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Economic Globalization:

A medical technology student buys his laboratory equipment for his phlebotomy kit overseas
due to the lack of stock in his area and its quality which is better than what is being sold in his

Technological Globalization:

A medical technology student opts to go on the internet to shop for his laboratory equipment. He
pays for what he bought online through Gcash and waits for it to arrive.

Cultural Globalization:

A new Japanese cafe opens in an area in Turno, Dipolog City. It is visited by many customers
due to their curiosity. After a few weeks, it becomes more frequently vacated by people rather
than the previous cafes in the area.

Political Globalization:

The WHO or the World Health Organization is an example of political globalization which is an
agency of the UN which focuses on the health of the people internationally. 194 countries are a
part of this institution.

Military Globalization:

An example of Military Globalization is when the Philippines signed a Mutual Defense Treaty
with the United States in 1951. They have formed an alliance and help one another during times
of need.

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