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This Archeage 3.5 Trade Pack Calculation Spreadsheet was designed to help you find the best packs to run for your

*How to use it
1.) The “Calculation” has inputs items underlined in blue are selections (drop down menus) item in purple is an input
2.) The “Zones & Pack Value” Tabs Are used for Data Entry and Calculations, there should be no need to change any

Spreadsheet Made By Aired for Youtube Video

My Channel
Direct Video:

*I want to thank for listing the Trade Pack Turn In Values.. You folks Rock!

Page 1
find the best packs to run for your server.

n menus) item in purple is an input. Fill out all selections & inputs only, all other values are auto calculated.
e should be no need to change any values here unless the trade pack system changes again.

Values.. You folks Rock!

Page 2

o calculated.

Page 3

Selections → Zone & Type


Pack Materials
Solis Alchemy Oil Medicinal Powder (x80)
Yata Fur (x25)
Gilda Star (x1)
Crafting Cost

Turn In Location Turn In Percentage

Villanelle 130

Pack Value Per Pack

Solis Alchemy Oil 14.64216

Page 4

Pack Names Enter # Of Packs Being Made

Solis Alchemy Oil 1

Enter Value Per Unit Material Totals

0.0420 3.3600
0.0500 1.2500
0.0000 0.0000
0.0000 0.0000
0.5000 0.5000
Cost Per Pack 5.1100
Total Cost 5.1100

Labor Modifier (Commerce) Labor Modifier (Husbandry) *Aged Packs Require Husbandry Pro
25 40

Crafting / Pickup Labor Per Pack Turn In Labor Per Pack

38 53

Total Labor (Labor Per * Total Packs) 91

Total Value (Value Per * Total Packs) 14.6422
Profit (Total Value- Total Cost) 9.5322
Silver To Labor Ratio 0.1047

Page 5

Monetary Input Examples

10 Gold 10.0000
10 Silver 0.1000
10 Copper 0.0010
2 Gold 2.0000
2 Silver 0.0200
2 Copper 0.0002
10 Gold, 22 Silver, 33 Copper 10.2233

Aged Packs Require Husbandry Proficiency to Pickup

Page 6

Haranyan_Specialties Haranyan_Fert_Plaza Haranyan_Aged

Arcum Iris Lavaspice Arcum Iris Fertilizer Arcum Iris Aged Cheese
Arcum Iris Roasted Eggs Arcum Iris Salt Crackers Arcum Iris Aged Honey
Falcorth Apple Tarts Falcorth Carrot Cake Arcum Iris Aged Salve
Falcorth Snowlion Yarn Flacorth Fertilizer Flacorth Aged Cheese
Hasla Cured Meat Hasla Fertilizer Flacorth Aged Honey
Hasla Softened Fabric Hasla Specialty Tea Flacorth Aged Salve
Mahadevi Elephant Cookies Mahadevi Fertilizer Hasla Aged Cheese
Mahadevi Yule Logs Mahadevi Pickles Hasla Aged Honey
Perinoor Aged Spices Perinoor Fertilizer Hasla Aged Salve
Perinoor Potato Powder Perinoor Fried Meat Mahadevi Aged Cheese
Rokhala Alpine Mix Rokhala Fertilizer Mahadevi Aged Honey
Rokhala Auspicious Elixir Rokhala Livestock Fodder Mahadevi Aged Salve
Rookborne Biscuit Sticks Rookborne Fertilizer Perinoor Aged Cheese
Rookborne Fruit Leather Rookborne Millet Pilaf Perinoor Aged Honey
Silent Forest Dried Fruit Silent Forest Fertilizer Perinoor Aged Salve
Silent Forest Pomme Candy Silent Forest Seasonings Rokhala Aged Cheese
Solis Alchemy Oil Solis Fertilizer Rokhala Aged Honey
Solis Juice Concentrate Solis Red Spice Rokhala Aged Salve
Sunbite Citrus Cleaner Sunbite Fertilizer Rookborne Aged Cheese
Sunbite Salvation Tea Sunbite Pest Poison Rookborne Aged Honey
Tigerspine Grape Jam Tigerspine Fertilizer Rookborne Aged Salve
Tigerspine Tigerspaw Pancakes Tigerspine Seasoned Meat Silent Forest Aged Cheese
Villanelle Potpourri Villanelle Fertilizer Silent Forest Aged Honey
Villanelle Preserved Cherries Villanelle Long Noodles Silent Forest Aged Salve
Windscour Bitter Herbs Windscour Chilled Beverages Solis Aged Cheese
Windscour Hearty Jerky Windscour Fertilizer Solis Aged Honey
Ynystere Olive Oil Ynystere Bouquets Solis Aged Salve
Ynystere Preserves Ynystere Fertilizer Sunbite Aged Cheese
Sunbite Aged Honey
Sunbite Aged Salve
Tigerspine Aged Cheese
Tigerspine Aged Honey
Tigerspine Aged Salve
Villanelle Aged Cheese
Villanelle Aged Honey
Villanelle Aged Salve
Windscour Aged Cheese
Windscour Aged Honey
Windscour Aged Salve
Ynystere Aged Cheese
Ynystere Aged Honey
Ynystere Aged Salve

