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Personality Psychology Canadian 1st Edition

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MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question.

1) is defined as both the consistencies in people and the ways people change over time.
A) Personality coherence B) Mean level stability
C) Personality development D) Rank order stability
Answer: C

2) When people maintain their position in a group over time, they display
A) personality coherence. B) rank order stability.
C) mean level stability. D) possible selves.
Answer: B

3) If we measure height from the age of 12 to 18, we would likely see high degrees of
A) rank order stability.
B) rank order instability.
C) mean level stability.
D) both "mean level stability" and "rank order stability."
Answer: A

4) When the average level of a trait remains constant over time, we observe
A) mean level stability. B) rank order instability.
C) mean level change. D) rank order stability.
Answer: A

5) The finding that sensation seeking tends to decrease with age is an example of
A) mean level change. B) mean level stability.
C) rank order instability. D) rank order stability.
Answer: A

6) If we studied political attitudes and found that everyone became more conservative with age, we
would observe
A) mean level change. B) rank order stability.
C) mean level stability. D) rank order change.
Answer: A

7) If an individual maintains his or her rank order for a trait relative to a group, but changes the
behaviours manifested by that trait over time, that individual is exhibiting
A) validity coefficients. B) rank order stability.
C) personality coherence. D) mean level stability.
Answer: C

8) An example of would be that ambivalently attached babies cry when their mothers leave
them, and that later in life as adults these individuals have many short-lived relationships.
A) mean level change B) rank order stability
C) mean level stability D) personality coherence
Answer: D

9) When Maria was a child she always did her homework on time and was an excellent student. As an
adult Maria is a highly organized business woman with a reputation for meeting deadlines. Maria's
behaviour throughout her life demonstrates
A) mean level stability. B) personality coherence.
C) rank order stability. D) mean level reliability.
Answer: B

10) Which of the following concepts does Gandhi's life best illustrate?
A) How a personality changes over time.
B) The concept of rank order stability.
C) Traits that are correlated with leadership skills.
D) How a personality can remain stable over time.
Answer: D

11) Personality changes take place when those changes are _ and .
A) internal; enduring B) internal; progressive
C) external; phenotypical D) external; durable
Answer: A

12) Freud's theory of psychosexual stages is an example of personality change at the level of
A) group differences B) individual uniqueness
C) individual differences D) population
Answer: D

13) Which of the following is NOT an example of a topic at the group level of analysis?
A) Male versus female differences in empathy toward others.
B) Arousal differences that correlate with extraversion.
C) Cultural differences in coming of age rituals.
D) Ethnic differences in body satisfaction.
Answer: B

14) usually is/are defined as the individual differences that show up early in life and are likely
to be heritable and involved in behaviours linked with emotionality.
A) Temperament B) Dispositions
C) Traits D) Individual differences
Answer: A

15) Which level of analysis would consider the question, "Can we predict healthy aging from
personality traits?"
A) Group differences B) Cultural differences
C) Population D) Individual differences
Answer: D

16) Compared to Asian Canadian children, European Canadian children tend to be higher in which 2
A) Extraversion and Hostility B) Antagonism and Aggression
C) Extraversion and Antagonism D) Extraversion and Self-Esteem
Answer: C

17) Personality profiles characteristic of European Canadian children appear to predispose them to
A) externalizing disorders, such as attention-defecit/hyperactivity disorder.
B) internalizing disorders, such as depression.
C) relationship problems, such as marital dissatisfaction.
D) good adjustment and mental health.
Answer: A

18) Personality is least stable in

A) adolescence. B) adulthood. C) early infancy. D) late infancy.
Answer: C

19) Personality differences usually can be first observed in

A) adulthood. B) early infancy. C) adolescence. D) late infancy.
Answer: B

20) Which of the following aspects of temperament is probably most stable?

