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Minutes of Meeting: Distribution of Report Card and Awarding of Classroom Honors

Date: May 6, 2023

Time: 10:00 A.M.

Location: Grade 9-Unity Classroom (Science Laboratory)

Attendees: See attached file for the attendance


1. Welcome and Introduction

2. Overview of Report Card Distribution Process
3. Individual Student Progress Updates
4. Addressing Parent Concerns and Questions
5. Distribution of Cards and Awarding
6. Next Steps and Closing Remarks

Meeting Proceedings:

1. Welcome and Introduction

 Ma'am Faith welcomed all attendees and expressed appreciation for their
 Ma'am Faith introduced the purpose of the meeting, which is to provide an
update on the student's progress and discuss any concerns or questions the
parents may have.
2. Overview of Report Card Distribution Process
 Ma'am Faith explained the process of report card distribution, including the
timeline and the format of the report cards.
3. Individual Student Progress Updates
 Ma'am Faith provided an overview of each student's academic, social, and
behavioral progress in the Grade 9 class.
 Ma'am Faith highlighted areas of strength and growth for each student,
emphasizing their achievements and areas for improvement.
 Parents were encouraged to ask questions or seek clarification regarding their
child's progress.
4. Addressing Parent Concerns and Questions
 Ma'am Faith opened the floor for parents to share concerns or ask questions
about their child's academic performance, behavior, or overall development.
 Each parent had an opportunity to address their specific concerns, and Ma'am
Faith provided explanations, suggestions, and strategies to support the
student's growth and progress.
 Ma'am Faith and the parents engaged in a constructive and collaborative
discussion to find solutions and set goals for improvement, if necessary.
5. Distribution of Cards and Awarding of Honors
 Ma'am Faith announced the Top 10 students of the section and awarded them
with certificates and medals along with their parents.
6. Next Steps and Closing Remarks
 Ma'am Faith summarized the main points discussed during the meeting and
highlighted any agreed-upon action steps.
 Ma'am Faith emphasized the importance of continued support and open
communication between parents and teachers throughout the academic year.
 Ma'am Faith expressed gratitude to the parents for their active participation
and reiterated the school's commitment to providing quality education and
support to the students.

Meeting Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 11:20 A.M

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