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Republic of the Philippines

Aklan State University

College of Industrial Technology
Graduate Studies Program
Kalibo, Aklan

Master of Arts in Education Major in Home Economics

1ST Semester A.Y. 2022-2023


Learning Task 1. Principles of Child Development

1. What is the difference between Autism Spectrum Disorders and Learning Disabilities?
 Autism Spectrum Disorders, it is a type of disorder with many underlying disorders that is why
they used the word “spectrum”. They have difficulties in social interaction, communication, and
in behavior. They have difficulties in maintaining eye contact, reading other’s facial expressions.
They have difficulties in understanding humor, people’s emotions. They have high sensitivity to
certain things, for example, texture of the clothing or the texture of the food. They have
difficulties in sleeping. They can either have low IQ or Giftedness.
 Learning Disabilities are disorders in basic psychological processes that involve difficulties in
understanding, processing recalling, and communicating information. There are different specific
learning disabilities, these includes, dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia, and many more.
2. What causes childhood disintegrative disorder?
 Childhood disintegrative disorder is a condition in which children develop normally through age
3 or 4. Then, over a few months, they lose language, motor, social, and other skills that they
already learned. It is a rare condition. Children with CDD tend to lose control on their bowel and
bladder movements. It can also be called Heller’s Syndrome/ Disintegrative Psychosis/Dementia
Infantilis. There will be a severe loss of social skills, communication skills, and motor skills.
 There is no specific cause found which causes this disorder. There is no causative factor behind
this disorder, but various research indicates the possibility of genetic susceptibility, abnormal
autoimmunity, and prenatal or environmental stress.
 There are environmental risk factors that the researchers stated, like viral exposures and certain
infections like rubella and herps that might be responsible for the development of this disorder.
Aside from infections, toxin exposure, prematurity, and teratogenicity are also under the
environmental factors.
 This disorder is more common among the male rather than the female. Prognosis are very
difficult to be found because this disorder is very rare.
3. What are the similarities between Piaget and Bronfenbrenner’s theories of child development?
 First, one of the notable similarities are there are different stages. Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive
Development have for stages namely, Sensorimotor, Preoperational, Concrete Operational, and
Formal Operational. While Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Theory have five stages namely,
Microsystem, Mesosystem, Exosystem, Macrosystem, Chronosystem.
 Piaget and Bronfenbrenner’s theories are very different, the only similarity I found was the
stages and the other one is that they mainly focus on how a child develop its cognitive skills. The
child is the main factor on its own development.

4. What are the indicators of emotional development?

 Emotional development is a child’s growing ability to regulate and control emotions and to form
secure relationships. It involves learning what feelings and emotions are, understanding how and
why they happen, recognizing one’s own feelings and those of others, and developing effective
ways of managing them.
 A person with emotional soundness proves to be useful and lead a happy and peaceful life as
comparison to the person who is emotionally disturbed. Indications of emotional development
include the ability to self-regulate, demonstrating prosocial behaviors, exhibiting composure and
possessing emotional intelligence.

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