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“The Woods shield us from many of the woes of the world, but are the source
of other woes entirely...”

RUMOR With fewer than twenty or so cabins and
“There’s wolves... and then there’s wolves. The households built in along the southern boughs of
Chetwood’s an old forest, though mayhaps not as the Chetwood, the small and sleepy town of
great as the Mirkwood beyond the Misty Archet makes their living off of the forest that
Mountains. It’s always had its share of wolves – gives them Shelter. The first person they should
and when the times are lean or the weather hard, encounter is Fitch Talltree, the town’s Forrester
they’ll make trouble for us that live near the eaves and de-facto leader.
of the forest. But mark my words, there’s All the way from Bree and into Archet, your walk was
something foul and mysterious about the beasts uneventful – small, but maintained paths helped mark the
that have been prowling as of late. I heard there’s way, or elsewise you’d never have guessed there was a town
a warg, as tall as a Bull and twice as fierce, come here at the edge of the Wood. As you approach, you see a
down from the mountains to create his kingdom man dressed in rough leather armor nailing a notice to a post
here. We caught one of his lieutenants in a by the town’s gate.
hunter’s snare and were able to draw out the
beast’s name before the trapped thing snapped its The notice is a bounty for the head of the
own neck, trying to escape: Hrulfnir, the Bull.” Warg known as Hrulfnir – and the man nailing up
the notice is the Forrester himself. This is a fine
time to introduce the party with a Council
challenge against the Forrester.
“Wolves were not always driven to evil – though
they have always been a violent race. But when a
pack gets taken over by one of those Shadow-
touched wargs from the mountains, there’s no
telling what end of mischief and mayhem they
might cause. Wargs possess a low-cunning and a
hatred of men – sometimes they work with goblins
and their kind when it suits them, and when their
bellies grumble for the taste of man-flesh.”

Fitch Talltree is a tall, sturdy man. His father’s line
have all been Forresters of Archet and he took
over after his father died saving his life from a troll.
He is a serious, no-nonsense fellow with little time
LOCATIONS for pleasantries and formalities. His biggest
This series of adventures take place in and around priority is the protection of his town and he’s wary
the Chetwood, Archet, Bree, and the surrounding of strangers that bring ill-omens and bad news
areas. Because of the relative short distances from outside.
between locations, the party is not likely to get
drawn into many lengthy journey segments – so I
advise using shorter journeys and asking for a Hold it right there, if you please. I’m Forrester Talltree, and
check each day, to set the proper pacing and keep I protect Archet. I’ve not seen any of you around these parts
the players wary and weary of the dangers of this before – so you’ll be explaining yourselves and your presence
old woodland realm. here before you go another step. Well? Out with it!


RESISTANCE: These are just guidelines, so feel TALLTREE’S REPORT

free to alter them to better suit your needs and the “The forest keeps us safe from many of the woes
needs of your fellowship. of the world – but it’s also the source of our evils.
Resistance 3 (Base) – let the party into Archet, give You’ve heard of the Blackwolds, I wager? Well,
information about the wolves. there’ll always be bandits when times are hard –
but recently, they’ve been bolder in their
Resistance 6 – Give aid (a useful item for hunting movements. I heard that they spooked off some of
wolves) or instruction regarding good hunting the farmers from their lands – can’t say I know
spots in the Chetwood. where they’re getting the weapons they use, no
Resistance 9 – Join the party on their hunt for the smith around here would sell to them – and they
Warg or any plan that might put the people of didn’t steal em off any guards round here.
Archet into direct harm. It’s the wolves I’m afraid of most. I’ve had to
warn my folk off of the Chetwood near entire at
night time, lest they get taken off and ‘et. Wolves
can be fearsome beasts, but they’re often chased
off with a bit of fire and a show of strength. But
there’s something mean about them these days, I’d
wager it’s that new pack leader. Wolf as big as a
bull, teeth like razors, eyes like ghostly yellow
lanterns. A warg, and no doubting it. Hrulfnir, as I
recall the name as we took it from the last wolf we
INTRODUCTIONS trapped. I’m worried that the beast is too smart by
far – can’t be any coincidence that the bandits got
How the spokesman introduces themselves will bolder as this new wolf moved in. If you could see
have a big impact on Talltree. He favors honesty that threat gone, well, you’d be a Friend of the
and forthrightness and he is impatient with overly- people of Archet – and there’s no mistaking that.”
polite or tricksome characters. An INSIGHT
check might give this hint to a party.
If the party spokesman uses AWE to
introduce themselves and speaks about wanting to Once the players have dealt with the social niceties
help the town rid itself of Hrulfnir, the roll will be at the gate, the path to the Chetwood lies open to
favored. them. I ran this as a series of Journey tests – each
day requiring a roll from the Guide and earning a
Using COURTESY or RIDDLE to point of fatigue for the party each day on a
introduce the party is possible, but a failure will success, and more on failures. I required three days
reduce the time limit of the council by 1 step as of tracking through the woods, with a risk of
Talltree loses patience quickly with that sort. encounters each day.