A) Duration of orienting B) Soothability
C) Activity level D) Fear
Answer: C

21) Temperament has been found to be

A) unstable. B) more stable over short interval.
C) more stable in early infancy. D) more stable over long intervals.
Answer: B

22) Correlations between the same measure taken at different points in time are called
A) rank order stability. B) validity coefficients.
C) mean level stability. D) stability coefficients.
Answer: D

23) Correlations between different measures of the same trait taken at the same time are called
A) mean level stability. B) rank order stability.
C) stability coefficients. D) validity coefficients.
Answer: D

24) Buss, Block, and Block's longitudinal study of activity level found
A) stability in activity level over time. B) more stability over long intervals.
C) a lack of personality coherence. D) less stability over short intervals.
Answer: A

25) Research suggests that children classified as bullies in the 6 th grade
A) will be more popular in the 10th grade.
B) are more likely to have felony convictions by the time they are 24.
C) are more likely to have been bullied by parents.
D) will become "whipping boys" by the 7th grade.
Answer: B

26) Victims of childhood bullying are more likely to experience in adulthood.

A) relationship problems B) depression
C) anxiety D) All of the choices are correct.
Answer: D

27) Traits from the five-factor model have been found to

A) have population stability in adulthood. B) lack stability in
early adulthood.
C) be only slightly stable in adulthood. D) be moderately stable in adulthood.
Answer: D

28) Researchers have found that personality stability

A) does not change reliably over time. B) tends to decrease with age.
C) is best estimated by validity coefficients. D) tends to increase with age.
Answer: D

29) Trait consistency tends to reach each peak after age

A) 20. B) 30. C) 40. D) 50.
Answer: D

30) Research suggests that traits from the five-factor model mean level changes with age.
A) show large B) show small C) do not show D) show moderate
Answer: B

31) The traits of extraversion, neuroticism, and openness tend to

A) fluctuate greatly in mean level stability during adolescence.
B) decline gradually with age until a person is about fifty years old.
C) decrease markedly after a person reaches his or her sixties.
D) increase substantially in a person's thirties.
Answer: B

32) Trait neuroticism and negative affect scores tend to from the freshman to senior years in
college and university.
A) decrease strongly B) remain stable
C) increase strongly D) fluctuate wildly
Answer: A

33) Trait levels of and tend to increase with age.
A) agreeableness; openness to experience B) neuroticism; extraversion
C) extraversion; openness to experience D) conscientiousness; agreeableness
Answer: D

34) Some have suggested that more research focuses on personality stability, rather than change,
A) there might be a bias among researchers against even looking for personality change.
B) assessing change is easier than assessing stability.
C) longitudinal studies are difficult to conduct.
D) terms that refer to stability are generally more positive.
Answer: A

35) The Victoria Longitudinal Study has drawn into question what conclusion made by personality
A) Mean level change appears to occur at a significant level between the ages of 55 and 85.
B) Personality becomes more difficult to measure as people age.
C) Personality measures increase in reliability with age.
D) There is very little change in personality after the age of 50.
Answer: D

36) In the Victoria Longitudinal Study, older adults showed increases in over time.
A) neuroticism B) introversion C) agreeableness D) openness
Answer: A

37) Women in the Victoria Longitudinal Study were more likely than men to show decreases in
and increases in .
A) antagonism; neuroticism B) neuroticism; antagonism
C) neuroticism; agreeableness D) agreeableness; neuroticism
Answer: C

38) According to the researchers involved in the Victoria Longitudinal Study, what is a likely factor in
personality change observed in old age?
A) Reduced cognitive functioning.
B) The increased incidence of dementia, which predisposes people to personality change.
C) Unique life events, such as retirement or death of a loved one.
D) Increasingly poor physical health.
Answer: C

39) People whose actual selves are close to their ideal selves score high on measures of
A) feared selves. B) self-esteem. C) desired selves. D) possible selves.
Answer: B

40) During adolescence, the self-esteem of increases and the self-esteem of
A) calm persons; irritable persons B) irritable persons; calm persons
C) females; males D) males; females
Answer: D

41) A longitudinal study of architects that spanned 25 years found that

A) successful architects scored high on independence and spontaneity scales.
B) successful architects scored high on conventionality and conservatism scales.
C) successful architects had fewer health problems than less creative architects.
D) impulsivity and flexibility scale scores increased with age for successful architects.
Answer: A

