl's (Somerse t Light In fan try) 131h F OO l Blu e
The Du ke of Cornwall's Light In fa ntry 32nd & 46th Foo t White
The Oxf ordshIre and Buckinghamshire 43 rd & 52nd Foo t White
Light In fantry

Title Pre- 1881 title Facings
The King's Own (Yorkshire ligh t Infantry ) 51st & , 06th FOOl Blue
The King 's (Shropshire Light Infantry) 53rd & 85th Foot Blue
The Durham Light Infantry 68th & 106th Foot Dark

• A special distinction of the Oxfordsh ire and Buckin ghamshire light

Infantry was that officers did not wear co llar badges ; in pla ce of these
they wore gorget buttons and cords.

Fusilier reg iments wore a uniform the same as for Line Infantry except
that officers wore a head-dress made of either black bear skin or black
racoon skin. in appearance almost identical to the bearskin of the
Brigade of Guards, For other ranks the head -dres s was much smaller.
and in the front was 8 grenade badge.

The plumes for the regiments were:

The Northumberland Fusiliers: on left. bottom half white. top red .
The Royal Fusiliers: on right. white .
The Lancashire Fusili ers: on left. primrose ye ll ow .
The Royal Welsh Fusili ers on left, white.
The Royallnnlskilling Fusiliers: on left. grey.
Royal Irish Fusiliers : on leh, green.
The Royal Munster Fuslllers: on righl . green base. white lOp .
The Royal Dublin Fusiliers: on left. green base, blue lOp,

LEFT: A Corporal and Private of The Buffs

m 1895 wearing the lull dress runic,

BELOW: Rifle Regrmems' lackel of Rifle.

Gre.en clorh. with black braids and cords
find collaf and cuRs of facmg colour
From 1902 the jacket was {he same 10f all
olflcers. bUl be/ore thiS. lank was denoted
by lhe collar and cuR embroidery as well
as by the shouldel cords. Cenual lowel
figure IS the cuff l or a CaptiJln. and nf"KI
the cuff f Of a Field Office! of the KRRC
Above this IS the cuff for a Field Officer of
the Royal Irish Rifles and the Rifle Brigade
Titl e Pre-1S81 title Facings
The Northumberland Fusiliers 5 th Foot Gos ling Gree n
The Royal Fusiliers 71h Foot Bl ue
{City of London Regiment!
The Lancash ire Fusiliers 20th Fool White
The Royal Welch Fusiliers 23rd fool Blue
The Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers 27th & 108th Foot Blue
Princess Victoria 's 87 th & 8 9th Fool Blu e
(Royal Irish Fusiliers )
The Royal Munster Fusiliers 1015t & 1041 h Foot Blu e
The Royal Dublin Fusiliers 102nd & 103rd foot Blue

The distinctive dress of the Rifle Regi ments. altho ugh so dark was
in facl a very attracti ve un if orm. The busby was made from black
Persian lamb, with black cord s suspended across the fro nt. The plUmes
were scarle t and black for The King 's Royal Rifle Corps. black over
green for The Royal Irish Rifles and bla ck for The Rifle Br igade.
The tunics were rine green for all reg im ents. with scar let faeings fOl
The King 's Roya l Rifl e Corps. green for The Roya l Iri sh and bla ck for 'lhe
Rifle Brigade. Th e officers ' tunics were brai ded in Hussar fa shion wi th
five loops of black braid across the breast, and a black AU st r ian knot on
each cuff . All wore black trousers, black butl'ons and equipment.

Th e Briga de of Guards are sh own in Figures 9B. 99. and 100. In 191 4
there were four regiments of Foo t Guards. namely the Grenad ier Guards.
rai sed in 1660. the Coldslteam Guards, raised in 1650 as Colonel
Monck 's Regiment of Foot. the Scots GUard s, a regiment revi ved in
1661, and the Irish Guards raised in April . 1900. The ba sic uniform for
al l regimen ts was th e sa m e. the distinctions for all regiments being in the
bearskin cap plumes and the spacing of the buttons . For the Grenadier
Guards the plume worn on Ihe left w as white and thIs plume was
brushed in lo the bearskin so tha t it did not show from the front. Th e
buttons were equal spaced . For the Co lds tream Gua rds the plume
worn on the right was red, the buttons being in pairs; on the front
of th e tunic horn the col lar down the buttons were arranged 2-2-2-2-1
The last button o f the lowest pair was a flat button worn under the sash
or belt buckle , The Scots Guards had no plum e. on the frOn! of the
tunic the buttons were arranged 3-3-2 , As In the Co ldstream Guard s the
bottom bunon was a flat button worn under the sash or buckle . T he
buttons on the cuffs and tunic skirts were worn In threes . For the Irisl,
Guards the plume worn on the right was o f St Patrick 's blue, and the
buttons were spaced in fours . These uniforms substantially unaltered .
are stilI worn by these regim ents at the present time.

