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Four permanent situations

1. Sun sets in the west.

2. My sister’s dog plays with his toy every morning.
3. Ignacio rides his bike on Friday.
4. Maria and Jose work in a public hospital.

Four universal facts related to health or human body

1. Robotic limbs help disabled people to have a better lifestyle.
2. Dengue is a viral disease.
3. Covid 19 is a very contagious virus.
4. Our heart beats between 60 to 100 times per minute.

Four new habits people or businesses have due to the pandemic.

Include frequency adverbs.

1. Children always go to school wearing a mask.

2. Workers usually ask for the covid vaccination card to get in
the supermarket.
3. We often wash our hands to avoid the infection of covid-19.
4. People sometimes take off their masks outside their homes.

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