42) The architects classified as being "average" in a longitudinal, 25-year study, were found to
A) score very low on conformity scales at both times data was collected in the study.
B) have become somewhat more creative over the years, but not as much as the successful
C) have considerably fewer health problems then the successful architects over the years.
D) have become less impulse and flexible and to have become more rigid as they aged.
Answer: D

43) A longitudinal study followed male management employees at AT&T over 20 years starting in the
late 1950s while the men were in their twenties. The study found that the managers' levels of
decreased over their careers.
A) dominance B) autonomy C) motivation D) ambition
Answer: D

44) If you measure self-esteem every day for two weeks, you are probably most interested in
A) possible selves. B) feared selves.
C) self-esteem variability. D) self-esteem level.
Answer: C

45) Self-esteem variability is most correlated with

A) self-esteem level. B) activity level.
C) depression. D) childhood temper tantrums.
Answer: C

46) A person who feels very good after receiving a compliment, but very bad after being insulted, would
sore high on measures of
A) self-esteem variability.
B) activity level.
C) self-esteem.
D) both "self-esteem" and "self-esteem variability."
Answer: A

47) People who have high levels of self-esteem variability
A) score high on measures of self-esteem level.
B) depend on others for their sense of self-worth.
C) score low on measures of self-esteem level.
D) react positively to objectively defined negative events.
Answer: B

48) Self-esteem variability appears to be strongly related to the extent to which one's self-view can be
influenced by
A) the outcome of social events.
B) the self-esteem of others in the environment.
C) the mean level of self-esteem.
D) levels of monoanalyse oxide.
Answer: A

49) Kara is extremely sensitive to the feedback of other people. She most likely has a(n)
A) low mean level of self-esteem. B) high level of self-esteem variability.
C) extremely rigid sense of self-esteem. D) overall low level of self-esteem.
Answer: B

50) Which of the following is NOT a component of sensation seeking?

A) Disinhibition B) Thrill and adventure seeking
C) Boredom susceptibility D) Sociability
Answer: D

51) When does the trait of sensation seeking tend to peak?

A) In late adolescence. B) In early childhood.
C) In midlife. D) In late life.
Answer: A

52) Women who score high on the femininity scale of the California Psychological Inventory (compared
to low scorers) are more likely to
A) take the initiative in sexual encounters. B) take charge of a committee meeting.
C) demand equal social and political rights. D) remember an acquaintance's birthday.
Answer: D

53) A longitudinal study conducted of women who attended Mills College suggests that femininity
(defined as being dependent, emotional, gentle, high-strung, etc.) decreases to become more
masculine (defined as being assertive, confident, determined, independent, etc.) from ages
A) 13 to 20. B) 40 to 50. C) 30 to 40. D) 20 to 30.
Answer: B

54) The trait of competence tends to women.
A) decrease with age among
B) remain unchanged with age among
C) increase among married, but decrease among unmarried
D) increase with age among
Answer: D

55) Over time, trait scores of independence tended to increase for all women EXCEPT
A) divorced mothers. B) the nulliparous.
C) homemakers. D) working mothers.
Answer: C

56) The Mills College longitudinal study of women found that homemakers' level of independence at
age 21 versus that at age 43 suggests that
A) being a homemaker requires much more independence than originally believed.
B) the role a university-educated woman has in life is irrelevant to changes in personality.
C) the roles women adopt are irrelevant to changes in independence.
D) homemakers' independence scores are likely to change little with age.
Answer: D

57) are defined as the social times in which people live.

