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JM Solo Campaign


Doing A Solo 1st edition WFRP Campaign


It’ll be with A New Race I made

More info

Its A New Race that's based off of The Enterrans from The Shinzo Cartoon from 19, I think, years ago
and in order to do justice to the power that more then half The Enterran Race had in The Show I
believe that I must make it so that A Enterran Pc would be powerful enough to have a good chance
of soloing adventures designed for 4 to 6 regular Pcs. After all they were supposed to be both the
ultimate species and subservient to Humans

I'm thinking along the lines of rolling 2D2+8 W, 1D2+5 in both S and T, A 2 in A, 1D10+46 in both WS
and BS, A 2D2+40 in I, A 1D10+36 in all other percentage stats, they automatically get The Skills
Escapologist, Heal, Lightning Reflexes and Marksmen, they get both 2 random skills and 1 skill
chosen by The Player and a 4th chosen by The GM and the person controlling The Enterran chooses
The Enterrans career rather then rolling for it

They always start with 1D4x100+4,200 experance and if their A Wizard their Books and Scrolls get
2D4+4 Petty Spells, 2D2 Spells per level and if they acquire more then 1 Level of Wizardry for every
level other then Level 1 Wizard they add +1 Spell to every type and they will have 1 Spell of 1 level
higher then either their Wizardry Level or 1 of their Wizardry Levels

For example The Books and Scrolls of A Enterran whose A 2nd level Elementalist/1st level Wizard
would have 2D4+7 Petty Spells, 2D2+2 1st level Battle Spells, 2D2+1 1st level Element Spells and 2D2
2nd level Element Spells and they will also have 1 Scroll that holds either 1 3rd level Element Spell or
1 2nd level Battle Spell

Enterran Wizards will always have A Lot more MP then then most/normal, Wizard’s, by which I mean
when rolling for The MP of A Enterran Wizards Apprentice you reroll all rolls of 5 or less and when
rolling for The MP of A Enterran Spellcaster you reroll all rolls of 10 or less

Even if they aren't A Wizard A Enterran gets 4 Petty Spells and gets 1 Spell each of levels 1, 2 and 3
that their player, but not The GM, can choose from either Illusion, Battle or Element Spells

Enterrans can wear armor without it effecting their Spellcasting Abilities and even if they A Wizard
every 2 weeks they can cast 4 levels worth of Spells with no MP Cost and without needing to pass A
INT Test

Belongings wise they get 2 melee and 1 ranged weapons, 1 Shield, 1 tent, 1 set of clothing, 1 bedroll,
1 lantern and 10 other bits of equipment chosen by the player, 6 doses of both herbs and poison
chosen by the player, 3 weeks worth of food, 4 3-pint bottles of rum, 1,000 Gold in cash, 500 Gold in
Treasure, 1 Magic Short Sword with The Power of Warping, 1 suit of +1 full Chain, 2 random magic
items, 2 doses of magic potion chosen by The Player, 1 Heavy Mare and enough medium pack horses
to carry it
Because they were created rather then born or evolved Enterrans don’t have the normal biological
requirements of things like eating, sleeping, resting, taking it easy and going to the toilet, but even
though they don’t have to they can, they all do and they all enjoy them

What’s more they don’t suffer from things like headaches, migraines, colds, headaches, toothache,
stomach upsets and flues and they aren’t effect by plagues, illness, poisons and disease’s, not even
1’s like Nurgles Rot and Tomb Rot

What’s more because they were created rather then born or evolved Enterrans can have all the fun
of getting drunk out of their minds but not only will they not suffer the rules, effects and penalties of
being drunk and if they were real and on Earth they could drink 100 pints of alcohol and if
breathalyzed the reading would come up Zero

Enterrans will have been officially discovered roughly 80 to 100 years ago, in truth they were
discovered roughly 170 years ago, they will have discovered The Empire at least 6 centuries prior to
the modern day ago and by now most officials in most countries in the world will know enough
about Enterrans to know that its normal for Enterrans to have the kind of strange body parts that
normally only mutants have

