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Tutora: María Isabel Fuentes

Edwin Lobon Albán

20 de febrero del 2021.

Universidad Nacional Abierta y distancia.

Licenciatura en lenguas extranjeras con énfasis en inglés.
English 1
Task 6

1. Go to the E-book and study the Unit 9 to 12. Develop the exercises there. These exercises are
just for practice, so you don’t need to send them or add screenshots to the final document of the

I did it

2. Read the next excerpt from a tale. Propose an ending to this tale, and post it in the Discussion

Once upon a time, there was a queen who was very worried about her children because they were
lazy and didn’t want to study. One day, the queen called her counselors to ask them for advice,
and the counselors gave her some recommendations; for example, to give them small duties at
home before they can play. The Queen wanted to apply these recommendations but she was not
sure that the children would listen to her or do what their mother say to them, but she took that risk
to give them some tasks. After that time, the Queen and the king gave a great advice to their kids
and the advice was that if they do some tasks everyday, they will be a honest and responsible
person so the children say sorry to her mother for being lazy and bad teenagers and ten years later
her children grew up and travel to Canada to work hard and every man had many jobs so they helped
their mother with salary so finally, the queen and the king were proud of them and they were happy
for ever.

Questions to my partners
1) What did the queen recommend to her children?
2) How did the queen and the king feel at the end of the story?
3) Where did the children travel ten years later?

3. Put the link on YouTube about my daily routines

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