Page 7

Nuia_Specialties Nuia_Fert_Plaza Nuia_Aged

Ahnimar Hangover Cure Ahnimar Fertilizer Ahnimar Aged Cheese
Ahnimar Mushroom Roulette Ahnimar Pressed Powder Ahnimar Aged Honey
Airian Dream Catchers Airian Fertilizer Ahnimar Aged Salve
Airian Triple Stout Airian Vegetable Seasoning Airian Aged Cheese
Aubre Cradle Ethanol Aubre Cradle Deviled Eggs Airian Aged Honey
Aubre Cradle Rice Flour Aubre Cradle Fertilizer Airian Aged Salve
Cinderstone Sacred Candles Cinderstone Fertilizer Aubre Cradle Aged Cheese
Cinderstone Tart Mead Cinderstone Medicinal Powder Aubre Cradle Aged Honey
Dewstone Distilled Liquor Dewstone Fertilizer Aubre Cradle Aged Salve
Dewstone Fine Thread Dewstone Toy Robots Cinderstone Aged Cheese
Gweonid Apple Pies Gweonid Fertilizer Cinderstone Aged Honey
Gweonid Dyed Feathers Gweonid Piqueant Spices Cinderstone Aged Salve
Halcyona Wheat Biscuit Halcyona Fertilizer Dewstone Aged Cheese
Halcyona Yam Pasta Halcyona Livestone Feed Dewstone Aged Honey
Hellswamp Mushroom Pot Pies Hellswamp Fertilizer Dewstone Aged Salve
Hellswamp Spicy Meat Hellswamp Ground Peanuts Gweonid Aged Cheese
Karkasse Dragon Jerky Karkasse Burn Cream Gweonid Aged Honey
Karkasse Quilts Karkasse Fertilizer Gweonid Aged Salve
Lilyut Cooking Oil Lilyut Fertilizer Halcyona Aged Cheese
Lilyut Milk Soap Lilyut Moonshine Halcyona Aged Honey
Marianople Duck Down Marianople Face Cream Halcyona Aged Salve
Marianople Sweeteners Marianople Fertilizer Hellswamp Aged Cheese
Sanddeep Medicinal Poultice Sanddeep Fertilizer Hellswamp Aged Honey
Sanddeep Preserved Meat Sanddeep Fried Cucumbers Hellswamp Aged Salve
Solzreed Braised Meat Solzreed Fertilizer Karkasse Aged Cheese
Solzreed Dried Food Solzreed Stawberry Smoothies Karkasse Aged Honey
Two Crowns Cream Two Crowns Fertilizer Karkasse Aged Salve
Two Crowns Pomme Cakes Two Crowns Flowerpots Lilyut Aged Cheese
White Arden Raisin Brandy White Arden Fertilizer Lilyut Aged Honey
White Arden Trail Mix White Arden Grilled Meat Lilyut Aged Salve
Marianople Aged Cheese
Marianople Aged Honey
Marianople Aged Salve
Sanddeep Aged Cheese
Sanddeep Aged Honey
Sanddeep Aged Salve
Solzreed Aged Cheese
Solzreed Aged Honey
Solzreed Aged Salve
Two Crowns Aged Cheese
Two Crowns Aged Honey
Two Crowns Aged Salve
White Arden Aged Cheese
White Arden Aged Honey
White Arden Aged Salve

Page 8
Pack Info
Pack Name Mat1 Qty1 Mat2 Qty2 Mat3
Arcum Iris Lavaspice Dried Flowers 80 Turmeric 40
Arcum Iris Roasted Eggs Ground Spices 60 Egg 40 Gilda Star
Falcorth Apple Tarts Ground Grain 100 Apple 25
Falcorth Snowlion Yarn Medicinal Powder 60 Goose Down 40 Gilda Star
Hasla Cured Meat Trimmed Meat 100 Lily 40
Hasla Softened Fabric Medicinal Powder 50 Duck Down 40 Gilda Star
Mahadevi Elephant Cookies Chopped Produce 50 Banana 15 Gilda Star
Mahadevi Yule Logs Orchard Puree 25 Fig 25
Perinoor Aged Spices Ground Spices 50 Avocado 40 Gilda Star
Perinoor Potato Powder Orchard Puree 30 Potato 85
Rokhala Alpine Mix Ground Spices 40 Apple 20 Gilda Star
Rokhala Auspicious Elixir Medicinal Powder 100 Azalea 50
Rookborne Biscuit Sticks Orchard Puree 20 Milk 15 Gilda Star
Rookborne Fruit Leather Chopped Produce 50 Apple 60
Silent Forest Dried Fruit Orchard Puree 20 Milk 15 Gilda Star
Silent Forest Pomme Candy Ground Spices 50 Pomegranate 15
Solis Alchemy Oil Medicinal Powder 80 Yata Fur 25 Gilda Star
Solis Juice Concentrate Medicinal Powder 50 Jujube 15
Sunbite Citrus Cleaner Medicinal Powder 40 Lemon 20 Gilda Star
Sunbite Salvation Tea Orchard Puree 30 Lavender 80
Tigerspine Grape Jam Chopped Produce 50 Grape 60
Tigerspine Tigerspaw PancakGround Grain 70 Milk 30 Gilda Star
Villanelle Potpourri Dried Flowers 70 Wool 40 Gilda Star
Villanelle Preserved Cherries Dried Flowers 50 Cherry 12
Windscour Bitter Herbs Trimmed Meat 15 Moringa Fruit 7 Gilda Star
Windscour Hearty Jerky Medicinal Powder 100 Mint 35
Ynystere Olive Oil Ground Spices 100 Olive 30
Ynystere Preserves Chopped Produce 50 Orange 10 Gilda Star
Arcum Iris Fertilizer Chopped Produce 25 Ground Grain 25 Trimmed Meat
Arcum Iris Salt Crackers Ground Grain 80 Sunflower 40
Falcorth Carrot Cake Dried Flowers 80 Carrot 150
Flacorth Fertilizer Chopped Produce 25 Ground Grain 25 Trimmed Meat
Hasla Fertilizer Chopped Produce 25 Ground Grain 25 Trimmed Meat
Hasla Specialty Tea Orchard Puree 20 Cornflower 40
Mahadevi Fertilizer Chopped Produce 25 Ground Grain 25 Trimmed Meat
Mahadevi Pickles Ground Spices 60 Cucumber 200
Perinoor Fertilizer Chopped Produce 25 Ground Grain 25 Trimmed Meat
Perinoor Fried Meat Trimmed Meat 30 Peanut 30
Rokhala Fertilizer Chopped Produce 25 Ground Grain 25 Trimmed Meat
Rokhala Livestock Fodder Dried Flowers 90 Yam 50
Rookborne Fertilizer Chopped Produce 25 Ground Grain 25 Trimmed Meat
Rookborne Millet Pilaf Dried Flowers 80 Millet 180
Silent Forest Fertilizer Chopped Produce 25 Ground Grain 25 Trimmed Meat
Silent Forest Seasonings Medicinal Powder 60 Garlic 100
Solis Fertilizer Chopped Produce 25 Ground Grain 25 Trimmed Meat
Solis Red Spice Ground Grain 110 Saffron 30
Sunbite Fertilizer Chopped Produce 25 Ground Grain 25 Trimmed Meat
Sunbite Pest Poison Ground Grain 80 Mint 40
Tigerspine Fertilizer Chopped Produce 25 Ground Grain 25 Trimmed Meat

