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Blk. 89 Lots 29-30 Greater Lagro, Novaliches, Quezon City │8880 9681


AY: 2020 – 2021

Subject Mathematics 7
Grade Level Grade 7
Quarter 2nd Quarter
Number of Days 2 days
Date of Implementation November 10-13, 2020
Content Standards: The students should be able to demonstrate
understanding of the key concepts of
measurement, algebraic expressions, the
properties of real numbers as applied in linear
equations, and inequalities in one variable.
Performance Standards: The students are able to apply the idea of
measurements, algebraic expressions and
linear equations and inequalities through
creating a miniature model of a quarantine
facility for covid-19 patients.
Prepared by: Mr. Kim Lambert L. Caubalejo I

A. Illustrate and differentiates related terms in algebra, an where n is a positive integer,
constants and variables, literal coefficients and numerical coefficients, algebraic
expressions, terms and polynomials, number of terms, degree of the term and degree of
the polynomial.

A. Define the following terms: a.) exponent and base, b.) constants and variables, c.) literal
and numerical coefficients, c.) algebraic expressions, d.) terms and polynomials, e.)
number of terms, f.) degree of the term and degree of the polynomial.
B. Cite situations that show the importance and use of signs and symbols in real-life.
C. Write the exponent, base, constants, variables, literal and numerical coefficients, terms,
degree of the term and degree of the polynomial using tabular method.

A. Subject Matter: Algebraic Expressions
B. References: Math Builders 7 work text, pages 173-177
C. Materials: Laptop, power point presentation, drawing tablet and Goggle Meet.
D. Valuing: Freedom and Responsibility
E. 21st Century Skills: Critical Thinking


A. Activity
 Synchronous: Mathemagical!!!
Ask this to students.
Think of an integer.
Subtract 3 from the integer.
Twice the difference.
Add 4.
Get half of the sum.
Subtract your original integer.
Guide Questions
1. What will be the answer?
2. Why -1 is the answer?
3. Why the trick works for any integer?
B. Analysis
 Synchronous: Picture Analysis
Present the following pictures to the students.

Guide Questions:
1. What did you observe on the pictures?
2. What are those pictures?
3. What is signs and symbols?
C. Abstraction
 Synchronous
1. What is algebraic symbols?
2. What is exponent and base, constants and variables, literal and numerical
coefficients, algebraic expressions, terms and polynomials, number of terms,
degree of the term and degree of the polynomial?
D. Application
 Asynchronous: Math Reflection#3
1. Give examples of situations in real-life that show the use of signs and
2. What is the importance of signs and symbols in real-life?
 Asynchronous: Quiz#3
A. List the variable, constant term and number of terms in each expression.

Expression Variable(s) Constant Number of

3y + 7
m + 3m – 5

2s2 – 3t + 1
2(x + y)

B. List the coefficient, base, and exponent in the following expressions.

Term Coefficient Base Exponent

 Asynchronous:
Have an advance study about “Evaluating Algebraic Expressions.”

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