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QRAchfcial Pancreas CAP)

he introduchon of artifcial pancrtal proved to be.

a boon or diabetic patients.

This medi cal olwice has the potun tial to imprave the
conditions of people with Type 1 aliabeter (T1D).

Diabetes mellitus is a suious chronic condihion

charactuizad by high glucose levels in the blood, and
t is caused due to the inapprapriate tonctioning of
the pancreas
The pancreas is lo cated behind the stomach
when wL
we eat food, our body converts it into enrgy
through qlucose.. Thus,after a meal when blood glucose
levds increale, beta aells of the panoreas release
Linsulin which Simulatel tat cells to move exceA
glucese fom the blood and store it in dhe liver in the
om of glycogen therby maintaining btood glucose
levels in the clesirable ange of 0 ma /dL to I80
when the oncenhation of glucose in the blood qcts low
the alpha cells of pancrad seorete a hormone caled
qlucagon which causel catabolising of qlycogn stored
in the live

drhfcial pancreal is a man-macle sci antihic tchnology

davdaped' inin. oroler to match the working of the pouncreas.
olesigned to change glucose levels in the bloocatrean
in similar way as human pancreas cwoubl duning
the day ound ovemight.

Maintaining balanced glucose level is important fbr

fonction of brain, kidney and Iiver.
Thrnfore it is neceuany for T1D patients to maintain
these leeles when the boay cannot produee insulin.
An AP system oonsists of3 oleviceA ’
’ jnsulin dalivey pump
continwous qlucosa monitorinq system (GM)
computer controlled algonthm in ordlor to allow
real time Communi cation betwen the tuo

AP is Sometimes callead a olosed - loop ystem dlevice,

as the patient is not in dhe decision makingloop
AP called on owto matic systum for gluco se aontra).

Ate monitoring he blopd glucose levels , the AP system

manipulates the insulin deliveny árn pump ratea by
a closed -loop controller that recievesinformation from
the sunsor 0 as to rduce the instoance of low
blooo qlucose due to oVer adminishaion of insulin
Chypoglycemia) and high bloodl glucase aue to failur.
to administor enough insulin Chyperglycamia)
hypoglycemia isa short term nisk involving drowsiness ,.
shakines and even loss of consciouShes

hyperglycmia is a long tum risk that results in

blindnuk (diabetic retinopathy),numbneu Caliabeie
hwropathy and kidney failre diabeic naphapa)

3 main types of AP
1.Closedl- loop AP
sdn insulin pump cammunicatu. wirlessly with a CGM
insuted underthe skin.
The CorM Measures blood glucose. concentrahion and
Snds the reslt to a Small computer uwhee he
control algorithm calcul actes the comect dosage of insulin.

&.Bionic pancres
J+ consists of tuo pumps that deiver inAuline and
glucagon respachively , and automatically contrnls blad
9lucose levels.
The pump is wirlessly connected to the iPhone that
enables nealime communicatian behuean oavia and
calcolates the rguired inaulin or glucagon do sagei.

3.Smplanted AP
Jt contains a qel that acts accoroling to the change
in glucoBe level.
The qel acministers higher dose of inAUlin if gu ease
Concentration increases and decrease he dose. duning
Iow qlvcose Doncentrahion.
St can be reflled with insulin consistunty

AP system aomprises o
Glucose Sunsing
concuntratio n

Snsulin pump Control Algorithm


The cçM takeu ongoing blood glucose reading s through

a ittte Sunsor inserted under the skin subutaneously)
which continwously monitors the concenhuthion of glucose
in the blood.

small ransmither SnoA the alata to the jever.

CoM providles conhinuous display of estimatea of both blood
qlveose levels Ds wel ou the dirchon andte of
changes of these utimateA

to qe the conect predichons, the patient neecls to

ecalibratethe CGM puriocieally
Contral Algorithm

The comnputer modul, ats or he controlt algonithm

emhedoled in ht an extemal proor alsocalled the
contoller pufoma a sel of
caleulations on the
recieved infomatian from cqM.
The contraller manipulatek the insulin infusion rate based
on thee oalculation


Snsulin pump
St injects the correct dosaqe of insulin to tha fathy
tissue below the skin accoroling to dhe inuucthion g
Sent by the cantrol algorithm .

Ms aresut, in sulin moves though the blood sheam,

hereby rrducing blood qlucose levds.


The patients signifeant part of the AP systun

The amount of qlucese in the bloed fequently changes
accoring * as it gets affucted by the faod takn
by the patient, intusity of phyaical activity and
other Substounces.

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