Page 9
Pack Info
Tigerspine Seasoned Meat Trimmed Meat 100 Tomato 50
Villanelle Fertilizer Chopped Produce 25 Ground Grain 25 Trimmed Meat
Villanelle Long Noodles Chopped Produce 80 Rice 180
Windscour Chilled Beverages Chopped Produce 120 Aloe 30
Windscour Fertilizer Chopped Produce 25 Ground Grain 25 Trimmed Meat
Ynystere Bouquets Ground Grain 100 Rose 80
Ynystere Fertilizer Chopped Produce 25 Ground Grain 25 Trimmed Meat
Arcum Iris Aged Cheese Milk 50 Lemon 30 Larder Rack
Arcum Iris Aged Honey Honey 4 Hay Bales 20 Larder Rack
Arcum Iris Aged Salve Cultivated Ginseng 30 Olive 35 Larder Rack
Flacorth Aged Cheese Milk 50 Lemon 30 Larder Rack
Flacorth Aged Honey Honey 4 Hay Bales 20 Larder Rack
Flacorth Aged Salve Cultivated Ginseng 30 Olive 35 Larder Rack
Hasla Aged Cheese Milk 50 Lemon 30 Larder Rack
Hasla Aged Honey Honey 4 Hay Bales 20 Larder Rack
Hasla Aged Salve Cultivated Ginseng 30 Olive 35 Larder Rack
Mahadevi Aged Cheese Milk 50 Lemon 30 Larder Rack
Mahadevi Aged Honey Honey 4 Hay Bales 20 Larder Rack
Mahadevi Aged Salve Cultivated Ginseng 30 Olive 35 Larder Rack
Perinoor Aged Cheese Milk 50 Lemon 30 Larder Rack
Perinoor Aged Honey Honey 4 Hay Bales 20 Larder Rack
Perinoor Aged Salve Cultivated Ginseng 30 Olive 35 Larder Rack
Rokhala Aged Cheese Milk 50 Lemon 30 Larder Rack
Rokhala Aged Honey Honey 4 Hay Bales 20 Larder Rack
Rokhala Aged Salve Cultivated Ginseng 30 Olive 35 Larder Rack
Rookborne Aged Cheese Milk 50 Lemon 30 Larder Rack
Rookborne Aged Honey Honey 4 Hay Bales 20 Larder Rack
Rookborne Aged Salve Cultivated Ginseng 30 Olive 35 Larder Rack
Silent Forest Aged Cheese Milk 50 Lemon 30 Larder Rack
Silent Forest Aged Honey Honey 4 Hay Bales 20 Larder Rack
Silent Forest Aged Salve Cultivated Ginseng 30 Olive 35 Larder Rack
Solis Aged Cheese Milk 50 Lemon 30 Larder Rack
Solis Aged Honey Honey 4 Hay Bales 20 Larder Rack
Solis Aged Salve Cultivated Ginseng 30 Olive 35 Larder Rack
Sunbite Aged Cheese Milk 50 Lemon 30 Larder Rack
Sunbite Aged Honey Honey 4 Hay Bales 20 Larder Rack
Sunbite Aged Salve Cultivated Ginseng 30 Olive 35 Larder Rack
Tigerspine Aged Cheese Milk 50 Lemon 30 Larder Rack
Tigerspine Aged Honey Honey 4 Hay Bales 20 Larder Rack
Tigerspine Aged Salve Cultivated Ginseng 30 Olive 35 Larder Rack
Villanelle Aged Cheese Milk 50 Lemon 30 Larder Rack
Villanelle Aged Honey Honey 4 Hay Bales 20 Larder Rack
Villanelle Aged Salve Cultivated Ginseng 30 Olive 35 Larder Rack
Windscour Aged Cheese Milk 50 Lemon 30 Larder Rack
Windscour Aged Honey Honey 4 Hay Bales 20 Larder Rack
Windscour Aged Salve Cultivated Ginseng 30 Olive 35 Larder Rack
Ynystere Aged Cheese Milk 50 Lemon 30 Larder Rack
Ynystere Aged Honey Honey 4 Hay Bales 20 Larder Rack
Ynystere Aged Salve Cultivated Ginseng 30 Olive 35 Larder Rack
Ahnimar Hangover Cure Trimmed Meat 30 Grape 15 Gilda Star

