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Tutorial Letter 101/0/2021

Arts and Culture


Semesters 1 and 2

Department of Language Education, Arts and


This tutorial letter contains important information

about your module.


8.7 The assignments

ASSIGNMENT 01: 12 March
Fill in the correct answers to the following multiple-choice questions on the answer sheet provided.
Question 1

It is important to note that the arts can be divided into several aspects. Judge which one of the
following is the correct one.

1. Visual arts, melodic art, design and drama.

2. Visual arts, aesthetic arts, dance and design.
3. Visual arts, dance, drama and music.
4. Visual arts, dance, drama and design.

Question 2 )

Creativity can be used in solving tricky problems. There is no mistake that Creativity is at the
heart of most situations that requires problem solving. Justify which one is correct:

1. Mental curve.
2. Physical response.
3. An artistic phase.
4. A creative curve.

Question 3

Drama activities, if planned correctly can develop some important aspects. Distinguish which one
is NOT true.

1. Make an impact on athletic abilities

2. Develop concentration skills.
3. Teach emotional control.
4. Can develop concentration skills.


Question 4

The intermediate phase the music curriculum consists of broad topics.

Draw a connection between the right answers

1. Warmup and play.

2. Improvise and create.
3. Dancing around in circles.
4. Playing the piano.

Choose the correct one:

1. 1 and 3
2. 1 and 2
3. 3and 4
4. 4 and 1

Question 5

There are many different ways or tools by means of which the teacher can formally assess
learners in Summative assessment. These would include….

1. Assessing learners’ music abilities.

2. Listening as part of quality singing .
3. Be perfectionisitic and critical of each child.
4. Music theory and written work

Question 6

In the African Kwela music was significant and popular. By which musical format was this musical
format mostly influenced by?

1. Marabi sounds
2. Idlamu converting
3. African stomp
4. Imbanquanca riel.

Question 7
Which of the following stages is not a developmental stage according to Lowenfeld’s definition of
the developmental stages in art?


1. the Scribble Stage

2. the Realistic Stage
3. the Decision Stage
4. the Pseudo-naturalistic stage

Question 8

When planning a dance lesson the teacher should be aware of aspects that can further stimulate
the learners imagination. Select which one of the following is CORRECT:

1 A large uncluttered space and stage.

2 Clothing, music and props.
3 A positive and encouraging tone.
4 Well structured dance lesson.

Question 9

As a knowledgeable drama teacher,he/she must be aware that to teach drama would stimulate
the learner’s development in an area which is important for whole learner development.

It would stimulate the learners’development in the …. areas of the human being and is important
for whole learner development.

1. physical, mental and emotional

2. cognitive, kinaesthetic and visual
3. materialistic , monetary and psychological
4. capitalistic, social and linguistic

Question 10

.For good lesson design, in a drama program should consist of three aspects, including ..

Choose the wrong one.

1. floor exercises.
2. dramatic playmaking.
3. subject-specific playmaking skills.
4. improvisation.


Question 11

When an arts teacher identifies a learner with disabilities it means that ...

1…the learner is overjoyed to partake in all activities.

2. …the teacher has to make time to heal their wounds

3 ….the learner has a condition that interferes with the ability to learning activities.

4….it can be ignored in order for the learner to achieve almost everthing.

Question 12

Disabilities can be the cause of several learning barriers in the arts class. Select which of the
following disabilities include barriers in the art classroom.

1. Visual impairment
2. Intellectual impairment
3. Muscular and skeletal impairment
4. All of the above.

Question 13

Music must be identified as composition with a distinctive sound and not merely a noise. This is
done by adhering to the knowledge of music which can be divided into four basic elements. Select
the correct answer.

1. Duration, pitch, intensity and quality.

2. Score, voice, sound and duration.
3. Voice, care, love and intensity.
4. Sound, duration, love and voice.

Question 14

Drama education fulfils several roles in the education of learners. These include…

1 … a product and process based lesson during the day.

2 …one of daydreaming and facilitation in the classroom.

3 … a greater awareness of and skill in the specific art form.

4 a chorus intervention with all players and subplayers in the drama.


Question 15

Dance education should have a certain quality to it. This kind of dance education includes
potential outcomes from three domains, namely, the …

1. kinaesthetic, linguistic and affective domains.

2. psycho-motor, cognitive and affective domains.
3. psycho-motor, kinaesthetic and visual domains.
4. visual, mathematical and emotional domains.

Question 16

The basic effort actions as described by Rudolph Laban will produce practical tools to teach
dance. He included basic elements of movement Which of the following options is not an element
of dance?

1. Time.
2. Space.
3. Flow.
4. Inactivity.

Question 17

Advantages of creative arts for learners with learning disabilities is also a means for them to
achieve success in their schools careers. These advantages include that arts learners ….

Choose the wrong one:

1. gain self-esteem which develops through success.

2 they gain self-confidence and self-recognition.

3 . are gaining psychomotor skills and develop negative energies.

4. are provided by a foundation to express their emotions.

Question 18

Cubism in art refers to the geometrical depiction of natural forms breaking up and reassembling
objects in a…

1. distorting of images to evoke moods.

2. painting of unnerving illogical scenes.
3. intensified pure colour and form.
4. an abstract geometrical form

Question 19

A learning barrier can be described as an inability of a learner to …

1. achieve academic success.

2. be imaginatively creative.
3. look, hear and listen.
4. enjoy movement abundantly.

Question 20

When teaching learners with disabilities, the arts teacher should … learners.

1. shout and yell at

2. differentiate between and support
3. forget and neglect
4. ignore and disregard

Question 21

Being a successful and competent creative arts teacher the teacher will have to assume certain
important roles. The roles of an arts teacher include that of …

1. designer, artist, singer and performer.

2. leader, developer, singer and designer.
3. curriculum developer, leader, scholar and specialist.
4. curriculum developer, designer and singer.

Question 22

Effective arts teaching depends largely on teacher’s abilities to implement the policy documents.
Thus a … teacher is fundamental to effective arts teaching

1. well- trained, enthusiastic and professional

2. well-trained, artistic and loving

3. well-trained, loving and caring

4. well-trained, enthusiastic and caring


Question 23

When one creates in visual art you can create in 2D and 3D. When you create specifically in 2D
you …

1. paint, photograph, sculpt and draw.

2. draw, colour, etch and collage.
3. sculpt, photograph, sketch and etch.
4. carve, cast, model and sketch.}

Question 24

Who was considered the “father of black theatre” in South Africa.?

1. Athol Fugard
2. Matsamela Manaka
3. Zakes Mda
4. Gibson Kente

Question 25 (b2)(p.13,14)

Lesson plans are working documents that outline the methods and activities that will be used by
the arts also serves as a practical guide on…

1. …talking and acting correctly in society

2. …how learning and teaching should be in a classroom
3. closed ended questions and open ended answers
4. Debating writing tasks mind maps and worksheets.

TOTAL: [25 x 4 = 100]


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