Because of how legendary The Powers of Enterrans are within 3 weeks of becoming A Outlaw Chief
A Enterran Outlaw Chief will attract A Outlaw Band made up of 5 Outlaws, 2 Poachers, 2 Thieves, 1
Physicians Student and 1 1st level Cleric of Ranald

Also because of how legendary The Powers of Enterrans are within 7 weeks of becoming A
Mercenary Captain A Enterran Mercenary Captain will attract A Mercenary Group made up of 5
Mercenaries, 1 Mercenary Sergeant, 1 Physician Student, 1 Scout and 1 1st level Cleric of whatever
god The Enterran worships

Also because of how legendary The Powers of Enterrans are within 10 weeks of becoming A
Racketeer A Enterran Racketeer attracts A group of criminals made up of 8 Bodyguards, 3 General
Thieves, 1 Footpad, 1 Protagonist, 1 Charlatan, 1 Embezzler and 1 1st level Cleric of Ranald

I’ll also mention that its sad but true that in the case of all Enterran Pcs, but whether it applies to
Enterran Npcs its very likely but I can’t decide for certain, that for at least the 1st 3 or 4 years of
his/her career they won’t be anywhere as near as powerful as The Legends say

Age wise The Last Enterran to be created was created more then 5 centuries before the date their
records say they discovered the empire, but the date could be falsified and it very likely is

That means that The Age of A Enterran Pc is 1,100 +2D4x100 +4D12+2 +4D6+2 years +1D8 month
+1D3 weeks +2D3 days


I’ll also mention that every Enterran Npc in The World is guaranteed to be at least 2 decades older
then A Enterran Pc and depending on his or her career path its very likely that A Enterran Npc will be
at least 1 to 1 and a half centuries older then A Enterran Pc


I’ve since changed my mind

Which does happen a lot

As a result I’m using A Regular(?) Solo WFRP Character

I’ve been very lucky enough with the rolls I made for the characters family

This means that his 2 parents, all 4 of his grandparents and 7 of his 16 great grand parents were very
smart, but only when compared with most commoners

As a result between them his 2 parents, all 4 of his grandparents and 7 of his 16 great grand parents
enough gold to buy slightly more Land and Property then most Solo Characters do, like I said only
slightly more then most Solo Characters do but mine still starts with then most Solo Characters do
but he still gets more then most Solo Characters do

The GM has decided that because most people have a lot more Gold Coins in 1st edition WFRP then
they do in 2nd edition WFRP that he’d double what the same types of Land and Property would cost
in 2nd edition WFRP +10% but they also earn him double what they’d earn him per year in 2nd
edition WFRP +10%

For example in 2nd edition WFRP 1 area of 10 Acres of Poor Quality Rural Land that has 20 Rural
Hovels on it would cost 2,250 Gold Coins and would earn the owner 120 Gold Coins per year but in
1st edition WFRP it would cost 4,950 Gold Coins and would earn the owner 276 Gold Coins per year

The GM has changed his mind, as a result rather then the price and yearly earnings both being
double +10% more then they are in 2nd edition, as a result even if they can afford to its very hard for
most commoners to be able to buy Land and Property

Further rolls show that my character also starts with slightly more herbs, poisons, cash and valuables
then A Solo Character normally would and they already start with a decent number of doses of both
herbs and poisons, loads of cash and a fairly large amount of valuables

Yet more rolls show that at some point my characters father saved a family of Pegasus consisting of
the 2 parents and 4 unhatched, at the time, eggs. Naturally those 4 unhatched, at the time, eggs
have long since hatched


Those rolls also show that within 3 years, by the games time, 1 of the Pegasus that’s only alive
because of the actions of my characters father will become A adult will decide to return the favor by
aiding and protecting my character

