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Node Type 2050

NetherlandCO2 Target 100

NetherlandCO2 Price 324.07
NetherlandHydrogen 979.28
NetherlandAmmonia U 409.09
NetherlandRES share i 70.48
NetherlandRES share in 82.91
NetherlandFinal electr 39.97
NetherlandFinal Energ 17.12
NetherlandPrimary En 10.31
NetherlandCO2 Storag 30
NetherlandSynfuels Ex 437.13
NetherlandBiofuels Ex 194.24
Node Type 2050
NetherlandCapital Cos 60479.05
NetherlandFixed Oper 39933.18
NetherlandVariable Op 2395.84
NetherlandNational P 1835.13
NetherlandImport Cos 62894.94
NetherlandExport Rev -48519.3
NetherlandTotal Cost 119018.8
Node Sector 2050
NetherlandResidential 6116.49
NetherlandServices 5327.52
NetherlandAgriculture 3223.94
NetherlandIndustry 37196.3
NetherlandTransport 69086.46
Node Sector Type1 Type2 2050
NetherlandResidentialBalancing Capital Cost 2612.9
NetherlandResidentialBalancing Fixed Operational Cost 640.3
NetherlandResidentialBalancing Fuel Costs 2863.3
NetherlandServices Balancing Capital Cost 1108.65
NetherlandServices Balancing Fixed Operational Cost 364.12
NetherlandServices Balancing Fuel Costs 3854.74
NetherlandAgricultureBalancing Capital Cost 956.47
NetherlandAgricultureBalancing Fixed Operational Cost 95.96
NetherlandAgricultureBalancing Fuel Costs 2171.5
NetherlandIndustry Balancing Capital Cost 4330.13
NetherlandIndustry Balancing Fixed Operational Cost 2271.97
NetherlandIndustry Balancing Variable Operational Cost 1893.33
NetherlandIndustry Balancing Fuel Costs 33301.55
NetherlandIndustry Balancing Emission Costs -4600.69
NetherlandWaste DispBalancing Capital Cost 194.28
NetherlandWaste DispBalancing Fixed Operational Cost 128.66
NetherlandWaste DispBalancing Variable Operational Cost 128.22
NetherlandWaste DispBalancing Fuel Costs 905.83
NetherlandWaste DispBalancing Emission Costs 83.45
NetherlandTransport Balancing Capital Cost 18853.12
NetherlandTransport Balancing Fixed Operational Cost 25874.65
NetherlandTransport Balancing Fuel Costs 24358.69
NetherlandnER GHG Balancing Capital Cost 288.7
NetherlandPower EU Balancing Export Revenues -11130.89
NetherlandPower NL Balancing Capital Cost 23090.39
NetherlandPower NL Balancing Fixed Operational Cost 7045.42
NetherlandPower NL Balancing Variable Operational Cost 1684.75
NetherlandPower NL Balancing Fuel Costs 1719.5
NetherlandPower NL Balancing Emission Costs 260.74
NetherlandPower NL Infrastruct Capital Cost 4458
NetherlandPower NL Infrastruct Fixed Operational Cost 1713.22
NetherlandRefineries Balancing Capital Cost 705.34
NetherlandRefineries Balancing Fixed Operational Cost 498.41
NetherlandRefineries Balancing Variable Operational Cost 118.59
NetherlandRefineries Balancing Fuel Costs 51242.66
NetherlandRefineries Balancing Emission Costs 2479.95
NetherlandRefineries Balancing Export Revenues -13161.86
NetherlandHeat NetwBalancing Capital Cost 310.9
NetherlandHeat NetwBalancing Fixed Operational Cost 100.85
NetherlandHeat NetwBalancing Fuel Costs 301.48
NetherlandHeat NetwBalancing Emission Costs 70.58
NetherlandHeat NetwInfrastruct Capital Cost 338.04
NetherlandHeat NetwInfrastruct Fixed Operational Cost 129.91
NetherlandFinal Gas Balancing Capital Cost 128.51
NetherlandFinal Gas Balancing Fixed Operational Cost 32.54
NetherlandFinal Gas Balancing Fuel Costs 707.43
NetherlandFinal Gas Balancing Emission Costs -5.09
NetherlandFinal Gas Infrastruct Capital Cost 787.19
NetherlandFinal Gas Infrastruct Fixed Operational Cost 189.94
NetherlandHydrogen Balancing Capital Cost 27.64
NetherlandHydrogen Balancing Fixed Operational Cost 13.54
NetherlandHydrogen Balancing Fuel Costs 62.07
NetherlandHydrogen Balancing Import Cost 24482.08
NetherlandHydrogen Infrastruct Capital Cost 191.4
NetherlandHydrogen Infrastruct Fixed Operational Cost 87.31
NetherlandAmmonia Balancing Capital Cost 1651.99
NetherlandAmmonia Balancing Fixed Operational Cost 555.27
NetherlandAmmonia Balancing Fuel Costs 10128.26
NetherlandAmmonia Balancing Emission Costs 282.01
NetherlandFinal Biom Balancing Fuel Costs 7113.91
NetherlandFossil Balancing Import Cost 14207.66
NetherlandFossil Balancing Export Revenues -830
NetherlandOther Balancing National Primary Energy Cost 472.55
NetherlandOther Balancing Import Cost 841.29
NetherlandRenewableBalancing National Primary Energy Cost 1362.58
NetherlandRenewableBalancing Import Cost 23363.91
NetherlandRenewableBalancing Export Revenues -13596.55
NetherlandCCUS Infrastruct Capital Cost 445.4
NetherlandCCUS Infrastruct Fixed Operational Cost 191.09
NetherlandEmission Balancing Variable Operational Cost -1429.05
NetherlandEmission Balancing Emission Costs 1429.05
NetherlandFinal Gas EBalancing Export Revenues -9800
Node Sector Type 2050
NetherlandResidentialCapital Cos 2612.9
NetherlandResidentialFixed Oper 640.3
NetherlandResidentialFuel Costs 2863.3
NetherlandServices Capital Cos 1108.65
NetherlandServices Fixed Oper 364.12
NetherlandServices Fuel Costs 3854.74
NetherlandAgricultureCapital Cos 956.47
NetherlandAgricultureFixed Oper 95.96
NetherlandAgricultureFuel Costs 2171.5
NetherlandIndustry Capital Cos 4330.13
NetherlandIndustry Fixed Oper 2271.97
NetherlandIndustry Variable Op 1893.33
NetherlandIndustry Fuel Costs 33301.55
NetherlandIndustry Emission C -4600.69
NetherlandWaste DispCapital Cos 194.28
NetherlandWaste DispFixed Oper 128.66
NetherlandWaste DispVariable Op 128.22
NetherlandWaste DispFuel Costs 905.83
NetherlandWaste DispEmission C 83.45
NetherlandTransport Capital Cos 18853.12
NetherlandTransport Fixed Oper 25874.65
NetherlandTransport Fuel Costs 24358.69
NetherlandnER GHG Capital Cos 288.7
NetherlandPower EU Export Rev-11130.89
NetherlandPower NL Capital Cos 27548.39
NetherlandPower NL Fixed Oper 8758.64
NetherlandPower NL Variable Op 1684.75
NetherlandPower NL Fuel Costs 1719.5
NetherlandPower NL Emission C 260.74
NetherlandRefineries Capital Cos 705.34
NetherlandRefineries Fixed Oper 498.41
NetherlandRefineries Variable Op 118.59
NetherlandRefineries Fuel Costs 51242.66
NetherlandRefineries Emission C 2479.95
NetherlandRefineries Export Rev-13161.86
NetherlandHeat NetwCapital Cos 648.94
NetherlandHeat NetwFixed Oper 230.76
NetherlandHeat NetwFuel Costs 301.48
NetherlandHeat NetwEmission C 70.58
NetherlandFinal Gas Capital Cos 915.7
NetherlandFinal Gas Fixed Oper 222.48
NetherlandFinal Gas Fuel Costs 707.43
NetherlandFinal Gas Emission C -5.09
NetherlandHydrogen Capital Cos 219.05
NetherlandHydrogen Fixed Oper 100.85
NetherlandHydrogen Fuel Costs 62.07
NetherlandHydrogen Import Cos 24482.08
NetherlandAmmonia Capital Cos 1651.99
NetherlandAmmonia Fixed Oper 555.27
NetherlandAmmonia Fuel Costs 10128.26
NetherlandAmmonia Emission C 282.01
NetherlandFinal Biom Fuel Costs 7113.91
NetherlandFossil Import Cos 14207.66
NetherlandFossil Export Rev -830
NetherlandOther National P 472.55
NetherlandOther Import Cos 841.29
NetherlandRenewableNational P 1362.58
NetherlandRenewableImport Cos 23363.91
NetherlandRenewableExport Rev-13596.55
NetherlandCCUS Capital Cos 445.4
NetherlandCCUS Fixed Oper 191.09
NetherlandEmission Variable Op -1429.05
NetherlandEmission Emission C 1429.05
NetherlandFinal Gas EExport Rev -9800
Node Sector Activity Type1
NetherlandResidentialElectricity demand - Residential Balancing
NetherlandResidentialHouses - Residential Flats Balancing
NetherlandResidentialHouses - Residential Flats Balancing
NetherlandResidentialHouses - Residential Terrace Balancing
NetherlandResidentialHouses - Residential Terrace Balancing
NetherlandResidentialHouses - Residential Dwellings Balancing
NetherlandResidentialHouses - Residential Dwellings Balancing
NetherlandResidentialHeat LT Houses A+,A,B Balancing
NetherlandResidentialHeat LT Houses A+,A,B Balancing
NetherlandResidentialHeat LT Houses A+,A,B Balancing
NetherlandServices Electricity demand - Services Balancing
NetherlandServices Space - Services Balancing
NetherlandServices Space - Services Balancing
NetherlandServices Space - Services Balancing
NetherlandServices Heat LT Services Balancing
NetherlandServices Heat LT Services Balancing
NetherlandServices Heat LT Services Balancing
NetherlandAgricultureElectricity demand - Agricuture Balancing
NetherlandAgricultureHeat demand - Agriculture Horticulture Balancing
NetherlandAgricultureHeat demand - Agriculture Other Balancing
NetherlandAgricultureMachinery - Agriculture Balancing
NetherlandAgricultureMachinery - Agriculture Balancing
NetherlandAgricultureHeat LT Agriculture Horticulture Balancing
NetherlandAgricultureHeat LT Agriculture Horticulture Balancing
NetherlandAgricultureHeat LT Agriculture Horticulture Balancing
NetherlandAgricultureHeat LT Agriculture Other Balancing
NetherlandAgricultureHeat LT Agriculture Other Balancing
NetherlandAgricultureHeat LT Agriculture Other Balancing
NetherlandIndustry Steel production - Basic Metals Industry Balancing
NetherlandIndustry Steel production - Basic Metals Industry Balancing
NetherlandIndustry Steel production - Basic Metals Industry Balancing
NetherlandIndustry Steel production - Basic Metals Industry Balancing
NetherlandIndustry Aluminum production - Basic Metals Industry Balancing
NetherlandIndustry Aluminum production - Basic Metals Industry Balancing
NetherlandIndustry Aluminum production - Basic Metals Industry Balancing
NetherlandIndustry Zinc production - Basic Metals Industry Balancing
NetherlandIndustry Zinc production - Basic Metals Industry Balancing
NetherlandIndustry Zinc production - Basic Metals Industry Balancing
NetherlandIndustry Nitric Acid production - Fertilizers Industry Balancing
NetherlandIndustry Nitric Acid production - Fertilizers Industry Balancing
NetherlandIndustry Nitric Acid production - Fertilizers Industry Balancing
NetherlandIndustry Urea production - Fertilizers Industry Balancing
NetherlandIndustry Urea production - Fertilizers Industry Balancing
NetherlandIndustry Urea production - Fertilizers Industry Balancing
NetherlandIndustry Urea production - Fertilizers Industry Balancing
NetherlandIndustry Other Ammonia based fertilizers - Fertilizers Industry Balancing
NetherlandIndustry Ethylene production - Chemical Industry Balancing
NetherlandIndustry Ethylene production - Chemical Industry Balancing
NetherlandIndustry Ethylene production - Chemical Industry Balancing
NetherlandIndustry Ethylene production - Chemical Industry Balancing
NetherlandIndustry Other HVC production - Chemical Industry Balancing
NetherlandIndustry Bioplastics production - Chemical Industry Balancing
NetherlandIndustry Bioplastics production - Chemical Industry Balancing
NetherlandIndustry Bioplastics production - Chemical Industry Balancing
NetherlandIndustry Chlorine production - Chemical Industry Balancing
NetherlandIndustry Chlorine production - Chemical Industry Balancing
NetherlandIndustry Chlorine production - Chemical Industry Balancing
NetherlandIndustry Glass production - ETS Industry Balancing
NetherlandIndustry Glass production - ETS Industry Balancing
NetherlandIndustry Glass production - ETS Industry Balancing
NetherlandIndustry Glass production - ETS Industry Balancing
NetherlandIndustry Ceramics production -ETS Industry Balancing
NetherlandIndustry Ceramics production -ETS Industry Balancing
NetherlandIndustry Ceramics production -ETS Industry Balancing
NetherlandIndustry Ceramics production -ETS Industry Balancing
NetherlandIndustry Paper and board production - ETS Industry Balancing
NetherlandIndustry Paper and board production - ETS Industry Balancing
NetherlandIndustry Paper and board production - ETS Industry Balancing
NetherlandIndustry Food production - non-ETS Industry Balancing
NetherlandIndustry Food production - non-ETS Industry Balancing
NetherlandIndustry Food production - non-ETS Industry Balancing
NetherlandIndustry Other ETS chemicals - Chemical Industry Balancing
NetherlandIndustry Other ETS chemicals - Chemical Industry Balancing
NetherlandIndustry Other ETS chemicals - Chemical Industry Balancing
NetherlandIndustry Other ETS - Industry Balancing
NetherlandIndustry Other ETS - Industry Balancing
NetherlandIndustry Other ETS - Industry Balancing
NetherlandIndustry Other non-ETS - Industry Balancing
NetherlandIndustry Other non-ETS - Industry Balancing
NetherlandIndustry Other non-ETS - Industry Balancing
NetherlandIndustry Machinery - Industry Balancing
NetherlandIndustry Machinery - Industry Balancing
NetherlandIndustry Heat HT Industry Balancing
NetherlandIndustry Heat HT Industry Balancing
NetherlandIndustry Heat HT Industry Balancing
NetherlandIndustry Heat HT Industry Balancing
NetherlandIndustry Heat LT Industry Balancing
NetherlandIndustry Heat LT Industry Balancing
NetherlandIndustry Heat LT Industry Balancing
NetherlandIndustry Furnace Heat Industry Balancing
NetherlandIndustry Furnace Heat Industry Balancing
NetherlandIndustry Furnace Heat Industry Balancing
NetherlandIndustry CO2 CCUS Network Balancing
NetherlandIndustry CO2 CCUS Network Balancing
NetherlandIndustry CO2 CCUS Network Balancing
NetherlandIndustry CO2 CCUS Network Balancing
NetherlandIndustry CO2 CCUS Network Balancing
NetherlandWaste DispWaste Management Balancing
NetherlandWaste DispWaste Management Balancing
NetherlandWaste DispWaste Management Balancing
NetherlandWaste DispWaste Management Balancing
NetherlandWaste DispWaste Management Balancing
NetherlandWaste DispSewage Management Balancing
NetherlandTransport Motorcycles Balancing
NetherlandTransport Motorcycles Balancing
NetherlandTransport Passenger Cars Balancing
NetherlandTransport Passenger Cars Balancing
NetherlandTransport Passenger Cars Balancing
NetherlandTransport Light-Duty Vehicles Balancing
NetherlandTransport Light-Duty Vehicles Balancing
NetherlandTransport Light-Duty Vehicles Balancing
NetherlandTransport Heavy-Duty Vehicles Balancing
NetherlandTransport Heavy-Duty Vehicles Balancing
NetherlandTransport Heavy-Duty Vehicles Balancing
NetherlandTransport Buses Balancing
NetherlandTransport Buses Balancing
NetherlandTransport Buses Balancing
NetherlandTransport Rail Balancing
NetherlandTransport Rail Balancing
NetherlandTransport Rail Balancing
NetherlandTransport Intra-EU Aviation Balancing
NetherlandTransport Intra-EU Aviation Balancing
NetherlandTransport Intra-EU Aviation Balancing
NetherlandTransport Extra-EU Aviation Balancing
NetherlandTransport Extra-EU Aviation Balancing
NetherlandTransport Extra-EU Aviation Balancing
NetherlandTransport Inland-Domestic Navigation Balancing
NetherlandTransport Inland-Domestic Navigation Balancing
NetherlandTransport Inland-Domestic Navigation Balancing
NetherlandTransport International Navigation Balancing
NetherlandTransport International Navigation Balancing
NetherlandTransport International Navigation Balancing
NetherlandnER GHG nER-GHG CO2 Balancing
NetherlandnER GHG nER-GHG CH4 Balancing
NetherlandnER GHG nER-GHG N2O Balancing
NetherlandnER GHG nER-GHG F-gas Balancing
NetherlandPower EU Electricity BE Balancing
NetherlandPower EU Electricity DE Balancing
NetherlandPower EU Electricity DK Balancing
NetherlandPower EU Electricity NO Balancing
NetherlandPower EU Electricity GB Balancing
NetherlandPower NL Electricity NL - HVNS Balancing
NetherlandPower NL Electricity NL - HVNS Balancing
NetherlandPower NL Electricity NL - HVNS Balancing
NetherlandPower NL Electricity NL - HV Balancing
NetherlandPower NL Electricity NL - HV Balancing
NetherlandPower NL Electricity NL - HV Balancing
NetherlandPower NL Electricity NL - HV Balancing
NetherlandPower NL Electricity NL - HV Balancing
NetherlandPower NL Electricity NL - HV Infrastructure
NetherlandPower NL Electricity NL - HV Infrastructure
NetherlandPower NL Electricity NL - LV Balancing
NetherlandPower NL Electricity NL - LV Balancing
NetherlandPower NL Electricity NL - LV Balancing
NetherlandPower NL Electricity NL - LV Balancing
NetherlandPower NL Electricity NL - LV Infrastructure
NetherlandPower NL Electricity NL - LV Infrastructure
NetherlandRefineries Road Fuel Balancing
NetherlandRefineries Road Fuel Balancing
NetherlandRefineries Bio Ethanol Balancing
NetherlandRefineries Bio Ethanol Balancing
NetherlandRefineries Bio Ethanol Balancing
NetherlandRefineries Bio Ethanol Balancing
NetherlandRefineries Syn Kerosene Balancing
NetherlandRefineries Syn Kerosene Balancing
NetherlandRefineries Syn Kerosene Balancing
NetherlandRefineries Syn Kerosene Balancing
NetherlandRefineries Syngas Balancing
NetherlandRefineries Syngas Balancing
NetherlandRefineries Syngas Balancing
NetherlandRefineries Syngas Balancing
NetherlandRefineries Methanol Balancing
NetherlandRefineries Methanol Balancing
NetherlandRefineries Methanol Balancing
NetherlandRefineries Methanol Balancing
NetherlandHeat NetwHeat LT Network Balancing
NetherlandHeat NetwHeat LT Network Balancing
NetherlandHeat NetwHeat LT Network Balancing
NetherlandHeat NetwHeat LT Network Balancing
NetherlandHeat NetwHeat LT Network Infrastructure
NetherlandHeat NetwHeat LT Network Infrastructure
NetherlandFinal Gas Natural Gas HD Infrastructure
NetherlandFinal Gas Natural Gas HD Infrastructure
NetherlandFinal Gas Natural Gas LD Balancing
NetherlandFinal Gas Natural Gas LD Balancing
NetherlandFinal Gas Natural Gas LD Balancing
NetherlandFinal Gas Natural Gas LD Balancing
NetherlandFinal Gas Natural Gas LD Infrastructure
NetherlandFinal Gas Natural Gas LD Infrastructure
NetherlandHydrogen Hydrogen HD Balancing
NetherlandHydrogen Hydrogen HD Balancing
NetherlandHydrogen Hydrogen HD Balancing
NetherlandHydrogen Hydrogen HD Balancing
NetherlandHydrogen Hydrogen HD Infrastructure
NetherlandHydrogen Hydrogen HD Infrastructure
NetherlandHydrogen Hydrogen LD Balancing
NetherlandHydrogen Hydrogen LD Balancing
NetherlandHydrogen Hydrogen LD Balancing
NetherlandHydrogen Hydrogen LD Infrastructure
NetherlandHydrogen Hydrogen LD Infrastructure
NetherlandAmmonia Ammonia Balancing
NetherlandAmmonia Ammonia Balancing
NetherlandAmmonia Ammonia Balancing
NetherlandAmmonia Ammonia Balancing
NetherlandFinal Biom Biomass Balancing
NetherlandFossil LPG Balancing
NetherlandFossil LPG Balancing
NetherlandFossil Natural Gas HD Balancing
NetherlandFossil Natural Gas HD Balancing
NetherlandFossil Natural Gas LNG Balancing
NetherlandFossil Natural Gas LNG Balancing
NetherlandFossil Natural Gas LNG Balancing
NetherlandOther Uranium Balancing
NetherlandOther Uranium Balancing
NetherlandOther Municipal Waste Balancing
NetherlandOther Plastic Waste Balancing
NetherlandRenewableBio Kerosene Balancing
NetherlandRenewableBio Kerosene Balancing
NetherlandRenewableBio Kerosene Balancing
NetherlandRenewableWood Balancing
NetherlandRenewableWood Balancing
NetherlandRenewableWood Balancing
NetherlandRenewableGrasscrops Balancing
NetherlandRenewableDry organic matter Balancing
NetherlandRenewableWet organic matter Balancing
NetherlandRenewableManure Balancing
NetherlandRenewableSugars Balancing
NetherlandRenewableStarch Balancing
NetherlandCCUS CO2 CCUS Network Infrastructure
NetherlandCCUS CO2 CCUS Network Infrastructure
NetherlandEmission CO2 Air ETS Balancing
NetherlandEmission CO2 Air ETS Balancing
NetherlandFinal Gas ENatural Gas Exports Balancing
Type2 2050
Fuel Costs 1962.16
Capital Cost 322
Fuel Costs 106.27
Capital Cost 609.97
Fuel Costs 162.19
Capital Cost 49.44
Fuel Costs 183.82
Capital Cost 1631.49
Fixed Operational Cost 640.3
Fuel Costs 448.85
Fuel Costs 2738.85
Capital Cost 1112.53
Fixed Operational Cost 179.2
Fuel Costs 396.14
Capital Cost -3.89
Fixed Operational Cost 184.92
Fuel Costs 719.76
Fuel Costs 858.44
Fuel Costs 519.22
Fuel Costs 137.83
Capital Cost 741.27
Fuel Costs 0.2
Capital Cost 213.88
Fixed Operational Cost 95.13
Fuel Costs 517.95
Capital Cost 1.32
Fixed Operational Cost 0.83
Fuel Costs 137.85
Capital Cost 198.08
Fixed Operational Cost 91
Variable Operational Cost 1190
Fuel Costs 1813.8
Capital Cost 10.73
Fixed Operational Cost 49.5
Fuel Costs 247.96
Capital Cost 5.85
Fixed Operational Cost 27
Fuel Costs 95.31
Capital Cost 25.37
Fixed Operational Cost 11.7
Fuel Costs 488.68
Capital Cost 26.72
Fixed Operational Cost 13.32
Variable Operational Cost 3.33
Fuel Costs 887.57
Fuel Costs 889.19
Capital Cost 143.11
Fixed Operational Cost 96
Fuel Costs 7080.71
Emission Costs -988.62
Variable Operational Cost 100
Capital Cost 78.06
Fixed Operational Cost 200
Fuel Costs 821.62
Capital Cost 93.51
Fixed Operational Cost 103.5
Fuel Costs 231.61
Capital Cost 15.1
Fixed Operational Cost 6.6
