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The charts below show the percentage of water used for different purposes in six areas of the world.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons
where prevalent.

The provided pie charts compare the domestic, industrial and agricultural use of water in six
continents of the world.

Overall, the agricultural sector is dominant water usage in most the country represented. While in
the relative developed continents, including North America and the Europe, industrial use makes up
for majority of water consumption.

In Africa, Central Asia and South East Asia, a significant proportion of water is used by agriculture, at
84, 88 and 81 percent respectively, whereas industrial and domestic water consumption contributes
less than 20% to the total across all three sectors.

In comparison, industry accounts for the greatest proportion of water consumption in Europe and
North American, at 53 and 48 percent respectively. Around 30%-40% of the water is used by
agriculture and around 15% domestic use for both these regions. For South America, agricultural use
of water takes 71%, and industrial and domestic use make up for 19% and 10% of total, respectively.

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