A few other bits on info on The Solo Rules that The GM I’m using made


To be more accurate this is accurate this is loads of other bits on info on The Solo Rules that The GM
I’m using made

This uses solo rules

To be brief but accurate these solo rules are rules that my The GM made for Solo Campaigns
involving 1 Veteran Player with 1 Veteran Pc

Naturally that means that the character starts out very powerful, by which I mean that The Solo
Character never starts with less then 3,300 initial experance, he or she will almost never start with
less then 3,900 initial experance and he or she can potentially, but its likely that no Solo Character
ever will, start with as much as 5,200 initial experance
He also starts out with lots of stuff, including a lot, by the standards of WFRP, of land and property
and even though you don’t have to invest most of the money it makes you in land and property it is
a very good to do so and I intend to do so

He gets a lot of other stuff, which includes several animals, a lot of food and drink, a massive, by the
standards of WFRP, amount of both cash and valuables, a above average number of both weapons
and armour, quite a lot of bis of equipment and several dose’s of either Herbs or Poisons or Herbs
and Poisons

In The Solo Version of 1st edition WFRP you have the option to start with several Npc Followers, I
took advantage of that and I fully intend to pay them using money that I steal and use magic to get
away with stealing it

He’s named after my personal favorite character to appear in any Fan Made Code Lyoko Story that’s
both not by The Fan Made Code Lyoko Story called Lyokowarrior97 and that also isn’t in a story that,
in my opinion, is almost completely romantic

That’s why he’s named Kai Takero Ishiyami, I choose for him to be A Academic, due to The Nature of
Solo Campaigns I’m allowed to choose his career and before I even decided that he was definitely
going to be A Academic I already had A Career in mind for him

That’s why his Base Career is Wizards Apprentice but when he starts ideally he will at the very least
he’ll be A 1st level Elementalist/1st level Wizard and hopefully he’ll be A 2nd level Elementalist/1st
level Wizard

He’s also going to employ several Npcs, most of whose career isn’t bodyguard but more then half of
those that aren’t bodyguards are good enough at fighting to at the very least survive a fight VS most
normal(?) foes

On the subject of this Pcs full name because the name sounds, to me, like a name that’s more likely
to be given to A Elven then it is to be given to A Human I’m using he’s A Elf

On the subject of my characters alignment I know that its rare for Elves to be Neutral Alignment, but
as I’m A Veteran of both GM’ing and playing 1st edition WFRP The GM’s letting my choose his
Alignment and I’m going for Neutral Alignment


On the subject of this Pcs middle name I know that his Grandmother on his mothers side has the 1st
name Takero so unless Yumi/Kais Mother, has another relation whose also called Takero, which their
isn’t in the show but because The Fan Made Code Lyoko Story Kai appears in doesn’t say their isn’t
means their could be, then Kai full name isn’t partially named after his/Kais grandmother



On I go

My character


Kai Takero Ishiyami





Social Class and Standing

He’s A 2nd level Elementalist/1st level Wizard

Normally that means that my characters Social Class and Scale would only(?) be B7D4, but that
would still be very high

The GM decided, very foolishly if you ask me but because it benefits my character I’m not
complaining, that because my character starts out with A Lot of privately owned Land and Property
that my character gets another 2D3-1 more lots of 1D4, which ends up 5D4 -1D4 or 4D4 extra points
of Social Standing

Despite being, legally but not actually, A Commoner my character manages to employ 11 people,
even if they are paid with money that their boss/my characters, gets by using magic to steal it

Because that is very rare for A Commoner that’s not A Merchant The GM rules that there is A 4-in-8
chance of him having another 1D4 Social Standing and with A 1D8 roll of A 6 my character gets
another 1D4 Social Standing


All in all that means that my characters Social Class is B, his Social Standing is 12D4 and with those 12
1D4 rolls more coming up 4 3’s, 4 2’s, 2 4’s and 2 1’s my character characters Social Class and
Standing ends up being B30

