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Will be writing some context and ideas for how the body will look this will be a modified
version of our previous doc the ‘Essay Format’ but more revised and compact. I'll write
down what I need from you and how to assimilate your opinions in the piece after which
I will stitch in my portion along with it.

Timeline: Lets complete a simple version of the body by today, before 1:00 AM 27th

I'll be writing down the basic idea and then I'll note down questions that your portion will
have to answer within your piece. Also please include your citations while writing not

Sub-Heading 1: An analysis of India's current education and how its unable to

generate skilled freshers and the boon and bane that AI does ones introduced:

● Write down a brief info on education in India which can include:

1. Accessibility of Education
2. General number of students (with additional statistics and citations)
3. graduates - young workforce

● Bring in the issue discussed in the introduction:

1. Qualitative Analysis on Indian Education
2. How is India's curriculum - choice to go broad and then specialize for primary and
secondary segmentation.
3. How are college qualifications in India
4. Are Indian college syllabuses any good? Do they prepare students for the current
5. Mention different sectors such as business colleges, architecture etc. the
specification gets us the gold.

Mention and highlight current archaic practices that are followed (find them through
either college governing boards or government state all the way up to central)- This way
we highlight both educational and legal analysis on Indian Policies. Opinions on how it
has turned out.

6. How are their placements? Their earnings? When parents tell their kids to chase
these careers is it actually worth it?
7. Talk about the Engineering Crisis and The doctor crisis. (Links sent yesterday
and research papers can be found online.

8. How worthy are Indian degrees compared to other countries?

9. Why do businesses and current markets not like Indian degrees, why do they see
them as unqualified? What are new skills education requires and are demanded?
Why do Inidians choose to move abroad? How valuable is an indian degree

10. The impact of the current education system on students - suicide rates, crushing
competition, lack of opportunity for lower class to catch up…..
This can be opinionated but make sure your opinion is an interpretation of a researched
fact. All up to you

Additionally include solutions in brief:

what change should curriculums have to endorse the new market demands eg: Ai

11. How is AI helping education change - Mention the change as part of an

evolutionary process so that we pay homage to the topic.

12. Can AI integration in Education help save and make Indian education more
competitive to other systems?
● Highlight the legal changes of education boards by mentioning regulation that will
be passed
● The impact of AI assimilation
● Is it a boon or Curse for students?
● Likely Change in the system
● Opinions on how it will move from here - Evolution procedure.

(NOTE: Getting into all these topics will take up a huge word count, so focus on taking a
select few you think will do justice to the main issue we're tackling and if you have any
more feel free to add. If you can include the notes for questions I highlighted.)

(NOTE: Funding Distribution of Indian education is a economic point let's put it within
the second sub heading)

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