A) "Historical byproducts" B) "Cohort effects"
C) "Longitudinal effects" D) "Generational effects"
Answer: B

58) The effects on individuals of living through the first gulf war is an example of
A) generational effects. B) historical byproducts.
C) longitudinal effects. D) cohort effects.
Answer: D

59) North American women in the 1930s were more than women of the 1950s.
A) sexually active B) passive C) resilient D) self-sufficient
Answer: D

60) North American women's scores for rose from 1931 to 1945 and also from 1968 to 1993.
A) assertiveness B) sensation seeking
C) level of education D) domesticity
Answer: A

61) Which of the following has NOT been associated with marital satisfaction?
A) The husband's impulsivity B) The wife's neuroticism
C) The wife's impulsivity D) The husband's neuroticism
Answer: C

62) Twenge concluded from her studies of cohort effects from 1968 to 1993 that
A) females internalized the social change and cultural messages of the era, and their personalities
were molded by these messages.
B) social and cultural changes had only marginal effects on personality.
C) cohort effects are interesting to study historically, but of little relevance to personality
D) the culture in which an individual is immersed is the major determinant of personality.
Answer: A

63) "Personality coherence" refers to the predictable changes in

A) the mean level stability of personality traits.
B) how much "common sense" a personality score makes.
C) the outcomes of personality factors over time.
D) the effects of rank-order stability over time.
Answer: C

64) Which of the following personality traits is one of the strongest predictors of divorce in the Kelly
and Conley longitudinal study of married couples?
A) Low conscientiousness B) High extraversion
C) High neuroticism D) Low agreeableness
Answer: C

65) Husbands who score low on have been found to be more likely to have extramarital
A) extraversion B) impulse control C) neuroticism D) dominance
Answer: B

66) Individuals with a high level of tend to cope better with the loss of a spouse.
A) neuroticism B) dominance C) independence D) impulse control
Answer: A

67) Which of the following has been suggested as the key factor with the later development of
alcoholism in men?
A) High levels of neuroticism B) Low levels of impulse control
C) Low levels of neuroticism D) High levels of impulse control
Answer: B

68) Which of the following has been associated with the later development of emotional disturbances in
A) High levels of neuroticism B) Low levels of impulse control
C) Low levels of neuroticism D) High levels of impulse control
Answer: A

69) Impulsivity in men has been associated with
A) lower levels of academic achievement. B) alcoholism.
C) lower levels of marital satisfaction. D) All of the choices are correct.
Answer: D

70) Which of the following does NOT predict later levels of marital satisfaction?
A) Neuroticism B) Sensation seeking
C) Childhood temper tantrums D) Impulse control
Answer: B

71) A study found that men who had many childhood temper tantrums later
A) achieved great financial success.
B) had more successful military careers.
C) achieved higher levels of academic success.
D) were more likely to be divorced.
Answer: D

72) Men classified as being "explosive" children in a 40-year longitudinal study presented by Caspi and
his colleagues in 1987 differed from the "nonexplosive" group by
A) earning more medals for bravery. B) achieving lower military ranks.
C) benefiting from military discipline. D) earning more promotions for valor.
Answer: B

73) When people in marriages have similar personalities

A) their personalities remain more stable over time.
B) their personalities change more over time.
C) they are more likely to divorce.
D) their personalities are neither more nor less likely to change over time.
Answer: A

74) been associated with greater stability of personality over time.

A) Marrying someone with a very different personality has
B) High levels of neuroticism have
C) Low levels of neuroticism have
D) Marrying someone with a similar personality has
Answer: D

75) Research has indicated a negative correlation between postsecondary GPA and
A) peer ratings of neuroticism before entering university.
B) peer ratings of impulsivity before entering university. C)
parent ratings of aggression before entering university.
D) parent ratings of impulsivity before entering university.
Answer: B

Answer Key
Testname: UNTITLED17

1) C
2) B
3) A
4) A
5) A
6) A
7) C
8) D
9) B
10) D
11) A
12) D
13) B
14) A
15) D
16) C
17) A
18) C
19) B
20) C
21) B
22) D
23) D
24) A
25) B
26) D
27) D
28) D
29) D
30) B
31) B
32) A
33) D
34) A
35) D
36) A
37) C
38) C
39) B
40) D
41) A
42) D
43) D
44) C
45) C
46) A
47) B
48) A
49) B
50) D
Answer Key
Testname: UNTITLED17

51) A
52) D
53) B
54) D
55) C
56) D
57) B
58) D
59) D
60) A
61) C
62) A
63) C
64) C
65) B
66) A
67) B
68) A
69) D
70) B
71) D
72) B
73) A
74) D
75) B


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