Fuel Costs 59.8
Emission Costs 26.3
Capital Cost 30.25
Fixed Operational Cost 24.8
Fuel Costs 94.94
Emission Costs 51.28
Capital Cost 300.73
Fixed Operational Cost 402
Fuel Costs 360.2
Capital Cost 447.66
Fixed Operational Cost 206.72
Fuel Costs 1352.5
Capital Cost 564.96
Fixed Operational Cost 260.78
Fuel Costs 2838.62
Capital Cost 36.78
Fixed Operational Cost 16.74
Fuel Costs 165.61
Capital Cost 457.04
Fixed Operational Cost 209.56
Fuel Costs 1728.34
Capital Cost 694.44
Fuel Costs 355.05
Capital Cost 142.85
Fixed Operational Cost 53.41
Fuel Costs 9562.6
Emission Costs -405.79
Capital Cost 58.13
Fixed Operational Cost 8.88
Fuel Costs 176.18
Capital Cost 34.26
Fixed Operational Cost 8.81
Fuel Costs 383.6
Capital Cost 966.49
Fixed Operational Cost 481.66
Variable Operational Cost 600
Fuel Costs 3667.67
Emission Costs -3283.87
Capital Cost 194.28
Fixed Operational Cost 128.66
Variable Operational Cost 128.22
Fuel Costs 905.27
Emission Costs 83.45
Fuel Costs 0.56
Capital Cost 967.7
Fixed Operational Cost 602.67
Capital Cost 11782.67
Fixed Operational Cost 17537.43
Fuel Costs 2440.14
Capital Cost 1209.38
Fixed Operational Cost 2729.68
Fuel Costs 593.94
Capital Cost 925.15
Fixed Operational Cost 1462.7
Fuel Costs 1583.5
Capital Cost 76.36
Fixed Operational Cost 161.65
Fuel Costs 120.46
Capital Cost 320.08
Fixed Operational Cost 265.46
Fuel Costs 174.16
Capital Cost 2064.31
Fixed Operational Cost 721.78
Fuel Costs 2507.52
Capital Cost 1017.81
Fixed Operational Cost 338.36
Fuel Costs 4557
Capital Cost 13.08
Fixed Operational Cost 41.12
Fuel Costs 177.71
Capital Cost 476.58
Fixed Operational Cost 2013.82
Fuel Costs 12204.26
Capital Cost 22.07
Capital Cost 148.44
Capital Cost 100.88
Capital Cost 17.31
Export Revenues -4162.45
Export Revenues -5669.56
Export Revenues -368.75
Export Revenues -60.63
Export Revenues -869.49
Capital Cost 8545.84
Fixed Operational Cost 3550.94
Variable Operational Cost 106.95
Capital Cost 13144.46
Fixed Operational Cost 3290.34
Variable Operational Cost 1505.99
Fuel Costs 3047.9
Emission Costs 260.74
Capital Cost 3008.11
Fixed Operational Cost 1156.05
Capital Cost 1400.09
Fixed Operational Cost 204.14
Variable Operational Cost 71.8
Fuel Costs 8544
Capital Cost 1449.89
Fixed Operational Cost 557.17
Fuel Costs 2127.85
Emission Costs -508.26
Capital Cost 29.36
Fixed Operational Cost 55.49
Variable Operational Cost 118.59
Fuel Costs 104.03
Capital Cost 520.75
Fixed Operational Cost 345.66
Fuel Costs 27394.74
Export Revenues -13161.86
Capital Cost 113.72
Fixed Operational Cost 61.8
Fuel Costs 10451.53
Emission Costs 1003.18
Capital Cost 41.51
Fixed Operational Cost 35.45
Fuel Costs 11164.51
Emission Costs 1985.03
Capital Cost 310.9
Fixed Operational Cost 100.85
Fuel Costs 301.48
Emission Costs 70.58
Capital Cost 338.04
Fixed Operational Cost 129.91
Capital Cost 246.02
Fixed Operational Cost 112.47
Capital Cost 128.51
Fixed Operational Cost 32.54
Fuel Costs 707.43
Emission Costs -5.09
Capital Cost 541.17
Fixed Operational Cost 77.47
Capital Cost 25.34
Fixed Operational Cost 13.01
Fuel Costs -24482.08
Import Cost 24482.08
Capital Cost 187.51
Fixed Operational Cost 85.53
Capital Cost 2.3
Fixed Operational Cost 0.53
Fuel Costs 62.07
Capital Cost 3.89
Fixed Operational Cost 1.78
Capital Cost 1651.99
Fixed Operational Cost 555.27
Fuel Costs 10128.26
Emission Costs 282.01
Fuel Costs 7113.91
Fuel Costs -187
Import Cost 187
Fuel Costs -13190.66
Import Cost 13190.66
Fuel Costs -830
Import Cost 830
Export Revenues -830
Fuel Costs -841.29
Import Cost 841.29
National Primary Energy Co 142.42
National Primary Energy Co 330.13
Fuel Costs -17500
Import Cost 17500
Export Revenues -13596.55
Fuel Costs -5863.91
National Primary Energy Co 1000
Import Cost 5863.91
National Primary Energy Co 205
National Primary Energy Co 45
National Primary Energy Co 0.56
National Primary Energy Co 0.02
National Primary Energy Co 90
National Primary Energy Co 22
Capital Cost 445.4
Fixed Operational Cost 191.09
Variable Operational Cost -1429.05
Emission Costs 1429.05
Export Revenues -9800
Node Sector Activity Type Tech_ID 2050
NetherlandResidentialElectricity Balancing Res01_01 64
NetherlandResidentialElectricity Balancing Res01_02 32
NetherlandResidentialHouses - ReBalancing Res02_05 3540
NetherlandResidentialHouses - ReBalancing Res03_05 4060
NetherlandResidentialHouses - ReBalancing Res04_03 2010
NetherlandResidentialHouses - ReBalancing Res04_05 30
NetherlandResidentialHeat LT HoBalancing LTR02_02 42.6865
NetherlandServices Electricity Balancing Ser01_01 94
NetherlandServices Electricity Balancing Ser01_02 40
NetherlandServices Space - SerBalancing Ser02_05 560
NetherlandServices Heat LT SerBalancing LTS01_03 12.3283
NetherlandAgricultureElectricity Balancing Agr01_01 42
NetherlandAgricultureHeat deman Balancing Agr02_01 100
NetherlandAgricultureHeat deman Balancing Agr03_01 9.6
NetherlandAgricultureMachinery Balancing
- Agr04_01 28.97
NetherlandAgricultureMachinery Balancing
- Agr04_02 0.03
NetherlandAgricultureHeat LT AgrBalancing Agr05_03 3
NetherlandAgricultureHeat LT AgrBalancing Agr05_04 0.171
NetherlandAgricultureHeat LT AgrBalancing Agr06_02 0.2294
NetherlandAgricultureHeat LT AgrBalancing Agr06_03 0.075
NetherlandIndustry Steel produBalancing IBM01_09 7
NetherlandIndustry Aluminum Bpalancing IBM02_06 0.33
NetherlandIndustry Zinc producBalancing IBM03_01 0.3
NetherlandIndustry Nitric Acid Balancing IFE01_01 3
NetherlandIndustry Urea produc Balancing IFE02_01 2.22
NetherlandIndustry Other Ammon Balancing IFE03_01 1.5
NetherlandIndustry Ethylene prBalancing ICH01_04 2
NetherlandIndustry Propylene Balancing ICH01_14 1
NetherlandIndustry Other HVC Balancing ICH01_15 0.3
NetherlandIndustry BioplasticsBalancing ICB01_01 1
NetherlandIndustry Chlorine prBalancing ICL01_01 1.15
NetherlandIndustry Glass produBalancing IGS01_02 1.1
NetherlandIndustry Ceramics pBalancing ICS01_01 3.1
NetherlandIndustry Paper and Balancing IPP01_02 3.35
NetherlandIndustry Food produBalancing IFD01_02 1.36
NetherlandIndustry Other ETS cBalancing IOC01_03 1.18
NetherlandIndustry Other ETS -Balancing IOE01_02 1.24
NetherlandIndustry Other non-E Balancing ION01_03 1.24
NetherlandIndustry Machinery Balancing IMM01_01 27.2
NetherlandIndustry Heat HT InBalancing HTI01_09 1.5604
NetherlandIndustry Heat HT InBalancing HTI01_18 10
NetherlandIndustry Heat LT IndBalancing LTI01_03 1.0734
NetherlandIndustry Heat LT IndBalancing LTI01_09 2.4198
NetherlandIndustry Heat LT IndBalancing LTI01_10 3.24
NetherlandIndustry Furnace HeBalancing FHI01_05 13.3425
NetherlandIndustry CO2 CCUS Balancing Emi01_01 45.4072
NetherlandIndustry CO2 CCUS Balancing Emi01_02 38.3409
NetherlandIndustry CO2 CCUS Balancing Emi01_04 11.8529
NetherlandWaste DispWaste ManBalancing WAI01_02 0.6342
NetherlandWaste DispWaste ManBalancing WAI01_03 1.0718
NetherlandWaste DispSewage MaBalancing WAS01_01 5.6
NetherlandTransport MotorcycleBalancing TRD01_01 2.88
NetherlandTransport Passenger Balancing TRC01_08 13.5135
NetherlandTransport Light-Duty Balancing TRL01_06 1.2019
NetherlandTransport Heavy-DutyBalancing TRH01_04 154.7826
NetherlandTransport Buses Balancing TRB01_04 10.6557
NetherlandTransport Rail Balancing TRR01_02 948.0627
NetherlandTransport Intra-EU AvBalancing TAI01_02 116.9287
NetherlandTransport Intra-EU AvBalancing TAI01_03 184.4602
NetherlandTransport Intra-EU AvBalancing TAI01_04 150
NetherlandTransport Extra-EU AvBalancing TAE01_02 69.6761
NetherlandTransport Extra-EU AvBalancing TAE01_03 85.9366
NetherlandTransport Extra-EU AvBalancing TAE01_04 50
NetherlandTransport Inland-DomBalancing TNI01_06 456.8528
NetherlandTransport InternationBalancing TNB01_05 59.0099
NetherlandTransport InternationBalancing TNB01_07 585.32
NetherlandTransport Other TranBalancing TOT01_01 30
NetherlandnER GHG nER-GHG Ag Balancing NER01_01 6.88
NetherlandnER GHG nER-GHG ABalancing NER01_02 3.22
NetherlandnER GHG nER-GHG ABalancing NER01_03 0.65
NetherlandnER GHG nER-GHG Agr Balancing NER01_04 2.7
NetherlandnER GHG nER-GHG PrBalancing NER01_05 1.5
NetherlandnER GHG nER-GHG AlBalancing NER01_06 2.03
NetherlandnER GHG nER-GHG AlBalancing NER01_07 0.25
NetherlandnER GHG nER-GHG AlBalancing NER01_08 2
NetherlandnER GHG nER-GHG All Balancing NER01_09 0.2
NetherlandnER GHG nER-GHG CBalancing NER02_01 0.93
NetherlandnER GHG nER-GHG CBalancing NER02_02 1.1
NetherlandnER GHG nER-GHG CBalancing NER02_03 6.4997
NetherlandnER GHG nER-GHG CBalancing NER02_04 1.3762
NetherlandnER GHG nER-GHG CBalancing NER02_05 1.0321
NetherlandnER GHG nER-GHG CBalancing NER02_07 1.2545
NetherlandnER GHG nER-GHG CBalancing NER02_09 0.1875
NetherlandnER GHG nER-GHG Balancing NER02_10 2.3485
NetherlandnER GHG nER-GHG Balancing NER02_11 0.351
NetherlandnER GHG nER-GHG Balancing NER02_12 0.729
NetherlandnER GHG nER-GHG Balancing NER02_14 0.1634
NetherlandnER GHG nER-GHG Balancing NER02_15 0.098
NetherlandnER GHG nER-GHG Balancing NER02_17 1.66
NetherlandnER GHG nER-GHG FBalancing NER02_18 0.03
NetherlandnER GHG nER-GHG FBalancing NER02_19 1.275
NetherlandnER GHG nER-GHG FBalancing NER02_20 0.195
NetherlandnER GHG nER-GHG FBalancing NER02_21 0.2
NetherlandPower NL Electricity Balancing PNS01_01 75
NetherlandPower NL Electricity Balancing PNL01_04 15.5474
NetherlandPower NL Electricity Balancing PNL01_07 0.8622
NetherlandPower NL Electricity Balancing PNL01_08 1.4544
NetherlandPower NL Electricity Balancing PNL01_09 10.984
NetherlandPower NL Electricity Balancing PNL01_13 12
NetherlandPower NL Electricity Balancing PNL01_14 13
NetherlandPower NL Electricity Balancing PNL01_15 30
NetherlandPower NL Electricity Balancing PNL01_16 40
NetherlandPower NL Electricity Balancing PNL01_17 0.04
NetherlandPower NL Electricity Balancing PNL02_01 30
NetherlandPower NL Electricity Balancing PNL03_01 20.1469
NetherlandPower NL Electricity Balancing PNL04_01 3.4
NetherlandPower NL Electricity Balancing PNL04_02 5.9803
NetherlandPower NL Electricity Balancing PNL04_03 1.4
NetherlandPower NL Electricity Balancing PNL04_04 1.4
NetherlandPower NL Electricity Balancing PNL04_05 2
NetherlandPower NL Electricity Balancing PNL04_06 50
NetherlandPower NL Electricity Balancing PNL05_01 2.9036
NetherlandPower NL Electricity Infrastruct IFP01_01 121.8176
NetherlandPower NL Electricity Balancing PNL06_01 46.5493
NetherlandPower NL Electricity Balancing PNL07_01 21.5178
NetherlandPower NL Electricity Infrastruct IFP01_02 23.3323
NetherlandRefineries Road Fuel Balancing RFP03_07 14.0845
NetherlandRefineries Road Fuel Balancing RFP03_09 63.2765
NetherlandRefineries Bio EthanoBalancing RFB01_01 14.0845
NetherlandRefineries Syn KeroseBalancing RFS02_01 272.9907
NetherlandRefineries Syn KeroseBalancing RFS02_02 169.6929
NetherlandRefineries Syngas Balancing RFS03_01 312.0263
NetherlandRefineries Syngas Balancing RFS03_03 500
NetherlandRefineries Methanol Balancing RFS04_02 354.4704
NetherlandHeat NetwHeat LT NeBalancing LTN01_05 3.1821
NetherlandHeat NetwHeat LT NeBalancing LTN01_07 1.0776
NetherlandHeat NetwHeat LT NeInfrastruct IFL01_01 5.1965
NetherlandFinal Gas Natural GaInfrastruct IFG01_01 74.4815
NetherlandFinal Gas Natural GaBalancing Gas04_02 1
NetherlandFinal Gas Natural GaBalancing Gas05_01 6.2378
NetherlandFinal Gas Natural GaInfrastruct IFG01_02 6.2678
NetherlandHydrogen Hydrogen Balancing Hyd02_01 71.68
NetherlandHydrogen Hydrogen Balancing Hyd02_02 15.6484
NetherlandHydrogen Hydrogen Balancing Hyd03_01 1000
NetherlandHydrogen Hydrogen Infrastruct IFH01_01 37.8455
NetherlandHydrogen Hydrogen Balancing Hyd04_02 0.0959
NetherlandHydrogen Hydrogen Infrastruct IFH01_02 0.0959
NetherlandAmmonia Ammonia Balancing Amm01_02157.9021
NetherlandAmmonia Ammonia Balancing Amm01_05 500
NetherlandFinal Biom Biomass Balancing Bio01_01 438.9688
NetherlandFinal Biom Biomass Balancing Bio01_02 25
NetherlandFinal Biom Biomass Balancing Bio01_03 10
NetherlandFossil LPG Balancing RFP01_01 6.8
NetherlandFossil Natural GaBalancing Gas01_03 2214.716
NetherlandFossil Natural GaBalancing Gas06_01 100
NetherlandOther Uranium Balancing EPO01_01 1038.63
NetherlandOther Municipal Balancing EPO01_02 47.4735
NetherlandOther Plastic WasBalancing EPO01_03 47.161
NetherlandRenewableBio KeroseBalancing RFB03_02 250
NetherlandRenewableWood Balancing EPB01_01 100
NetherlandRenewableWood Balancing EPB01_02 300
NetherlandRenewableWood Balancing EPB01_03 38.9688
NetherlandRenewableGrasscropsBalancing EPB01_04 25
NetherlandRenewableDry organi Balancing EPB01_05 10
NetherlandRenewableWet organiBalancing EPB01_06 5.6
NetherlandRenewableManure Balancing EPB01_07 0.25
NetherlandRenewableSugars Balancing EPB01_08 20
NetherlandRenewableStarch Balancing EPB01_09 1
NetherlandRenewableWind Ener Balancing EPR01_01 1355.274
NetherlandRenewableSolar Ener Balancing EPR01_02 326.3379
NetherlandRenewableAmbient EnBalancing EPR01_03 25.3889
NetherlandRenewableGeothermalBalancing EPR01_04 115.9361
NetherlandRenewableSolar Heat Balancing EPR01_05 189.5759
NetherlandCCUS CO2 CCUS Infrastruct IFC01_01 5.5022
NetherlandEmission CO2 Air ETBalancing Emi02_01 -15.8783
NetherlandEmission CO2 Air n- Balancing Emi03_01 15.8783
Node Sector Activity Type Tech_ID 2050
NetherlandResidentialElectricity Balancing Res01_01 64
NetherlandResidentialElectricity Balancing Res01_02 32
NetherlandResidentialHouses - ReBalancing Res02_05 3540
NetherlandResidentialHouses - ReBalancing Res03_05 4060
NetherlandResidentialHouses - ReBalancing Res04_03 2010
NetherlandResidentialHouses - ReBalancing Res04_05 30
NetherlandResidentialHeat LT HoBalancing LTR02_02 230.507
NetherlandServices Electricity Balancing Ser01_01 94
NetherlandServices Electricity Balancing Ser01_02 40
NetherlandServices Space - SerBalancing Ser02_05 560
NetherlandServices Heat LT SerBalancing LTS01_03 66.573
NetherlandAgricultureElectricity Balancing Agr01_01 42
NetherlandAgricultureHeat deman Balancing Agr02_01 100
NetherlandAgricultureHeat deman Balancing Agr03_01 9.6
NetherlandAgricultureMachinery Balancing
- Agr04_01 28.97
NetherlandAgricultureMachinery Balancing
- Agr04_02 0.03
NetherlandAgricultureHeat LT AgrBalancing Agr05_03 94.608
NetherlandAgricultureHeat LT AgrBalancing Agr05_04 5.392
NetherlandAgricultureHeat LT AgrBalancing Agr06_02 7.235
NetherlandAgricultureHeat LT AgrBalancing Agr06_03 2.365
NetherlandIndustry Steel produBalancing IBM01_09 7
NetherlandIndustry Aluminum Bpalancing IBM02_06 0.33
NetherlandIndustry Zinc producBalancing IBM03_01 0.3
NetherlandIndustry Nitric Acid Balancing IFE01_01 3
NetherlandIndustry Urea produc Balancing IFE02_01 2.22
NetherlandIndustry Other Ammon Balancing IFE03_01 1.5
NetherlandIndustry Ethylene prBalancing ICH01_04 2
NetherlandIndustry Other HVC Balancing ICH01_15 0.02
NetherlandIndustry BioplasticsBalancing ICB01_01 1
NetherlandIndustry Chlorine prBalancing ICL01_01 1.15
NetherlandIndustry Glass produBalancing IGS01_02 1.1
NetherlandIndustry Ceramics pBalancing ICS01_01 3.1
NetherlandIndustry Paper and Balancing IPP01_02 3.35
NetherlandIndustry Food produBalancing IFD01_02 1.36
NetherlandIndustry Other ETS cBalancing IOC01_03 1.18
NetherlandIndustry Other ETS -Balancing IOE01_02 1.24
NetherlandIndustry Other non-E Balancing ION01_03 1.24
NetherlandIndustry Machinery Balancing IMM01_01 27.2
NetherlandIndustry Heat HT InBalancing HTI01_09 49.21
NetherlandIndustry Heat HT InBalancing HTI01_18 315.36
NetherlandIndustry Heat LT IndBalancing LTI01_03 33.852
NetherlandIndustry Furnace HeBalancing FHI01_05 13.343
NetherlandIndustry CO2 CCUS Balancing Emi01_01 30
NetherlandIndustry CO2 CCUS Balancing Emi01_02 38.341
NetherlandWaste DispWaste ManBalancing WAI01_02 8.554
NetherlandWaste DispWaste ManBalancing WAI01_03 1.072
NetherlandWaste DispSewage MaBalancing WAS01_01 5.6
NetherlandTransport MotorcycleBalancing TRD01_01 7.2
NetherlandTransport Passenger Balancing TRC01_08 150
NetherlandTransport Light-Duty Balancing TRL01_06 25
NetherlandTransport Heavy-DutyBalancing TRH01_04 8.9
NetherlandTransport Buses Balancing TRB01_04 650
NetherlandTransport Rail Balancing TRR01_02 230
NetherlandTransport Intra-EU AvBalancing TAI01_02 67.351
NetherlandTransport Intra-EU AvBalancing TAI01_03 106.249
NetherlandTransport Intra-EU AvBalancing TAI01_04 86.4
NetherlandTransport Extra-EU AvBalancing TAE01_02 250.764
NetherlandTransport Extra-EU AvBalancing TAE01_03 309.286
NetherlandTransport Extra-EU AvBalancing TAE01_04 179.95
NetherlandTransport Inland-DomBalancing TNI01_06 90
NetherlandTransport InternationBalancing TNB01_05 11.448
NetherlandTransport InternationBalancing TNB01_07 113.552
NetherlandTransport Other TranBalancing TOT01_01 30
NetherlandnER GHG nER-GHG Ag Balancing NER01_01 6.88
NetherlandnER GHG nER-GHG ABalancing NER01_02 3.22
NetherlandnER GHG nER-GHG ABalancing NER01_03 0.65
NetherlandnER GHG nER-GHG Agr Balancing NER01_04 2.7
NetherlandnER GHG nER-GHG PrBalancing NER01_05 1.5
NetherlandnER GHG nER-GHG AlBalancing NER01_06 2.03
NetherlandnER GHG nER-GHG AlBalancing NER01_07 0.25
NetherlandnER GHG nER-GHG AlBalancing NER01_08 2
NetherlandnER GHG nER-GHG All Balancing NER01_09 0.2
NetherlandnER GHG nER-GHG CBalancing NER02_01 0.93
NetherlandnER GHG nER-GHG CBalancing NER02_02 1.1
NetherlandnER GHG nER-GHG CBalancing NER02_03 6.5
NetherlandnER GHG nER-GHG CBalancing NER02_04 1.376
NetherlandnER GHG nER-GHG CBalancing NER02_05 1.032
NetherlandnER GHG nER-GHG CBalancing NER02_07 1.255
NetherlandnER GHG nER-GHG CBalancing NER02_09 0.188
NetherlandnER GHG nER-GHG Balancing NER02_10 2.349
NetherlandnER GHG nER-GHG Balancing NER02_11 0.351
NetherlandnER GHG nER-GHG Balancing NER02_12 0.729
NetherlandnER GHG nER-GHG Balancing NER02_14 0.163
NetherlandnER GHG nER-GHG Balancing NER02_15 0.098
NetherlandnER GHG nER-GHG Balancing NER02_17 1.66
NetherlandnER GHG nER-GHG FBalancing NER02_18 0.03
NetherlandnER GHG nER-GHG FBalancing NER02_19 1.275
NetherlandnER GHG nER-GHG FBalancing NER02_20 0.195
NetherlandnER GHG nER-GHG FBalancing NER02_21 0.2
NetherlandPower NL Electricity Balancing PNS01_01 1069.516
NetherlandPower NL Electricity Balancing PNL01_04 28.781
NetherlandPower NL Electricity Balancing PNL01_07 0.289
NetherlandPower NL Electricity Balancing PNL01_08 6.029
NetherlandPower NL Electricity Balancing PNL01_09 311.901
NetherlandPower NL Electricity Balancing PNL01_13 77.758
NetherlandPower NL Electricity Balancing PNL01_14 208
NetherlandPower NL Electricity Balancing PNL01_15 84
NetherlandPower NL Electricity Balancing PNL01_16 112
NetherlandPower NL Electricity Balancing PNL01_17 0.35
NetherlandPower NL Electricity Balancing PNL04_01 2.634
NetherlandPower NL Electricity Balancing PNL04_02 15.071
NetherlandPower NL Electricity Balancing PNL04_03 4.398
NetherlandPower NL Electricity Balancing PNL04_04 21.893
NetherlandPower NL Electricity Balancing PNL04_05 7.705
NetherlandPower NL Electricity Balancing PNL04_06 1048.545
NetherlandPower NL Electricity Balancing PNL05_01 0.929
NetherlandPower NL Electricity Balancing PNL06_01 130.338
NetherlandPower NL Electricity Balancing PNL07_01 402.671
NetherlandRefineries Road Fuel Balancing RFP03_07 14.085
NetherlandRefineries Road Fuel Balancing RFP03_09 63.276
NetherlandRefineries Bio EthanoBalancing RFB01_01 14.085
NetherlandRefineries Syn KeroseBalancing RFS02_01 272.991
NetherlandRefineries Syn KeroseBalancing RFS02_02 169.693
NetherlandRefineries Syngas Balancing RFS03_01 312.026
NetherlandRefineries Syngas Balancing RFS03_03 204.731
NetherlandRefineries Methanol Balancing RFS04_02 354.47
NetherlandHeat NetwHeat LT NeBalancing LTN01_05 55.228
NetherlandHeat NetwHeat LT NeBalancing LTN01_07 4.345
NetherlandFinal Gas Natural GaBalancing Gas04_02 1
NetherlandFinal Gas Natural GaBalancing Gas05_01 69.772
NetherlandHydrogen Hydrogen Balancing Hyd03_01 979.283
NetherlandHydrogen Hydrogen Balancing Hyd04_02 2.483
NetherlandAmmonia Ammonia Balancing Amm01_02 157.902
NetherlandAmmonia Ammonia Balancing Amm01_05 251.188
NetherlandFinal Biom Biomass Balancing Bio01_01 438.969
NetherlandFinal Biom Biomass Balancing Bio01_02 25
NetherlandFinal Biom Biomass Balancing Bio01_03 10
NetherlandFossil LPG Balancing RFP01_01 6.8
NetherlandFossil Natural GaBalancing Gas01_03 1345.985
NetherlandFossil Natural GaBalancing Gas06_01 100
NetherlandOther Uranium Balancing EPO01_01 1038.63
NetherlandOther Municipal Balancing EPO01_02 47.474
NetherlandOther Plastic WasBalancing EPO01_03 47.161
NetherlandRenewableBio KeroseBalancing RFB03_02 250
