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must be strictly filled out by a Doctor before the start of any Physical Activity-parq

Medical clearances are not important in performing exercise activities.-flase

The main goal of Physical Education is to make everyone-MOVE

he main goal of Physical Education is to make everyone move for a lifetime-TRUE

Motor skills refers to anything that allows you to move and use your body to expend energy.-TRUE
A type of wellness which entails a person to eat well, exercise, and avoiding harmful habits.-
This refers to a state of complete, physical, mental, and social well-being; it is not merely the
absence or presence of diseases or injuries.-HEALTH
Refers to a physical activity that requires planned, structured, and repetitive bodily movements with
the objective of improving one's physical fitness.-EXERCISE

Type of physical activity that requires planned, structured, and repetitive bodily movements with the
objective of improving one's physical fitness.-EXERCISE

These are inherited traits that you got from your parents or ancestors.HEREDITY
Contracting your muscles for a prolonged period of time without feeling easily tired is an exhibition of
good _________.Muscular Endurance

To bend and twist your joints with ease and without the risk of injuries is ________ at work.
Gabe moved out of the house, loaded his stuff in the trunk, and kept on coming back carrying a
heavy load each time. This activity shows the health-related fitness component of ______.Muscular
To lift a heay object from the floor once is _______ at work. Muscular Strength
Mary started to run 3 kilometers and a month after training can already finish a 10-kilometer
distance. This means that throughout her practice her _____ has shown improvements. CV

It is the amount of force a muscle can produce with a single maximum effort.
test is used to determine whether your body is in the obese, overweight, underweight, or normal
zone of fitnessBMI

This is a type of balance where a person maintains balance while moving. Dynamic Balance
What test measures the ability of your hand-eye-coordination? Wall-Toss Test
It is the ability to maintain equilibrium while moving or stationary. Balance
What test measures your body's ability to balance itself and maintain Center of Gravity?- Stork
Balance Test
A condition in which the walls of arteries and veins become thick because of age. Arteriosclerosis
This is the medical term which refers to chest pains.. Angina Pectoris
It is another valve in the heart responsible for preventing backflow of blood between the heart and
other parts of the body. Aortic-Semilunar
A condition in which arteries become thick and non-elastic is called-arteriosclerosis
is a condition where pressure of blood is beyond normal-high blood pressure
bring blood AWAY from the heart.- arteries
It is a type of connective tissue that connects bone to bone. Ligaments
Strength that refers to the amount of force that can be exerted in relation to one's own body weight.
relative strength
A type of muscle fiber which is found in most internal organs and is responsible for involuntary
muscle control. Skeletal
A type of discomfort where a sharp pain is felt just under the ribs, typically on the right side of the
abdomen.-- Side Stitches
Avoid running on hard surfaces too much.-- Shin Splints
The ability to maintain equilibrium with or without body movements. Balance
A condition in which there is a blockage within the arterial walls which eventually leads to the lack of
oxygen and blood flow within the body.- Atherosclerosis
Apply donut pad/corn pad and lubricant.-blisters
The Daily Values or Recommended Daily Intake is set at _____ calories. 1,500-2,000

The ideal time to work-out after a full meal is between ______ hours.1-2
Nutrient that is the most concentrated source of energy of the body. It is also used for insulation and
cushion for organs. Carbohydrates

These are non-digestible carbohydrates that are commonly found in plants and are responsible for
digestion and bowel movement.-fibers
A type of essential nutrient taken from the soil when we consume both animal and plant products.-
Type of carbohyrdates that are non-digestible and can be found in food sources like green leafy
vegetables and fruits.----fibers
A condition in which a person starves herself in order to lose and maintain an "ideal weight."-
starvation diet
A condition in which a person is obssessed in eating healthy and exercising to maintain an "ideal"
body weight. anorexia athletica
disorder experienced by some body builders who think they are small and out of shape despite
muscularity.- Muscle Dysmorphia

A condition in which a person lacks thyroid hormone production causing severe weight gain.
Smoking decreases your life expectancy by ____ minutes.-11min
A condition in which air pipes become swollen and a person experiences shortness of breath.-
- Emphysema
A kind of stress that is also known as "positive stress" because it is mentally or physically
stimulating. Eustress
The first stage in the General Adaptation Syndrome is _____.Alarm reaction
\This is the nonspecific response of the body to any demand made upon it in order to maintain
physiological equilibrium. Stress

Type of stressor which involves heat, noise, overcrowding, climate, and terrain. Environmental

refers to changing physical activities to prevent boredom and loss of interest. Principle of Variation

This principle is also known as the "use it or lose it" principle. Principle of Reversibility

The ideal recovery time of a person who performed a CV endurance activity is ____.—24hours
This principle pertains to developing a certain component/s of fitness during training.—Specificity
The ideal duration of each stretch should last for _____.15sec
The ideal training frequency for aerobic exercises within a week is between 3-5 days.

These are muscles that are located at the front of the thighs. Quadriceps
An important fitness principle where a person attempts to slow the body down bringing the body and
the mind to recovery after a heavey or light training. Cool-down
A part of exercise that raises your core temperatue inhibiting faster muscle recruitment. Warm-ups
In arranging exercises the ____ muscle groups serve as stabiizers and support for the body. Large
exercise targets both the muscles at the front and back of the thighs. squat and reach
Drinking and smoking is Andrew's best ways of forgetting his problems. Andrew is exhibiting an
example called
condition in which there is a deficiency of iron within the blood. Anemia

A person who is said to be obssessed or has a fixation over healthy eating has a condition known as
Body Dysmorphic Disorder.

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