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Subject: TikTok's Disturbing Addiction Requires Immediate Action

Dear Editor,
I write this letter with deep concern and a heavy heart about the alarming rise of TikTok addiction
among our youth. As a parent and a member of this community, I am utterly upset by the devastating
impact this platform is having on our children's well-being. It is high time we address this pressing issue
and consider banning TikTok altogether.
The addictive nature of TikTok has become
increasingly evident, with countless reports
of its negative effects on mental health and
academic performance. It's disheartening to
witness young minds being held captive by
the endless scroll of mindless content,
wasting hours upon hours, neglecting real-
life connections and their studies. The
addictive algorithms employed by this app
are exploiting vulnerabilities in our children's psychology, leading them down a perilous path of
Moreover, the unrestricted access to explicit and harmful content on TikTok is equally disturbing. As a
responsible society, we cannot turn a blind eye to the potential harm this platform poses to
impressionable minds. We must act now to protect our children
from falling prey to this insidious addiction.
I implore the authorities and policymakers to seriously consider
the implications of TikTok's influence on our youth and explore
the possibility of imposing a ban. We must prioritize the mental
well-being and future prospects of the next generation over the
fleeting trends of a viral app.
Let us come together as a community to protect our youth from
the clutches of TikTok addiction. Our children deserve a brighter,
healthier, and more promising future, free from the detrimental
allure of this addictive platform.
Nicole Gladman Concerned Parent and Community Member

This was first published on The Age website on the 19 July 2023

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Homework Task
1. Annotate the piece
a. Identify the issue, text type, author, title, contention, evidence of tone/s and what
those tones are, the intended audience and the purpose (what does the author want
the audience to think, feel and/or do)

2. Write an ICTAP introduction using your annotations





















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