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M8 Unit 15: Part 3

Sitio: Aula Virtual UNC Imprimido por: Estefania Diaz

Curso: 37. Inglés II lunes 9 hs Día: jueves, 10 de agosto de 2023, 13:53
Libro: M8 Unit 15: Part 3

 Part 3: "If the roof leaks, call an expert"

Tabla de contenidos

1. Vocabulary

2. Grammar

3. Use of English
1. Vocabulary

In this section you will learn vocabulary about household problems.

(En esta sección vas a aprender vocabulario sobre problemas domésticos.)

clogged sink

broken toilet

peeling paint

cracked wall

leaking roof

Read the advertisement of a handyman.

Pic 01.

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Is your house falling apart?

If the sink is clogged, 

If the wall is cracked,

If the paint is peeling,

If the toilet is broken,

If the roof leaks,


Handy Tom can fix* these and other household problems. 

*fix: repair

Listen, read and repeat.

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clogged sink

(bacha tapada)

Pic 02.

broken toilet

(inodoro roto)

Pic 03.

peeling paint

(pared con la pintura saltada)

Pic 04.
cracked wall

(pared agrietada)

Pic 05.

leaking roof

(techo con goteras)

Pic 06.


Look at the picture and choose the correct option.


 clogged toilet

 clogged sink

 broken sink


Look and write. Use the words from the box to label the pictures.
broken toilet   -   peeling paint   -   clogged sink   -   cracked wall   -   leaking roof


2. Grammar

In this section you will review zero, first and second conditional sentences.
(En esta sección vas a repasar el condicional cero, uno y dos. )

Choose the correct option to complete the conversation.

Read the conversation and choose the correct option.
At the Hotel Room

Hotel receptionist : Look ! There are a few problems with this room but it is cozy▪️.

Jesica’s mother : Problems ?

Hotel receptionist : If it 👉 rains / will rain , the roof leaks .

Jesica’s mother : If the roof leaks , 👉 called / call an expert . I don’t think it will rain tonight so it’s OK .

Hotel receptionist : There is something else … If you need to use the toilet , 👉 you would / go to the bathroom at th
of the corridor because the toilet is broken .

Jesica’s mother : Is there water to wash▪️ our hands at least ?

Hotel receptionist : I 👉 wouldn’t / won’t wash my hands if I were you because the sink is clogged .

Jesica : Mmm … I guess that if the hotel is cheap , you 👉 will got / get a horrible room .

Jesica’s mother : If the room 👉 is / was a mess , fix it . This is a disaster !

Jesica’s brother : If we 👉 don’t / not rent this room , we will sleep in the car . Let’s stay here for one night .

Jesica’s mother : I’m afraid▪️ you are right .

▪️cozy : acogedor / cómodo

▪️wash : lavarse
▪️I’m afraid : me temo

 Check


Read some advice on how to find a nice hotel and fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb. Use conditionals.

Pic 08.
If you (go) on holiday during peak season, it is hard to find accommodation▪️. If you want to find the best hotel,
(read) this article and follow its advice.

- If you book a room at least two months in advance, you (find) more options.

- Prices are lower▪️if you (pay) in October. 

- If you (find) the perfect hotel, don’t pay for the whole stay. Most hotels look better on the website than in real life. Hote
(not-attract) tourists if they showed real pictures on booking websites. 

- Pay only one night if you (want) to book. So if you (not-like) the room when you arrive, you can go to ano

▪️accommodation: habitación o lugar donde quedarse

▪️lower: más bajo

 Check

3. Use of English

In this section you will use conditional sentences and vocabulary about household problems.
(En esta sección vas a usar condicionales y vocabulario sobre problemas doméstico. )

Read the dialogue between the hotel receptionist and the hotel manager and choose the correct option.

Hotel receptionist : Mr Johnson , there is a family staying at room 12 .

Hotel manager : Did they see that room ? It is a mess . I 👉 wouldn’t stay / won’t stay there if I 👉​was / will be o
holiday . The paint in that room is 👉 breaking / peeling , one of the walls is 👉 cracked / clogged …

Hotel receptionist : Besides▪️, they can’t use the bathroom because the toilet is 👉​broken / peeling and the 👉​wall
is clogged … But most hotels are full , sir . So they are staying only for one night .

▪️besides : además

 Check


Read the dialogue between the hotel receptionist and the hotel manager and choose the correct option.

Hotel manager : If they 👉 decided / decide to stay for the weekend , 👉​call / will call the handyman . Remember that
rains , the roof 👉​broken / leaks . I believe it will rain tomorrow … But 👉​don’t / didn’t call the handyman if they 👉​d
stay / doesn’t stay . He charges▪️ more if he 👉 works / will work on weekends .

Hotel receptionist : If they 👉 leave / left tomorrow , will you call the handyman on Monday ?

Hotel Manager : I promise I will .

▪️charge : cobrar

 Check

Listen and read. Then repeat.

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Hotel receptionist: Mr Johnson, there is a family staying at room 12.

Hotel manager: Did they see that room? It is a mess. I wouldn’t stay there if I was on holiday. The paint in that room is peeling, one of the walls
is cracked…

Hotel receptionist: Besides, they can’t use the bathroom because the toilet is broken and the sink is clogged… But most hotels are full, sir. So
they are staying only for one night.

Hotel manager: If they decide to stay for the weekend, call the handyman. Remember that if it rains, the roof leaks. I believe it will rain
tomorrow… But don’t call the handyman if they don’t stay. He charges more if he works on weekends.

Hotel receptionist: If they leave tomorrow, will you call the handyman on Monday?

Hotel Manager: I promise I will.

Let’s practice the English sounds. First listen and repeat many times. Then record yourself and compare the recording with
the audio file. Record yourself again as many times as you want.


Press a button below to record your answer.

 Record

1. He charges more if he works on weekends.

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2. If you don’t like the room when you arrive, you can go to another hotel.

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3. If you find the perfect hotel, don’t pay for the whole stay.

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4. Hotels wouldn’t attract tourists if they showed real pictures on booking websites.

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5. If I were you, I would buy water and food at the restaurant.

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