NetherlandRenewableWood Balancing EPB01_01 100
NetherlandRenewableWood Balancing EPB01_02 300
NetherlandRenewableWood Balancing EPB01_03 38.969
NetherlandRenewableGrasscropsBalancing EPB01_04 25
NetherlandRenewableDry organi Balancing EPB01_05 10
NetherlandRenewableWet organiBalancing EPB01_06 5.6
NetherlandRenewableManure Balancing EPB01_07 0.25
NetherlandRenewableSugars Balancing EPB01_08 20
NetherlandRenewableStarch Balancing EPB01_09 1
NetherlandRenewableWind Ener Balancing EPR01_01 1355.274
NetherlandRenewableSolar Ener Balancing EPR01_02 326.338
NetherlandRenewableAmbient EnBalancing EPR01_03 25.389
NetherlandRenewableGeothermalBalancing EPR01_04 115.936
NetherlandRenewableSolar Heat Balancing EPR01_05 189.576
NetherlandEmission CO2 Air ETBalancing Emi02_01 -15.878
NetherlandEmission CO2 Air n- Balancing Emi03_01 15.878
Node Tech_ID Type 2050
NetherlandRes01_01 Investment 64
NetherlandRes01_02 Investment 32
NetherlandRes02_01 Investment 1236.08
NetherlandRes02_01 Retrofitting substractions -1236.08
NetherlandRes02_02 Investment 1038.21
NetherlandRes02_02 Retrofitting substractions -1038.21
NetherlandRes02_03 Retrofitting additions 540.56
NetherlandRes02_03 Retrofitting substractions -540.56
NetherlandRes02_04 Retrofitting additions 224.89
NetherlandRes02_04 Retrofitting substractions -224.89
NetherlandRes02_05 Investment 1245.71
NetherlandRes02_05 Retrofitting additions 2274.29
NetherlandRes03_01 Investment 484.23
NetherlandRes03_01 Retrofitting substractions -484.23
NetherlandRes03_02 Investment 1183.87
NetherlandRes03_02 Retrofitting substractions -1183.87
NetherlandRes03_03 Retrofitting additions 725.06
NetherlandRes03_03 Retrofitting substractions -725.06
NetherlandRes03_04 Retrofitting additions 313.8
NetherlandRes03_04 Retrofitting substractions -313.8
NetherlandRes03_05 Investment 2367.9
NetherlandRes03_05 Retrofitting additions 1668.1
NetherlandRes04_01 Investment 350
NetherlandRes04_01 Retrofitting substractions -350
NetherlandRes04_02 Investment 403.97
NetherlandRes04_02 Retrofitting substractions -403.97
NetherlandRes04_03 Investment 1256.03
NetherlandRes04_03 Retrofitting additions 753.97
NetherlandSer01_01 Investment 94
NetherlandSer01_02 Investment 40
NetherlandSer02_02 Investment 98.45
NetherlandSer02_02 Retrofitting substractions -98.45
NetherlandSer02_03 Investment 122.77
NetherlandSer02_03 Retrofitting additions 49.87
NetherlandSer02_03 Retrofitting substractions -172.64
NetherlandSer02_04 Investment 1.83
NetherlandSer02_04 Retrofitting additions 5.84
NetherlandSer02_04 Retrofitting substractions -7.67
NetherlandSer02_05 Investment 336.95
NetherlandSer02_05 Retrofitting additions 223.05
NetherlandAgr01_01 Investment 42
NetherlandAgr02_01 Investment 100
NetherlandAgr03_01 Investment 9.6
NetherlandAgr04_01 Investment 28.97
NetherlandIBM01_09 Investment 7
NetherlandIBM02_06 Investment 0.33
NetherlandIBM03_01 Investment 0.3
NetherlandIFE01_01 Investment 3
NetherlandIFE02_01 Investment 2.22
NetherlandIFE03_01 Investment 1.5
NetherlandICH01_01 Investment 1.04
NetherlandICH01_01 Retrofitting substractions -1.16
NetherlandICH01_04 Investment 0.84
NetherlandICH01_04 Retrofitting additions 1.16
NetherlandICH01_14 Investment 1
NetherlandICH01_15 Investment 0.3
NetherlandICB01_01 Investment 1
NetherlandICL01_01 Investment 1.15
NetherlandIGS01_02 Investment 1.1
NetherlandICS01_01 Investment 3.1
NetherlandIPP01_02 Investment 3.35
NetherlandIFD01_02 Investment 1.36
NetherlandIOC01_03 Investment 1.18
NetherlandIOE01_02 Investment 1.24
NetherlandION01_03 Investment 1.24
NetherlandIMM01_01 Investment 27.2
NetherlandWAI01_02 Investment 0.63
NetherlandWAI01_03 Investment 1.07
NetherlandWAS01_01 Investment 5.6
NetherlandTRD01_01 Investment 2.92
NetherlandTRC01_08 Investment 13.51
NetherlandTRL01_06 Investment 1.2
NetherlandTRH01_04 Investment 154.78
NetherlandTRB01_04 Investment 10.66
NetherlandTRR01_02 Investment 948.06
NetherlandTAI01_02 Investment 116.93
NetherlandTAI01_03 Investment 184.46
NetherlandTAI01_04 Investment 150
NetherlandTAE01_02 Investment 69.68
NetherlandTAE01_03 Investment 85.94
NetherlandTAE01_04 Investment 50
NetherlandTNI01_06 Investment 456.85
NetherlandTNB01_05 Investment 59.01
NetherlandTNB01_07 Investment 585.32
NetherlandTOT01_01 Investment 30
NetherlandNER01_01 Investment 6.88
NetherlandNER01_02 Investment 3.22
NetherlandNER01_03 Investment 0.65
NetherlandNER01_04 Investment 2.7
NetherlandNER01_05 Investment 1.5
NetherlandNER01_06 Investment 2.03
NetherlandNER01_07 Investment 0.25
NetherlandNER01_08 Investment 2
NetherlandNER01_09 Investment 0.2
NetherlandPNS01_01 Investment 75
NetherlandPNL01_04 Investment 15.55
NetherlandPNL01_07 Investment 0.86
NetherlandPNL01_08 Investment 1.45
NetherlandPNL01_09 Investment 10.5
NetherlandPNL01_13 Investment 12
NetherlandPNL01_14 Investment 13
NetherlandPNL01_15 Investment 30
NetherlandPNL01_16 Investment 40
NetherlandPNL01_17 Investment 0.04
NetherlandPNL02_01 Investment 30
NetherlandPNL03_01 Investment 20.15
NetherlandPNL04_01 Investment 3.4
NetherlandPNL04_02 Investment 5.98
NetherlandPNL04_03 Investment 1.4
NetherlandPNL04_04 Investment 1.4
NetherlandPNL04_05 Investment 2
NetherlandPNL04_06 Investment 50
NetherlandPNL05_01 Investment 2.9
NetherlandPNL06_01 Investment 46.55
NetherlandPNL07_01 Investment 21.52
NetherlandLTR02_02 Investment 43.49
NetherlandLTR02_03 Investment 0.4
NetherlandLTR02_04 Investment 0.8
NetherlandLTS01_03 Investment 12.33
NetherlandLTS01_04 Investment 0.1
NetherlandLTN01_05 Investment 3.18
NetherlandLTN01_07 Investment 1.08
NetherlandAgr05_03 Investment 3
NetherlandAgr05_04 Investment 0.17
NetherlandAgr06_02 Investment 0.23
NetherlandAgr06_03 Investment 0.07
NetherlandHTI01_09 Investment 1.56
NetherlandHTI01_18 Investment 10
NetherlandLTI01_03 Investment 1.07
NetherlandLTI01_09 Investment 2.42
NetherlandLTI01_10 Investment 3.24
NetherlandFHI01_05 Investment 13.34
NetherlandRFP01_01 Investment 6.8
NetherlandRFP03_07 Investment 14.08
NetherlandRFP03_09 Investment 63.28
NetherlandRFB01_01 Investment 14.08
NetherlandRFB03_02 Investment 250
NetherlandRFS02_01 Investment 272.99
NetherlandRFS02_02 Investment 169.69
NetherlandRFS03_01 Investment 312.03
NetherlandRFS03_03 Investment 500
NetherlandRFS04_02 Investment 354.47
NetherlandGas01_03 Economic decommissioning -1785.28
NetherlandGas04_02 Investment 1
NetherlandGas05_01 Investment 6.24
NetherlandGas06_01 Investment 100
NetherlandHyd02_01 Investment 71.68
NetherlandHyd02_02 Investment 15.65
NetherlandHyd03_01 Investment 1000
NetherlandHyd04_02 Investment 0.1
NetherlandAmm01_02 Investment 157.9
NetherlandAmm01_05 Investment 500
NetherlandBio01_01 Investment 438.97
NetherlandBio01_02 Investment 25
NetherlandBio01_03 Investment 10
NetherlandEPO01_01 Investment 1038.63
NetherlandEPO01_02 Investment 47.47
NetherlandEPO01_03 Investment 47.16
NetherlandEPB01_01 Investment 100
NetherlandEPB01_02 Investment 300
NetherlandEPB01_03 Investment 38.97
NetherlandEPB01_04 Investment 25
NetherlandEPB01_05 Investment 10
NetherlandEPB01_06 Investment 5.6
NetherlandEPB01_07 Investment 0.25
NetherlandEPB01_08 Investment 20
NetherlandEPB01_09 Investment 1
NetherlandEPR01_01 Investment 1355.27
NetherlandEPR01_02 Investment 326.34
NetherlandEPR01_03 Investment 25.39
NetherlandEPR01_04 Investment 115.94
NetherlandEPR01_05 Investment 189.58
NetherlandNER02_01 Investment 0.93
NetherlandNER02_02 Investment 1.1
NetherlandNER02_03 Investment 6.5
NetherlandNER02_04 Investment 1.38
NetherlandNER02_05 Investment 1.03
NetherlandNER02_07 Investment 1.25
NetherlandNER02_09 Investment 0.19
NetherlandNER02_10 Investment 2.35
NetherlandNER02_11 Investment 0.35
NetherlandNER02_12 Investment 0.73
NetherlandNER02_14 Investment 0.16
NetherlandNER02_15 Investment 0.1
NetherlandNER02_17 Investment 1.66
NetherlandNER02_18 Investment 0.03
NetherlandNER02_19 Investment 1.27
NetherlandNER02_20 Investment 0.19
NetherlandNER02_21 Investment 0.2
NetherlandEmi01_01 Investment 45.41
NetherlandEmi01_02 Investment 38.34
NetherlandEmi01_04 Investment 11.85
NetherlandEmi02_01 Investment 54.12
NetherlandEmi03_01 Investment 85.88
NetherlandIFG01_01 Investment 29.86
NetherlandIFG01_01 Retrofitting substractions -23.38
NetherlandIFG01_02 Retrofitting substractions -0.1
NetherlandIFG01_02 Economic decommissioning -15.24
NetherlandIFH01_01 Investment 14.47
NetherlandIFH01_01 Retrofitting additions 23.38
NetherlandIFH01_02 Retrofitting additions 0.1
NetherlandIFC01_01 Investment 5.5
NetherlandIFP01_01 Investment 109.32
NetherlandIFP01_02 Investment 18.33
NetherlandIFL01_01 Investment 4
Node Sector Type Carrier 2050
Europe Refineries Energy UseSynfuels -355.76
Europe Refineries Energy UseBio-fuels -194.24
Europe Refineries Feedstock Synfuels 355.76
Europe Refineries Feedstock Bio-fuels 194.24
NetherlandResidentialEnergy UseElectricity 96.04
NetherlandResidentialEnergy UseHeat 230.51
NetherlandServices Energy UseElectricity 134.05
NetherlandServices Energy UseHeat 66.57
NetherlandAgricultureEnergy UseElectricity 42.01
NetherlandAgricultureEnergy UseHeat 109.6
NetherlandIndustry Energy UseHydrogen 97.35
NetherlandIndustry Energy UseAmmonia 67.3
NetherlandIndustry Energy UseElectricity 136.06
NetherlandIndustry Energy UseHeat 161.56
NetherlandIndustry Energy UseOil Product 6.8
NetherlandIndustry Energy UseSynfuels 65.9
NetherlandIndustry Energy UseNatural Ga 23.51
NetherlandIndustry Energy UseBiomass 19.1
NetherlandIndustry Feedstock Synfuels 203.34
NetherlandIndustry Feedstock Biomass 29.9
NetherlandWaste DispEnergy UseHydrogen 8.57
NetherlandWaste DispEnergy UseElectricity -6.35
NetherlandWaste DispEnergy UseHeat -2.04
NetherlandWaste DispEnergy UseSynfuels -42.87
NetherlandWaste DispEnergy UseNatural Ga 2.99
NetherlandWaste DispEnergy UseBiomass 5.6
NetherlandWaste DispEnergy UseWaste 94.63
NetherlandTransport Energy UseElectricity 240.43
NetherlandTransport Energy UseNatural Ga 17.82
NetherlandAmmonia Energy UseNatural Ga -184.75
NetherlandAmmonia Feedstock Natural Ga 184.75
Node Sector Activity 2050
NetherlandResidentialElectricity -96.04
NetherlandResidentialHouses - Re -54.16
NetherlandResidentialHouses - Re -82.66
NetherlandResidentialHouses - Re -93.68
NetherlandServices Electricity -134.05
NetherlandServices Space - Ser -66.57
NetherlandAgricultureElectricity -42
NetherlandAgricultureHeat deman -100
NetherlandAgricultureHeat deman -9.6
NetherlandAgricultureMachinery - -0.01
NetherlandIndustry Steel produ -82.32
NetherlandIndustry Aluminum p -11.27
NetherlandIndustry Zinc produc -4.73
NetherlandIndustry Nitric Acid -15.6
NetherlandIndustry Urea produc -29.35
NetherlandIndustry Other Ammon -28.2
NetherlandIndustry Ethylene pr -245.1
NetherlandIndustry Bioplastics -46.8
NetherlandIndustry Chlorine pr -11.04
NetherlandIndustry Glass produ -5.19
NetherlandIndustry Ceramics p -8.62
NetherlandIndustry Paper and -16.64
NetherlandIndustry Food produ -82.96
NetherlandIndustry Other ETS c -117.41
NetherlandIndustry Other ETS - -8.68
NetherlandIndustry Other non-E -85.68
NetherlandIndustry Machinery -15.23
NetherlandIndustry CO2 CCUS -153.36
NetherlandWaste DispWaste Man -114.03
NetherlandWaste DispSewage Ma -5.6
NetherlandTransport Passenger -118.5
NetherlandTransport Light-Duty -29.11
NetherlandTransport Heavy-Duty -78.23
NetherlandTransport Buses -5.85
NetherlandTransport Rail -8.74
NetherlandTransport Intra-EU Av -62.42
NetherlandTransport Extra-EU Av -104.47
NetherlandTransport Inland-Dom -17.82
NetherlandTransport Internation -389.19
Node Sector Activity Type Carrier 2050
Europe Refineries Kerosene EEnergy UseSynfuels -355.76
Europe Refineries Kerosene EEnergy UseBio-fuels -194.24
Europe Refineries Kerosene EFeedstock Synfuels 355.76
Europe Refineries Kerosene EFeedstock Bio-fuels 194.24
NetherlandResidentialElectricity Energy UseElectricity 96.04
NetherlandResidentialHouses - ReEnergy UseHeat 54.16
NetherlandResidentialHouses - ReEnergy UseHeat 82.66
NetherlandResidentialHouses - ReEnergy UseHeat 93.68
NetherlandServices Electricity Energy UseElectricity 134.05
NetherlandServices Space - SerEnergy UseHeat 66.57
NetherlandAgricultureElectricity Energy UseElectricity 42
NetherlandAgricultureHeat deman Energy UseHeat 100
NetherlandAgricultureHeat deman Energy UseHeat 9.6
NetherlandAgricultureMachinery Energy
- UseElectricity 0.01
NetherlandIndustry Steel produEnergy UseHydrogen 47.74
NetherlandIndustry Steel produEnergy UseElectricity 20.58
NetherlandIndustry Steel produEnergy UseBiomass 9.1
NetherlandIndustry Steel produFeedstock Biomass 4.9
NetherlandIndustry Aluminum Epnergy UseElectricity 8.54
NetherlandIndustry Aluminum Epnergy UseHeat 2.72
NetherlandIndustry Zinc producEnergy UseElectricity 4.46
NetherlandIndustry Zinc producEnergy UseHeat 0.27
NetherlandIndustry Nitric Acid Energy UseAmmonia 15.3
NetherlandIndustry Nitric Acid Energy UseElectricity 0.3
NetherlandIndustry Urea produc Energy UseAmmonia 23.8
NetherlandIndustry Urea produc Energy UseElectricity 0.67
NetherlandIndustry Urea produc Energy UseHeat 4.88
NetherlandIndustry Other Ammon Energy UseAmmonia 28.2
NetherlandIndustry Ethylene prEnergy UseElectricity 8.5
NetherlandIndustry Ethylene prEnergy UseHeat -4
NetherlandIndustry Ethylene prEnergy UseSynfuels 65.9
NetherlandIndustry Ethylene prEnergy UseNatural Ga 11.6
NetherlandIndustry Ethylene prFeedstock Synfuels 159.1
NetherlandIndustry BioplasticsEnergy UseElectricity 0.3
NetherlandIndustry BioplasticsEnergy UseHeat 11.5
NetherlandIndustry BioplasticsEnergy UseBiomass 10
NetherlandIndustry BioplasticsFeedstock Biomass 25
NetherlandIndustry Chlorine prEnergy UseElectricity 8.85
NetherlandIndustry Chlorine prEnergy UseHeat 2.18
NetherlandIndustry Glass produEnergy UseElectricity 0.88
NetherlandIndustry Glass produEnergy UseNatural Ga 4.31
NetherlandIndustry Ceramics pEnergy UseElectricity 1.03
NetherlandIndustry Ceramics pEnergy UseNatural Ga 7.59
NetherlandIndustry Paper and Energy UseElectricity 3.91
NetherlandIndustry Paper and Energy UseHeat 12.73
NetherlandIndustry Food produEnergy UseElectricity 24.48
NetherlandIndustry Food produEnergy UseHeat 58.48
NetherlandIndustry Other ETS cEnergy UseHydrogen 41.3
NetherlandIndustry Other ETS cEnergy UseElectricity 15.93
NetherlandIndustry Other ETS cEnergy UseHeat 37.76
NetherlandIndustry Other ETS cFeedstock Synfuels 22.42
NetherlandIndustry Other ETS -Energy UseHydrogen 2.11
NetherlandIndustry Other ETS -Energy UseElectricity 2.05
NetherlandIndustry Other ETS -Energy UseHeat 4.53
NetherlandIndustry Other non-E Energy UseHydrogen 6.2
NetherlandIndustry Other non-E Energy UseElectricity 27.16
NetherlandIndustry Other non-E Energy UseHeat 30.5
NetherlandIndustry Other non-E Feedstock Synfuels 21.82
NetherlandIndustry Machinery Energy UseElectricity 8.43
NetherlandIndustry Machinery Energy UseOil Product 6.8
NetherlandWaste DispWaste ManEnergy UseHydrogen 8.57
NetherlandWaste DispWaste ManEnergy UseElectricity -4.91
NetherlandWaste DispWaste ManEnergy UseHeat -1.8
NetherlandWaste DispWaste ManEnergy UseSynfuels -42.87
NetherlandWaste DispWaste ManEnergy UseNatural Ga 2.99
NetherlandWaste DispWaste ManEnergy UseWaste 94.63
NetherlandWaste DispSewage MaEnergy UseElectricity -1.43
NetherlandWaste DispSewage MaEnergy UseHeat -0.24
NetherlandWaste DispSewage MaEnergy UseBiomass 5.6
NetherlandTransport Passenger Energy UseElectricity 118.5
NetherlandTransport Light-Duty Energy UseElectricity 29.11
NetherlandTransport Heavy-DutyEnergy UseElectricity 78.23
NetherlandTransport Buses Energy UseElectricity 5.85
NetherlandTransport Rail Energy UseElectricity 8.74
NetherlandTransport Inland-DomEnergy UseNatural Ga 17.82
NetherlandAmmonia Ammonia Feedstock Natural Ga 184.75
Node Sector Activity Carrier 2050
Europe Power EU Electricity Electricity -450
Europe Power EU Electricity Electricity -3000
Europe Power EU Electricity Electricity -205
Europe Power EU Electricit Electricity -620
Europe Power EU Electricity Electricity -1800
Europe Power EU Electricity Electricity 509.82
Europe Power EU Electricity Electricity -8.81
Europe Power EU Electricity Electricity -21.62
Europe Power EU Electricity Electricity -209.68
Europe Power EU Electricity Electricity -51.2
Europe Power EU Electricity Electricity 3069.12
Europe Power EU Electricity Electricity -41.13
Europe Power EU Electricity Electricity -39.19
Europe Power EU Electricity Electricity -280.02
Europe Power EU Electricity Electricity -39.35
Europe Power EU Electricity Electricity 269.16
Europe Power EU Electricity Electricity -44.8
Europe Power EU Electricity Electricity -32.43
Europe Power EU Electricity Electricity -18.91
Europe Power EU Electricity Electricity -5.59
Europe Power EU Electricity Electricity -7.66
Europe Power EU Electricity Electricity 822.3
Europe Power EU Electricity Electricity -0.25
Europe Power EU Electricity Electricity -7.95
Europe Power EU Electricity Electricity -5.93
Europe Power EU Electricity Electricity -10.89
Europe Power EU Electricity Electricity -95.97
Europe Power EU Electricity Electricity 1862.15
Europe Power EU Electricity Electricity -55
Europe Refineries Kerosene EBio Kerose -194.24
Europe Refineries Kerosene ESyn Kerose -355.76
Europe Final Gas ENatural GaNatural Ga -1000
NetherlandResidentialElectricity Electricity -96.04
NetherlandResidentialHouses - ReHeat LT Ho -54.16
NetherlandResidentialHouses - ReHeat LT Ho -82.66
NetherlandResidentialHouses - ReHeat LT Ho -93.68
NetherlandResidentialHeat LT HoHeat LT Ho 230.51
NetherlandResidentialHeat LT HoNatural Ga -45.35
NetherlandResidentialHeat LT HoSolar Heat -189.58
NetherlandServices Electricity Electricity -134.05
NetherlandServices Space - SerHeat LT Ser -66.57
NetherlandServices Heat LT SerHeat LT Ser 66.57
NetherlandServices Heat LT SerHeat LT Ne -66.57
NetherlandAgricultureElectricity Electricity -42
NetherlandAgricultureHeat deman Heat LT Agr -100
NetherlandAgricultureHeat deman Heat LT Agr -9.6
NetherlandAgricultureMachinery Electricity
- -0.01
NetherlandAgricultureHeat LT AgrElectricity -25.49
NetherlandAgricultureHeat LT AgrHeat LT Agr 100
NetherlandAgricultureHeat LT AgrGeothermal -74.51
NetherlandAgricultureHeat LT AgrHeat LT Agr 9.6
NetherlandAgricultureHeat LT AgrNatural Ga -7.6
NetherlandAgricultureHeat LT AgrHydrogen -2.48
NetherlandIndustry Steel produBiomass -14
NetherlandIndustry Steel produElectricity -20.58
NetherlandIndustry Steel produHydrogen -47.74
NetherlandIndustry Aluminum Eplectricity -8.54
NetherlandIndustry Aluminum Fpurnace He -2.72
NetherlandIndustry Zinc producElectricity -4.46
NetherlandIndustry Zinc producHeat HT In -0.27
NetherlandIndustry Nitric Acid Ammonia -15.3
NetherlandIndustry Nitric Acid Electricity -0.3
NetherlandIndustry Urea produc Ammonia -23.8
NetherlandIndustry Urea produc Electricity -0.67
NetherlandIndustry Urea produc Heat HT In -4.88
NetherlandIndustry Other Ammon Ammonia -28.2
NetherlandIndustry Ethylene prElectricity -8.5
NetherlandIndustry Ethylene prHeat LT Ind 4
NetherlandIndustry Ethylene prSyn Napht -206.4
NetherlandIndustry Ethylene prSyn Kerose -12
NetherlandIndustry Ethylene prMethanol -6.6
NetherlandIndustry Ethylene prNatural Ga -11.6
NetherlandIndustry BioplasticsBiomass -35
NetherlandIndustry BioplasticsElectricity -0.3
NetherlandIndustry BioplasticsHeat HT In -11.5
NetherlandIndustry Chlorine prElectricity -8.85
NetherlandIndustry Chlorine prHeat HT In -2.18
NetherlandIndustry Glass produElectricity -0.88
NetherlandIndustry Glass produNatural Ga -4.31
NetherlandIndustry Ceramics pElectricity -1.03
NetherlandIndustry Ceramics pNatural Ga -7.59
NetherlandIndustry Paper and Electricity -3.91
NetherlandIndustry Paper and Heat HT In -10.72
NetherlandIndustry Paper and Heat LT Ind -2.01
NetherlandIndustry Food produElectricity -24.48
NetherlandIndustry Food produHeat HT In -27.2
NetherlandIndustry Food produHeat LT Ind -31.28
NetherlandIndustry Other ETS cElectricity -15.93
NetherlandIndustry Other ETS cHeat HT In -17.7
NetherlandIndustry Other ETS cHeat LT Ind -9.44
NetherlandIndustry Other ETS cFurnace He -10.62
NetherlandIndustry Other ETS cSyn Napht -22.42
NetherlandIndustry Other ETS cHydrogen -41.3
NetherlandIndustry Other ETS -Electricity -2.05
NetherlandIndustry Other ETS -Heat HT In -2.36
NetherlandIndustry Other ETS -Heat LT Ind -2.17
NetherlandIndustry Other ETS -Hydrogen -2.11
NetherlandIndustry Other non-E Electricity -27.16
NetherlandIndustry Other non-E Heat HT In -9.8