Date and time stuff

Initial date

The 25/7/2,512

Time The Campaign lasted

Not yet started

Current date

The 25/7/2,512



1D3 months +1D3 weeks +2D6 days after his 26th birthday


It ends up being 3 months, 2 weeks and 3 days after his 26th birthday

26 years, 3 months, 2 weeks and 3 days

Members of The Knights Panther


108 Men At Arms, 58 Squires and 33 Knights


108 Men At Arms, 58 Squires and 33 Knights




Actual Career

My character


James Marshall







Career Type


Career Track

Wizards Apprentice-1st level Wizard-1st level Elementalist-2nd level Elementalist


Initial and this includes The +10 INT that I took as my characters Free Advance

M 5, WS 45, BS 35, S 4, T 4, W 6, I 66, A 1, DEX 43, LD 43, INT 59, CL 43, WP 44 and FEL 47


M 5, WS 55, BS 45, S 5, T 4, W 8, I 86, A 1, DEX 53, LD 53, INT 79, CL 53, WP 54 and FEL 47

Advances took

+10 WS, +10 BS, +1 S, +2 W, +20 I, +10 DEX, +10 LD, +20 INT, +10 CL and +10 WP


I get to choose 5 and their 2 more that I have to take

Arcane Language -Magic, Blather, Cast Spells -Petty, Level 1 Battle and Levels 1 and 2 Element,
Dousing, Excellent Vision, Fleet Footed, Herb Lore, Identify Plants, Identify Undead, Magic Sense,
Metallurgy, Musicianship, Read/Write, Rune Scroll, Scroll Lore, Secret Language -Classical and Sing

Fate points




Most of this is stored with friends, family and allies


The reason for that is because if I’m ever captured I could use the stuff I’ve got stored to ransom


1 Short-Sword

1 Dagger

1 Bomb

1 Mace

1 Crossbow with 8 Bolts


1 mail coif

1 pair of mail leggings

1 Sleeveless Mail Shirt

1 best quality Shield

1 Helmet


2 Nets

2 metres of rope

1 Small Mug

1 suit of best quality light weight clothing

1 pair of best quality shoes

1 best quality backpack

1 purse

1 blanket

1 tent

1 set of writing equipment

1 pair of dice

1 box of 24 candles

1 tinderbox

1 set of Robes

1 Deck of Cards

1 Large Bucket

1 set of hunting Gear

1 Face Mask

1 oil lamp

1 box of tobacco

1 tobacco pipe

1 2-pint flask of oil

1 large tanned leather pouch.

1 bundle of 18 wax prayer candles

1 large roll of good quality linen bandages

1 polished steel hand-mirror

1 small chest

1 very large sack

1 cheaply-made tambourine

1 phial of green liquid

Holds 4 doses of antitoxins

1 bucket that holds 4 pounds of salt

1 Crate that holds 200 Bretonnian Cigars


3 on Human Poetry
3 of famous healers

1 on history

1 on art

1 on Elven Music

1 on Laws of Aldolf

1 on famous Tilean Brewers

1 on Dwarfern Poetry

1 on Halfling Music

1 on Elven Anatomy

1 on famous Imperial Brewers


5 weeks worth of good quality foods

3 large fat fried fish

2 boxes of 2-dozen best quality eggs

2 3-pound best quality legs of lamb

2 3-pound best quality blocks of cheese

2 3-pound best quality slabs of beef

2 5 pound blocks of beef

2 5 pound blocks of cheese


5 5-pint bottles of Brandy

5 2-pint bottles of herbal liquor

3 3-pint bottles of spring water

3 3-pint bottles of Spirits

1 2-pint bottle of Red Brandy

1 4-pint bottle of very good quality flat perry Mead


5 doses of Valerian

2 doses of Alfunas

2 dose’s of Faxtroyll

1 dose of Salwort
1 dose of Sigmafoil


2 doses of Manbane

2 doses of Blackroot

2 doses of Trollbane

1 dose of Lizardbane

1 dose of Graveroot


2 Messenger Pigeons

2 Heavy Pack Mules

1 light Riding Horse


10 doses/6 ounces of Kurts

4 doses/6 ounces of Black Lotus

4 doses/2 ounces of Oxleaf

Land, property and other money making stuff that my characters father, who is A King, arranged for
him to get