RIGH T' A Quafrer Guar(j of rhe Duke ef Cornwall's Light Inl anuy In
1fl97. The way /fl w hich (he Slade Wollace equipment was worn can be
seen alme plamly Ifl lhl~ {Jicnlle. The reg,memal laclfIYs Weff! whtre
NOIP th(' sCarlet cInch (lfl1(eCfo r on (he Jell ~'hrt{lldel m redf/ce ~1.'ear un
(/le funIC' wull "Uee; ill rile s/o",'

1914 : The khaki service dress 01 1914, The equipment worn Is 'The
Pattern 1908 Web Inlanu'f Equipment '. The men are In marchmg order,
The equipment was made up 01 a walstbeft, a bayonet Ilog, 2 braces.
caruidge caffiers. pack, haversack and waler baffle, The haversack Was
worn at the left hip, the warer borele on the right. An entrenching cool
C8f1;el could be worn With thiS equipment. the head behind the water
boule and rhe handle fixed to the bayonet fr og. In fighting order only
carrd dge carriers, bayonet, entrenchmg (Dol, water bottle and haversac'-
were carried, the falte, on the bar.k in pface of the pack. The ware, boule
was then strapped on behind the haversack. All buckles were brass and
sell lockmg. Boors were black for orher ranks. bUL officers and Selgeant
Malors had blown boots.


Key 10 If/ulmlrlonl on nelft f Wo po,e. '
11) MLllketett', Blndolitr, 1660. (2~ M.tchlock Muskn 1660 to 1700 . (J) Flultloc:k
Musket , 1700, with dot .. rety cltch. 04 ) Flintlock Musht of 17/04 with doa ufety a tc.h.
In ue . (6) Plua Ba{ontt. 1680·1700 . I'l
( 5) Fl intlock MUlktt 1750 to 18040 . he 'Brown Beu'; nrlOUI types , Imll lr co thll .... ere
Trowel Plua B.ronet, 1680. (8) ft,lna Plul
Bayonet, 1690 . 110 I. 9) A MIU_hloc.k. ( 0 A Flintlock . (11) The BIker Rine I nd Sword
Bayonet of 1800 , (I ) Officer', Sword 1660. (Il) Officer's Sword , elrt~ 18th Cen t-ury.
(I~) Officer'1 Sword , early 18th Century. (IS) Officer's Sword, 1796. (16) Officer'1
Sword, 1786. (17) Officer s Court Sword , IIrly Victomn. (1 8 ) Officer 's Sword , 1822.
119) Office,', Sword , 180] . (20) Offiter'J Sword . 1895. (21) Ser,I.",', Pike, 1792·18]0.
(12) Sualln", H.lberd , 1700·1792. \ll) Office,', Spontoon, 1700·1786, (H) The
Brunlwick .. ine , 18]7; the firtt percuu on rlne. (2S) Th. p.,cunlon Musket or 18042.
26) The fltln ie Rlnt of 1851 . (27) The EnReld Rlne, 1855. (28) The Short Enfield Rifle,
1 860 . ( 29 ) The Snider Rlne, 1865. (lOt Th. Martinl· Henry Riff .. , 187 1. (11) The lee.
Medord Rlne. 1888 : the fim m3i!uin.. tine, ( n) The In·Enfield Rlne, 1895 , (Jl) The
lee-Enfield Rifle , 1902.