Page 10
Pack Info
Ahnimar Mushroom Roulette Chopped Produce 100 Mushroom 50
Airian Dream Catchers Dried Flowers 50 Duck Down 40 Gilda Star
Airian Triple Stout Trimmed Meat 80 Barely 60
Aubre Cradle Ethanol Medicinal Powder 100 Corn 50
Aubre Cradle Rice Flour Trimmed Meat 30 Rice 50 Gilda Star
Cinderstone Sacred Candles Ground Spices 75 Bay Leaf 50
Cinderstone Tart Mead Dried Flowers 50 Apple 20 Gilda Star
Dewstone Distilled Liquor Medicinal Powder 100 Narcissus 50
Dewstone Fine Thread Ground Grain 70 Wool 40 Gilda Star
Gweonid Apple Pies Chopped Produce 50 Apple 30
Gweonid Dyed Feathers Orchard Puree 100 Goose Down 40 Gilda Star
Halcyona Wheat Biscuit Ground Grain 70 Egg 35 Gilda Star
Halcyona Yam Pasta Dried Flowers 90 Yam 50
Hellswamp Mushroom Pot PieOrchard Puree 30 Mushroom 80
Hellswamp Spicy Meat Trimmed Meat 80 Banana 10 Gilda Star
Karkasse Dragon Jerky Trimmed Meat 45 Corn 50
Karkasse Quilts Dried Flowers 40 Duck Down 40 Gilda Star
Lilyut Cooking Oil Dried Flowers 50 Olive 20
Lilyut Milk Soap Ground Spices 70 Milk 35 Gilda Star
Marianople Duck Down Dried Flowers 70 Duck Down 40 Gilda Star
Marianople Sweeteners Ground Spices 50 Cherry 12
Sanddeep Medicinal Poultice Medicinal Powder 40 Avocado 45 Gilda Star
Sanddeep Preserved Meat Trimmed Meat 30 Rosemary 50
Solzreed Braised Meat Trimmed Meat 80 Egg 20 Gilda Star
Solzreed Dried Food Trimmed Meat 30 Grape 30
Two Crowns Cream Medicinal Powder 80 Milk 35 Gilda Star
Two Crowns Pomme Cakes Ground Grain 50 Pomegranate 15
White Arden Raisin Brandy Ground Grain 50 Grape 60
White Arden Trail Mix Chopped Produce 70 Milk 30 Gilda Star
Ahnimar Fertilizer Chopped Produce 25 Ground Grain 25 Trimmed Meat
Ahnimar Pressed Powder Medicinal Powder 80 Cornflower 50
Airian Fertilizer Chopped Produce 25 Ground Grain 25 Trimmed Meat
Airian Vegetable Seasoning Chopped Produce 100 Rye 45
Aubre Cradle Deviled Eggs Ground Spices 120 Egg 60
Aubre Cradle Fertilizer Chopped Produce 25 Ground Grain 25 Trimmed Meat
Cinderstone Fertilizer Chopped Produce 25 Ground Grain 25 Trimmed Meat
Cinderstone Medicinal PowdeMedicinal Powder 70 Azalea 60
Dewstone Fertilizer Chopped Produce 25 Ground Grain 25 Trimmed Meat
Dewstone Toy Robots Orchard Puree 100 Ginkgo Leaf 5
Gweonid Fertilizer Chopped Produce 25 Ground Grain 25 Trimmed Meat
Gweonid Piqueant Spices Medicinal Powder 70 Onion 50
Halcyona Fertilizer Chopped Produce 25 Ground Grain 25 Trimmed Meat
Halcyona Livestock Feed Chopped Produce 80 Oats 50
Hellswamp Fertilizer Chopped Produce 25 Ground Grain 25 Trimmed Meat
Hellswamp Ground Peanuts Ground Spices 100 Peanut 50
Karkasse Burn Cream Orchard Puree 20 Rosemary 40
Karkasse Fertilizer Chopped Produce 25 Ground Grain 25 Trimmed Meat
Lilyut Fertilizer Chopped Produce 25 Ground Grain 25 Trimmed Meat
Lilyut Moonshine Orchard Puree 80 Rice 50
Marianople Face Cream Chopped Produce 100 Iris 60

