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Project Title: Web Based Forecasting and Monitoring System for Lobo Tourism Office and Resort

Background of the Study

One of the most essential components used in a business strategy is forecasting. It helps organizations
evaluate where they are and estimate where they might be heading in many important areas, whether it's
estimating sales, evaluating the impact of the market, or determining whether you'll need to increase your
workforce. When it comes to setting goals, creating budgets, and organizing campaigns, this is essential.
Technologies for business forecasting can be used to anticipate sales, budgets, and other things. You can set
and achieve goals if you have a clear understanding of the potential of your company based on data and industry

Proper forecasting can provide vital information that could impact the future profitability of the business.
It also exposes some of the risks and uncertainties that a new company must deal with, and it can give a
business owner the tools they need to predict things like the market environment, the potential for demand for
a certain good or service, and the future of the industry.

The proponent believes with the use of forecasting, tourism in the municipality of Lobo can still be
improved with the help of the said system. Having this valuable information, it provides tourists an easing
experience as well as better management for tourist agencies and resort owners can be achieved.

Company Profile

The Municipality of Lobo is known for its beautiful yet affordable beaches in the province of Batangas.
The town boasts fine and enchanting beaches, though only a few have unearthed the beauty of its shorelines.
Certain beaches are perfect for different water adventures. That being said, there is no doubt that the
municipality has a high potential in tourism specially if modern tools were used to its advantage.

Lobo Tourism Office and resort owners are the main targeted users of the study. They are deemed
appropriate as the population of the study considering the main goal of the proposed system was to improve
tourism and use it as an economic developmental tool in the said municipality. As a result, they are in the best
position to deliver the proponents with the information required to answer this study's research question.

Objective of the Study

The aim of the project is to design, develop and implement a web-based platform for forecasting and monitoring
information for Lobo Tourism Office and Resorts.

Specific Objective

- To design and develop the system with following feature:

A. The system will provide fast and reliable graphical information for the administrator

B. The system will assist the administrator for easier and faster tracking of records including
visitor information and collection for each resort
C. The system helps resort for gaining more profit by promoting of their feature, deals and

D. The system forecast information helps users to support their marketing strategy and
decision making.

- To evaluate the usability of the system according to the following parameters:

A. System Usefulness

B. Information Quality

C. Interface Quality

D. Security

This information was used by the researcher to determine whether the forecasting and monitoring system really
helps Lobo LGU with their operations, marketing strategy, and decision-making.

Current State of Technology

Apparently, the company is still monitoring information manually and employing a manual approach for
gathering information. This old approach, which consists of a standard set of recording, is unreliable since the
results of the report can be affected by someone forgetting to record anything or accidentally entering the wrong

Over time, they notice that the current manual system they're using is not that reliable. In order to help
the establishment to have a reliable and hassle-free way of recording, and forecasting information. We
recommend to establishment to use forecasting system for easier recording and monitoring service. In this,
system, it can record important resort record, generate real time information and accurate report with a secure
and easy access of data.

The usual practice was to record resort information including tourist details, establishment profile, resort
share and fee on sheet based on the time resort owner submitted a file. So, based on the above information, it
would take a certain amount of time and effort for the system to be developed and become useful resolution
for the company’s current problem. After the installment of the system, we would continuously monitor the
system of the establishment in order to maintain the quality of the program.

Scope and Limitation

The Web Based Forecasting and Monitoring System offer assistance for Lobo Tourism Office staff and
Lobo Resorts Owner to keep track tourist record and forecast the information. The system will provide fast and
reliable graphical information, to help admin and resort owner for their marketing strategy and decision

In terms of security, the proposed system will include a log-in form which has two level of access. The
first will be the administrator of the system, and other one is for the resort user. Authorized users will be given
a unique username and password, at least six to twelve (6-12) characters long and case sensitive. The login
form only allowed three (3) consecutive times of entering an invalid user name and password combination. If
the user exceeded the number of tries in entering invalid password, notification will be sent to administrator for
evaluation process and only the administrator is allowed to reset the password of the resort owner.

As for storing/editing user record, the admin will have the ability to add, edit and delete user account.
And user as well can add, modify and remove their establishment profile content. The proponents will be using
PHP as the front-end and MySQL as the back-end in this system. The proponents chose PHP because of its
an open source and it also runs on different platforms which is compatible with almost all server used today.
MySQL is used as data source because it is flexible and allows quick development in the database and its free
to download and easy to access.

The system only allowed the administrator to create user account and reset the password if they are
being block due to incorrect password input. The system does not allow resort user to view the graphical
information of the forecasting and monitoring system. Resort transaction with the visitor is not cover of this
system. As for promoting of resort, the users are the only one who allowed to manage their established profile
and content of their respective account.

System Feature/User

Login Form – the login form will be used by the administrator, or the Lobo Tourist Office staff, and all members
of resort owner to access their respective accounts.

Administrator can:

• Manage resort owner account (CRUD – create, update, and delete), activate and deactivate the account

• Track tourist arrival information

• Filter a monthly and weekly forecast information for their business plan or decision making

• Manage resort owner share and ecological fee payment (access table/list)

• Perform database and system maintenance

Resort Owner can:

• Manage resort tourist arrival information (CRUD – create, update, and delete)

• Manage resort offer and promotional material (upload banners and videos for promotion and
advertisement purposes)

• Encode and submit their share or collected ecological fee

Other Feature

SMS or Email Notification – If the user exceeded the number of tries in entering invalid username and
password, notification will be sent to administrator for evaluation process and only the administrator is allowed
to reset the password of the resort owner.
Reports Module – the management would use the system to monitor and manage their business. The system
by itself offers graphical and data reports that can help the business grow.

Customization– Because of its adaptability and user-friendliness, the system also allows for customization,
allowing resort owner to freely and effectively build their profiles.

Website - this is the landing page of inquiring tourist and it provides a summary of resort deals per establishment
requirements for visiting and other details information of Lobo. It also has a responsive feature to supports
mobile apps, that will allow tourist to visit this website from their mobile devices.

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