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Cambridge Book 11, Test 1

The charts demonstrate the proportion of water used for different aims in six areas of the
world. Overall, it can be said that water used for agricultural purposes for all areas unless
North America and Europe.

To begin, for four areas of the world which they are South America, Africa, Central Asia as
well as South East Asia most use water to agricultural aims. Also these rates are 71%, 84%,
88% and 81% respectively. In addition, for these four areas water used industrial and
domestic aims, too. Nevertheless, these figures are minor which mean these percentages are
between in 5% to 19%.

However, in North America and Europe water most used for industrial purposes. So, these
percentages are more than two-fifths (48%) in North America and more than half (%53) in
Europe. Furthermore, water used for domestic aims less than a fifth for these in both areas.
Finally, water also use for agricultural purposes in these two areas. While in North America
this proportion is 39%, in Europe this percentage is almost a third. (174)

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