Page 11
Pack Info
Marianople Fertilizer Chopped Produce 25 Ground Grain 25 Trimmed Meat
Sanddeep Fertilizer Chopped Produce 25 Ground Grain 25 Trimmed Meat
Sanddeep Fried Cucumbers Ground Grain 60 Cucumber 50
Solzreed Fertilizer Chopped Produce 25 Ground Grain 25 Trimmed Meat
Solzreed Strawberry Smoothi Ground Spices 80 Strawberry 50
Two Crowns Fertilizer Chopped Produce 25 Ground Grain 25 Trimmed Meat
Two Crowns Flowerpots Dried Flowers 80 Iris 50
White Arden Fertilizer Chopped Produce 25 Ground Grain 25 Trimmed Meat
White Arden Grilled Meat Trimmed Meat 30 Yam 30
Ahnimar Aged Cheese Milk 50 Lemon 30 Larder Rack
Ahnimar Aged Honey Honey 4 Hay Bales 20 Larder Rack
Ahnimar Aged Salve Cultivated Ginseng 30 Olive 35 Larder Rack
Airian Aged Cheese Milk 50 Lemon 30 Larder Rack
Airian Aged Honey Honey 4 Hay Bales 20 Larder Rack
Airian Aged Salve Cultivated Ginseng 30 Olive 35 Larder Rack
Aubre Cradle Aged Cheese Milk 50 Lemon 30 Larder Rack
Aubre Cradle Aged Honey Honey 4 Hay Bales 20 Larder Rack
Aubre Cradle Aged Salve Cultivated Ginseng 30 Olive 35 Larder Rack
Cinderstone Aged Cheese Milk 50 Lemon 30 Larder Rack
Cinderstone Aged Honey Honey 4 Hay Bales 20 Larder Rack
Cinderstone Aged Salve Cultivated Ginseng 30 Olive 35 Larder Rack
Dewstone Aged Cheese Milk 50 Lemon 30 Larder Rack
Dewstone Aged Honey Honey 4 Hay Bales 20 Larder Rack
Dewstone Aged Salve Cultivated Ginseng 30 Olive 35 Larder Rack
Gweonid Aged Cheese Milk 50 Lemon 30 Larder Rack
Gweonid Aged Honey Honey 4 Hay Bales 20 Larder Rack
Gweonid Aged Salve Cultivated Ginseng 30 Olive 35 Larder Rack
Halcyona Aged Cheese Milk 50 Lemon 30 Larder Rack
Halcyona Aged Honey Honey 4 Hay Bales 20 Larder Rack
Halcyona Aged Salve Cultivated Ginseng 30 Olive 35 Larder Rack
Hellswamp Aged Cheese Milk 50 Lemon 30 Larder Rack
Hellswamp Aged Honey Honey 4 Hay Bales 20 Larder Rack
Hellswamp Aged Salve Cultivated Ginseng 30 Olive 35 Larder Rack
Karkasse Aged Cheese Milk 50 Lemon 30 Larder Rack
Karkasse Aged Honey Honey 4 Hay Bales 20 Larder Rack
Karkasse Aged Salve Cultivated Ginseng 30 Olive 35 Larder Rack
Lilyut Aged Cheese Milk 50 Lemon 30 Larder Rack
Lilyut Aged Honey Honey 4 Hay Bales 20 Larder Rack
Lilyut Aged Salve Cultivated Ginseng 30 Olive 35 Larder Rack
Marianople Aged Cheese Milk 50 Lemon 30 Larder Rack
Marianople Aged Honey Honey 4 Hay Bales 20 Larder Rack
Marianople Aged Salve Cultivated Ginseng 30 Olive 35 Larder Rack
Sanddeep Aged Cheese Milk 50 Lemon 30 Larder Rack
Sanddeep Aged Honey Honey 4 Hay Bales 20 Larder Rack
Sanddeep Aged Salve Cultivated Ginseng 30 Olive 35 Larder Rack
Solzreed Aged Cheese Milk 50 Lemon 30 Larder Rack
Solzreed Aged Honey Honey 4 Hay Bales 20 Larder Rack
Solzreed Aged Salve Cultivated Ginseng 30 Olive 35 Larder Rack
Two Crowns Aged Cheese Milk 50 Lemon 30 Larder Rack
Two Crowns Aged Honey Honey 4 Hay Bales 20 Larder Rack

Page 12
Pack Info
Two Crowns Aged Salve Cultivated Ginseng 30 Olive 35 Larder Rack
White Arden Aged Cheese Milk 50 Lemon 30 Larder Rack
White Arden Aged Honey Honey 4 Hay Bales 20 Larder Rack
White Arden Aged Salve Cultivated Ginseng 30 Olive 35 Larder Rack

