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To: Brad Wilson, Speaker of the Utah State House of Representa:ves

From: Quinn Ko@er, Utah State House of Representa:ves District 26

Dear Speaker Wilson:

This le@er cons:tutes my inten:on to resign from service in the Utah State Legislature House of
Representa:ves District 26, effec:ve September 9, 2023. In the event that the Salt Lake County
Republican Party delegates of District 26 hold an elec:on and select a replacement before that
date, then I may resign on the date the replacement is selected.

Life circumstances have affected my ability to devote my full a@en:on and energies to this
posi:on of service, and the stress has begun to severely affect my health and work. I do not feel
it fair to the cons:tuents of this district or to the State to serve in a hindered manner since prior
to this I have dedicated all my capabili:es to serve, and the people deserve such commitment.

I went to the Capitol with the pure intent of suppor:ng, obeying, and defending the
Cons:tu:ons of the United States and of Utah, and I worked my hardest to do so. I believe that
I can best serve my country and state in other capaci:es outside the legislature. It has been an
honor to swear an oath to uphold the Cons:tu:on, and I pray that it be defended.


Quinn Ko@er

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