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Servex Education English Academy

Juigalpa, Chontales

Assignment #1 for the cumulative process of the third partial evaluation

Directions: Read each sentence and translate them from English to Spanish or Spanish to English putting into
practice what you learned in the class about Gerunds.
1. Learning English opens to you a lot of doors.

2. (Yo) siempre desayuno antes de ir a trabajar.

3. We have decided after finishing classes to go shopping.

4. She avoided telling him about her plans.

5. Were they playing yesterday afternoon?

6. She was cooking cookies all day long.

7. Aprender inglés bien toma mucha práctica.

8. Joyce dejó de fumar.

9. Children enjoy playing in the park.

10. Olvidé hacer la tarea.

11. I’m interested in learning more about the grammar of the English language.

12. She talked about not going to the meeting, but her husband Mr. Herculio Escipión Lazo Baca convinced her.

13. You’re capable of doing a better work.

14. Anieska ha insistido en conducir el coche, pero nosotros no confiamos en ella.

15. Danieska tenía una muy buena razón para no venir a clases ayer.

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