Page 13
Pack Info
Qty3 Mat4 Qty4 CraftingCost CraftLabor TurnInLabor Solis
0.5 50 70 11.0968
1 0.5 50 70 11.6518
0.5 50 70 11.3652
1 0.5 50 70 11.9352
0.5 50 70 15.6072
1 0.5 50 70 16.3878
1 0.5 50 70 7.4948
0.5 50 70 7.1379
1 0.5 50 70 15.1435
0.5 50 70 14.4223
1 0.5 50 70 15.4298
0.5 50 70 14.6945
1 0.5 50 70 15.1434
0.5 50 70 14.4225
1 0.5 50 70 12.2329
0.5 50 70 11.6502
1 0.5 50 70 NA
0.5 50 70 NA
1 0.5 50 70 12.1645
0.5 50 70 11.5853
0.5 50 70 10.1332
1 0.5 50 70 10.6397
1 0.5 50 70 11.2632
0.5 50 70 10.7271
1 0.5 50 70 14.3098
0.5 50 70 13.6284
0.5 50 70 11.9485
1 0.5 50 70 12.5461
20 Dried Flowers 50 0.75 60 70 12.7613
0.75 60 70 12.2065
0.75 60 70 12.5035
20 Dried Flowers 50 0.75 60 70 13.0718
20 Dried Flowers 50 0.75 60 70 17.9483
0.75 60 70 17.1683
20 Dried Flowers 50 0.75 60 70 8.2085
0.75 60 70 7.8515
20 Dried Flowers 50 0.75 60 70 16.5857
0.75 60 70 15.8645
20 Dried Flowers 50 0.75 60 70 16.8991
0.75 60 70 16.1644
20 Dried Flowers 50 0.75 60 70 16.5858
0.75 60 70 15.8644
20 Dried Flowers 50 0.75 60 70 13.3978
0.75 60 70 12.8154
20 Dried Flowers 50 0.75 60 70 NA
0.75 60 70 NA
20 Dried Flowers 50 0.75 60 70 13.3229
0.75 60 70 12.7438
20 Dried Flowers 50 0.75 60 70 11.6532

Page 14
Pack Info
0.75 60 70 11.1465
20 Dried Flowers 50 0.75 60 70 12.3361
0.75 60 70 11.7998
0.75 60 70 14.9909
20 Dried Flowers 50 0.75 60 70 15.6725
0.75 60 70 13.9728
20 Dried Flowers 50 0.75 60 70 14.6083
1 0 60 70 18.6181
1 0 60 70 18.4873
1 0 60 70 18.5622
1 0 60 70 13.675
1 0 60 70 14.0174
1 0 60 70 13.675
1 0 60 70 27.871
1 0 60 70 27.8433
1 0 60 70 27.7311
1 0 60 70 15.7697
1 0 60 70 15.738
1 0 60 70 15.6905
1 0 60 70 22.154
1 0 60 70 22.0872
1 0 60 70 22.065
1 0 60 70 27.9143
1 0 60 70 28.6415
1 0 60 70 27.9143
1 0 60 70 18.7975
1 0 60 70 19.2785
1 0 60 70 18.7975
1 0 60 70 19.2179
1 0 60 70 19.295
1 0 60 70 19.3342
1 0 60 70 NA
1 0 60 70 NA
1 0 60 70 NA
1 0 60 70 19.9498
1 0 60 70 20.0302
1 0 60 70 20.0302
1 0 60 70 16.4037
1 0 60 70 16.4037
1 0 60 70 16.5029
1 0 60 70 17.8482
1 0 60 70 17.938
1 0 60 70 17.8482
1 0 60 70 17.3616
1 0 60 70 17.8036
1 0 60 70 17.3616
1 0 60 70 17.7945
1 0 60 70 17.8663
1 0 60 70 17.8122
1 0.5 50 70 NA

Page 15
Pack Info
0.5 50 70 NA
1 0.5 50 70 NA
0.5 50 70 NA
0.5 50 70 NA
1 0.5 50 70 NA
0.5 50 70 NA
1 0.5 50 70 NA
0.5 50 70 NA
1 0.5 50 70 NA
0.5 50 70 NA
1 0.5 50 70 NA
1 0.5 50 70 NA
0.5 50 70 NA
0.5 50 70 NA
1 0.5 50 70 NA
0.5 50 70 NA
1 0.5 50 70 NA
0.5 50 70 NA
1 0.5 50 70 NA
1 0.5 50 70 NA
0.5 50 70 NA
1 0.5 50 70 NA
0.5 50 70 NA
1 0.5 50 70 NA
0.5 50 70 NA
1 0.5 50 70 NA
0.5 50 70 NA
0.5 50 70 NA
1 0.5 50 70 NA
20 Dried Flowers 50 0.75 60 70 NA
0.75 60 70 NA
20 Dried Flowers 50 0.75 60 70 NA
0.75 60 70 NA
0.75 60 70 NA
20 Dried Flowers 50 0.75 60 70 NA
20 Dried Flowers 50 0.75 60 70 NA
0.75 60 70 NA
20 Dried Flowers 50 0.75 60 70 NA
0.75 60 70 NA
20 Dried Flowers 50 0.75 60 70 NA
0.75 60 70 NA
20 Dried Flowers 50 0.75 60 70 NA
0.75 60 70 NA
20 Dried Flowers 50 0.75 60 70 NA
0.75 60 70 NA
0.75 60 70 NA
20 Dried Flowers 50 0.75 60 70 NA
20 Dried Flowers 50 0.75 60 70 NA
0.75 60 70 NA
0.75 60 70 NA

Page 16
Pack Info
20 Dried Flowers 50 0.75 60 70 NA
20 Dried Flowers 50 0.75 60 70 NA
0.75 60 70 NA
20 Dried Flowers 50 0.75 60 70 NA
0.75 60 70 NA
20 Dried Flowers 50 0.75 60 70 NA
0.75 60 70 NA
20 Dried Flowers 50 0.75 60 70 NA
0.75 60 70 NA
1 0 60 70 NA
1 0 60 70 NA
1 0 60 70 NA
1 0 60 70 NA
1 0 60 70 NA
1 0 60 70 NA
1 0 60 70 NA
1 0 60 70 NA
1 0 60 70 NA
1 0 60 70 NA
1 0 60 70 NA
1 0 60 70 NA
1 0 60 70 NA
1 0 60 70 NA
1 0 60 70 NA
1 0 60 70 NA
1 0 60 70 NA
1 0 60 70 NA
1 0 60 70 NA
1 0 60 70 NA
1 0 60 70 NA
1 0 60 70 NA
1 0 60 70 NA
1 0 60 70 NA
1 0 60 70 NA
1 0 60 70 NA
1 0 60 70 NA
1 0 60 70 NA
1 0 60 70 NA
1 0 60 70 NA
1 0 60 70 NA
1 0 60 70 NA
1 0 60 70 NA
1 0 60 70 NA
1 0 60 70 NA
1 0 60 70 NA
1 0 60 70 NA
1 0 60 70 NA
1 0 60 70 NA
1 0 60 70 NA
1 0 60 70 NA