NetherlandIndustry Other non-E Heat LT Ind -20.71
NetherlandIndustry Other non-E Syn Napht -21.82
NetherlandIndustry Other non-E Hydrogen -6.2
NetherlandIndustry Machinery Electricity -8.43
NetherlandIndustry Machinery LPG -6.8
NetherlandIndustry Heat HT InBiomass -66.14
NetherlandIndustry Heat HT InHeat HT In 364.57
NetherlandIndustry Heat HT InHydrogen -342.8
NetherlandIndustry Heat LT IndElectricity -8.46
NetherlandIndustry Heat LT IndHeat LT Ne -0.78
NetherlandIndustry Heat LT IndHeat LT Ind 33.85
NetherlandIndustry Heat LT IndAmbient En -25.39
NetherlandIndustry Furnace HeFurnace He 13.34
NetherlandIndustry Furnace HeHydrogen -15.34
NetherlandIndustry CO2 CCUS Electricity -38.34
NetherlandIndustry CO2 CCUS Heat HT In -115.02
NetherlandWaste DispWaste ManElectricity 4.91
NetherlandWaste DispWaste ManHeat HT In 1.8
NetherlandWaste DispWaste ManSyngas 42.87
NetherlandWaste DispWaste ManNatural Ga -2.99
NetherlandWaste DispWaste ManHydrogen -8.57
NetherlandWaste DispWaste ManMunicipal -47.47
NetherlandWaste DispWaste ManPlastic Was -47.16
NetherlandWaste DispSewage MaElectricity 1.43
NetherlandWaste DispSewage MaHeat LT Ne 0.24
NetherlandWaste DispSewage MaWet organi -5.6
NetherlandTransport Passenger Electricity -118.5
NetherlandTransport Light-Duty Electricity -29.11
NetherlandTransport Heavy-DutyElectricity -78.23
NetherlandTransport Buses Electricity -5.85
NetherlandTransport Rail Electricity -8.74
NetherlandTransport Intra-EU AvBio Kerose -17.85
NetherlandTransport Intra-EU AvSyn Kerose -28.16
NetherlandTransport Intra-EU AvHydrogen -16.42
NetherlandTransport Extra-EU AvBio Kerose -37.92
NetherlandTransport Extra-EU AvSyn Kerose -46.76
NetherlandTransport Extra-EU AvHydrogen -19.79
NetherlandTransport Inland-DomNatural Ga -17.82
NetherlandTransport InternationAmmonia -341.79
NetherlandTransport InternationSyn Diesel -47.39
NetherlandPower NL Electricity Electricity 1069.52
NetherlandPower NL Electricity Wind Ener -1069.52
NetherlandPower NL Electricity Electricity -2.69
NetherlandPower NL Electricity Electricity -15.37
NetherlandPower NL Electricity Electricity -4.49
NetherlandPower NL Electricity Electricity -22.33
NetherlandPower NL Electricity Electricity -7.86
NetherlandPower NL Electricity Electricity -1069.52
NetherlandPower NL Electricity Electricity 1895.73
NetherlandPower NL Electricity Electricity -0.97
NetherlandPower NL Electricity Heat LT Ne 7.54
NetherlandPower NL Electricity Natural Ga -51.16
NetherlandPower NL Electricity Hydrogen -15.07
NetherlandPower NL Electricity Uranium -1038.63
NetherlandPower NL Electricity Wind Ener -285.76
NetherlandPower NL Electricity Solar Ener -196
NetherlandPower NL Electricity Electricity -418.83
NetherlandPower NL Electricity Electricity 533.01
NetherlandPower NL Electricity Solar Ener -130.34
NetherlandRefineries Road Fuel Bio Ethano -14.08
NetherlandRefineries Road Fuel Syn Diesel -63.28
NetherlandRefineries Bio EthanoElectricity -0.42
NetherlandRefineries Bio EthanoHeat LT Ind -1.13
NetherlandRefineries Bio EthanoBio Ethano 14.08
NetherlandRefineries Bio EthanoSugars -20
NetherlandRefineries Syn KeroseElectricity -44.34
NetherlandRefineries Syn KeroseHeat LT Ind -8.34
NetherlandRefineries Syn KeroseSyn Napht 332.01
NetherlandRefineries Syn KeroseSyn Diesel 110.67
NetherlandRefineries Syn KeroseSyn Kerose 442.68
NetherlandRefineries Syn KeroseSyngas -559.63
NetherlandRefineries Syn KeroseMethanol -347.87
NetherlandRefineries Syngas Biomass -358.83
NetherlandRefineries Syngas Electricity -198.98
NetherlandRefineries Syngas Heat HT In -101.58
NetherlandRefineries Syngas Syngas 516.76
NetherlandRefineries Syngas Hydrogen -24.57
NetherlandRefineries Methanol Electricity -17.72
NetherlandRefineries Methanol Heat LT Ind 37.22
NetherlandRefineries Methanol Methanol 354.47
NetherlandRefineries Methanol Hydrogen -432.45
NetherlandHeat NetwHeat LT NeElectricity -2.76
NetherlandHeat NetwHeat LT NeHeat LT Ne 59.57
NetherlandHeat NetwHeat LT NeNatural Ga -13.81
NetherlandHeat NetwHeat LT NeHydrogen -4.43
NetherlandHeat NetwHeat LT NeGeothermal -41.42
NetherlandFinal Gas Natural GaElectricity -0.08
NetherlandFinal Gas Natural GaNatural Ga -69.77
NetherlandFinal Gas Natural GaNatural Ga 70.77
NetherlandFinal Gas Natural GaManure -0.25
NetherlandFinal Gas Natural GaStarch -1
NetherlandHydrogen Hydrogen Hydrogen 979.28
NetherlandHydrogen Hydrogen Hydrogen -2.48
NetherlandHydrogen Hydrogen Hydrogen 2.48
NetherlandAmmonia Ammonia Ammonia 409.09
NetherlandAmmonia Ammonia Electricity -458.53
NetherlandAmmonia Ammonia Heat HT In -63.16
NetherlandAmmonia Ammonia Natural Ga -184.75
NetherlandFinal Biom Biomass Biomass 473.97
NetherlandFinal Biom Biomass Wood -438.97
NetherlandFinal Biom Biomass Grasscrops -25
NetherlandFinal Biom Biomass Dry organi -10
NetherlandFossil LPG LPG 6.8
NetherlandFossil Natural GaNatural Ga 1345.99
NetherlandFossil Natural GaNatural Ga 100
NetherlandOther Uranium Uranium 1038.63
NetherlandOther Municipal Municipal 47.47
NetherlandOther Plastic WasPlastic Was 47.16
NetherlandRenewableBio KeroseBio Kerose 250
NetherlandRenewableWood Wood 438.97
NetherlandRenewableGrasscropsGrasscrops 25
NetherlandRenewableDry organi Dry organi 10
NetherlandRenewableWet organiWet organi 5.6
NetherlandRenewableManure Manure 0.25
NetherlandRenewableSugars Sugars 20
NetherlandRenewableStarch Starch 1
NetherlandRenewableWind Ener Wind Ener 1355.27
NetherlandRenewableSolar Ener Solar Ener 326.34
NetherlandRenewableAmbient EnAmbient En 25.39
NetherlandRenewableGeothermalGeothermal 115.94
NetherlandRenewableSolar Heat Solar Heat 189.58
Node Activity 2050
Europe Electricity 148.81
Europe Electricity 146.86
Europe Electricity 142.7
Europe Electricity 25.73
Europe Electricity 66.74
NetherlandAmmonia 31.53
NetherlandBiomass 15.01
NetherlandCoal 4
NetherlandElectricity 0.1
NetherlandElectricity 19.93
NetherlandElectricity 20.37
NetherlandHeat LT Ho 23.91
NetherlandHeat LT Ho 1.96
NetherlandHeat LT Ser 5.95
NetherlandHeat LT Ne 5.95
NetherlandHeat LT Agr 5.19
NetherlandHeat LT Agr 14.36
NetherlandHeat HT In 25.24
NetherlandHeat LT Ind 4.98
NetherlandFurnace He 28.75
NetherlandBlast Furn 757237.9
NetherlandLPG 27.5
NetherlandFuel Oil 25.22
NetherlandOther Oil P 49.99
NetherlandBio Naphth 14.77
NetherlandBio Ethano 15.81
NetherlandBio Diesel 38.56
NetherlandBio Kerose 70
NetherlandSyn Napht 30.11
NetherlandSyn Diesel 30.11
NetherlandSyn Kerose 30.11
NetherlandSyngas 26.19
NetherlandMethanol 33.57
NetherlandNatural Ga 9.8
NetherlandNatural Ga 9.97
NetherlandNatural Ga 8.3
NetherlandHydrogen 25
NetherlandHydrogen 25
NetherlandCrude Oil 19
NetherlandUranium 0.81
NetherlandMunicipal 3
NetherlandPlastic Was 7
NetherlandWood 15.64
NetherlandGrasscrops 8.2
NetherlandDry organi 4.5
NetherlandWet organi 0.1
NetherlandManure 0.1
NetherlandSugars 4.5
NetherlandStarch 22
NetherlandVegetable O 37.87
Node Activity 2050
Europe Electricity -2576.44
Europe Electricity -2815.25
Europe Electricity -3574.31
Europe Electricity -3164.02
Europe Electricity -3042.23
NetherlandAmmonia 151.04
NetherlandBiomass 105
NetherlandCoal 12
NetherlandElectricity -4928.96
NetherlandElectricity -9924.67
NetherlandHeat LT Ho 71.72
NetherlandHeat LT Ho 49.99
NetherlandHeat LT Ser 85.71
NetherlandHeat LT Ne -4151.92
NetherlandHeat LT Agr 42.63
NetherlandHeat LT Agr 93.84
NetherlandHeat HT In 90.88
NetherlandHeat LT Ind 29.24
NetherlandFurnace He 102.4
NetherlandBlast Furn 2271714
NetherlandLPG 82.5
NetherlandFuel Oil 75.66
NetherlandOther Oil P 149.97
NetherlandBio Naphth 44.31
NetherlandBio Ethano 115.42
NetherlandBio Diesel 115.69
NetherlandBio Kerose 271.93
NetherlandSyn Diesel 115.42
NetherlandSyn Kerose 271.93
NetherlandSyngas 138.39
NetherlandMethanol 140.31
NetherlandNatural Ga -953.58
NetherlandNatural Ga -3138.78
NetherlandNatural Ga 24.9
NetherlandHydrogen -3524.6
NetherlandHydrogen -7755.66
NetherlandCrude Oil 57
NetherlandUranium 2.43
NetherlandMunicipal 9
NetherlandPlastic Was 84.47
NetherlandWood 105
NetherlandGrasscrops 24.6
NetherlandDry organi 75.41
NetherlandManure 0.3
NetherlandSugars 13.5
NetherlandStarch 70.06
NetherlandVegetable O 113.61
Node Activity 2050
NetherlandnER-GHG C 972.22
NetherlandnER-GHG C 972.22
NetherlandnER-GHG 972.22
NetherlandnER-GHG F 972.22
NetherlandCO2 CCUS 19472.05
NetherlandCO2 Air ET 1242.22
NetherlandCO2 Air n- 972.22
Node Type Carrier 2050
NetherlandTotal Hydrogen 979.28
NetherlandTotal Nuclear 1038.63
NetherlandTotal Electricity 51.7
NetherlandTotal Oil Product 6.8
NetherlandTotal Bio-fuels 250
NetherlandTotal Natural Ga 1445.99
NetherlandTotal Biomass 500.82
NetherlandTotal Wind 1355.27
NetherlandTotal Solar 326.34
NetherlandTotal Other RE 330.9
NetherlandTotal Waste 94.63
NetherlandExports Electricity 571.55
NetherlandExports Synfuels 437.13
NetherlandExports Bio-fuels 194.24
NetherlandExports Natural Ga 1100
NetherlandNet Hydrogen 979.28
NetherlandNet Nuclear 1038.63
NetherlandNet Electricity -519.85
NetherlandNet Oil Product 6.8
NetherlandNet Synfuels -437.13
NetherlandNet Bio-fuels 55.76
NetherlandNet Natural Ga 345.99
NetherlandNet Biomass 500.82
NetherlandNet Wind 1355.27
NetherlandNet Solar 326.34
NetherlandNet Other RE 330.9
NetherlandNet Waste 94.63
Node Carrier 2050
NetherlandHydrogen 979.28
NetherlandBio-fuels 55.76
NetherlandBiomass 500.82
NetherlandWind 1355.27
NetherlandSolar 326.34
NetherlandOther RE 330.9
Node Type 2050
NetherlandNet Primar 4077.44
NetherlandNet energy 1559.6
NetherlandTotal final i 2580.93
NetherlandInt. Transp 556.08
NetherlandTotal final 2024.85
NetherlandFeedstock 417.99
NetherlandFinal energ 1606.86
NetherlandFinal Losse 54.9
NetherlandElectricity 642.25
NetherlandElectricity 1518.42
Node Type Source Sink 2050
NetherlandPrimary Primary Hydrogen 979.28
NetherlandPrimary Primary Nuclear 1038.63
NetherlandPrimary Primary Electricity 51.7
NetherlandPrimary Primary Oil Product 6.8
NetherlandPrimary Primary Bio-fuels 250
NetherlandPrimary Primary Natural Ga 1445.99
NetherlandPrimary Primary Biomass 500.82
NetherlandPrimary Primary Wind 1355.27
NetherlandPrimary Primary Solar 326.34
NetherlandPrimary Primary Other RE 330.9
NetherlandPrimary Primary Waste 94.63
NetherlandConversionWaste DispElectricity 28.54
NetherlandConversionWaste DispHeat 27.52
NetherlandConversionWaste DispSynfuels 63.56
NetherlandConversionHydrogen Electricity 6.7
NetherlandConversionHydrogen Heat 414.52
NetherlandConversionHydrogen Synfuels 415.93
NetherlandConversionNuclear Electricity 1038.63
NetherlandConversionElectricity Ammonia 458.53
NetherlandConversionElectricity Heat 40.34
NetherlandConversionElectricity Synfuels 257.42
NetherlandConversionElectricity Bio-fuels 0.42
NetherlandConversionElectricity Natural Ga 0.08
NetherlandConversionHeat Ammonia 63.16
NetherlandConversionHeat Synfuels 137.21
NetherlandConversionHeat Bio-fuels 1.13
NetherlandConversionSynfuels Heat 26.65
NetherlandConversionNatural GaAmmonia 184.75
NetherlandConversionNatural GaElectricity 51.16
NetherlandConversionNatural GaHeat 66.76
NetherlandConversionBiomass Heat 66.14
NetherlandConversionBiomass Synfuels 358.83
NetherlandConversionBiomass Bio-fuels 20
NetherlandConversionBiomass Natural Ga 1.25
NetherlandConversionWind Electricity 1355.27
NetherlandConversionSolar Electricity 326.34
NetherlandConversionOther RE Heat 330.9
NetherlandFinal Hydrogen Industry 97.35
NetherlandFinal Hydrogen Waste Disp 8.57
NetherlandFinal Hydrogen Transport 36.21
NetherlandFinal Ammonia Industry 67.3
NetherlandFinal Ammonia Transport 341.79
NetherlandFinal Electricity Residential 96.04
NetherlandFinal Electricity Services 134.05
NetherlandFinal Electricity Agriculture 42.01
NetherlandFinal Electricity Industry 174.4
NetherlandFinal Electricity Waste Disp 1.93
NetherlandFinal Electricity Transport 240.43
NetherlandFinal Heat Residential 230.51
NetherlandFinal Heat Services 66.57
NetherlandFinal Heat Agriculture 109.6
NetherlandFinal Heat Industry 280.58
NetherlandFinal Heat Waste Disp 5.9
NetherlandFinal Oil ProductIndustry 6.8
NetherlandFinal Synfuels Industry 269.24
NetherlandFinal Synfuels Transport 122.31
NetherlandFinal Bio-fuels Transport 55.76
NetherlandFinal Natural GaIndustry 23.51
NetherlandFinal Natural GaWaste Disp 2.99
NetherlandFinal Natural GaTransport 17.82
NetherlandFinal Biomass Industry 49
NetherlandFinal Biomass Waste Disp 5.6
NetherlandFinal Waste Waste Disp 94.63
NetherlandExports Electricity Exports 571.55
NetherlandExports Synfuels Exports 437.13
NetherlandExports Bio-fuels Exports 194.24
NetherlandExports Natural GaExports 1100
NetherlandLosses Ammonia Losses 297.34
NetherlandLosses Electricity Losses 821.7
NetherlandLosses Heat Losses 54.9
NetherlandLosses Oil ProductLosses 77.36
NetherlandLosses Synfuels Losses 300.5
NetherlandLosses Bio-fuels Losses 7.46
NetherlandLosses Natural GaLosses 0.33
Node Activity Type Tech_ID 2050
NetherlandAmmonia supply Amm01_02 157.9
NetherlandAmmonia supply Amm01_05 251.19
NetherlandAmmonia demand IFE01_01 -15.3
NetherlandAmmonia demand IFE02_01 -23.8
NetherlandAmmonia demand IFE03_01 -28.2
NetherlandAmmonia demand TNB01_07 -341.79
NetherlandBiomass supply Bio01_01 438.97
NetherlandBiomass supply Bio01_02 25
NetherlandBiomass supply Bio01_03 10
NetherlandBiomass demand IBM01_09 -14
NetherlandBiomass demand ICB01_01 -35
NetherlandBiomass demand HTI01_09 -66.14
NetherlandBiomass demand RFS03_01 -358.83
NetherlandElectricity supply Res01_01 64
NetherlandElectricity supply Res01_02 32
NetherlandHouses - Resupply Res02_05 3540
NetherlandHouses - Resupply Res03_05 4060
NetherlandHouses - Resupply Res04_03 2010
NetherlandHouses - Resupply Res04_05 30
NetherlandElectricity supply Ser01_01 94
NetherlandElectricity supply Ser01_02 40
NetherlandSpace - Sersupply Ser02_05 560
NetherlandElectricity supply Agr01_01 42
NetherlandHeat deman supply Agr02_01 100
NetherlandHeat deman supply Agr03_01 9.6
NetherlandMachinery supply
- Agr04_01 28.97
NetherlandMachinery supply
- Agr04_02 0.03
NetherlandSteel produsupply IBM01_09 7
NetherlandAluminum spupply IBM02_06 0.33
NetherlandZinc producsupply IBM03_01 0.3
NetherlandNitric Acid supply IFE01_01 3
NetherlandUrea produc supply IFE02_01 2.22
NetherlandOther Ammon supply IFE03_01 1.5
NetherlandEthylene prsupply ICH01_04 2
NetherlandPropylene supply ICH01_04 1.2
NetherlandOther HVC supply ICH01_04 0.28
NetherlandOther HVC supply ICH01_15 0.02
NetherlandBioplasticssupply ICB01_01 1
NetherlandChlorine prsupply ICL01_01 1.15
NetherlandGlass produsupply IGS01_02 1.1
NetherlandCeramics psupply ICS01_01 3.1
NetherlandPaper and supply IPP01_02 3.35
NetherlandFood produsupply IFD01_02 1.36
NetherlandOther ETS csupply IOC01_03 1.18
NetherlandOther ETS -supply IOE01_02 1.24
NetherlandOther non-E supply ION01_03 1.24
NetherlandMachinery supply IMM01_01 27.2
NetherlandWaste Mansupply WAI01_02 8.55
NetherlandWaste Mansupply WAI01_03 1.07
NetherlandSewage Masupply WAS01_01 5.6
NetherlandMotorcyclesupply TRD01_01 7.2
NetherlandPassenger supply TRC01_08 150
NetherlandLight-Duty supply TRL01_06 25
NetherlandHeavy-Dutysupply TRH01_04 8.9
NetherlandBuses supply TRB01_04 650
NetherlandRail supply TRR01_02 230
NetherlandIntra-EU Avsupply TAI01_02 67.35
NetherlandIntra-EU Avsupply TAI01_03 106.25
NetherlandIntra-EU Avsupply TAI01_04 86.4
NetherlandExtra-EU Avsupply TAE01_02 250.76
NetherlandExtra-EU Avsupply TAE01_03 309.29
NetherlandExtra-EU Avsupply TAE01_04 179.95
NetherlandInland-Domsupply TNI01_06 90
NetherlandInternationsupply TNB01_05 11.45
NetherlandInternationsupply TNB01_07 113.55
NetherlandOther Transupply TOT01_01 30
NetherlandnER-GHG Ag supply NER01_01 6.88
NetherlandnER-GHG Asupply NER01_02 3.22
NetherlandnER-GHG Asupply NER01_03 0.65
NetherlandnER-GHG Agr supply NER01_04 2.7
NetherlandnER-GHG Prsupply NER01_05 1.5
NetherlandnER-GHG Alsupply NER01_06 2.03
NetherlandnER-GHG Alsupply NER01_07 0.25
NetherlandnER-GHG Alsupply NER01_08 2
NetherlandnER-GHG All supply NER01_09 0.2
NetherlandElectricity demand PNL04_01 -2.69
NetherlandElectricity demand PNL04_02 -15.37
NetherlandElectricity demand PNL04_03 -4.49
NetherlandElectricity demand PNL04_04 -22.33
NetherlandElectricity demand PNL04_05 -7.86
NetherlandElectricity supply PNS01_01 1069.52
NetherlandElectricity demand PNL04_06 -1069.52
NetherlandElectricity supply WAI01_02 6.84
NetherlandElectricity supply WAS01_01 1.43
NetherlandElectricity supply PNL01_04 28.78
NetherlandElectricity supply PNL01_07 0.29
NetherlandElectricity supply PNL01_08 6.03
NetherlandElectricity supply PNL01_09 311.9
NetherlandElectricity supply PNL01_13 77.76
NetherlandElectricity supply PNL01_14 208
NetherlandElectricity supply PNL01_15 84
NetherlandElectricity supply PNL01_16 112
NetherlandElectricity supply PNL01_17 0.35
NetherlandElectricity supply PNL04_01 2.63
NetherlandElectricity supply PNL04_02 15.07
NetherlandElectricity supply PNL04_03 4.4
NetherlandElectricity supply PNL04_04 21.89
NetherlandElectricity supply PNL04_05 7.71
NetherlandElectricity supply PNL04_06 1048.55
NetherlandElectricity supply PNL05_01 0.93
NetherlandElectricity demand IBM01_09 -20.58
NetherlandElectricity demand IBM02_06 -5.55
NetherlandElectricity demand IBM03_01 -2.73
NetherlandElectricity demand IFE01_01 -0.3
NetherlandElectricity demand IFE02_01 -0.67
NetherlandElectricity demand ICH01_04 -8.5
NetherlandElectricity demand ICB01_01 -0.3
NetherlandElectricity demand ICL01_01 -8.85
NetherlandElectricity demand IGS01_02 -0.88
NetherlandElectricity demand ICS01_01 -1.03
NetherlandElectricity demand IPP01_02 -2.12
NetherlandElectricity demand IFD01_02 -24.48
NetherlandElectricity demand IOC01_03 -15.93
NetherlandElectricity demand IOE01_02 -2.05
NetherlandElectricity demand ION01_03 -27.16
NetherlandElectricity demand IMM01_01 -8.43
NetherlandElectricity demand WAI01_03 -1.93
NetherlandElectricity demand TRR01_02 -8.74
NetherlandElectricity demand PNL03_01 138.22
NetherlandElectricity demand PNL07_01 -418.83
NetherlandElectricity demand LTI01_03 -8.46
NetherlandElectricity demand RFB01_01 -0.42
NetherlandElectricity demand RFS02_01 -40.95
NetherlandElectricity demand RFS02_02 -3.39
NetherlandElectricity demand RFS03_01 -24.96
NetherlandElectricity demand RFS03_03 -174.02
NetherlandElectricity demand RFS04_02 -17.72
NetherlandElectricity demand Gas04_02 -0.08
NetherlandElectricity demand Amm01_02 -18.95
NetherlandElectricity demand Amm01_05 -439.58
NetherlandElectricity demand Emi01_02 -38.34
NetherlandElectricity supply PNL06_01 130.34
NetherlandElectricity supply PNL07_01 402.67
NetherlandElectricity demand Res01_01 -64
NetherlandElectricity demand Res01_02 -27.87
NetherlandElectricity demand Ser01_01 -94
NetherlandElectricity demand Ser01_02 -34.84
NetherlandElectricity demand Agr01_01 -42
NetherlandElectricity demand Agr04_02 -0.01
NetherlandElectricity demand TRC01_08 -118.5
NetherlandElectricity demand TRL01_06 -29.11
NetherlandElectricity demand TRH01_04 -78.23
NetherlandElectricity demand TRB01_04 -5.85
NetherlandElectricity demand PNL05_01 -0.97
NetherlandElectricity demand LTN01_05 -2.76
NetherlandElectricity demand Agr05_03 -23.65
NetherlandElectricity demand Agr05_04 -1.83
NetherlandHeat LT Hosupply LTR02_02 230.51
NetherlandHeat LT Hodemand Res02_05 -54.16
NetherlandHeat LT Hodemand Res03_05 -82.66
NetherlandHeat LT Hodemand Res04_03 -92.78
NetherlandHeat LT Hodemand Res04_05 -0.9
NetherlandHeat LT Sersupply LTS01_03 66.57
NetherlandHeat LT Serdemand Ser02_05 -66.57
NetherlandHeat LT Nesupply WAS01_01 0.24
NetherlandHeat LT Nesupply PNL01_08 7.54
NetherlandHeat LT Nesupply LTN01_05 55.23
NetherlandHeat LT Nesupply LTN01_07 4.34
NetherlandHeat LT Nedemand LTS01_03 -66.57
NetherlandHeat LT Agrsupply Agr05_03 94.61
NetherlandHeat LT Agrsupply Agr05_04 5.39
NetherlandHeat LT Agrdemand Agr02_01 -100
NetherlandHeat LT Agrsupply Agr06_02 7.24
NetherlandHeat LT Agrsupply Agr06_03 2.36
NetherlandHeat LT Agrdemand Agr03_01 -9.6
NetherlandHeat HT Insupply WAI01_02 7.7
NetherlandHeat HT Insupply HTI01_09 49.21
NetherlandHeat HT Insupply HTI01_18 315.36
NetherlandHeat HT Indemand IBM03_01 -0.27
NetherlandHeat HT Indemand IFE02_01 -4.88
NetherlandHeat HT Indemand ICB01_01 -11.5
NetherlandHeat HT Indemand ICL01_01 -2.18
NetherlandHeat HT Indemand IPP01_02 -10.72
NetherlandHeat HT Indemand IFD01_02 -27.2
NetherlandHeat HT Indemand IOC01_03 -17.7
NetherlandHeat HT Indemand IOE01_02 -2.36
NetherlandHeat HT Indemand ION01_03 -9.8
