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Agung Rahmadi

UNIV1001: Online Education Strategies

Dr. Jonathan Powers

University of The People



In order to accomplish goals, we should not avoid goal-setting roles. Goal-

setting provides more direction, greater focus, increased productivity, and higher levels

of motivation (Pettit, 2021). Therefore, goal-setting is crucial due to it provides a long-

term vision to work towards and short-term goals to focus on.

I have experienced failure in achieving goals in the past. I failed to achieve it due

to I did not have a proper strategy. However, earlier this year, I succeeded in

accomplishing the goals that I had dreamed of. I recognized that the successful goals I

accomplish are not separate from good strategy management roles. Goal setting is a

powerful method for seeing the ideal future and inspiring myself to make that vision a

reality. According to MindTools (2020), "The process of setting goals helps you choose

where you want to go in life. By knowing precisely what you want to achieve, you know

where to concentrate your efforts. You'll also quickly spot the distractions that can so

easily lead you astray" (para. 3).

Goal-setting helps me manage my strategy meticulously. Goal-setting also helps

me to provide the right direction, focus on purpose, greater productivity, clarity,

freedom, accountability, better decision-making, motivation, and inspiration. In order to

determine the characteristics of good goals, I typically use SMART goal techniques as

an appliance. SMART is an acronym for specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and

time-bound. The SMART goal helps ensure that your goals are reachable within a

particular period of time. This method avoids generalizations and guessing, establishes a

defined timeframe, and makes tracking progress and identifying missed milestones

easier (Boogaard, 2023). Therefore, the SMART goal techniques are able to provide a

lot of advantages to us in accomplishing our goals and objectives.

Short-term Personal Goal


 In the near future, I will master the basics of Phyton Programming.

Mid-term Personal Goal

 I must finish my studies and graduate in the first term of 2024.

Long-term Personal Goal

 I really want to pursue a master's degree in business administration at Ivy

League universities.


Pettit, M. (2021, May 13). 10 Crucial Benefits of Goal Setting. Lucemi Consulting:

Productivity and Time Management Coach.



MindTools | Home. (n.d.).

Boogaard, K. (2023, April 28). How to write SMART goals (with examples). Work Life

by Atlassian.



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