Page 17
Pack Info
1 0 60 70 NA
1 0 60 70 NA
1 0 60 70 NA
1 0 60 70 NA

Page 18
Pack Info
Villanelle Ynysterre Solzreed Two Crowns Cinderstone Percentages
11.097 12.2441 NA NA NA 130
11.6516 12.8565 NA NA NA 129
11.3668 12.3656 NA NA NA 128
11.9351 12.9838 NA NA NA 127
15.5682 15.4898 NA NA NA 126
16.3468 16.264 NA NA NA 125
7.4948 12.2546 NA NA NA 124
7.1378 11.6712 NA NA NA 123
15.0948 14.9457 NA NA NA 122
14.3759 14.2336 NA NA NA 121
13.7188 13.5918 NA NA NA 120
13.0652 12.9445 NA NA NA 119
12.5691 12.3574 NA NA NA 118
11.9707 11.7689 NA NA NA 117
8.175 8.6549 NA NA NA 116
7.7857 8.2426 NA NA NA 115
11.2632 11.754 NA NA NA 114
10.7271 11.1945 NA NA NA 113
12.1646 13.8947 NA NA NA 112
11.5853 13.2327 NA NA NA 111
10.1332 12.0505 NA NA NA 110
10.6398 12.6532 NA NA NA 109
NA 11.5382 NA NA NA 108
NA 10.9889 NA NA NA 107
14.3097 15.4759 NA NA NA 106
13.6282 14.739 NA NA NA 105
12.1592 NA NA NA NA 104
12.7672 NA NA NA NA 103
12.7615 14.0808 NA NA NA 102
12.2065 13.4685 NA NA NA 101
12.5034 13.6022 NA NA NA 100
13.0718 14.2205 NA NA NA 99
17.9037 17.8132 NA NA NA 98
17.1254 17.0387 NA NA NA 97
8.2084 13.4219 NA NA NA 96
7.8517 12.8384 NA NA NA 95
16.5321 16.3689 NA NA NA 94
15.8133 15.6573 NA NA NA 93
16.4864 16.4532 NA NA NA 92
14.3717 14.2389 NA NA NA 91
14.6334 14.4015 NA NA NA 90
13.9972 13.775 NA NA NA 89
9.0614 10.3638 NA NA NA 88
8.6675 9.9132 NA NA NA 87
12.3361 12.8736 NA NA NA 86
11.7998 12.3138 NA NA NA 85
13.3232 16.0851 NA NA NA 84
12.7436 15.3858 NA NA NA 83
11.6532 13.8582 NA NA NA 82

Page 19
Pack Info
11.1465 13.2508 NA NA NA 81
NA 12.6372 NA NA NA 80
NA 12.0878 NA NA NA 79
14.9909 16.213 NA NA NA 78
15.6723 16.95 NA NA NA 77
14.2048 NA NA NA NA 76
14.8504 NA NA NA NA 75
17.1514 17.0652 NA NA NA 74
17.848 17.1345 NA NA NA 73
17.0998 17.0996 NA NA NA 72
16.4204 18.6181 NA NA NA 71
16.4204 18.6181 NA NA NA 70
16.4535 18.6181 NA NA NA
26.4152 27.4864 NA NA NA
26.5216 27.5968 NA NA NA
26.3088 27.4308 NA NA NA
15.6591 16.3542 NA NA NA
15.6906 16.4532 NA NA NA
15.6906 16.3872 NA NA NA
20.6413 22.421 NA NA NA
20.6205 22.6017 NA NA NA
20.6205 22.6017 NA NA NA
18.5059 21.0821 NA NA NA
18.5809 21.0609 NA NA NA
18.5992 21.0398 NA NA NA
17.0652 16.4037 NA NA NA
17.2032 16.5028 NA NA NA
17.117 16.4037 NA NA NA
15.0376 14.9472 NA NA NA
14.9774 14.9322 NA NA NA
15.0528 14.9773 NA NA NA
17.186 16.3874 NA NA NA
17.0654 16.5029 NA NA NA
17.0826 16.3544 NA NA NA
17.9022 22.2207 NA NA NA
18.5808 22.1765 NA NA NA
17.8661 22.1318 NA NA NA
16.5028 16.3708 NA NA NA
16.4865 16.3708 NA NA NA
16.3708 16.5031 NA NA NA
NA 15.7853 NA NA NA
NA 14.9623 NA NA NA
NA 15.6747 NA NA NA
18.4872 22.8918 NA NA NA
18.5995 22.7537 NA NA NA
18.4872 22.7537 NA NA NA
17.9021 NA NA NA NA
17.9379 NA NA NA NA
17.8481 NA NA NA NA
NA NA 16.1807 14.6888 15.476