NetherlandHeat HT Indemand WAI01_03 -5.9
NetherlandHeat HT Indemand RFS03_01 -31.2
NetherlandHeat HT Indemand RFS03_03 -70.38
NetherlandHeat HT Indemand Amm01_02 -63.16
NetherlandHeat HT Indemand Emi01_02 -115.02
NetherlandHeat LT Indsupply ICH01_04 4
NetherlandHeat LT Indsupply LTI01_03 33.85
NetherlandHeat LT Indsupply RFS02_01 27.3
NetherlandHeat LT Indsupply RFS04_02 37.22
NetherlandHeat LT Inddemand IPP01_02 -2.01
NetherlandHeat LT Inddemand IFD01_02 -31.28
NetherlandHeat LT Inddemand IOC01_03 -9.44
NetherlandHeat LT Inddemand IOE01_02 -2.17
NetherlandHeat LT Inddemand ION01_03 -20.71
NetherlandHeat LT Inddemand RFB01_01 -1.13
NetherlandHeat LT Inddemand RFS02_02 -35.64
NetherlandFurnace Hesupply FHI01_05 13.34
NetherlandFurnace Hedemand IBM02_06 -2.72
NetherlandFurnace Hedemand IOC01_03 -10.62
NetherlandLPG supply RFP01_01 6.8
NetherlandLPG demand IMM01_01 -6.8
NetherlandRoad Fuel supply RFP03_07 14.08
NetherlandRoad Fuel supply RFP03_09 63.28
NetherlandRoad Fuel demand Agr04_01 -28.97
NetherlandRoad Fuel demand Agr04_02 -0.02
NetherlandRoad Fuel demand IMM01_01 -11.97
NetherlandRoad Fuel demand TRD01_01 -6.41
NetherlandRoad Fuel demand TOT01_01 -30
NetherlandBio Ethanosupply RFB01_01 14.08
NetherlandBio Ethanodemand RFP03_07 -14.08
NetherlandBio Kerosesupply RFB03_02 250
NetherlandBio Kerosedemand TAI01_02 -17.85
NetherlandBio Kerosedemand TAE01_02 -37.92
NetherlandSyn Napht supply RFS02_01 204.74
NetherlandSyn Napht supply RFS02_02 127.27
NetherlandSyn Napht demand ICH01_04 -206.4
NetherlandSyn Napht demand IOC01_03 -22.42
NetherlandSyn Napht demand ION01_03 -21.82
NetherlandSyn Diesel supply RFS02_01 68.25
NetherlandSyn Diesel supply RFS02_02 42.42
NetherlandSyn Diesel demand TNB01_05 -47.39
NetherlandSyn Diesel demand RFP03_09 -63.28
NetherlandSyn Kerosesupply RFS02_01 272.99
NetherlandSyn Kerosesupply RFS02_02 169.69
NetherlandSyn Kerosedemand ICH01_04 -12
NetherlandSyn Kerosedemand TAI01_03 -28.16
NetherlandSyn Kerosedemand TAE01_03 -46.76
NetherlandSyngas supply WAI01_03 42.87
NetherlandSyngas supply RFS03_01 312.03
NetherlandSyngas supply RFS03_03 204.73
NetherlandSyngas demand RFS02_01 -559.63
NetherlandMethanol supply RFS04_02 354.47
NetherlandMethanol demand ICH01_04 -6.6
NetherlandMethanol demand RFS02_02 -347.87
NetherlandNatural Gasupply Gas01_03 1345.99
NetherlandNatural Gademand ICH01_04 -11.6
NetherlandNatural Gademand IGS01_02 -4.31
NetherlandNatural Gademand ICS01_01 -7.59
NetherlandNatural Gademand WAI01_02 -2.99
NetherlandNatural Gademand PNL01_04 -50.37
NetherlandNatural Gademand PNL01_07 -0.79
NetherlandNatural Gademand LTN01_05 -13.81
NetherlandNatural Gademand Gas05_01 -69.77
NetherlandNatural Gademand Amm01_02 -184.75
NetherlandNatural Gasupply Gas04_02 1
NetherlandNatural Gasupply Gas05_01 69.77
NetherlandNatural Gademand TNI01_06 -17.82
NetherlandNatural Gademand LTR02_02 -45.35
NetherlandNatural Gademand Agr06_02 -7.6
NetherlandNatural Gasupply Gas06_01 100
NetherlandHydrogen supply Hyd03_01 979.28
NetherlandHydrogen demand IBM01_09 -47.74
NetherlandHydrogen demand IOC01_03 -41.3
NetherlandHydrogen demand IOE01_02 -2.11
NetherlandHydrogen demand ION01_03 -6.2
NetherlandHydrogen demand WAI01_03 -8.57
NetherlandHydrogen demand TAI01_04 -16.42
NetherlandHydrogen demand TAE01_04 -19.79
NetherlandHydrogen demand PNL01_08 -15.07
NetherlandHydrogen demand LTN01_07 -4.43
NetherlandHydrogen demand HTI01_18 -342.8
NetherlandHydrogen demand FHI01_05 -15.34
NetherlandHydrogen demand RFS03_03 -24.57
NetherlandHydrogen demand RFS04_02 -432.45
NetherlandHydrogen demand Hyd04_02 -2.48
NetherlandHydrogen supply Hyd04_02 2.48
NetherlandHydrogen demand Agr06_03 -2.48
NetherlandUranium supply EPO01_01 1038.63
NetherlandUranium demand PNL01_09 -1038.63
NetherlandMunicipal supply EPO01_02 47.47
NetherlandMunicipal demand WAI01_02 -47.47
NetherlandPlastic Wassupply EPO01_03 47.16
NetherlandPlastic Wasdemand WAI01_03 -47.16
NetherlandWood supply EPB01_01 100
NetherlandWood supply EPB01_02 300
NetherlandWood supply EPB01_03 38.97
NetherlandWood demand Bio01_01 -438.97
NetherlandGrasscropssupply EPB01_04 25
NetherlandGrasscropsdemand Bio01_02 -25
NetherlandDry organi supply EPB01_05 10
NetherlandDry organi demand Bio01_03 -10
NetherlandWet organisupply EPB01_06 5.6
NetherlandWet organidemand WAS01_01 -5.6
NetherlandManure supply EPB01_07 0.25
NetherlandManure demand Gas04_02 -0.25
NetherlandSugars supply EPB01_08 20
NetherlandSugars demand RFB01_01 -20
NetherlandStarch supply EPB01_09 1
NetherlandStarch demand Gas04_02 -1
NetherlandWind Ener supply EPR01_01 1355.27
NetherlandWind Ener demand PNS01_01 -1069.52
NetherlandWind Ener demand PNL01_13 -77.76
NetherlandWind Ener demand PNL01_14 -208
NetherlandSolar Ener supply EPR01_02 326.34
NetherlandSolar Ener demand PNL01_15 -84
NetherlandSolar Ener demand PNL01_16 -112
NetherlandSolar Ener demand PNL06_01 -130.34
NetherlandAmbient Ensupply EPR01_03 25.39
NetherlandAmbient Endemand LTI01_03 -25.39
NetherlandGeothermalsupply EPR01_04 115.94
NetherlandGeothermaldemand LTN01_05 -41.42
NetherlandGeothermaldemand Agr05_03 -70.96
NetherlandGeothermaldemand Agr05_04 -3.56
NetherlandSolar Heat supply EPR01_05 189.58
NetherlandSolar Heat demand LTR02_02 -189.58
NetherlandnER-GHG Csupply NER01_06 -2.03
NetherlandnER-GHG Cdemand NER02_01 0.93
NetherlandnER-GHG Cdemand NER02_02 1.1
NetherlandnER-GHG Csupply NER01_01 -6.88
NetherlandnER-GHG Csupply NER01_02 -3.22
NetherlandnER-GHG Csupply NER01_07 -0.25
NetherlandnER-GHG Cdemand NER02_03 6.5
NetherlandnER-GHG Cdemand NER02_04 1.38
NetherlandnER-GHG Cdemand NER02_05 1.03
NetherlandnER-GHG Cdemand NER02_07 1.25
NetherlandnER-GHG Cdemand NER02_09 0.19
NetherlandnER-GHG supply NER01_03 -0.65
NetherlandnER-GHG supply NER01_04 -2.7
NetherlandnER-GHG supply NER01_08 -2
NetherlandnER-GHG demand NER02_10 2.35
NetherlandnER-GHG demand NER02_11 0.35
NetherlandnER-GHG demand NER02_12 0.73
NetherlandnER-GHG demand NER02_14 0.16
NetherlandnER-GHG demand NER02_15 0.1
NetherlandnER-GHG demand NER02_17 1.66
NetherlandnER-GHG Fsupply NER01_05 -1.5
NetherlandnER-GHG Fsupply NER01_09 -0.2
NetherlandnER-GHG Fdemand NER02_18 0.03
NetherlandnER-GHG Fdemand NER02_19 1.27
NetherlandnER-GHG Fdemand NER02_20 0.19
NetherlandnER-GHG Fdemand NER02_21 0.2
NetherlandCO2 CCUS supply ICH01_04 -14.97
NetherlandCO2 CCUS supply WAI01_02 -4.17
NetherlandCO2 CCUS supply HTI01_09 -5.8
NetherlandCO2 CCUS supply Amm01_02 -9.41
NetherlandCO2 CCUS supply Emi01_02 -38.34
NetherlandCO2 CCUS demand RFS03_03 14.33
NetherlandCO2 CCUS demand RFS04_02 28.36
NetherlandCO2 CCUS demand Emi01_01 30
NetherlandCO2 Air ETsupply IGS01_02 -0.29
NetherlandCO2 Air ETsupply ICS01_01 -0.57
NetherlandCO2 Air ETsupply PNL01_04 -2.85
NetherlandCO2 Air ETsupply PNL01_07 -0.04
NetherlandCO2 Air ETsupply LTN01_05 -0.78
NetherlandCO2 Air ETsupply RFS03_03 -14.33
NetherlandCO2 Air ETsupply RFS04_02 -28.36
NetherlandCO2 Air ETsupply Amm01_02 -1.04
NetherlandCO2 Air ETdemand ICH01_04 14.31
NetherlandCO2 Air ETdemand HTI01_09 5.8
NetherlandCO2 Air ETdemand RFP03_07 1.03
NetherlandCO2 Air ETdemand RFP03_09 4.62
NetherlandCO2 Air ETdemand Gas04_02 0.06
NetherlandCO2 Air ETdemand Emi01_02 38.34
NetherlandCO2 Air ETdemand Emi02_01 -15.88
NetherlandCO2 Air n- supply Agr04_01 -2.11
NetherlandCO2 Air n- supply IMM01_01 -1.3
NetherlandCO2 Air n- supply TRD01_01 -0.47
NetherlandCO2 Air n- supply TNI01_06 -1.01
NetherlandCO2 Air n- supply TOT01_01 -2.19
NetherlandCO2 Air n- supply LTR02_02 -2.56
NetherlandCO2 Air n- supply Agr06_02 -0.43
NetherlandCO2 Air n- supply NER02_01 -0.93
NetherlandCO2 Air n- supply NER02_03 -6.5
NetherlandCO2 Air n- supply NER02_10 -2.35
NetherlandCO2 Air n- supply NER02_18 -0.03
NetherlandCO2 Air n- demand WAI01_02 4
NetherlandCO2 Air n- demand Emi03_01 15.88
Node Tech_ID 2050
NetherlandNER02_01 0.93
NetherlandNER02_02 1.1
NetherlandNER02_03 6.5
NetherlandNER02_04 1.38
NetherlandNER02_05 1.03
NetherlandNER02_07 1.25
NetherlandNER02_09 0.19
NetherlandNER02_10 2.35
NetherlandNER02_11 0.35
NetherlandNER02_12 0.73
NetherlandNER02_14 0.16
NetherlandNER02_15 0.1
NetherlandNER02_17 1.66
NetherlandNER02_18 0.03
NetherlandNER02_19 1.27
NetherlandNER02_20 0.19
NetherlandNER02_21 0.2
NetherlandEmi01_01 30
NetherlandEmi01_02 38.34
NetherlandEmi02_01 -15.88
NetherlandEmi03_01 15.88
Node Sector Activity 2050
NetherlandResidentialCO2 Air n- -2.56
NetherlandAgricultureCO2 Air n- -2.55
NetherlandIndustry CO2 CCUS -29.11
NetherlandIndustry CO2 Air ET 57.59
NetherlandIndustry CO2 Air n- -1.3
NetherlandWaste DispCO2 CCUS -4.17
NetherlandWaste DispCO2 Air n- 4
NetherlandTransport CO2 Air n- -3.67
NetherlandnER GHG CO2 Air n- -9.81
NetherlandPower NL CO2 Air ET -2.9
NetherlandRefineries CO2 CCUS 42.69
NetherlandRefineries CO2 Air ET -37.04
NetherlandHeat NetwCO2 Air ET -0.78
NetherlandFinal Gas CO2 Air ET 0.06
NetherlandAmmonia CO2 CCUS -9.41
NetherlandAmmonia CO2 Air ET -1.04
NetherlandEmission CO2 Air ET -15.88
NetherlandEmission CO2 Air n- 15.88
Node Sector Activity Type 2050
NetherlandResidentialHeat LT HoCO2 Air n- -2.56
NetherlandAgricultureMachinery CO2
- Air n- -2.12
NetherlandAgricultureHeat LT AgrCO2 Air n- -0.43
NetherlandIndustry Ethylene prCO2 CCUS -14.97
NetherlandIndustry Ethylene prCO2 Air ET 14.31
NetherlandIndustry Glass produCO2 Air ET -0.29
NetherlandIndustry Ceramics pCO2 Air ET -0.57
NetherlandIndustry Machinery CO2 Air n- -1.3
NetherlandIndustry Heat HT InCO2 CCUS -5.8
NetherlandIndustry Heat HT InCO2 Air ET 5.8
NetherlandIndustry CO2 CCUS CO2 CCUS -8.34
NetherlandIndustry CO2 CCUS CO2 Air ET 38.34
NetherlandWaste DispWaste ManCO2 CCUS -4.17
NetherlandWaste DispWaste ManCO2 Air n- 4
NetherlandTransport MotorcycleCO2 Air n- -0.47
NetherlandTransport Inland-DomCO2 Air n- -1.01
NetherlandTransport Other TranCO2 Air n- -2.19
NetherlandnER GHG nER-GHG Ag nER-GHG C -6.88
NetherlandnER GHG nER-GHG AnER-GHG C -3.22
NetherlandnER GHG nER-GHG AnER-GHG -0.65
NetherlandnER GHG nER-GHG Agr nER-GHG -2.7
NetherlandnER GHG nER-GHG PrnER-GHG F -1.5
NetherlandnER GHG nER-GHG AlnER-GHG C -2.03
NetherlandnER GHG nER-GHG AlnER-GHG C -0.25
NetherlandnER GHG nER-GHG AlnER-GHG -2
NetherlandnER GHG nER-GHG All nER-GHG F -0.2
NetherlandnER GHG nER-GHG CnER-GHG C 2.03
NetherlandnER GHG nER-GHG CCO2 Air n- -0.93
NetherlandnER GHG nER-GHG CnER-GHG C 10.35
NetherlandnER GHG nER-GHG CCO2 Air n- -6.5
NetherlandnER GHG nER-GHG nER-GHG 5.35
NetherlandnER GHG nER-GHG CO2 Air n- -2.35
NetherlandnER GHG nER-GHG FnER-GHG F 1.7
NetherlandnER GHG nER-GHG FCO2 Air n- -0.03
NetherlandPower NL Electricity CO2 Air ET -2.9
NetherlandRefineries Road Fuel CO2 Air ET 5.65
NetherlandRefineries Syngas CO2 CCUS 14.33
NetherlandRefineries Syngas CO2 Air ET -14.33
NetherlandRefineries Methanol CO2 CCUS 28.36
NetherlandRefineries Methanol CO2 Air ET -28.36
NetherlandHeat NetwHeat LT NeCO2 Air ET -0.78
NetherlandFinal Gas Natural GaCO2 Air ET 0.06
NetherlandAmmonia Ammonia CO2 CCUS -9.41
NetherlandAmmonia Ammonia CO2 Air ET -1.04
NetherlandEmission CO2 Air ETCO2 Air ET -15.88
NetherlandEmission CO2 Air n- CO2 Air n- 15.88
Node Sector Activity Tech_ID Type 2050
NetherlandResidentialHeat LT HoLTR02_02 CO2 Air n- -2.56
NetherlandAgricultureMachinery Agr04_01
- CO2 Air n- -2.11
NetherlandAgricultureHeat LT AgrAgr06_02 CO2 Air n- -0.43
NetherlandIndustry Ethylene prICH01_04 CO2 CCUS -14.97
NetherlandIndustry Ethylene prICH01_04 CO2 Air ET 14.31
NetherlandIndustry Glass produIGS01_02 CO2 Air ET -0.29
NetherlandIndustry Ceramics pICS01_01 CO2 Air ET -0.57
NetherlandIndustry Machinery IMM01_01CO2 Air n- -1.3
NetherlandIndustry Heat HT InHTI01_09 CO2 CCUS -5.8
NetherlandIndustry Heat HT InHTI01_09 CO2 Air ET 5.8
NetherlandIndustry CO2 CCUS Emi01_01 CO2 CCUS 30
NetherlandIndustry CO2 CCUS Emi01_02 CO2 CCUS -38.34
NetherlandIndustry CO2 CCUS Emi01_02 CO2 Air ET 38.34
NetherlandWaste DispWaste ManWAI01_02 CO2 CCUS -4.17
NetherlandWaste DispWaste ManWAI01_02 CO2 Air n- 4
NetherlandTransport MotorcycleTRD01_01 CO2 Air n- -0.47
NetherlandTransport Inland-DomTNI01_06 CO2 Air n- -1.01
NetherlandTransport Other TranTOT01_01 CO2 Air n- -2.19
NetherlandnER GHG nER-GHG Ag NER01_01 nER-GHG C -6.88
NetherlandnER GHG nER-GHG ANER01_02 nER-GHG C -3.22
NetherlandnER GHG nER-GHG ANER01_03 nER-GHG -0.65
NetherlandnER GHG nER-GHG Agr NER01_04 nER-GHG -2.7
NetherlandnER GHG nER-GHG PrNER01_05 nER-GHG F -1.5
NetherlandnER GHG nER-GHG AlNER01_06 nER-GHG C -2.03
NetherlandnER GHG nER-GHG AlNER01_07 nER-GHG C -0.25
NetherlandnER GHG nER-GHG AlNER01_08 nER-GHG -2
NetherlandnER GHG nER-GHG All NER01_09 nER-GHG F -0.2
NetherlandnER GHG nER-GHG CNER02_01 nER-GHG C 0.93
NetherlandnER GHG nER-GHG CNER02_01 CO2 Air n- -0.93
NetherlandnER GHG nER-GHG CNER02_02 nER-GHG C 1.1
NetherlandnER GHG nER-GHG CNER02_03 nER-GHG C 6.5
NetherlandnER GHG nER-GHG CNER02_03 CO2 Air n- -6.5
NetherlandnER GHG nER-GHG CNER02_04 nER-GHG C 1.38
NetherlandnER GHG nER-GHG CNER02_05 nER-GHG C 1.03
NetherlandnER GHG nER-GHG CNER02_07 nER-GHG C 1.25
NetherlandnER GHG nER-GHG CNER02_09 nER-GHG C 0.19
NetherlandnER GHG nER-GHG NER02_10 nER-GHG 2.35
NetherlandnER GHG nER-GHG NER02_10 CO2 Air n- -2.35
NetherlandnER GHG nER-GHG NER02_11 nER-GHG 0.35
NetherlandnER GHG nER-GHG NER02_12 nER-GHG 0.73
NetherlandnER GHG nER-GHG NER02_14 nER-GHG 0.16
NetherlandnER GHG nER-GHG NER02_15 nER-GHG 0.1
NetherlandnER GHG nER-GHG NER02_17 nER-GHG 1.66
NetherlandnER GHG nER-GHG FNER02_18 nER-GHG F 0.03
NetherlandnER GHG nER-GHG FNER02_18 CO2 Air n- -0.03
NetherlandnER GHG nER-GHG FNER02_19 nER-GHG F 1.27
NetherlandnER GHG nER-GHG FNER02_20 nER-GHG F 0.19
NetherlandnER GHG nER-GHG FNER02_21 nER-GHG F 0.2
NetherlandPower NL Electricity PNL01_04 CO2 Air ET -2.85
NetherlandPower NL Electricity PNL01_07 CO2 Air ET -0.04
NetherlandRefineries Road Fuel RFP03_07 CO2 Air ET 1.03
NetherlandRefineries Road Fuel RFP03_09 CO2 Air ET 4.62
NetherlandRefineries Syngas RFS03_03 CO2 CCUS 14.33
NetherlandRefineries Syngas RFS03_03 CO2 Air ET -14.33
NetherlandRefineries Methanol RFS04_02 CO2 CCUS 28.36
NetherlandRefineries Methanol RFS04_02 CO2 Air ET -28.36
NetherlandHeat NetwHeat LT NeLTN01_05 CO2 Air ET -0.78
NetherlandFinal Gas Natural GaGas04_02 CO2 Air ET 0.06
NetherlandAmmonia Ammonia Amm01_02CO2 CCUS -9.41
NetherlandAmmonia Ammonia Amm01_02CO2 Air ET -1.04
NetherlandEmission CO2 Air ETEmi02_01 CO2 Air ET -15.88
NetherlandEmission CO2 Air n- Emi03_01 CO2 Air n- 15.88
Node Tech_ID 2050
NetherlandPNS01_01 75
NetherlandPNL01_04 15.55
NetherlandPNL01_07 0.86
NetherlandPNL01_08 1.45
NetherlandPNL01_09 10.98
NetherlandPNL01_13 12
NetherlandPNL01_14 13
NetherlandPNL01_15 30
NetherlandPNL01_16 40
NetherlandPNL01_17 0.04
NetherlandPNL06_01 46.55
Node Tech_ID 2050
NetherlandPNS01_01 1069.52
NetherlandPNL01_04 28.78
NetherlandPNL01_07 0.29
NetherlandPNL01_08 6.03
NetherlandPNL01_09 311.9
NetherlandPNL01_13 77.76
NetherlandPNL01_14 208
NetherlandPNL01_15 84
NetherlandPNL01_16 112
NetherlandPNL01_17 0.35
NetherlandPNL06_01 130.34
from to Tech_ID 2050
Europe Europe PBE01_03 1
Europe Europe PBE01_04 1
Europe Europe PDE01_03 3
Europe Europe PDE01_04 4
Europe Europe PDE01_05 1.4
Europe Europe PDK01_03 4
Europe Europe PDK01_04 1.64
Europe Europe PDK01_05 1.4
Europe Europe PNO01_03 1.4
Europe Europe PNO01_04 1.64
Europe Europe PNO01_05 1.4
Europe Europe PGB01_03 1
Europe Europe PGB01_04 1.4
Europe Europe PGB01_05 3
Europe NetherlandPNL04_01 3.4
Europe NetherlandPNL04_02 5.98
Europe NetherlandPNL04_03 1.4
Europe NetherlandPNL04_04 1.4
Europe NetherlandPNL04_05 2
NetherlandEurope PBE01_02 7
NetherlandEurope PDE01_02 10
NetherlandEurope PDK01_02 0.7
NetherlandEurope PNO01_02 0.7
NetherlandEurope PGB01_02 2
NetherlandNetherlandPNL04_06 50
NetherlandNetherlandPNL05_01 2.9
NetherlandNetherlandPNL07_01 21.52
from to Tech_ID 2050
Europe Europe PBE01_03 8.64
Europe Europe PBE01_04 21.2
Europe Europe PDE01_03 50.2
Europe Europe PDE01_04 40.32
Europe Europe PDE01_05 38.42
Europe Europe PDK01_03 38.57
Europe Europe PDK01_04 43.93
Europe Europe PDK01_05 31.79
Europe Europe PNO01_03 5.48
Europe Europe PNO01_04 7.51
Europe Europe PNO01_05 0.24
Europe Europe PGB01_03 5.82
Europe Europe PGB01_04 10.68
Europe Europe PGB01_05 94.09
Europe NetherlandPNL04_01 2.63
Europe NetherlandPNL04_02 15.07
Europe NetherlandPNL04_03 4.4
Europe NetherlandPNL04_04 21.89
Europe NetherlandPNL04_05 7.71
NetherlandEurope PBE01_02 205.57
NetherlandEurope PDE01_02 274.53
NetherlandEurope PDK01_02 18.54
NetherlandEurope PNO01_02 7.8
NetherlandEurope PGB01_02 53.92
NetherlandNetherlandPNL04_06 1048.55
NetherlandNetherlandPNL05_01 0.93
NetherlandNetherlandPNL07_01 402.67
Activity Type Tech_ID 2050
Electricity Stock PNS01_01 75
Electricity Use PNS01_01 1069.52
Electricity Stock PNL01_04 15.55
Electricity Stock PNL01_07 0.86
Electricity Stock PNL01_08 1.45
Electricity Stock PNL01_09 10.98
Electricity Stock PNL01_13 12
Electricity Stock PNL01_14 13
Electricity Stock PNL01_15 30
Electricity Stock PNL01_16 40
Electricity Stock PNL01_17 0.04
Electricity Stock PNL03_01 20.15
Electricity Use PNL01_04 28.78
Electricity Use PNL01_07 0.29
Electricity Use PNL01_08 6.03
Electricity Use PNL01_09 311.9
Electricity Use PNL01_13 77.76
Electricity Use PNL01_14 208
Electricity Use PNL01_15 84
Electricity Use PNL01_16 112
Electricity Use PNL01_17 0.35
Electricity Use PNL03_01 138.22
Electricity Stock PNL06_01 46.55
Electricity Use PNL06_01 130.34
from to Type Tech_ID 2050
Electricity Electricity Stock PDE01_03 3
Electricity Electricity Use PDE01_03 50.2
Electricity Electricity Stock PGB01_03 1
Electricity Electricity Use PGB01_03 5.82
Electricity Electricity Stock PNL04_01 3.4
Electricity Electricity Use PNL04_01 2.63
Electricity Electricity Stock PBE01_03 1
Electricity Electricity Use PBE01_03 8.64
Electricity Electricity Stock PDK01_03 4
Electricity Electricity Use PDK01_03 38.57
Electricity Electricity Stock PNO01_03 1.4
Electricity Electricity Use PNO01_03 5.48
Electricity Electricity Stock PNL04_02 5.98
Electricity Electricity Use PNL04_02 15.07
Electricity Electricity Stock PDE01_04 4
Electricity Electricity Use PDE01_04 40.32
Electricity Electricity Stock PNO01_04 1.64
Electricity Electricity Use PNO01_04 7.51
Electricity Electricity Stock PGB01_04 1.4
Electricity Electricity Use PGB01_04 10.68
Electricity Electricity Stock PNL04_03 1.4
Electricity Electricity Use PNL04_03 4.4
Electricity Electricity Stock PDE01_05 1.4
Electricity Electricity Use PDE01_05 38.42
Electricity Electricity Stock PDK01_04 1.64
Electricity Electricity Use PDK01_04 43.93
Electricity Electricity Stock PGB01_05 3
Electricity Electricity Use PGB01_05 94.09
Electricity Electricity Stock PNL04_04 1.4
Electricity Electricity Use PNL04_04 21.89
Electricity Electricity Stock PBE01_04 1
Electricity Electricity Use PBE01_04 21.2
Electricity Electricity Stock PDK01_05 1.4
Electricity Electricity Use PDK01_05 31.79
Electricity Electricity Stock PNO01_05 1.4
Electricity Electricity Use PNO01_05 0.24
Electricity Electricity Stock PNL04_05 2
Electricity Electricity Use PNL04_05 7.71
Electricity Electricity Stock PNL04_06 50
Electricity Electricity Use PNL04_06 1048.55
Electricity Electricity Stock PBE01_02 7
Electricity Electricity Use PBE01_02 205.57
Electricity Electricity Stock PDE01_02 10
Electricity Electricity Use PDE01_02 274.53
Electricity Electricity Stock PDK01_02 0.7
Electricity Electricity Use PDK01_02 18.54
Electricity Electricity Stock PNO01_02 0.7
Electricity Electricity Use PNO01_02 7.8
Electricity Electricity Stock PGB01_02 2
Electricity Electricity Use PGB01_02 53.92
Electricity Electricity Stock PNL07_01 21.52
Electricity Electricity Use PNL07_01 402.67
Electricity Electricity Stock PNL05_01 2.9
Electricity Electricity Use PNL05_01 0.93
Node Tech_ID 2050
NetherlandPNS01_01 355.48
NetherlandPNL01_13 18.24
NetherlandPNL01_17 0.01
Node Type 2050
Europe cost 106.17
Europe variability 43.85
Netherlandload 2037.24
Netherlandimport 52.74
Netherlandexport 571.55
Netherlandnet 1518.42
Netherlandcost 13.47
Netherlandvariability 4.41
Node Type 2050
Europe imports 560.35
Europe exports 52.74
Netherlandflexible_C 0.57
Netherlandshedding 462.2
Netherlanddemand_re 15.89
Netherlandstorage 172.77
Netherlandimports 51.7
Netherlandexports 571.55
Netherlandcurtailmen 373.74
Node Sector Activity Type 2050
Europe Power EU Electricity imports 205.57
Europe Power EU Electricity imports 274.53
Europe Power EU Electricity imports 18.54