Allow the players to be creative in their use of
skills to help plead their case before Talltree. All of
the examples on p 107 could be useful, but here
are some others that might also be effective:

HUNTING: The hero describes or otherwise

demonstrates their abilities as a hunter, assuring
Talltree that they’re a capable match for the task at

BATTLE: A seasoned warrior or tactically-

minded adventurer might be able to persuade the
Forrester that they could effectively ambush the
wolf-chieftan and come up with a worthwhile



The local bandits, known as the Blackwolds, are
engaged in a heated debate with some wolves from
Hrulfnir’s fell pack. The two groups have managed
to chase and tree a merchant that was along the
East Road on his way from Bree. The wolves want
to eat the man, but the bandits want him alive to COUNCIL OF WOLVES
be able to rob him again later. The players could If the players successfully track the Warg to its lair
rush in and start a combat – or they could cause – or if the Warg stalks the Players through their
more mischief playing the sides against each other. failures – they will find themselves surrounded by
30 or more fierce wolves. Out from the crowd will
step Hrulfnir, speaking in a twisted, hateful tongue.
GOBLINS AND GUBBINS Set this up as a Council - the Warg wants to
The Blackwolds have been getting supplies from destroy Archet and the heroes – but he will
some “Friends” up north. A handful of goblins entertain parley with the party if they are clever
and orcs are trudging through the wood pulling a and strong. He will not let the players escape
cart covered with a tarp to disguise their cargo. without them making some sort of precious
Inside the cart is a shipment of foul, dangerous sacrifice – or without afight. He’d accept a trial of
weapons meant to help the Blackwolds in their bid combat in accordance with the laws of the pack –
to overrun Archet – it’d be a real shame if the cart single combat, wolf vs. player – winner would live,
never arrived. the loser would die.
If single-combat is taken, encourage the other
players to come up with ways of supporting their
friend – and allow them to spend hope and actions
during the combat that set up their friend for
success, but punish Sauron’s and failures harshly.
For Hrulfnir, I used the stats of a Wolf
Chieftan, but gave him 2 wounds before he passed
and hideous strength. I also allowed the wolves
surrounding the combat to howl and sing terrible
songs that helped Hrulfnir recover hate points, to
make the fight a bit more dangerous – and allowed
the players a chance to do similar for their friend.
Sometime during their hunting and tracking the
wolves, the party’s lookout notices that they’re
being stalked. A successful AWARENESS check
will thwart the ambush and set the party aware
before the strike comes. Either way, 2 wolves per
party member come at them and try to deal with
the heroes quickly. If the battle goes badly, the
wolves will retreat to tell Hrulfnir of their failure –
which will enrage the warg into attacking Archet


If the players encounter wolves and any manage
to get away, they’ll inform the warg that Archet is
sending out hunters to trap them – which enrages
the Warg and he’ll set out to take his vengeance on
Archet in a night-time raid. The Players might be
able to prevent this if they send word along to the
Forrester and make proper defensive arrangements
for the town (remembering that wolves hate fire).

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