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Unit 01

Do Thi Thanh Huong

Foreign Trade University
§ Leadership is the effort to
influence others to behave
with enthusiasm and diligence
to contribute voluntarily to
the achievement of group
tasks in a given situation.
§ Leadership is the process of
influencing people and
providing an environment
for them to achieve team or
organizational objectives.
• Make a list of people considered leaders.

• Explain why you believe they are leaders


"a person who influences a group of people towards the

achievement of a goal".
Leader is a person who…
“Knows the way,
……..goes the way,
……shows the way”
§ Leadership is a process
§ Leadership involves influence
§ Leadership occurs within a group context

§ Leadership involves goals attainment

§ Trait vs. Process Leadership
§ Assigned vs. Emergent Leadership
§ Leadership and Power

§ Leadership and Coercion

§ Leadership and Management
§ Is leadership different from
A sensible and appealing
Vision picture of the future
creates A logic for how the vision can
Strategies be achieved

Specific steps and timetables

Plans to implement the strategies
Plans converted into financial
Budgets projections and goals
Management Leadership

Planning and Budgeting Establishing direction

• Establish agenda • Create a vision
• Set time tables • Clarify big picture
• Allocate resources • Set strategy
Organising and Staffing Aligning people
• Provide structure • Communicate goals
• Make job placement •Seek commitment
• Establish rules & procedure • Build teams and coalitions
Controlling /Problem solving Motivating and inspiring
• Develop incentives • Inspire and energize
• Generate creative solutions • Empower subordinate
• Take corrective actions • Satisfy unmet needs
Good leaders are made not born.

if you have the desire and willpower, you

can become an effective leader.

Good leaders develop through a never

ending process of self-study, education,
training, and experience.

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