Europe Power EU Electricity imports 7.8
Europe Power EU Electricity imports 53.92
Europe Power NL Electricity exports 52.74
NetherlandResidentialElectricity demand_re 4.17
NetherlandServices Electricity demand_re 5.21
NetherlandIndustry Aluminum dpemand_re 2.99
NetherlandIndustry Zinc producdemand_re 1.73
NetherlandIndustry Paper and demand_re 1.79
NetherlandWaste DispWaste Manflexible_C 0.57
NetherlandPower EU Electricity exports 209.68
NetherlandPower EU Electricity exports 280.02
NetherlandPower EU Electricity exports 18.91
NetherlandPower EU Electricity exports 7.95
NetherlandPower EU Electricity exports 55
NetherlandPower NL Electricity curtailmen 355.48
NetherlandPower NL Electricity storage 172.77
NetherlandPower NL Electricity imports 51.7
NetherlandPower NL Electricity curtailmen 18.26
NetherlandRefineries Syngas shedding 250.84
NetherlandAmmonia Ammonia shedding 211.36
Node Tech_ID Type 2050
Europe PBE01_02 imports 205.57
Europe PDE01_02 imports 274.53
Europe PDK01_02 imports 18.54
Europe PNO01_02imports 7.8
Europe PGB01_02 imports 53.92
Europe PNL04_01 exports 2.69
Europe PNL04_02 exports 15.37
Europe PNL04_03 exports 4.49
Europe PNL04_04 exports 22.33
Europe PNL04_05 exports 7.86
NetherlandRes01_02 demand_re 4.17
NetherlandSer01_02 demand_re 5.21
NetherlandIBM02_06 demand_re 2.99
NetherlandIBM03_01 demand_re 1.73
NetherlandIPP01_02 demand_re 1.79
NetherlandWAI01_02 flexible_C 0.57
NetherlandPBE01_02 exports 209.68
NetherlandPDE01_02 exports 280.02
NetherlandPDK01_02 exports 18.91
NetherlandPNO01_02exports 7.95
NetherlandPGB01_02 exports 55
NetherlandPNS01_01 curtailmen 355.48
NetherlandPNL01_13 curtailmen 18.24
NetherlandPNL01_17 curtailmen 0.01
NetherlandPNL03_01 storage 172.77
NetherlandPNL04_01 imports 2.63
NetherlandPNL04_02 imports 15.07
NetherlandPNL04_03 imports 4.4
NetherlandPNL04_04 imports 21.89
NetherlandPNL04_05 imports 7.71
NetherlandRFS03_03 shedding 250.84
NetherlandAmm01_05shedding 211.36
Node Type
Node Sector Type1 Type2 2050
NetherlandPower NL Balancing Capital Cos 6.54
NetherlandPower NL Balancing Fixed Oper 1.99
NetherlandPower NL Balancing Variable Op 0.48
NetherlandPower NL Balancing Fuel Costs 0.49
NetherlandPower NL Balancing Emission C 0.07
NetherlandPower NL Infrastruct Capital Cos 1.26
NetherlandPower NL Infrastruct Fixed Oper 0.48
NetherlandRefineries Balancing Capital Cos 0.5
NetherlandRefineries Balancing Fixed Oper 0.35
NetherlandRefineries Balancing Variable Op 0.08
NetherlandRefineries Balancing Fuel Costs 36.46
NetherlandRefineries Balancing Emission C 1.76
NetherlandRefineries Balancing Export Rev -9.37
NetherlandHeat NetwBalancing Capital Cos 5.22
NetherlandHeat NetwBalancing Fixed Oper 1.69
NetherlandHeat NetwBalancing Fuel Costs 5.06
NetherlandHeat NetwBalancing Emission C 1.18
NetherlandHeat NetwInfrastruct Capital Cos 5.67
NetherlandHeat NetwInfrastruct Fixed Oper 2.18
NetherlandFinal Gas Balancing Capital Cos 1.82
NetherlandFinal Gas Balancing Fixed Oper 0.46
NetherlandFinal Gas Balancing Fuel Costs 10
NetherlandFinal Gas Balancing Emission C -0.07
NetherlandFinal Gas Infrastruct Capital Cos 11.12
NetherlandFinal Gas Infrastruct Fixed Oper 2.68
NetherlandHydrogen Balancing Capital Cos 0.03
NetherlandHydrogen Balancing Fixed Oper 0.01
NetherlandHydrogen Balancing Fuel Costs 0.06
NetherlandHydrogen Balancing Import Cos 24.94
NetherlandHydrogen Infrastruct Capital Cos 0.19
NetherlandHydrogen Infrastruct Fixed Oper 0.09
NetherlandAmmonia Balancing Capital Cos 4.04
NetherlandAmmonia Balancing Fixed Oper 1.36
NetherlandAmmonia Balancing Fuel Costs 24.76
NetherlandAmmonia Balancing Emission C 0.69
Node Sector Activity Type1 Type2 2050
NetherlandResidentialElectricity Balancing Fuel Costs 20.44
NetherlandResidentialHouses - ReBalancing Capital Cos 0.09
NetherlandResidentialHouses - ReBalancing Fuel Costs 0.03
NetherlandResidentialHouses - ReBalancing Capital Cos 0.15
NetherlandResidentialHouses - ReBalancing Fuel Costs 0.04
NetherlandResidentialHouses - ReBalancing Capital Cos 0.02
NetherlandResidentialHouses - ReBalancing Fuel Costs 0.09
NetherlandResidentialHeat LT HoBalancing Capital Cos 7.08
NetherlandResidentialHeat LT HoBalancing Fixed Oper 2.78
NetherlandResidentialHeat LT HoBalancing Fuel Costs 1.95
NetherlandServices Electricity Balancing Fuel Costs 20.44
NetherlandServices Space - SerBalancing Capital Cos 1.99
NetherlandServices Space - SerBalancing Fixed Oper 0.32
NetherlandServices Space - SerBalancing Fuel Costs 0.71
NetherlandServices Heat LT SerBalancing Capital Cos -0.06
NetherlandServices Heat LT SerBalancing Fixed Oper 2.78
NetherlandServices Heat LT SerBalancing Fuel Costs 10.81
NetherlandAgricultureElectricity Balancing Fuel Costs 20.44
NetherlandAgricultureHeat deman Balancing Fuel Costs 5.19
NetherlandAgricultureHeat deman Balancing Fuel Costs 14.36
NetherlandAgricultureMachinery Balancing
- Capital Cos 25.56
NetherlandAgricultureMachinery Balancing
- Fuel Costs 0.01
NetherlandAgricultureHeat LT AgrBalancing Capital Cos 2.14
NetherlandAgricultureHeat LT AgrBalancing Fixed Oper 0.95
NetherlandAgricultureHeat LT AgrBalancing Fuel Costs 5.18
NetherlandAgricultureHeat LT AgrBalancing Capital Cos 0.14
NetherlandAgricultureHeat LT AgrBalancing Fixed Oper 0.09
NetherlandAgricultureHeat LT AgrBalancing Fuel Costs 14.36
NetherlandIndustry Steel produBalancing Capital Cos 28.3
NetherlandIndustry Steel produBalancing Fixed Oper 13
NetherlandIndustry Steel produBalancing Variable Op 170
NetherlandIndustry Steel produBalancing Fuel Costs 259.11
NetherlandIndustry Aluminum Bpalancing Capital Cos 32.53
NetherlandIndustry Aluminum Bpalancing Fixed Oper 150
NetherlandIndustry Aluminum Bpalancing Fuel Costs 751.39
NetherlandIndustry Zinc producBalancing Capital Cos 19.52
NetherlandIndustry Zinc producBalancing Fixed Oper 90
NetherlandIndustry Zinc producBalancing Fuel Costs 317.69
NetherlandIndustry Nitric Acid Balancing Capital Cos 8.46
NetherlandIndustry Nitric Acid Balancing Fixed Oper 3.9
NetherlandIndustry Nitric Acid Balancing Fuel Costs 162.89
NetherlandIndustry Urea produc Balancing Capital Cos 12.03
NetherlandIndustry Urea produc Balancing Fixed Oper 6
NetherlandIndustry Urea produc Balancing Variable Op 1.5
NetherlandIndustry Urea produc Balancing Fuel Costs 399.81
NetherlandIndustry Other Ammon Balancing Fuel Costs 592.79
NetherlandIndustry Ethylene prBalancing Capital Cos 71.56
NetherlandIndustry Ethylene prBalancing Fixed Oper 48
NetherlandIndustry Ethylene prBalancing Fuel Costs 3540.35
NetherlandIndustry Ethylene prBalancing Emission C -494.31
NetherlandIndustry Other HVC Balancing Variable Op 5000
NetherlandIndustry BioplasticsBalancing Capital Cos 78.06
NetherlandIndustry BioplasticsBalancing Fixed Oper 200
NetherlandIndustry BioplasticsBalancing Fuel Costs 821.62
NetherlandIndustry Chlorine prBalancing Capital Cos 81.31
NetherlandIndustry Chlorine prBalancing Fixed Oper 90
NetherlandIndustry Chlorine prBalancing Fuel Costs 201.4
NetherlandIndustry Glass produBalancing Capital Cos 13.73
NetherlandIndustry Glass produBalancing Fixed Oper 6
NetherlandIndustry Glass produBalancing Fuel Costs 54.36
NetherlandIndustry Glass produBalancing Emission C 23.91
NetherlandIndustry Ceramics pBalancing Capital Cos 9.76
NetherlandIndustry Ceramics pBalancing Fixed Oper 8
NetherlandIndustry Ceramics pBalancing Fuel Costs 30.63
NetherlandIndustry Ceramics pBalancing Emission C 16.54
NetherlandIndustry Paper and Balancing Capital Cos 89.77
NetherlandIndustry Paper and Balancing Fixed Oper 120
NetherlandIndustry Paper and Balancing Fuel Costs 107.52
NetherlandIndustry Food produBalancing Capital Cos 329.16
NetherlandIndustry Food produBalancing Fixed Oper 152
NetherlandIndustry Food produBalancing Fuel Costs 994.48
NetherlandIndustry Other ETS cBalancing Capital Cos 478.78
NetherlandIndustry Other ETS cBalancing Fixed Oper 221
NetherlandIndustry Other ETS cBalancing Fuel Costs 2405.61
NetherlandIndustry Other ETS -Balancing Capital Cos 29.66
NetherlandIndustry Other ETS -Balancing Fixed Oper 13.5
NetherlandIndustry Other ETS -Balancing Fuel Costs 133.56
NetherlandIndustry Other non-EBalancing Capital Cos 368.58
NetherlandIndustry Other non-EBalancing Fixed Oper 169
NetherlandIndustry Other non-EBalancing Fuel Costs 1393.82
NetherlandIndustry Machinery Balancing Capital Cos 25.53
NetherlandIndustry Machinery Balancing Fuel Costs 13.05
NetherlandIndustry Heat HT InBalancing Capital Cos 0.39
NetherlandIndustry Heat HT InBalancing Fixed Oper 0.15
NetherlandIndustry Heat HT InBalancing Fuel Costs 26.23
NetherlandIndustry Heat HT InBalancing Emission C -1.11
NetherlandIndustry Heat LT IndBalancing Capital Cos 1.72
NetherlandIndustry Heat LT IndBalancing Fixed Oper 0.26
NetherlandIndustry Heat LT IndBalancing Fuel Costs 5.2
NetherlandIndustry Furnace HeBalancing Capital Cos 2.57
NetherlandIndustry Furnace HeBalancing Fixed Oper 0.66
NetherlandIndustry Furnace HeBalancing Fuel Costs 28.75
NetherlandIndustry CO2 CCUS Balancing Capital Cos -115.87
NetherlandIndustry CO2 CCUS Balancing Fixed Oper -57.75
NetherlandIndustry CO2 CCUS Balancing Variable Op -71.93
NetherlandIndustry CO2 CCUS Balancing Fuel Costs -439.72
NetherlandIndustry CO2 CCUS Balancing Emission C 393.7
NetherlandWaste DispWaste ManBalancing Capital Cos 20.18
NetherlandWaste DispWaste ManBalancing Fixed Oper 13.37
NetherlandWaste DispWaste ManBalancing Variable Op 13.32
NetherlandWaste DispWaste ManBalancing Fuel Costs 94.05
NetherlandWaste DispWaste ManBalancing Emission C 8.67
NetherlandWaste DispSewage MaBalancing Fuel Costs 0.1
NetherlandWaste DispWaste LandfBalancing Capital Cos 14104.88
NetherlandTransport MotorcycleBalancing Capital Cos 134.4
NetherlandTransport MotorcycleBalancing Fixed Oper 83.7
NetherlandTransport Passenger Balancing Capital Cos 78.55
NetherlandTransport Passenger Balancing Fixed Oper 116.92
NetherlandTransport Passenger Balancing Fuel Costs 16.27
NetherlandTransport Light-Duty Balancing Capital Cos 48.38
NetherlandTransport Light-Duty Balancing Fixed Oper 109.19
NetherlandTransport Light-Duty Balancing Fuel Costs 23.76
NetherlandTransport Heavy-DutyBalancing Capital Cos 103.95
NetherlandTransport Heavy-DutyBalancing Fixed Oper 164.35
NetherlandTransport Heavy-DutyBalancing Fuel Costs 177.92
NetherlandTransport Buses Balancing Capital Cos 0.12
NetherlandTransport Buses Balancing Fixed Oper 0.25
NetherlandTransport Buses Balancing Fuel Costs 0.19
NetherlandTransport Rail Balancing Capital Cos 1.39
NetherlandTransport Rail Balancing Fixed Oper 1.15
NetherlandTransport Rail Balancing Fuel Costs 0.76
NetherlandTransport Intra-EU AvBalancing Capital Cos 7.94
NetherlandTransport Intra-EU AvBalancing Fixed Oper 2.78
NetherlandTransport Intra-EU AvBalancing Fuel Costs 9.64
NetherlandTransport Extra-EU AvBalancing Capital Cos 1.38
NetherlandTransport Extra-EU AvBalancing Fixed Oper 0.46
NetherlandTransport Extra-EU AvBalancing Fuel Costs 6.16
NetherlandTransport Inland-DomBalancing Capital Cos 0.15
NetherlandTransport Inland-DomBalancing Fixed Oper 0.46
NetherlandTransport Inland-DomBalancing Fuel Costs 1.97
NetherlandTransport InternationBalancing Capital Cos 3.81
NetherlandTransport InternationBalancing Fixed Oper 16.11
NetherlandTransport InternationBalancing Fuel Costs 97.63
NetherlandnER GHG nER-GHG CBalancing Capital Cos 10.87
NetherlandnER GHG nER-GHG CBalancing Capital Cos 14.34
NetherlandnER GHG nER-GHG Balancing Capital Cos 18.86
NetherlandnER GHG nER-GHG FBalancing Capital Cos 10.18
NetherlandPower EU Electricity Balancing Export Rev -4.16E+23
NetherlandPower EU Electricity Balancing Export Rev -5.67E+23
NetherlandPower EU Electricity Balancing Export Rev -3.69E+22
NetherlandPower EU Electricity Balancing Export Rev -6.06E+21
NetherlandPower EU Electricity Balancing Export Rev -8.69E+22
NetherlandPower NL Electricity Balancing Capital Cos 7.99
NetherlandPower NL Electricity Balancing Fixed Oper 3.32
NetherlandPower NL Electricity Balancing Variable Op 0.1
NetherlandPower NL Electricity Balancing Capital Cos 6.81
NetherlandPower NL Electricity Balancing Fixed Oper 1.7
NetherlandPower NL Electricity Balancing Variable Op 0.78
NetherlandPower NL Electricity Balancing Fuel Costs 1.58
NetherlandPower NL Electricity Balancing Emission C 0.14
NetherlandPower NL Electricity Infrastruct Capital Cos 1.56
NetherlandPower NL Electricity Infrastruct Fixed Oper 0.6
NetherlandPower NL Electricity Balancing Capital Cos 2.63
NetherlandPower NL Electricity Balancing Fixed Oper 0.38
NetherlandPower NL Electricity Balancing Variable Op 0.13
NetherlandPower NL Electricity Balancing Fuel Costs 16.03
NetherlandPower NL Electricity Infrastruct Capital Cos 2.72
NetherlandPower NL Electricity Infrastruct Fixed Oper 1.05
NetherlandRefineries Road Fuel Balancing Fuel Costs 27.51
NetherlandRefineries Road Fuel Balancing Emission C -6.57
NetherlandRefineries Bio EthanoBalancing Capital Cos 2.08
NetherlandRefineries Bio EthanoBalancing Fixed Oper 3.94
NetherlandRefineries Bio EthanoBalancing Variable Op 8.42
NetherlandRefineries Bio EthanoBalancing Fuel Costs 7.39
NetherlandRefineries Syn KeroseBalancing Capital Cos 1.18
NetherlandRefineries Syn KeroseBalancing Fixed Oper 0.78
NetherlandRefineries Syn KeroseBalancing Fuel Costs 61.88
NetherlandRefineries Syn KeroseBalancing Export Rev -29.73
NetherlandRefineries Syngas Balancing Capital Cos 0.22
NetherlandRefineries Syngas Balancing Fixed Oper 0.12
NetherlandRefineries Syngas Balancing Fuel Costs 20.23
NetherlandRefineries Syngas Balancing Emission C 1.94
NetherlandRefineries Methanol Balancing Capital Cos 0.12
NetherlandRefineries Methanol Balancing Fixed Oper 0.1
NetherlandRefineries Methanol Balancing Fuel Costs 31.5
NetherlandRefineries Methanol Balancing Emission C 5.6
NetherlandHeat NetwHeat LT NeBalancing Capital Cos 5.22
NetherlandHeat NetwHeat LT NeBalancing Fixed Oper 1.69
NetherlandHeat NetwHeat LT NeBalancing Fuel Costs 5.06
NetherlandHeat NetwHeat LT NeBalancing Emission C 1.18
NetherlandHeat NetwHeat LT NeInfrastruct Capital Cos 5.67
NetherlandHeat NetwHeat LT NeInfrastruct Fixed Oper 2.18
NetherlandFinal Gas Natural GaBalancing Capital Cos 4.91
NetherlandFinal Gas Natural GaBalancing Fixed Oper 2.9
NetherlandFinal Gas Natural GaBalancing Variable Op 1.01
NetherlandFinal Gas Natural GaInfrastruct Capital Cos 1.28E+09
NetherlandFinal Gas Natural GaInfrastruct Fixed Oper 5.87E+08
NetherlandFinal Gas Natural GaBalancing Capital Cos 1.82
NetherlandFinal Gas Natural GaBalancing Fixed Oper 0.46
NetherlandFinal Gas Natural GaBalancing Fuel Costs 10
NetherlandFinal Gas Natural GaBalancing Emission C -0.07
NetherlandFinal Gas Natural GaInfrastruct Capital Cos 7.65
NetherlandFinal Gas Natural GaInfrastruct Fixed Oper 1.09
NetherlandHydrogen Hydrogen Balancing Capital Cos 0.03
NetherlandHydrogen Hydrogen Balancing Fixed Oper 0.01
NetherlandHydrogen Hydrogen Balancing Fuel Costs -25
NetherlandHydrogen Hydrogen Balancing Import Cos 25
NetherlandHydrogen Hydrogen Infrastruct Capital Cos 0.19
NetherlandHydrogen Hydrogen Infrastruct Fixed Oper 0.09
NetherlandHydrogen Hydrogen Balancing Capital Cos 0.93
NetherlandHydrogen Hydrogen Balancing Fixed Oper 0.21
NetherlandHydrogen Hydrogen Balancing Fuel Costs 25
NetherlandHydrogen Hydrogen Infrastruct Capital Cos 1.57
NetherlandHydrogen Hydrogen Infrastruct Fixed Oper 0.72
NetherlandAmmonia Ammonia Balancing Capital Cos 4.04
NetherlandAmmonia Ammonia Balancing Fixed Oper 1.36
NetherlandAmmonia Ammonia Balancing Fuel Costs 24.76
NetherlandAmmonia Ammonia Balancing Emission C 0.69
NetherlandFinal Biom Biomass Balancing Fuel Costs 15.01
NetherlandFossil LPG Balancing Fuel Costs -27.5
NetherlandFossil LPG Balancing Import Cos 27.5
NetherlandFossil Natural GaBalancing Fuel Costs -9.8
NetherlandFossil Natural GaBalancing Import Cos 9.8
NetherlandFossil Natural GaBalancing Fuel Costs -8.3
NetherlandFossil Natural GaBalancing Import Cos 8.3
NetherlandFossil Natural GaBalancing Export Rev -8.3
NetherlandOther Uranium Balancing Fuel Costs -0.81
NetherlandOther Uranium Balancing Import Cos 0.81
NetherlandOther Municipal Balancing National P 3
NetherlandOther Plastic WasBalancing National P 7
NetherlandRenewableBio KeroseBalancing Fuel Costs -70
NetherlandRenewableBio KeroseBalancing Import Cos 70
NetherlandRenewableBio KeroseBalancing Export Rev -54.39
NetherlandRenewableWood Balancing Fuel Costs -13.36
NetherlandRenewableWood Balancing National P 2.28
NetherlandRenewableWood Balancing Import Cos 13.36
NetherlandRenewableGrasscropsBalancing National P 8.2
NetherlandRenewableDry organi Balancing National P 4.5
NetherlandRenewableWet organiBalancing National P 0.1
NetherlandRenewableManure Balancing National P 0.1
NetherlandRenewableSugars Balancing National P 4.5
NetherlandRenewableStarch Balancing National P 22
NetherlandCCUS CO2 CCUS Infrastruct Capital Cos 4.45E+22
NetherlandCCUS CO2 CCUS Infrastruct Fixed Oper 1.91E+22
NetherlandEmission CO2 Air ETBalancing Variable Op 90
NetherlandEmission CO2 Air ETBalancing Emission C -90
NetherlandFinal Gas ENatural GaBalancing Export Rev -9.8E+23
Node Activity Tech_ID Type1 Type2 2050
NetherlandAmmonia Amm01_01TheoreticalCAPEX 2.67
NetherlandAmmonia Amm01_01TheoreticalFOM 1.2
NetherlandAmmonia Amm01_01TheoreticalFuels 22.56
NetherlandAmmonia Amm01_01TheoreticalEmissions 5.96
NetherlandAmmonia Amm01_02TheoreticalCAPEX 3.25
NetherlandAmmonia Amm01_02TheoreticalFOM 1.3
NetherlandAmmonia Amm01_02TheoreticalFuels 23.95
NetherlandAmmonia Amm01_02TheoreticalEmissions 1.79
NetherlandAmmonia Amm01_02Real CAPEX 3.25
NetherlandAmmonia Amm01_02Real FOM 1.3
NetherlandAmmonia Amm01_02Real Fuels 24.06
NetherlandAmmonia Amm01_02Real Emissions 1.79
NetherlandAmmonia Amm01_03TheoreticalCAPEX 0.52
NetherlandAmmonia Amm01_03TheoreticalFOM 0.3
NetherlandAmmonia Amm01_03TheoreticalFuels 50.26
NetherlandAmmonia Amm01_04TheoreticalCAPEX 2.08
NetherlandAmmonia Amm01_04TheoreticalFOM 1.1
NetherlandAmmonia Amm01_04TheoreticalFuels 52.74
NetherlandAmmonia Amm01_05TheoreticalCAPEX 2.28
NetherlandAmmonia Amm01_05TheoreticalFOM 0.7
NetherlandAmmonia Amm01_05TheoreticalFuels 34.87
NetherlandAmmonia Amm01_05Real CAPEX 4.53
NetherlandAmmonia Amm01_05Real FOM 1.39
NetherlandAmmonia Amm01_05Real Fuels 25.19
NetherlandBiomass Bio01_01 TheoreticalFuels 15.64
NetherlandBiomass Bio01_01 Real Fuels 15.64
NetherlandBiomass Bio01_02 TheoreticalFuels 8.2
NetherlandBiomass Bio01_02 Real Fuels 8.2
NetherlandBiomass Bio01_03 TheoreticalFuels 4.5
NetherlandBiomass Bio01_03 Real Fuels 4.5
NetherlandCoal EPF01_01 TheoreticalVOC 4
NetherlandElectricity Res01_01 TheoreticalFuels 20.37
NetherlandElectricity Res01_01 Real Fuels 20.44
NetherlandElectricity Res01_02 TheoreticalFuels 20.37
NetherlandElectricity Res01_02 Real Fuels 20.44
NetherlandHouses - ReRes02_01 TheoreticalFuels 0.63
NetherlandHouses - ReRes02_02 TheoreticalFuels 0.6
NetherlandHouses - ReRes02_03 TheoreticalFuels 0.05
NetherlandHouses - ReRes02_04 TheoreticalCAPEX 0.08
NetherlandHouses - ReRes02_04 TheoreticalFuels 0.04
NetherlandHouses - ReRes02_05 TheoreticalCAPEX 0.09
NetherlandHouses - ReRes02_05 TheoreticalFuels 0.03
NetherlandHouses - ReRes02_05 Real CAPEX 0.09
NetherlandHouses - ReRes02_05 Real Fuels 0.03
NetherlandHouses - ReRes03_01 TheoreticalFuels 0.94
NetherlandHouses - ReRes03_02 TheoreticalFuels 0.81
NetherlandHouses - ReRes03_03 TheoreticalFuels 0.06
NetherlandHouses - ReRes03_04 TheoreticalCAPEX 0.11
NetherlandHouses - ReRes03_04 TheoreticalFuels 0.05
NetherlandHouses - ReRes03_05 TheoreticalCAPEX 0.15
NetherlandHouses - ReRes03_05 TheoreticalFuels 0.04
NetherlandHouses - ReRes03_05 Real CAPEX 0.15
NetherlandHouses - ReRes03_05 Real Fuels 0.04
NetherlandHouses - ReRes04_01 TheoreticalFuels 1.41
NetherlandHouses - ReRes04_02 TheoreticalFuels 1.23
NetherlandHouses - ReRes04_03 TheoreticalFuels 0.09
NetherlandHouses - ReRes04_03 Real Fuels 0.09
NetherlandHouses - ReRes04_04 TheoreticalCAPEX 0.2
NetherlandHouses - ReRes04_04 TheoreticalFuels 0.07
NetherlandHouses - ReRes04_05 TheoreticalCAPEX 0.29
NetherlandHouses - ReRes04_05 TheoreticalFuels 0.06
NetherlandHouses - ReRes04_05 Real CAPEX 0.29
NetherlandHouses - ReRes04_05 Real Fuels 0.06
NetherlandElectricity Ser01_01 TheoreticalFuels 20.37
NetherlandElectricity Ser01_01 Real Fuels 20.44
NetherlandElectricity Ser01_02 TheoreticalFuels 20.37
NetherlandElectricity Ser01_02 Real Fuels 20.44
NetherlandSpace - SerSer02_01 TheoreticalFOM 0.32
