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2 Major Business Attitudes of Filipinos That Need To Change or Improve To

Increase Global Competitiveness

The first major business attitude that Filipinos need improve is their punctuality,
because it can be observed how many workers are not very punctual when arriving at
the designated time to go to work. Yes, there are many factors that affects Filipinos
punctuality on work such as traffic; and in terms of submission of works, it could be
because of slow internet connection or there’s an emergency that needs to be
prioritized. However, some of these do not happen most of the time yet still, many
Filipinos have poor punctuality. Things can actually be met or done on time, or better in
advance, if only Filipinos practice time management. This attitude should be improved
and it should not be normalized just because Filipinos were stereotyped as the type of
people who does ‘Mañana Habit’ or the ‘bahala na’ attitude, which should never be
done in a workplace because everyone in the workplace should be formal at all
times. Not just with how they act and communicate, but also how they think. Remember
that punctuality should always be observed everywhere, especially in business. If there
is a delay, other things will also be affected because of that one thing that was done
late. This is the reason why Filipinos should also concentrate with their punctuality. In
fact, this should be normally done since it is part of business etiquette – to be punctual
always. If Filipinos will improve on this attitude, this will increase our global
competitiveness since the more punctual we are, the more productive we can be.
Second will be the existing child labor in the country, especially in the rural areas.
This should be ended since it is unethical. There are many ways to help children and
this is not it. This would only deprive them of their childhood, as well as education.
Since it deprives them of education because of how they will have to concentrate
working at a very young age, this will decrease the literacy rate of our country. Child
labor should end or be prevented because this will hinder them from having proper
education. We all know that children are the futures of our world because they will soon
lead and/or they will resolve issues concerning different aspects in our country; but how
can this be achieved if they lack education? What I just stated here may not be
applicable to every child, but if children in rural areas will continue to be deprived of
education, then how will people who live in rural area improve their livelihood? If child
labor still exists, literacy rate might decrease, as well as competitiveness in business
sector, because of how future employees lack technical skills needed for some

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