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- It is a diagram that shows the different
kinds of physical activities that you can
do each day in one week. It indicates how
often and how long you can do each
activity in a week.
The Philippine Physical Activity Pyramid
or The Filipino Pyramid Activity Guide
- It is a diagram that indicates different suggested
activities that one can do to be physically active and
healthy. It uses words like habitual, often, regularly or
minimally to indicate the number of times a certain
activity should be done in one week or in a month. It
also indicates how long an activity should be done
each day.
Bottom level -These activities should be part of your everyday routines. Walking, climbing
Day-to Day the stairs, and doing household chores could be a good way to start.
Activities -It includes playing outside, taking the stairs, taking care of your pet, picking
up your toys, books, walking to the store for errand, or simply going for a walk
with family members.

Level 2 - It includes brisk walking, jogging, running, bicycling, rope jumping, and
Aerobic Exercise swimming.
Recreational - Badminton, tennis, table tennis, volleyball, basketball, soccer, kickball, and
Activities relay races. Filipino games like piko, patintero or sipa.

Level 3 -It includes push-ups, or pull-ups, shooting baskets, dancing, dodge ball or tag,
Strengthening playing sport in school or at a park.
and Flexibility - These activities are intended to improve your bone and muscle strength and
Activities improve the strength of your connective tissues.

Level 4 - These includes sitting, watching TV, playing computer games and surfing.
Inactivity Level These kind of activities do not strengthen your muscles, heart and lungs. They
do not burn calories or increase use of energy by your body.
• The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends
that you should accumulate at least one hour or more
of moderate-intensity physical activity on preferably
all days of the week.
• A moderate-intensity type of activity is one wherein
you are working hard enough to raise your heart rate
but you are still able to talk while doing the activity.
• Regular participation in physical activities is very
important in keeping yourself healthy.
Performance Task # 1
Direction: In a short bond paper, make your own physical
activity pyramid.
a. Content- 50%
b. Creativity- 20%
c. Over-all appearance- 30%
d. Total………………………. 100%
Deadline of Submission: September 18,2020 @ 9:00 a.m in
the morning.
Performance # 2
Direction: Make a vlog about your daily routine or activities in a day. You can decide
on the title of your own vlog. The minimum time of the video is 7 mins and the
maximum is 10 mins (strictly follow the time or else you will be given deduction). You
can use any kind of video editor to edit your work.
a. CONTENT………………………………... 40%
b. ORIGINALITY…………………………… 15%
c. CREATIVITY……………………………. 20%
e. TOTAL…………………………………… 100%
(Visual appearance, impact, integration of music & editing)
Deadline of submission: October 5, 2020 @ 4:00 p.m only
Submit it on my messenger or gmail account:

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