NetherlandSpace - SerSer02_01 TheoreticalFuels 2.19
NetherlandSpace - SerSer02_02 TheoreticalFOM 0.32
NetherlandSpace - SerSer02_02 TheoreticalFuels 1.24
NetherlandSpace - SerSer02_03 TheoreticalCAPEX 1.56
NetherlandSpace - SerSer02_03 TheoreticalFOM 0.32
NetherlandSpace - SerSer02_03 TheoreticalFuels 1.03
NetherlandSpace - SerSer02_04 TheoreticalCAPEX 1.7
NetherlandSpace - SerSer02_04 TheoreticalFOM 0.32
NetherlandSpace - SerSer02_04 TheoreticalFuels 0.82
NetherlandSpace - SerSer02_05 TheoreticalCAPEX 1.99
NetherlandSpace - SerSer02_05 TheoreticalFOM 0.32
NetherlandSpace - SerSer02_05 TheoreticalFuels 0.71
NetherlandSpace - SerSer02_05 Real CAPEX 1.99
NetherlandSpace - SerSer02_05 Real FOM 0.32
NetherlandSpace - SerSer02_05 Real Fuels 0.71
NetherlandElectricity Agr01_01 TheoreticalFuels 20.37
NetherlandElectricity Agr01_01 Real Fuels 20.44
NetherlandHeat deman Agr02_01 TheoreticalFuels 5.19
NetherlandHeat deman Agr02_01 Real Fuels 5.19
NetherlandHeat deman Agr03_01 TheoreticalFuels 14.36
NetherlandHeat deman Agr03_01 Real Fuels 14.36
NetherlandMachinery Agr04_01
- TheoreticalCAPEX 25.53
NetherlandMachinery Agr04_01
- Real CAPEX 25.53
NetherlandMachinery Agr04_02
- TheoreticalCAPEX 40.37
NetherlandMachinery Agr04_02
- TheoreticalFuels 6.62
NetherlandMachinery Agr04_02
- Real CAPEX 40.37
NetherlandMachinery Agr04_02
- Real Fuels 6.61
NetherlandSteel produIBM01_01 TheoreticalCAPEX 35.81
NetherlandSteel produIBM01_01 TheoreticalFOM 34.6
NetherlandSteel produIBM01_01 TheoreticalVOC 170
NetherlandSteel produIBM01_01 TheoreticalFuels 117.94
NetherlandSteel produIBM01_01 TheoreticalEmissions 79.83
NetherlandSteel produIBM01_02 TheoreticalCAPEX 51.72
NetherlandSteel produIBM01_02 TheoreticalFOM 60.9
NetherlandSteel produIBM01_02 TheoreticalVOC 170
NetherlandSteel produIBM01_02 TheoreticalFuels 217.71
NetherlandSteel produIBM01_02 TheoreticalEmissions 42.58
NetherlandSteel produIBM01_03 TheoreticalCAPEX 53.02
NetherlandSteel produIBM01_03 TheoreticalFOM 67.8
NetherlandSteel produIBM01_03 TheoreticalVOC 170
NetherlandSteel produIBM01_03 TheoreticalFuels 200.41
NetherlandSteel produIBM01_03 TheoreticalEmissions 42.34
NetherlandSteel produIBM01_04 TheoreticalCAPEX 20.82
NetherlandSteel produIBM01_04 TheoreticalFOM 42.2
NetherlandSteel produIBM01_04 TheoreticalVOC 170
NetherlandSteel produIBM01_04 TheoreticalFuels 79.04
NetherlandSteel produIBM01_04 TheoreticalEmissions 111.45
NetherlandSteel produIBM01_05 TheoreticalCAPEX 35.45
NetherlandSteel produIBM01_05 TheoreticalFOM 68.3
NetherlandSteel produIBM01_05 TheoreticalVOC 170
NetherlandSteel produIBM01_05 TheoreticalFuels 93.98
NetherlandSteel produIBM01_05 TheoreticalEmissions 33.43
NetherlandSteel produIBM01_06 TheoreticalCAPEX 39.03
NetherlandSteel produIBM01_06 TheoreticalFOM 70
NetherlandSteel produIBM01_06 TheoreticalVOC 170
NetherlandSteel produIBM01_06 TheoreticalFuels 268.32
NetherlandSteel produIBM01_06 TheoreticalEmissions -102.12
NetherlandSteel produIBM01_07 TheoreticalCAPEX 28.3
NetherlandSteel produIBM01_07 TheoreticalFOM 13
NetherlandSteel produIBM01_07 TheoreticalVOC 170
NetherlandSteel produIBM01_07 TheoreticalFuels 144.5
NetherlandSteel produIBM01_07 TheoreticalEmissions 45
NetherlandSteel produIBM01_08 TheoreticalCAPEX 28.3
NetherlandSteel produIBM01_08 TheoreticalFOM 13
NetherlandSteel produIBM01_08 TheoreticalVOC 170
NetherlandSteel produIBM01_08 TheoreticalFuels 232.68
NetherlandSteel produIBM01_08 TheoreticalEmissions 2.21
NetherlandSteel produIBM01_09 TheoreticalCAPEX 28.3
NetherlandSteel produIBM01_09 TheoreticalFOM 13
NetherlandSteel produIBM01_09 TheoreticalVOC 170
NetherlandSteel produIBM01_09 TheoreticalFuels 259.1
NetherlandSteel produIBM01_09 Real CAPEX 28.3
NetherlandSteel produIBM01_09 Real FOM 13
NetherlandSteel produIBM01_09 Real VOC 170
NetherlandSteel produIBM01_09 Real Fuels 259.11
NetherlandSteel produIBM01_10 TheoreticalCAPEX 41.63
NetherlandSteel produIBM01_10 TheoreticalFOM 45
NetherlandSteel produIBM01_10 TheoreticalVOC 170
NetherlandSteel produIBM01_10 TheoreticalFuels 269.13
NetherlandSteel produIBM01_11 TheoreticalCAPEX 46.19
NetherlandSteel produIBM01_11 TheoreticalFOM 58
NetherlandSteel produIBM01_11 TheoreticalVOC 170
NetherlandSteel produIBM01_11 TheoreticalFuels 299.7
NetherlandAluminum IpBM02_01 TheoreticalCAPEX 29.27
NetherlandAluminum IpBM02_01 TheoreticalFOM 135
NetherlandAluminum IpBM02_01 TheoreticalFuels 1379.37
NetherlandAluminum IpBM02_01 TheoreticalEmissions 53.59
NetherlandAluminum IpBM02_02 TheoreticalCAPEX 29.6
NetherlandAluminum IpBM02_02 TheoreticalFOM 138
NetherlandAluminum IpBM02_02 TheoreticalFuels 1171.03
NetherlandAluminum IpBM02_03 TheoreticalCAPEX 29.92
NetherlandAluminum IpBM02_03 TheoreticalFOM 140
NetherlandAluminum IpBM02_03 TheoreticalFuels 960.51
NetherlandAluminum IpBM02_04 TheoreticalCAPEX 31.88
NetherlandAluminum IpBM02_04 TheoreticalFOM 145
NetherlandAluminum IpBM02_04 TheoreticalFuels 1170.14
NetherlandAluminum IpBM02_04 TheoreticalEmissions 53.59
NetherlandAluminum IpBM02_05 TheoreticalCAPEX 32.2
NetherlandAluminum IpBM02_05 TheoreticalFOM 148
NetherlandAluminum IpBM02_05 TheoreticalFuels 961.81
NetherlandAluminum IpBM02_06 TheoreticalCAPEX 32.53
NetherlandAluminum IpBM02_06 TheoreticalFOM 150
NetherlandAluminum IpBM02_06 TheoreticalFuels 751.28
NetherlandAluminum IpBM02_06 Real CAPEX 32.53
NetherlandAluminum IpBM02_06 Real FOM 150
NetherlandAluminum IpBM02_06 Real Fuels 751.39
NetherlandZinc producIBM03_01 TheoreticalCAPEX 19.52
NetherlandZinc producIBM03_01 TheoreticalFOM 90
NetherlandZinc producIBM03_01 TheoreticalFuels 317.63
NetherlandZinc producIBM03_01 Real CAPEX 19.52
NetherlandZinc producIBM03_01 Real FOM 90
NetherlandZinc producIBM03_01 Real Fuels 317.69
NetherlandNitric Acid IFE01_01 TheoreticalCAPEX 8.46
NetherlandNitric Acid IFE01_01 TheoreticalFOM 3.9
NetherlandNitric Acid IFE01_01 TheoreticalFuels 162.8
NetherlandNitric Acid IFE01_01 Real CAPEX 8.46
NetherlandNitric Acid IFE01_01 Real FOM 3.9
NetherlandNitric Acid IFE01_01 Real Fuels 162.89
NetherlandUrea produc IFE02_01 TheoreticalCAPEX 12.03
NetherlandUrea producIFE02_01 TheoreticalFOM 6
NetherlandUrea producIFE02_01 TheoreticalVOC 1.5
NetherlandUrea producIFE02_01 TheoreticalFuels 399.53
NetherlandUrea producIFE02_01 Real CAPEX 12.03
NetherlandUrea producIFE02_01 Real FOM 6
NetherlandUrea producIFE02_01 Real VOC 1.5
NetherlandUrea producIFE02_01 Real Fuels 399.81
NetherlandUrea producIFE02_02 TheoreticalCAPEX 12.03
NetherlandUrea producIFE02_02 TheoreticalFOM 6
NetherlandUrea producIFE02_02 TheoreticalFuels 399.53
NetherlandUrea producIFE02_02 TheoreticalEmissions 49
NetherlandOther AmmonIFE03_01 TheoreticalFuels 592.79
NetherlandOther AmmonIFE03_01 Real Fuels 592.79
NetherlandEthylene prICH01_01 TheoreticalCAPEX 47.16
NetherlandEthylene prICH01_01 TheoreticalFOM 36
NetherlandEthylene prICH01_01 TheoreticalFuels 1203.1
NetherlandEthylene prICH01_01 TheoreticalEmissions 163.27
NetherlandEthylene prICH01_02 TheoreticalCAPEX 71.56
NetherlandEthylene prICH01_02 TheoreticalFOM 48
NetherlandEthylene prICH01_02 TheoreticalFuels 1223.82
NetherlandEthylene prICH01_02 TheoreticalEmissions 48.99
NetherlandEthylene prICH01_03 TheoreticalCAPEX 71.56
NetherlandEthylene prICH01_03 TheoreticalFOM 48
NetherlandEthylene prICH01_03 TheoreticalFuels 2196.44
NetherlandEthylene prICH01_03 TheoreticalEmissions -494.31
NetherlandEthylene prICH01_04 TheoreticalCAPEX 71.56
NetherlandEthylene prICH01_04 TheoreticalFOM 48
NetherlandEthylene prICH01_04 TheoreticalFuels 3540.28
NetherlandEthylene prICH01_04 TheoreticalEmissions -494.31
NetherlandEthylene prICH01_04 Real CAPEX 71.56
NetherlandEthylene prICH01_04 Real FOM 48
NetherlandEthylene prICH01_04 Real Fuels 946.62
NetherlandEthylene prICH01_04 Real Emissions -494.31
NetherlandEthylene prICH01_05 TheoreticalCAPEX 78.06
NetherlandEthylene prICH01_05 TheoreticalFOM 51
NetherlandEthylene prICH01_05 TheoreticalFuels 2231.83
NetherlandEthylene prICH01_06 TheoreticalCAPEX 78.06
NetherlandEthylene prICH01_06 TheoreticalFOM 51
NetherlandEthylene prICH01_06 TheoreticalFuels 3070.18
NetherlandEthylene prICH01_07 TheoreticalCAPEX 84.57
NetherlandEthylene prICH01_07 TheoreticalFOM 38.5
NetherlandEthylene prICH01_07 TheoreticalFuels 2046.54
NetherlandEthylene prICH01_08 TheoreticalCAPEX 84.57
NetherlandEthylene prICH01_08 TheoreticalFOM 38.5
NetherlandEthylene prICH01_08 TheoreticalFuels 3304.9
NetherlandEthylene prICH01_09 TheoreticalCAPEX 42.28
NetherlandEthylene prICH01_09 TheoreticalFOM 28
NetherlandEthylene prICH01_09 TheoreticalFuels 1009.79
NetherlandEthylene prICH01_10 TheoreticalCAPEX 84.57
NetherlandEthylene prICH01_10 TheoreticalFOM 60
NetherlandEthylene prICH01_10 TheoreticalFuels 4355.08
NetherlandEthylene prICH01_11 TheoreticalVOC 5000
NetherlandPropylene ICH01_12 TheoreticalCAPEX 71.56
NetherlandPropylene ICH01_12 TheoreticalFOM 52
NetherlandPropylene ICH01_12 TheoreticalFuels 1377.59
NetherlandPropylene ICH01_12 TheoreticalEmissions 7.95
NetherlandPropylene ICH01_13 TheoreticalCAPEX 425
NetherlandPropylene ICH01_13 TheoreticalFOM 34
NetherlandPropylene ICH01_13 TheoreticalFuels 1037.03
NetherlandPropylene ICH01_14 TheoreticalVOC 5000
NetherlandOther HVC ICH01_15 TheoreticalVOC 5000
NetherlandOther HVC ICH01_15 Real VOC 5000
NetherlandBioplasticsICB01_01 TheoreticalCAPEX 78.06
NetherlandBioplasticsICB01_01 TheoreticalFOM 200
NetherlandBioplasticsICB01_01 TheoreticalFuels 821.61
NetherlandBioplasticsICB01_01 Real CAPEX 78.06
NetherlandBioplasticsICB01_01 Real FOM 200
NetherlandBioplasticsICB01_01 Real Fuels 821.62
NetherlandChlorine prICL01_01 TheoreticalCAPEX 81.31
NetherlandChlorine prICL01_01 TheoreticalFOM 90
NetherlandChlorine prICL01_01 TheoreticalFuels 201.4
NetherlandChlorine prICL01_01 Real CAPEX 81.31
NetherlandChlorine prICL01_01 Real FOM 90
NetherlandChlorine prICL01_01 Real Fuels 201.4
NetherlandGlass produIGS01_01 TheoreticalCAPEX 11.77
NetherlandGlass produIGS01_01 TheoreticalFOM 6
NetherlandGlass produIGS01_01 TheoreticalFuels 61.62
NetherlandGlass produIGS01_01 TheoreticalEmissions 27.48
NetherlandGlass produIGS01_02 TheoreticalCAPEX 13.73
NetherlandGlass produIGS01_02 TheoreticalFOM 6
NetherlandGlass produIGS01_02 TheoreticalFuels 54.36
NetherlandGlass produIGS01_02 TheoreticalEmissions 23.91
NetherlandGlass produIGS01_02 Real CAPEX 13.73
NetherlandGlass produIGS01_02 Real FOM 6
NetherlandGlass produIGS01_02 Real Fuels 54.36
NetherlandGlass produIGS01_02 Real Emissions 23.91
NetherlandGlass produIGS01_03 TheoreticalCAPEX 25.31
NetherlandGlass produIGS01_03 TheoreticalFOM 12
NetherlandGlass produIGS01_03 TheoreticalFuels 115.68
NetherlandGlass produIGS01_03 TheoreticalEmissions 6.8
NetherlandCeramics pICS01_01 TheoreticalCAPEX 9.76
NetherlandCeramics pICS01_01 TheoreticalFOM 8
NetherlandCeramics pICS01_01 TheoreticalFuels 30.63
NetherlandCeramics pICS01_01 TheoreticalEmissions 16.54
NetherlandCeramics pICS01_01 Real CAPEX 9.76
NetherlandCeramics pICS01_01 Real FOM 8
NetherlandCeramics pICS01_01 Real Fuels 30.63
NetherlandCeramics pICS01_01 Real Emissions 16.54
NetherlandCeramics pICS01_02 TheoreticalCAPEX 17.89
NetherlandCeramics pICS01_02 TheoreticalFOM 14
NetherlandCeramics pICS01_02 TheoreticalFuels 66.04
NetherlandCeramics pICS01_02 TheoreticalEmissions 4.06
NetherlandPaper and IPP01_01 TheoreticalCAPEX 81.31
NetherlandPaper and IPP01_01 TheoreticalFOM 100
NetherlandPaper and IPP01_01 TheoreticalFuels 139.8
NetherlandPaper and IPP01_02 TheoreticalCAPEX 89.77
NetherlandPaper and IPP01_02 TheoreticalFOM 120
NetherlandPaper and IPP01_02 TheoreticalFuels 106.49
NetherlandPaper and IPP01_02 Real CAPEX 89.77
NetherlandPaper and IPP01_02 Real FOM 120
NetherlandPaper and IPP01_02 Real Fuels 107.52
NetherlandPaper and IPP01_03 TheoreticalCAPEX 100.83
NetherlandPaper and IPP01_03 TheoreticalFOM 150
NetherlandPaper and IPP01_03 TheoreticalFuels 73.42
NetherlandFood produIFD01_01 TheoreticalCAPEX 205.56
NetherlandFood produIFD01_01 TheoreticalFOM 95
NetherlandFood produIFD01_01 TheoreticalFuels 1409.92
NetherlandFood produIFD01_02 TheoreticalCAPEX 329.16
NetherlandFood produIFD01_02 TheoreticalFOM 152
NetherlandFood produIFD01_02 TheoreticalFuels 978.14
NetherlandFood produIFD01_02 Real CAPEX 329.16
NetherlandFood produIFD01_02 Real FOM 152
NetherlandFood produIFD01_02 Real Fuels 994.48
NetherlandOther ETS cIOC01_01 TheoreticalCAPEX 348.68
NetherlandOther ETS cIOC01_01 TheoreticalFOM 161
NetherlandOther ETS cIOC01_01 TheoreticalFuels 2462.46
NetherlandOther ETS cIOC01_01 TheoreticalEmissions 189.88
NetherlandOther ETS cIOC01_02 TheoreticalCAPEX 478.78
NetherlandOther ETS cIOC01_02 TheoreticalFOM 221
NetherlandOther ETS cIOC01_02 TheoreticalFuels 2101.88
NetherlandOther ETS cIOC01_03 TheoreticalCAPEX 478.78
NetherlandOther ETS cIOC01_03 TheoreticalFOM 221
NetherlandOther ETS cIOC01_03 TheoreticalFuels 2393.35
NetherlandOther ETS cIOC01_03 Real CAPEX 478.78
NetherlandOther ETS cIOC01_03 Real FOM 221
NetherlandOther ETS cIOC01_03 Real Fuels 2405.61
NetherlandOther ETS -IOE01_01 TheoreticalCAPEX 22.64
NetherlandOther ETS -IOE01_01 TheoreticalFOM 10.5
NetherlandOther ETS -IOE01_01 TheoreticalFuels 122.41
NetherlandOther ETS -IOE01_01 TheoreticalEmissions 8.85
NetherlandOther ETS -IOE01_02 TheoreticalCAPEX 29.66
NetherlandOther ETS -IOE01_02 TheoreticalFOM 13.5
NetherlandOther ETS -IOE01_02 TheoreticalFuels 132.06
NetherlandOther ETS -IOE01_02 Real CAPEX 29.66
NetherlandOther ETS -IOE01_02 Real FOM 13.5
NetherlandOther ETS -IOE01_02 Real Fuels 133.56
NetherlandOther non-EION01_01 TheoreticalCAPEX 270.61
NetherlandOther non-EION01_01 TheoreticalFOM 125
NetherlandOther non-EION01_01 TheoreticalFuels 1780.45
NetherlandOther non-EION01_02 TheoreticalCAPEX 368.58
NetherlandOther non-EION01_02 TheoreticalFOM 169
NetherlandOther non-EION01_02 TheoreticalFuels 1103.94
NetherlandOther non-EION01_03 TheoreticalCAPEX 368.58
NetherlandOther non-EION01_03 TheoreticalFOM 169
NetherlandOther non-EION01_03 TheoreticalFuels 1373.94
NetherlandOther non-EION01_03 Real CAPEX 368.58
NetherlandOther non-EION01_03 Real FOM 169
NetherlandOther non-EION01_03 Real Fuels 1393.82
NetherlandMachinery IMM01_01TheoreticalCAPEX 25.53
NetherlandMachinery IMM01_01TheoreticalFuels 13.05
NetherlandMachinery IMM01_01Real CAPEX 25.53
NetherlandMachinery IMM01_01Real Fuels 13.05
NetherlandMachinery IMM01_02TheoreticalCAPEX 40.37
NetherlandMachinery IMM01_02TheoreticalFuels 16.08
NetherlandMachinery IMM01_03TheoreticalCAPEX 40.37
NetherlandMachinery IMM01_03TheoreticalFuels 19.93
NetherlandWaste ManWAI01_01 TheoreticalCAPEX 13.05
NetherlandWaste ManWAI01_01 TheoreticalFOM 10.03
NetherlandWaste ManWAI01_01 TheoreticalVOC 10.03
NetherlandWaste ManWAI01_01 TheoreticalFuels 20.08
NetherlandWaste ManWAI01_02 TheoreticalCAPEX 20.9
NetherlandWaste ManWAI01_02 TheoreticalFOM 15.04
NetherlandWaste ManWAI01_02 TheoreticalVOC 14.99
NetherlandWaste ManWAI01_02 TheoreticalFuels 20.08
NetherlandWaste ManWAI01_02 TheoreticalEmissions 9.76
NetherlandWaste ManWAI01_02 Real CAPEX 17.41
NetherlandWaste ManWAI01_02 Real FOM 12.54
NetherlandWaste ManWAI01_02 Real VOC 14.99
NetherlandWaste ManWAI01_02 Real Fuels 7.44
NetherlandWaste ManWAI01_02 Real Emissions 9.76
NetherlandWaste ManWAI01_03 TheoreticalCAPEX 42.28
NetherlandWaste ManWAI01_03 TheoreticalFOM 20
NetherlandWaste ManWAI01_03 TheoreticalFuels 682.71
NetherlandWaste ManWAI01_03 Real CAPEX 42.28
NetherlandWaste ManWAI01_03 Real FOM 20
NetherlandWaste ManWAI01_03 Real Fuels 16.69
NetherlandWaste ManWAI01_04 TheoreticalCAPEX 29.27
NetherlandWaste ManWAI01_04 TheoreticalFOM 15
NetherlandWaste ManWAI01_04 TheoreticalFuels 434.22
NetherlandWaste ManWAI01_05 TheoreticalCAPEX 60.5
NetherlandWaste ManWAI01_05 TheoreticalFOM 31
NetherlandWaste ManWAI01_05 TheoreticalFuels 352.54
NetherlandSewage MaWAS01_01TheoreticalFuels 0.1
NetherlandSewage MaWAS01_01Real Fuels 0.08
NetherlandWaste Landf
WAL01_01TheoreticalCAPEX 2.54
NetherlandWaste Landf
WAL01_01TheoreticalVOC 3.93
NetherlandWaste Landf
WAL01_01TheoreticalFuels 5.86
NetherlandMotorcycleTRD01_01 TheoreticalCAPEX 134.4
NetherlandMotorcycleTRD01_01 TheoreticalFOM 83.7
NetherlandMotorcycleTRD01_01 Real CAPEX 134.4
NetherlandMotorcycleTRD01_01 Real FOM 83.7
NetherlandMotorcycleTRD01_02 TheoreticalCAPEX 247.74
NetherlandMotorcycleTRD01_02 TheoreticalFOM 58.59
NetherlandMotorcycleTRD01_02 TheoreticalFuels 6.52
NetherlandPassenger TRC01_01 TheoreticalCAPEX 50.63
NetherlandPassenger TRC01_01 TheoreticalFOM 175.37
NetherlandPassenger TRC01_02 TheoreticalCAPEX 50.63
NetherlandPassenger TRC01_02 TheoreticalFOM 175.37
NetherlandPassenger TRC01_03 TheoreticalCAPEX 50.63
NetherlandPassenger TRC01_03 TheoreticalFOM 175.37
NetherlandPassenger TRC01_04 TheoreticalCAPEX 50.63
NetherlandPassenger TRC01_04 TheoreticalFOM 175.37
NetherlandPassenger TRC01_05 TheoreticalCAPEX 35.18
NetherlandPassenger TRC01_05 TheoreticalFOM 175.37
NetherlandPassenger TRC01_06 TheoreticalCAPEX 51.18
NetherlandPassenger TRC01_06 TheoreticalFOM 149.07
NetherlandPassenger TRC01_06 TheoreticalFuels 18.95
NetherlandPassenger TRC01_07 TheoreticalCAPEX 72.08
NetherlandPassenger TRC01_07 TheoreticalFOM 175.37
NetherlandPassenger TRC01_07 TheoreticalFuels 8.15
NetherlandPassenger TRC01_08 TheoreticalCAPEX 78.55
NetherlandPassenger TRC01_08 TheoreticalFOM 116.92
NetherlandPassenger TRC01_08 TheoreticalFuels 16.09
NetherlandPassenger TRC01_08 Real CAPEX 78.55
NetherlandPassenger TRC01_08 Real FOM 116.92
NetherlandPassenger TRC01_08 Real Fuels 16.27
NetherlandPassenger TRC01_09 TheoreticalCAPEX 78.55
NetherlandPassenger TRC01_09 TheoreticalFOM 116.92
NetherlandPassenger TRC01_09 TheoreticalFuels 16.09
NetherlandPassenger TRC01_10 TheoreticalCAPEX 105.59
NetherlandPassenger TRC01_10 TheoreticalFOM 116.92
NetherlandPassenger TRC01_10 TheoreticalFuels 16.09
NetherlandPassenger TRC01_11 TheoreticalCAPEX 223.3
NetherlandPassenger TRC01_11 TheoreticalFOM 199.22
NetherlandPassenger TRC01_11 TheoreticalFuels 23.75
NetherlandLight-Duty TRL01_01 TheoreticalCAPEX 13.28
NetherlandLight-Duty TRL01_01 TheoreticalFOM 163.78
NetherlandLight-Duty TRL01_02 TheoreticalCAPEX 13.28
NetherlandLight-Duty TRL01_02 TheoreticalFOM 163.78
NetherlandLight-Duty TRL01_03 TheoreticalCAPEX 13.28
NetherlandLight-Duty TRL01_03 TheoreticalFOM 163.78
NetherlandLight-Duty TRL01_04 TheoreticalCAPEX 13.28
NetherlandLight-Duty TRL01_04 TheoreticalFOM 163.78
NetherlandLight-Duty TRL01_05 TheoreticalCAPEX 32.47
NetherlandLight-Duty TRL01_05 TheoreticalFOM 163.78
NetherlandLight-Duty TRL01_05 TheoreticalFuels 11.86
NetherlandLight-Duty TRL01_06 TheoreticalCAPEX 48.38
NetherlandLight-Duty TRL01_06 TheoreticalFOM 109.19
NetherlandLight-Duty TRL01_06 TheoreticalFuels 23.72
NetherlandLight-Duty TRL01_06 Real CAPEX 48.38
NetherlandLight-Duty TRL01_06 Real FOM 109.19
NetherlandLight-Duty TRL01_06 Real Fuels 23.76
NetherlandLight-Duty TRL01_07 TheoreticalCAPEX 48.38
NetherlandLight-Duty TRL01_07 TheoreticalFOM 109.19
NetherlandLight-Duty TRL01_07 TheoreticalFuels 23.72
NetherlandLight-Duty TRL01_08 TheoreticalCAPEX 120.87
NetherlandLight-Duty TRL01_08 TheoreticalFOM 178.61
NetherlandLight-Duty TRL01_08 TheoreticalFuels 37.2
NetherlandHeavy-DutyTRH01_01 TheoreticalCAPEX 88.99
NetherlandHeavy-DutyTRH01_01 TheoreticalFOM 246.43
NetherlandHeavy-DutyTRH01_02 TheoreticalCAPEX 88.99
NetherlandHeavy-DutyTRH01_02 TheoreticalFOM 246.43
NetherlandHeavy-DutyTRH01_03 TheoreticalCAPEX 91.55
NetherlandHeavy-DutyTRH01_03 TheoreticalFOM 209.57
NetherlandHeavy-DutyTRH01_03 TheoreticalFuels 161.45
NetherlandHeavy-DutyTRH01_04 TheoreticalCAPEX 103.95
NetherlandHeavy-DutyTRH01_04 TheoreticalFOM 164.35
NetherlandHeavy-DutyTRH01_04 TheoreticalFuels 179.08
NetherlandHeavy-DutyTRH01_04 Real CAPEX 103.95
NetherlandHeavy-DutyTRH01_04 Real FOM 164.35
NetherlandHeavy-DutyTRH01_04 Real Fuels 177.92
NetherlandHeavy-DutyTRH01_05 TheoreticalCAPEX 103.95
NetherlandHeavy-DutyTRH01_05 TheoreticalFOM 164.35
NetherlandHeavy-DutyTRH01_05 TheoreticalFuels 179.08
NetherlandHeavy-DutyTRH01_06 TheoreticalCAPEX 136.84
NetherlandHeavy-DutyTRH01_06 TheoreticalFOM 229.57
NetherlandHeavy-DutyTRH01_06 TheoreticalFuels 218.5
NetherlandBuses TRB01_01 TheoreticalCAPEX 0.07
NetherlandBuses TRB01_01 TheoreticalFOM 0.33
NetherlandBuses TRB01_02 TheoreticalCAPEX 0.07
NetherlandBuses TRB01_02 TheoreticalFOM 0.33
NetherlandBuses TRB01_02 TheoreticalFuels 0.15
NetherlandBuses TRB01_03 TheoreticalCAPEX 0.11