• o

~ 19 ~
Key to
20 ~
(l umbtrl on
piKe 41

Infantry Weapons . 1660-1914

!I n--n:o::J

22 2,
Key to
numbe r, on
PIR~ 4}

Infantry Weapons. 1660· 1914

Th. Stove Pipe Sh.lko. 1'00. 1111 . ( Filure, I , 1 and J ): The ,hako of 1800 , 8 ,",hu
hllln. wn mlde of black lacquered ftuher, (ha" i~ to feh in 1806. Tht plue wu illt
for officen Ind b~u 'or other flnltl . AboVe the plut wu I black (ockade with" button
In che untre. The plumH were .... hiff 'or G,enlditr Comal"'!:I, dirk !Itn" for lieh!
Complniu .nd wh ile .bo .... rl'd 'or Bau,llon Compl"'«. f llNf' 1 Ihowl the blck pf'k
worn On .ome ' uutl of chi. Ihlko. F'lure 7. IhoWI ch. Ihako wom by U.hl '"finery
lMd R'ftu . ;as IIlually depicted. black with I black routtt and Irt'" pl ume.
T~ Wntrloo Shako, 1111-1116. (fl,ur« 4 , S and 6 ): M.dt 0' bb.c:k f.h , thh he.d·
d'eu Wit made with I ',I't front which aut It I hellht 0' 8 \ inchu. Thi . front had
• bind In, of brick bnld . The piu. WII ,ilt for offic.n ~nd brous for other rloks
The offiur's u p line, were iold Ind criml on, the oth.r rlnkl white. Some lIlht Inf,nuI
com pan lel wore duk Ifun cord. . For Lirhl InflncT)' rea imenu tht cord. were d.,
Ireen Ind on or below the cocklde I .mll silwer bUll. wu wo,n, Grtn~dler Companies
had a small ,U t I •• n,de. The plum .. were lhe ume u for the previous shako. Elrly
In 1815 Ihe pllle WIJ dlsardtd for Rift. and Lilht Inhntry Co, ps and Comp.nles In
'nour of a BUlle Horn with Strin,s Ind the reaim.ntal number below the urlnl"
The Re.tftC)' S~ ko "1'. 1119. (Firuftl • Co 11)1 F i~uru 8 ,nd 9 show the officers'
bllCk felt shako wi lh a bllCk pealt. about 7 i Inches h'lh, I Uth t ly bell-to pped. Around
tht lOp WII .. bi nd of 1 1 Inch wid. aold or sliver lace; around the but was a band i inch
wid • . The plue Wit u,uIII), lilt, bu t l omerimtl , ilw.f. with ei th u a number or rtalm.nnl
d. vice. Abo ... e t he round plut WIJ a crown. Surround lnl the plue was I circle of aold Of
silver lace with a unt",1 IIn. 0' crlmlon. At the to p on the bind of lace was a brick
cockad • • Abo .... thil was the 9 lume. 11 Inches hiah. The plumes wen whllt for Grenldler
Complnles , I",n for lIlht Companie. Ind .,..hite over red for Blllllion Companitl . Th.
chin SQlft were alh or tilver accordina to the "Iimenul I.CI! and buttons. Fiauft 10
show. the ah.ntion. to tht officer. ' shako In 1.11. It was made I Inch t. lltI and with
a lilver I t l t plue. the back peak belnl discontinued. le must be noted thal tht Ihako
pll t e, .....rl.d con,iderably and those lhown art only I luide to Ihe Itne,,1
Slyle of the period. Flllurt I' is tht other rank" shtoko wom from I S 16 to IS19.
The den1l1 are u for Fllur u S and 9 but of In'trior q uality. lilh t Inhn t r~ Rellimenn
Ind lIaht Cam paniu wore the Reltncy shako whh a diver 'bu,le and suln!s ' bldal and
dark arHn cord , .. in Filure 12 . liaht Co mpany men wore I whu. metal bUll t as , badae.
The: 8eU-Topped Shako 111'·11 •• • (Alu"" 1) to 16)1 Thl. wu of black beaytr.
Flluru I) and 1<$ Ihow the officers' .hako of 1819 to I 8)S, the lOp and bile were edled
with black leather. 11 .ho we,e the V-.hl ped side un ps. There WII no lace or cocktde
on th il hud_drftl. Th. bldat wu 111ft lur with. crown. The cent .. r deyke WII I Iilyer
stir wi t h ",'mennl symbol. It hid illt chin IClles. The pl ume wom from 1819_1']0
was of swln nther. From 18)0·18)1 . It was wh it e oyer red Illnchu nil. From 1811_1835
It Wit whitt and 8 Inc ht. tall. The plume was repllced by I turt In ISlS , t his beinlf
whit e for line Rea lmenu. dirk Irten for lillht Infantry ~nd black for Rifle. ; set: Fieure IS.
' ;Iu" 16 Ihows the other ranks' Shlko, 1819_1119, the flume be;na re placed by tht ball
IU t in 18lS . Fiaurtl 17 Ind I S 11.... the alterations 0 IU9, the shako bein, sH,hdy
tiller with I new ty pe of bada'.
The Albert Shako, 11 .... '155. I Fi1ur., 1, to 22) : Thil wu made or black b.uer with
bhck leuher bands It the tOP an bue. The bdl tuhs for lint Infantry wtl e wh.te from
I S« 10 1846, th in red and whitt for Bun tio n Com panies, and whiu for Grenldl.,
Complnies and FUlilier Rel lmenu. From 1'<$4 thl! liaht Infanfry ComplnieJ and Rellimenu
"ill wore the areen ball t uf e and eht Rllles wore black. A ' Un l.... nal Pattem' ,li t lur wu
worn. the .lIr beadn! the. rtli menlll dl tt inctionl. There WII a ,Ih chin chain. FllIure 11 It
the shlko for I f Ulller rellment. Fiaure 2l I. Iht shako for line In ' antry, other nnks
Ttte Shako of 1ISS to '161. (Fi,u ••• 14. 2S . ne! 14) : Mlde of bllck feh , S I Inchu in
front. 71 inches It back. Filure 24 il I he other nnks ' head-dreu. Filures IS and 16
show the officers'. Tht p lue wu of Un!Y.rul Pattem but there were man)' re,imtnt.1
.... riuloo•. The other nnu' shako had ...entlluon 11 tht lid" and th. officers' hid onl U
the back in the th~p. of • Gorion'l Held. Field Officen wore ,old lace round the to p.
I rows for Colonels and lIeU ltnan t Colonels, I row for MIJors. The bill tuft remained th e
ume 11 for the pre ... iou. ,hlko. In I S56 lI!ht Infan try adopted a dl,k Irten
droo plni p lu me , .nd the FlIsllien a I lmllar p IIm t in whhe. Some lieht Infantry relimenu
h.d the 'bulle and nrinl" bldae. Flllilien hid I b.dge.
TM Shako of 1161·1169 . ( Fi, u.-e 17): M~dt of bllle cloth, 4 inches hilh 11 front Ind
61 Inch .. I t blCk. The dO lh co .... dna th e 'ha ko WII quilted . makina this I rather unusual
hud.drtu . Round the to p thtre .,..ere 1 bind. of Rold lice for Colonels and lieutenant
Colontll and one band for Majors , (he men,' ,h.ko was almos( Iden t ical except Ihu It wu
mlde of chu per The p rlte aialn was of ' Un l... enal patt.rn' but with the u,ual
re,lmenul di u inClJons. Tht ball tuft was slil htly srn,II" than thlt on the p rewiolls shlko
ou t th. colours remained tht ... me.
The Shako of 186' to 1171 . ( Fil ur" 1 • • nd 19) : Thl. WII the bit pauern ,hlko worn
by the British Infanuy. It wu 0' dark bllle cloth. w ith. for officers, two bind, of lold
bra id round Ihe lOp a"d • narro .... b~nd round the bile. pluI a bind of lold braid from
(OP (0 bue nch side Ind one u t he back. The plue wu dlffer.nt to p" ... lolu 0"11 b.lnll
I ilfter with the "almlntal number or de ... lce in the centr • • surrounded b)' a Ilurel
wrnth Ind surmounled by I crown, The bait tufu were tht ume 11 before. For l ' lhl
lnfantl)' "llm'flU Ihe .hako WII dark ireen with a dull. 1I,,,n droo plnl hilt pili Me
Fi, u re )0 ,hOWl the FII5i11en cap Irurodu ctd afO'lnd I S66
Fil ur. ) 1 i. the bUlby worn b~ R,ne Relllmtntl from 1871
FI, ure )1 : The · Un!"'fll l Putern' helmet Introduced in 1878. blue cloth /01 Line
Inl""ry Iterlmenu Ind dark Itetn cloth for U,ht In/lnlry Re i lmenu