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Pack Info
NA NA 15.4101 13.9894 14.739
NA NA 12.3183 11.5682 12.6532
NA NA 11.7316 11.0173 12.0506
NA NA 11.4439 11.2442 11.6711
NA NA 12.0161 8.3916 12.2547
NA NA 8.1854 7.5654 NA
NA NA 8.5946 7.9436 NA
NA NA 7.9343 10.7059 11.284
NA NA 8.3311 11.2413 11.848
NA NA 11.0622 11.3319 12.1872
NA NA 11.6152 11.8982 12.7964
NA NA 13.1192 11.6341 12.8204
NA NA 12.4947 11.0803 12.2101
NA NA 15.033 12.7573 13.6282
NA NA 15.785 13.3952 14.3097
NA NA 14.5145 13.2407 14.0885
NA NA 15.2403 13.903 14.7925
NA NA 7.905 10.6648 11.7712
NA NA 8.3004 11.1979 12.3599
NA NA 10.4465 7.6932 10.8626
NA NA 9.9489 7.327 10.3454
NA NA 13.9029 13.0435 14.6494
NA NA 13.2408 12.4224 13.9518
NA NA NA 9.7107 8.5946
NA NA NA 9.2483 8.1854
NA NA 10.0708 NA 7.9436
NA NA 9.5912 NA 7.5654
NA NA 11.493 9.949 11.7211
NA NA 12.0677 10.4465 9.2546
NA NA 17.7218 16.0875 16.9501
NA NA 16.9514 15.3883 16.2128
NA NA 13.3182 11.8027 13.8582
NA NA 12.7392 11.2895 13.2505
NA NA 12.5885 11.1161 12.8383
NA NA 13.1608 11.6213 13.4221
NA NA 10.2805 9.5675 NA
NA NA 9.8335 9.1514 NA
NA NA 9.1243 12.312 12.9765
NA NA 8.7277 11.7765 12.4124
NA NA 12.7215 12.3375 14.0152
NA NA 12.1685 11.8013 13.406
NA NA 14.3688 14.0432 14.4752
NA NA 13.7439 13.4326 13.8457
NA NA 16.8544 14.6709 15.6725
NA NA 16.1216 14.0331 14.991
NA NA 15.9659 14.565 15.4972
NA NA 16.6917 15.2272 16.2015
NA NA 9.0909 11.3972 13.5372
NA NA 8.6958 10.9017 12.9484
NA NA 10.9438 8.0597 12.2094

Page 21
Pack Info
NA NA 11.4415 8.426 12.7645
NA NA 15.2271 15.1531 17.3454
NA NA 14.5651 14.4944 16.5914
NA NA NA 10.635 10.2805
NA NA NA 10.1729 9.8336
NA NA 11.0298 NA 9.5675
NA NA 10.5005 NA 9.1515
NA NA 13.2168 11.4412 12.8375
NA NA 12.6422 10.944 12.2792
NA NA 26.3888 18.6102 23.386
NA NA 26.5215 20.745 24.2491
NA NA 26.3088 20.7039 24.3713
NA NA 19.2758 15.8502 21.2725
NA NA 19.1982 17.9018 20.6415
NA NA 19.3147 17.9379 20.7663
NA NA 16.3706 12.3013 17.0267
NA NA 16.4865 16.3543 19.295
NA NA 16.4036 16.4533 19.315
NA NA 15.7065 15.7854 NA
NA NA 15.6749 15.7697 NA
NA NA 15.7695 15.659 NA
NA NA 14.9321 15.3032 16.437
NA NA 15.0378 15.2875 16.503
NA NA 14.9773 15.4112 16.4203
NA NA 17.0025 17.8482 17.8124
NA NA 17.0825 17.8302 17.7944
NA NA 17.1172 17.8302 17.866
NA NA 22.1762 18.6368 18.5621
NA NA 22.1542 18.6506 18.6183
NA NA 22.8685 18.5993 18.5807
NA NA 22.6472 19.9094 21.525
NA NA 22.8228 20.0302 21.525
NA NA 21.2175 20.0302 21.4392
NA NA 23.6308 16.0842 20.8943
NA NA 23.607 20.7039 23.6069
NA NA 23.4645 16.0842 20.8943
NA NA 14.2115 15.6747 17.1858
NA NA 14.3216 15.7063 17.0825
NA NA 14.2354 15.6747 17.1688
NA NA 14.9322 14.3074 15.7379
NA NA 14.9925 14.3505 15.7222
NA NA 14.9473 14.3505 15.7222
NA NA 21.4178 18.4875 18.6368
NA NA 21.4608 18.5247 18.5435
NA NA 21.525 18.5247 18.5994
NA NA NA 15.0228 17.7764
NA NA NA 14.9924 17.8482
NA NA NA 14.9472 17.8302
NA NA 14.9625 NA 16.4038
NA NA 15.0528 NA 16.4038

Page 22
Pack Info
NA NA 15.0678 NA 16.4202
NA NA 15.6589 16.503 17.1342
NA NA 15.7064 16.4368 17.0825
NA NA 15.6432 16.4204 17.0654

Page 23
Pack Info
Labor Modifer Index Table
0 Solis 13
40 Villanelle 14
30 Ynysterre 15
25 Solzreed 16
20 Two Crowns 17
15 Cinderstone 18

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