5 Shops that are all worth 400 Gold that all net me 44 Gold Coins per year

1 area of 15 Acres of Poor Quality Rural Land that has 30 Rural on it, is worth 3,375 Gold Coins and
rents for 180 Gold Coins each per year

1 House that has a decent sized Garden that’s in in Talabheim that is worth 1,540 Gold Coins that
nets me 170 Gold Coins per year

1 Stables that buys, sells, trades and Breeds Horses that is worth 660 Gold Coins that nets me 73
Gold Coins per year

1 Coffee Shop that is worth 600 Gold Coins that nets me 67 Gold Coins per year

Total value

Its worth a total of 8,175 Gold Coins and it nets me a total of 610 Gold Coins per year



Gold Coins






20 tiny gemstones worth 1 Gold Coins each

6 Silk Handkerchiefs worth 4 Gold Coins each

4 Fox Pelts worth 5 Gold Coins each

2 Rabbit Pelts worth 2 Gold Coins each

1 Bag that holds 60 Gold Coins worth of Tobacco

1 Small Sapphire worth 50 Gold Coins

1 Silver Ornament worth 40 Gold Coins

1 Bag that holds 20 Gold Coins worth of Cooking Spices

1 Very Small Locket made of Slightly Average Quality Silver worth 20 Gold Coins

1 Crystal Goblet worth 8 Gold Coins

1 tiny gold Bracelet worth 6 Gold Coins

1 Wolves Pelt worth 5 Gold Coins

Magical goodies


1 Arrow of Accuracy

1 Mace

It has no Powers but it can harm foes that can only be harmed by magic

Armour and/or defensive

1 Magic Headband

Wearing this gives the wearer +1 AP on every location


1 Horn of Plenty

Standard rules

1 Pouch of Plenty

It’s a Magic Item The GM made and its power is that after every adventure it gives me 6D6+2 Gold
Coins per adventure

1 Multiple Spell Jewel

It holds 2 uses of The 1st Level Battle Spell Cure Light Injury


1 2 dose bottle of potion of Healing

Spell stuff

Magic points

As A Wizards Apprentice

As A 1st level Wizard


As A 2nd level Elementalist



Spells known



She has enough ingredients to cast all 8 of them 11 times each

Gift of Tongues, Glowing Light, Magic Alarm, Magic Flame, Magic Lock, Open, Remove Curse and

1st level Battle


She has enough ingredients to cast all 4 of them 5 times each

Cure Light Injury, Fireball, Hammerhand and Immunity To Poison

1st level Element


She has enough ingredients to cast all 4 of them 7 times each

Assault of Stones, Breathe Underwater, Hand of Fire and Walk on Water

2nd level Element


She has enough ingredients to cast it twice

Part Water
In/on her 8 Spellbooks and 2 Spellscrolls


All of them

1st level Battle

All of them

2nd level Battle

Cause Panic and Lightning Bolt

1st level Element

All of them

2nd level Element

All of them

3rd level Element

Become Ethereal and Flame Sheet

Underlings that I employ

All of them get paid 10% more then normal


I pay all of them with money that I get by using magic to steal it

3 general purpose Servants

2 Bodyguards

2 Cooks whose actual career is servant

1 Scribe who is only used when reading, writing and translating a language my character can’t

1 Physician

1 Lawyer

1 2nd level Cleric of Sigmar that knows 5 Petty Spells, 3 1st Sigmar Clerical Spells and 1 2nd level
Sigmar Clerical Spells







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