27 lj

ABOVE. LEFT: Men of a line regiment changing guard. 1897. Wearmg
the tuJJ dress uniform. the sergeanc can be Seen to have the pIece of
scarlec clOth that was worn on (he lelt shoulder ro p,otect the 1LIn10
tram being rubbed by the liRe. The back of rhe (Jllvaces' runiC was
changed ;n 1902 to a 3 pointed slash with 3 buttons on each side 01
the skm. ABOVE. RIGHT: rhlee privates 01 the South Wales Borderets
in 1895. The man on the left IS in walking DUe dress and the cenual
figure is a regimental olderly. Both ale wearing the second runic whIch
was mostly used so that (he dress tuniC could be kept fOI parade. Th iS
is shown on the private in full marchmg oldel. his tunic having 8 White
piping on the Ilone edge. HIS Ilfle is the Magazine Lee-Mettold and
he ;s wearing che Slade WaJlace equjpment.

These so/diels 01 the Suffolk. Regimen( on ovelseas seNice. c. 1900.

are wearing the light khaki drill vndorm ; the belt. pouch and havelsack
are pat( 01 the SIade Wal/ace equipment. The rap; had a white puggalee
with rhe regiment badge placed in rhe centre. This piclUt8 shows one 01
the methOdS ot supplymg waler to 1I00l)S away llom base. Note the
teg;memal name stencilled on the walet bOllles.


A. H. Bowling

A concise but comprehensive guide to

the British infantryman. his
uniform. his weapons . and his regiments
in the great years of Empire; with
114 uniforms shown in colour. three
facsimile colour plates . numerous line
drawings of uniforms and equiplI1l!flt. and
many contemporary illustrations.
all of special appeal to modellers and
military enthusiasts .

ISB N 0855240008 (hard cover edition)

ISBN 0 85524 00 1 6 (paper covered edition)

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