NetherlandBuses TRB01_03 TheoreticalFOM 0.28
NetherlandBuses TRB01_03 TheoreticalFuels 0.1
NetherlandBuses TRB01_04 TheoreticalCAPEX 0.12
NetherlandBuses TRB01_04 TheoreticalFOM 0.25
NetherlandBuses TRB01_04 TheoreticalFuels 0.18
NetherlandBuses TRB01_04 Real CAPEX 0.12
NetherlandBuses TRB01_04 Real FOM 0.25
NetherlandBuses TRB01_04 Real Fuels 0.19
NetherlandBuses TRB01_05 TheoreticalCAPEX 0.15
NetherlandBuses TRB01_05 TheoreticalFOM 0.32
NetherlandBuses TRB01_05 TheoreticalFuels 0.21
NetherlandRail TRR01_01 TheoreticalCAPEX 1.32
NetherlandRail TRR01_01 TheoreticalFOM 1.44
NetherlandRail TRR01_02 TheoreticalCAPEX 1.39
NetherlandRail TRR01_02 TheoreticalFOM 1.15
NetherlandRail TRR01_02 TheoreticalFuels 0.76
NetherlandRail TRR01_02 Real CAPEX 1.39
NetherlandRail TRR01_02 Real FOM 1.15
NetherlandRail TRR01_02 Real Fuels 0.76
NetherlandIntra-EU AvTAI01_01 TheoreticalCAPEX 7.4
NetherlandIntra-EU AvTAI01_01 TheoreticalFOM 2.22
NetherlandIntra-EU AvTAI01_02 TheoreticalCAPEX 7.4
NetherlandIntra-EU AvTAI01_02 TheoreticalFOM 2.22
NetherlandIntra-EU AvTAI01_02 TheoreticalFuels 18.55
NetherlandIntra-EU AvTAI01_02 Real CAPEX 7.4
NetherlandIntra-EU AvTAI01_02 Real FOM 2.22
NetherlandIntra-EU AvTAI01_02 Real Fuels 18.55
NetherlandIntra-EU AvTAI01_03 TheoreticalCAPEX 7.4
NetherlandIntra-EU AvTAI01_03 TheoreticalFOM 2.22
NetherlandIntra-EU AvTAI01_03 TheoreticalFuels 7.98
NetherlandIntra-EU AvTAI01_03 Real CAPEX 7.4
NetherlandIntra-EU AvTAI01_03 Real FOM 2.22
NetherlandIntra-EU AvTAI01_03 Real Fuels 7.98
NetherlandIntra-EU AvTAI01_04 TheoreticalCAPEX 9.03
NetherlandIntra-EU AvTAI01_04 TheoreticalFOM 3.89
NetherlandIntra-EU AvTAI01_04 TheoreticalFuels 4.75
NetherlandIntra-EU AvTAI01_04 Real CAPEX 9.03
NetherlandIntra-EU AvTAI01_04 Real FOM 3.89
NetherlandIntra-EU AvTAI01_04 Real Fuels 4.75
NetherlandExtra-EU AvTAE01_01 TheoreticalCAPEX 1.3
NetherlandExtra-EU AvTAE01_01 TheoreticalFOM 0.39
NetherlandExtra-EU AvTAE01_02 TheoreticalCAPEX 1.3
NetherlandExtra-EU AvTAE01_02 TheoreticalFOM 0.39
NetherlandExtra-EU AvTAE01_02 TheoreticalFuels 10.58
NetherlandExtra-EU AvTAE01_02 Real CAPEX 1.3
NetherlandExtra-EU AvTAE01_02 Real FOM 0.39
NetherlandExtra-EU AvTAE01_02 Real Fuels 10.58
NetherlandExtra-EU AvTAE01_03 TheoreticalCAPEX 1.3
NetherlandExtra-EU AvTAE01_03 TheoreticalFOM 0.39
NetherlandExtra-EU AvTAE01_03 TheoreticalFuels 4.55
NetherlandExtra-EU AvTAE01_03 Real CAPEX 1.3
NetherlandExtra-EU AvTAE01_03 Real FOM 0.39
NetherlandExtra-EU AvTAE01_03 Real Fuels 4.55
NetherlandExtra-EU AvTAE01_04 TheoreticalCAPEX 1.6
NetherlandExtra-EU AvTAE01_04 TheoreticalFOM 0.67
NetherlandExtra-EU AvTAE01_04 TheoreticalFuels 2.75
NetherlandExtra-EU AvTAE01_04 Real CAPEX 1.6
NetherlandExtra-EU AvTAE01_04 Real FOM 0.67
NetherlandExtra-EU AvTAE01_04 Real Fuels 2.75
NetherlandInland-DomTNI01_01 TheoreticalCAPEX 0.15
NetherlandInland-DomTNI01_01 TheoreticalFOM 0.46
NetherlandInland-DomTNI01_01 TheoreticalFuels 5.42
NetherlandInland-DomTNI01_02 TheoreticalCAPEX 0.15
NetherlandInland-DomTNI01_02 TheoreticalFOM 0.46
NetherlandInland-DomTNI01_02 TheoreticalFuels 8.14
NetherlandInland-DomTNI01_03 TheoreticalCAPEX 0.15
NetherlandInland-DomTNI01_03 TheoreticalFOM 0.46
NetherlandInland-DomTNI01_04 TheoreticalCAPEX 0.15
NetherlandInland-DomTNI01_04 TheoreticalFOM 0.46
NetherlandInland-DomTNI01_04 TheoreticalFuels 7.91
NetherlandInland-DomTNI01_05 TheoreticalCAPEX 0.15
NetherlandInland-DomTNI01_05 TheoreticalFOM 0.46
NetherlandInland-DomTNI01_05 TheoreticalFuels 6.17
NetherlandInland-DomTNI01_06 TheoreticalCAPEX 0.15
NetherlandInland-DomTNI01_06 TheoreticalFOM 0.46
NetherlandInland-DomTNI01_06 TheoreticalFuels 1.97
NetherlandInland-DomTNI01_06 Real CAPEX 0.15
NetherlandInland-DomTNI01_06 Real FOM 0.46
NetherlandInland-DomTNI01_06 Real Fuels 1.97
NetherlandInland-DomTNI01_07 TheoreticalCAPEX 0.18
NetherlandInland-DomTNI01_07 TheoreticalFOM 0.76
NetherlandInland-DomTNI01_07 TheoreticalFuels 4.73
NetherlandInternationTNB01_01 TheoreticalCAPEX 3.15
NetherlandInternationTNB01_01 TheoreticalFOM 9.74
NetherlandInternationTNB01_01 TheoreticalFuels 106.43
NetherlandInternationTNB01_02 TheoreticalCAPEX 3.15
NetherlandInternationTNB01_02 TheoreticalFOM 9.74
NetherlandInternationTNB01_02 TheoreticalFuels 159.82
NetherlandInternationTNB01_03 TheoreticalCAPEX 3.15
NetherlandInternationTNB01_03 TheoreticalFOM 9.74
NetherlandInternationTNB01_04 TheoreticalCAPEX 3.15
NetherlandInternationTNB01_04 TheoreticalFOM 9.74
NetherlandInternationTNB01_04 TheoreticalFuels 159.65
NetherlandInternationTNB01_05 TheoreticalCAPEX 3.15
NetherlandInternationTNB01_05 TheoreticalFOM 9.74
NetherlandInternationTNB01_05 TheoreticalFuels 124.65
NetherlandInternationTNB01_05 Real CAPEX 3.15
NetherlandInternationTNB01_05 Real FOM 9.74
NetherlandInternationTNB01_05 Real Fuels 124.65
NetherlandInternationTNB01_06 TheoreticalCAPEX 3.15
NetherlandInternationTNB01_06 TheoreticalFOM 9.74
NetherlandInternationTNB01_06 TheoreticalFuels 39.79
NetherlandInternationTNB01_07 TheoreticalCAPEX 3.88
NetherlandInternationTNB01_07 TheoreticalFOM 16.75
NetherlandInternationTNB01_07 TheoreticalFuels 94.91
NetherlandInternationTNB01_07 Real CAPEX 3.88
NetherlandInternationTNB01_07 Real FOM 16.75
NetherlandInternationTNB01_07 Real Fuels 94.91
NetherlandElectricity PNS01_01 TheoreticalCAPEX 6
NetherlandElectricity PNS01_01 TheoreticalFOM 2.49
NetherlandElectricity PNS01_01 TheoreticalVOC 0.1
NetherlandElectricity PNS01_01 Real CAPEX 7.99
NetherlandElectricity PNS01_01 Real FOM 3.32
NetherlandElectricity PNS01_01 Real VOC 0.1
NetherlandElectricity PNL01_01 TheoreticalCAPEX 4.06
NetherlandElectricity PNL01_01 TheoreticalFOM 0.63
NetherlandElectricity PNL01_01 TheoreticalVOC 0.73
NetherlandElectricity PNL01_01 TheoreticalFuels 9.4
NetherlandElectricity PNL01_01 TheoreticalEmissions 20.79
NetherlandElectricity PNL01_02 TheoreticalCAPEX 4.06
NetherlandElectricity PNL01_02 TheoreticalFOM 0.63
NetherlandElectricity PNL01_02 TheoreticalVOC 0.63
NetherlandElectricity PNL01_02 TheoreticalFuels 12.02
NetherlandElectricity PNL01_02 TheoreticalEmissions 13.98
NetherlandElectricity PNL01_03 TheoreticalCAPEX 4.87
NetherlandElectricity PNL01_03 TheoreticalFOM 1.99
NetherlandElectricity PNL01_03 TheoreticalVOC 1.77
NetherlandElectricity PNL01_03 TheoreticalFuels 15.03
NetherlandElectricity PNL01_03 TheoreticalEmissions 1.96
NetherlandElectricity PNL01_04 TheoreticalCAPEX 2.18
NetherlandElectricity PNL01_04 TheoreticalFOM 0.39
NetherlandElectricity PNL01_04 TheoreticalVOC 0.45
NetherlandElectricity PNL01_04 TheoreticalFuels 17.15
NetherlandElectricity PNL01_04 TheoreticalEmissions 8.92
NetherlandElectricity PNL01_04 Real CAPEX 34.19
NetherlandElectricity PNL01_04 Real FOM 6.09
NetherlandElectricity PNL01_04 Real VOC 0.45
NetherlandElectricity PNL01_04 Real Fuels 17.15
NetherlandElectricity PNL01_04 Real Emissions 8.92
NetherlandElectricity PNL01_05 TheoreticalCAPEX 2.73
NetherlandElectricity PNL01_05 TheoreticalFOM 1.09
NetherlandElectricity PNL01_05 TheoreticalVOC 1.2
NetherlandElectricity PNL01_05 TheoreticalFuels 21.07
NetherlandElectricity PNL01_05 TheoreticalEmissions 3.72
NetherlandElectricity PNL01_06 TheoreticalCAPEX 2.18
NetherlandElectricity PNL01_06 TheoreticalFOM 0.39
NetherlandElectricity PNL01_06 TheoreticalVOC 0.45
NetherlandElectricity PNL01_06 TheoreticalFuels 1484186
NetherlandElectricity PNL01_06 TheoreticalEmissions 43.64
NetherlandElectricity PNL01_07 TheoreticalCAPEX 1.54
NetherlandElectricity PNL01_07 TheoreticalFOM 0.24
NetherlandElectricity PNL01_07 TheoreticalVOC 0.28
NetherlandElectricity PNL01_07 TheoreticalFuels 26.85
NetherlandElectricity PNL01_07 TheoreticalEmissions 13.96
NetherlandElectricity PNL01_07 Real CAPEX 133.25
NetherlandElectricity PNL01_07 Real FOM 21
NetherlandElectricity PNL01_07 Real VOC 0.28
NetherlandElectricity PNL01_07 Real Fuels 26.85
NetherlandElectricity PNL01_07 Real Emissions 13.96
NetherlandElectricity PNL01_08 TheoreticalCAPEX 3.05
NetherlandElectricity PNL01_08 TheoreticalFOM 0.79
NetherlandElectricity PNL01_08 TheoreticalVOC 0.12
NetherlandElectricity PNL01_08 TheoreticalFuels 62.5
NetherlandElectricity PNL01_08 Real CAPEX 23.23
NetherlandElectricity PNL01_08 Real FOM 6.03
NetherlandElectricity PNL01_08 Real VOC 0.12
NetherlandElectricity PNL01_08 Real Fuels 27.78
NetherlandElectricity PNL01_09 TheoreticalCAPEX 11.16
NetherlandElectricity PNL01_09 TheoreticalFOM 4.58
NetherlandElectricity PNL01_09 TheoreticalVOC 4.43
NetherlandElectricity PNL01_09 TheoreticalFuels 2.7
NetherlandElectricity PNL01_09 Real CAPEX 11.16
NetherlandElectricity PNL01_09 Real FOM 4.58
NetherlandElectricity PNL01_09 Real VOC 4.43
NetherlandElectricity PNL01_09 Real Fuels 2.7
NetherlandElectricity PNL01_10 TheoreticalCAPEX 12.51
NetherlandElectricity PNL01_10 TheoreticalFOM 4.58
NetherlandElectricity PNL01_10 TheoreticalVOC 4.43
NetherlandElectricity PNL01_10 TheoreticalFuels 2.7
NetherlandElectricity PNL01_11 TheoreticalCAPEX 4.83
NetherlandElectricity PNL01_11 TheoreticalFOM 1.41
NetherlandElectricity PNL01_11 TheoreticalVOC 0.73
NetherlandElectricity PNL01_11 TheoreticalFuels 36.62
NetherlandElectricity PNL01_12 TheoreticalCAPEX 5.46
NetherlandElectricity PNL01_12 TheoreticalFOM 2.66
NetherlandElectricity PNL01_12 TheoreticalVOC 1.77
NetherlandElectricity PNL01_12 TheoreticalFuels 45.78
NetherlandElectricity PNL01_12 TheoreticalEmissions -19.89
NetherlandElectricity PNL01_13 TheoreticalCAPEX 10.73
NetherlandElectricity PNL01_13 TheoreticalFOM 2.16
NetherlandElectricity PNL01_13 TheoreticalVOC 0.44
NetherlandElectricity PNL01_13 Real CAPEX 13.25
NetherlandElectricity PNL01_13 Real FOM 2.66
NetherlandElectricity PNL01_13 Real VOC 0.44
NetherlandElectricity PNL01_14 TheoreticalCAPEX 7.12
NetherlandElectricity PNL01_14 TheoreticalFOM 2.96
NetherlandElectricity PNL01_14 TheoreticalVOC 0.1
NetherlandElectricity PNL01_14 Real CAPEX 7.12
NetherlandElectricity PNL01_14 Real FOM 2.96
NetherlandElectricity PNL01_14 Real VOC 0.1
NetherlandElectricity PNL01_15 TheoreticalCAPEX 7.1
NetherlandElectricity PNL01_15 TheoreticalFOM 0.73
NetherlandElectricity PNL01_15 TheoreticalVOC 0.1
NetherlandElectricity PNL01_15 Real CAPEX 7.1
NetherlandElectricity PNL01_15 Real FOM 0.73
NetherlandElectricity PNL01_15 Real VOC 0.1
NetherlandElectricity PNL01_16 TheoreticalCAPEX 8.95
NetherlandElectricity PNL01_16 TheoreticalFOM 0.67
NetherlandElectricity PNL01_16 TheoreticalVOC 0.42
NetherlandElectricity PNL01_16 Real CAPEX 8.95
NetherlandElectricity PNL01_16 Real FOM 0.67
NetherlandElectricity PNL01_16 Real VOC 0.42
NetherlandElectricity PNL01_17 TheoreticalCAPEX 30.06
NetherlandElectricity PNL01_17 TheoreticalFOM 1.18
NetherlandElectricity PNL01_17 TheoreticalVOC 0.15
NetherlandElectricity PNL01_17 Real CAPEX 31.29
NetherlandElectricity PNL01_17 Real FOM 1.23
NetherlandElectricity PNL01_17 Real VOC 0.15
NetherlandElectricity PNL02_01 TheoreticalVOC 869.03
NetherlandElectricity PNL03_01 TheoreticalCAPEX 138.41
NetherlandElectricity PNL03_01 TheoreticalFOM 4.09
NetherlandElectricity PNL04_01 TheoreticalCAPEX 0.45
NetherlandElectricity PNL04_01 TheoreticalFOM 0.17
NetherlandElectricity PNL04_01 TheoreticalFuels 151.79
NetherlandElectricity PNL04_01 Real CAPEX 18.47
NetherlandElectricity PNL04_01 Real FOM 7.1
NetherlandElectricity PNL04_01 Real Fuels 27.48
NetherlandElectricity PNL04_02 TheoreticalCAPEX 0.45
NetherlandElectricity PNL04_02 TheoreticalFOM 0.17
NetherlandElectricity PNL04_02 TheoreticalFuels 149.8
NetherlandElectricity PNL04_02 Real CAPEX 5.68
NetherlandElectricity PNL04_02 Real FOM 2.18
NetherlandElectricity PNL04_02 Real Fuels 9.97
NetherlandElectricity PNL04_03 TheoreticalCAPEX 0.93
NetherlandElectricity PNL04_03 TheoreticalFOM 0.36
NetherlandElectricity PNL04_03 TheoreticalFuels 145.56
NetherlandElectricity PNL04_03 Real CAPEX 9.32
NetherlandElectricity PNL04_03 Real FOM 3.58
NetherlandElectricity PNL04_03 Real Fuels 18.89
NetherlandElectricity PNL04_04 TheoreticalCAPEX 1.34
NetherlandElectricity PNL04_04 TheoreticalFOM 0.52
NetherlandElectricity PNL04_04 TheoreticalFuels 26.25
NetherlandElectricity PNL04_04 Real CAPEX 2.7
NetherlandElectricity PNL04_04 Real FOM 1.04
NetherlandElectricity PNL04_04 Real Fuels 26.21
NetherlandElectricity PNL04_05 TheoreticalCAPEX 0.93
NetherlandElectricity PNL04_05 TheoreticalFOM 0.36
NetherlandElectricity PNL04_05 TheoreticalFuels 68.07
NetherlandElectricity PNL04_05 Real CAPEX 7.6
NetherlandElectricity PNL04_05 Real FOM 2.92
NetherlandElectricity PNL04_05 Real Fuels 44.32
NetherlandElectricity PNL04_06 TheoreticalCAPEX 0.78
NetherlandElectricity PNL04_06 TheoreticalFOM 0.3
NetherlandElectricity PNL04_06 TheoreticalFuels 0.1
NetherlandElectricity PNL04_06 Real CAPEX 1.18
NetherlandElectricity PNL04_06 Real FOM 0.45
NetherlandElectricity PNL04_06 Real Fuels 0.1
NetherlandElectricity PNL05_01 TheoreticalCAPEX 0.34
NetherlandElectricity PNL05_01 TheoreticalFOM 0.17
NetherlandElectricity PNL05_01 TheoreticalVOC 0.01
NetherlandElectricity PNL05_01 TheoreticalFuels 21.19
NetherlandElectricity PNL05_01 Real CAPEX 34.01
NetherlandElectricity PNL05_01 Real FOM 16.95
NetherlandElectricity PNL05_01 Real VOC 0.01
NetherlandElectricity PNL05_01 Real Fuels 0.54
NetherlandElectricity PNL06_01 TheoreticalCAPEX 8.95
NetherlandElectricity PNL06_01 TheoreticalFOM 0.67
NetherlandElectricity PNL06_01 TheoreticalVOC 0.52
NetherlandElectricity PNL06_01 Real CAPEX 8.95
NetherlandElectricity PNL06_01 Real FOM 0.67
NetherlandElectricity PNL06_01 Real VOC 0.52
NetherlandElectricity PNL07_01 TheoreticalCAPEX 0.34
NetherlandElectricity PNL07_01 TheoreticalFOM 0.17
NetherlandElectricity PNL07_01 TheoreticalVOC 0.01
NetherlandElectricity PNL07_01 TheoreticalFuels 20.73
NetherlandElectricity PNL07_01 Real CAPEX 0.58
NetherlandElectricity PNL07_01 Real FOM 0.29
NetherlandElectricity PNL07_01 Real VOC 0.01
NetherlandElectricity PNL07_01 Real Fuels 21.22
NetherlandHeat LT HoLTR01_01 TheoreticalCAPEX 1.04
NetherlandHeat LT HoLTR01_01 TheoreticalFOM 0.19
NetherlandHeat LT HoLTR01_01 TheoreticalFuels 10.47
NetherlandHeat LT HoLTR01_02 TheoreticalCAPEX 1.78
NetherlandHeat LT HoLTR01_02 TheoreticalFOM 1.3
NetherlandHeat LT HoLTR01_02 TheoreticalFuels 13.45
NetherlandHeat LT HoLTR01_03 TheoreticalFOM 1.85
NetherlandHeat LT HoLTR01_03 TheoreticalFuels 5.95
NetherlandHeat LT HoLTR01_04 TheoreticalCAPEX 6.27
NetherlandHeat LT HoLTR01_04 TheoreticalFOM 5.56
NetherlandHeat LT HoLTR01_04 TheoreticalFuels 11.15
NetherlandHeat LT HoLTR01_05 TheoreticalCAPEX 3.13
NetherlandHeat LT HoLTR01_05 TheoreticalFOM 0.37
NetherlandHeat LT HoLTR01_05 TheoreticalFuels 20.37
NetherlandHeat LT HoLTR01_06 TheoreticalCAPEX 1.46
NetherlandHeat LT HoLTR01_06 TheoreticalFOM 0.93
NetherlandHeat LT HoLTR01_06 TheoreticalFuels 26.25
NetherlandHeat LT HoLTR02_01 TheoreticalFuels 23.91
NetherlandHeat LT HoLTR02_02 TheoreticalCAPEX 7.31
NetherlandHeat LT HoLTR02_02 TheoreticalFOM 2.78
NetherlandHeat LT HoLTR02_02 TheoreticalFuels 1.96
NetherlandHeat LT HoLTR02_02 Real CAPEX 7.31
NetherlandHeat LT HoLTR02_02 Real FOM 2.78
NetherlandHeat LT HoLTR02_02 Real Fuels 1.95
NetherlandHeat LT HoLTR02_03 TheoreticalCAPEX 9.4
NetherlandHeat LT HoLTR02_03 TheoreticalFOM 2.96
NetherlandHeat LT HoLTR02_03 TheoreticalFuels 16.22
NetherlandHeat LT HoLTR02_04 TheoreticalCAPEX 14.63
NetherlandHeat LT HoLTR02_04 TheoreticalFOM 4.07
NetherlandHeat LT HoLTR02_04 TheoreticalFuels 5.93
NetherlandHeat LT HoLTR02_05 TheoreticalCAPEX 29.25
NetherlandHeat LT HoLTR02_05 TheoreticalFOM 9.26
NetherlandHeat LT HoLTR02_05 TheoreticalFuels 5.12
NetherlandHeat LT SerLTS01_01 TheoreticalCAPEX 1.2
NetherlandHeat LT SerLTS01_01 TheoreticalFOM 0.19
NetherlandHeat LT SerLTS01_01 TheoreticalFuels 11.08
NetherlandHeat LT SerLTS01_02 TheoreticalCAPEX 1.2
NetherlandHeat LT SerLTS01_02 TheoreticalFOM 0.19
NetherlandHeat LT SerLTS01_02 TheoreticalFuels 9.97
NetherlandHeat LT SerLTS01_03 TheoreticalFOM 2.78
NetherlandHeat LT SerLTS01_03 TheoreticalFuels 5.95
NetherlandHeat LT SerLTS01_03 Real FOM 2.78
NetherlandHeat LT SerLTS01_03 Real Fuels 10.81
NetherlandHeat LT SerLTS01_04 TheoreticalCAPEX 7.19
NetherlandHeat LT SerLTS01_04 TheoreticalFOM 5.56
NetherlandHeat LT SerLTS01_04 TheoreticalFuels 8.73
NetherlandHeat LT SerLTS01_05 TheoreticalCAPEX 3.13
NetherlandHeat LT SerLTS01_05 TheoreticalFOM 0.37
NetherlandHeat LT SerLTS01_05 TheoreticalFuels 20.37
NetherlandHeat LT SerLTS01_06 TheoreticalCAPEX 16.79
NetherlandHeat LT SerLTS01_06 TheoreticalFOM 4.07
NetherlandHeat LT SerLTS01_06 TheoreticalFuels 8.15
NetherlandHeat LT SerLTS01_07 TheoreticalCAPEX 33.58
NetherlandHeat LT SerLTS01_07 TheoreticalFOM 9.26
NetherlandHeat LT SerLTS01_07 TheoreticalFuels 5.09
NetherlandHeat LT SerLTS01_08 TheoreticalCAPEX 14.39
NetherlandHeat LT SerLTS01_08 TheoreticalFOM 11.11
NetherlandHeat LT SerLTS01_08 TheoreticalFuels 19.45
NetherlandHeat LT SerLTS01_09 TheoreticalCAPEX 19.19
NetherlandHeat LT SerLTS01_09 TheoreticalFOM 18.52
NetherlandHeat LT SerLTS01_09 TheoreticalFuels 50
NetherlandHeat LT SerLTS01_10 TheoreticalCAPEX 1.44
NetherlandHeat LT SerLTS01_10 TheoreticalFOM 0.93
NetherlandHeat LT SerLTS01_10 TheoreticalFuels 26.25
NetherlandHeat LT NeLTN01_01 TheoreticalCAPEX 0.09
NetherlandHeat LT NeLTN01_01 TheoreticalFOM 0.03
NetherlandHeat LT NeLTN01_01 TheoreticalFuels 10
NetherlandHeat LT NeLTN01_01 TheoreticalEmissions 5.19
NetherlandHeat LT NeLTN01_02 TheoreticalCAPEX 0.13
NetherlandHeat LT NeLTN01_02 TheoreticalFOM 0.16
NetherlandHeat LT NeLTN01_02 TheoreticalFuels 11.47
NetherlandHeat LT NeLTN01_02 TheoreticalEmissions 2.25
NetherlandHeat LT NeLTN01_03 TheoreticalCAPEX 1.27
NetherlandHeat LT NeLTN01_03 TheoreticalFOM 0.63
NetherlandHeat LT NeLTN01_03 TheoreticalFuels 20.01
NetherlandHeat LT NeLTN01_04 TheoreticalCAPEX 1.53
NetherlandHeat LT NeLTN01_04 TheoreticalFOM 1.59
NetherlandHeat LT NeLTN01_04 TheoreticalFuels 21.52
NetherlandHeat LT NeLTN01_04 TheoreticalEmissions -8.8
NetherlandHeat LT NeLTN01_05 TheoreticalCAPEX 3.05
NetherlandHeat LT NeLTN01_05 TheoreticalFOM 0.95
NetherlandHeat LT NeLTN01_05 TheoreticalFuels 3.47
NetherlandHeat LT NeLTN01_05 TheoreticalEmissions 1.28
NetherlandHeat LT NeLTN01_05 Real CAPEX 5.55
NetherlandHeat LT NeLTN01_05 Real FOM 1.73
NetherlandHeat LT NeLTN01_05 Real Fuels 3.45
NetherlandHeat LT NeLTN01_05 Real Emissions 1.28
NetherlandHeat LT NeLTN01_06 TheoreticalCAPEX 6.51
NetherlandHeat LT NeLTN01_06 TheoreticalFOM 1.5
NetherlandHeat LT NeLTN01_07 TheoreticalCAPEX 0.13
NetherlandHeat LT NeLTN01_07 TheoreticalFOM 0.16
NetherlandHeat LT NeLTN01_07 TheoreticalFuels 25.5
NetherlandHeat LT NeLTN01_07 Real CAPEX 1
NetherlandHeat LT NeLTN01_07 Real FOM 1.24
NetherlandHeat LT NeLTN01_07 Real Fuels 25.5
NetherlandHeat LT AgrAgr05_01 TheoreticalCAPEX 2.46
NetherlandHeat LT AgrAgr05_01 TheoreticalFOM 1.9
NetherlandHeat LT AgrAgr05_01 TheoreticalFuels 18.95
NetherlandHeat LT AgrAgr05_02 TheoreticalCAPEX 0.16
NetherlandHeat LT AgrAgr05_02 TheoreticalFOM 0.06
NetherlandHeat LT AgrAgr05_02 TheoreticalFuels 10.47
NetherlandHeat LT AgrAgr05_03 TheoreticalCAPEX 2.13
NetherlandHeat LT AgrAgr05_03 TheoreticalFOM 0.95
NetherlandHeat LT AgrAgr05_03 TheoreticalFuels 5.09
NetherlandHeat LT AgrAgr05_03 Real CAPEX 2.13
NetherlandHeat LT AgrAgr05_03 Real FOM 0.95
NetherlandHeat LT AgrAgr05_03 Real Fuels 5.08
NetherlandHeat LT AgrAgr05_04 TheoreticalCAPEX 2.29
NetherlandHeat LT AgrAgr05_04 TheoreticalFOM 0.95
NetherlandHeat LT AgrAgr05_04 TheoreticalFuels 6.93
NetherlandHeat LT AgrAgr05_04 Real CAPEX 2.29
NetherlandHeat LT AgrAgr05_04 Real FOM 0.95
NetherlandHeat LT AgrAgr05_04 Real Fuels 6.91
NetherlandHeat LT AgrAgr05_05 TheoreticalCAPEX 2.05
NetherlandHeat LT AgrAgr05_05 TheoreticalFOM 0.63
NetherlandHeat LT AgrAgr05_05 TheoreticalFuels 16.36
NetherlandHeat LT AgrAgr05_06 TheoreticalCAPEX 0.25
NetherlandHeat LT AgrAgr05_06 TheoreticalFOM 0.16
NetherlandHeat LT AgrAgr05_06 TheoreticalFuels 26.25
NetherlandHeat LT AgrAgr06_01 TheoreticalCAPEX 1.78
NetherlandHeat LT AgrAgr06_01 TheoreticalFOM 1.27
NetherlandHeat LT AgrAgr06_01 TheoreticalVOC 10
NetherlandHeat LT AgrAgr06_01 TheoreticalFuels 42.96
NetherlandHeat LT AgrAgr06_02 TheoreticalCAPEX 0.12
NetherlandHeat LT AgrAgr06_02 TheoreticalFOM 0.06
NetherlandHeat LT AgrAgr06_02 TheoreticalFuels 10.47
NetherlandHeat LT AgrAgr06_02 Real CAPEX 0.12
NetherlandHeat LT AgrAgr06_02 Real FOM 0.06
NetherlandHeat LT AgrAgr06_02 Real Fuels 10.47
NetherlandHeat LT AgrAgr06_03 TheoreticalCAPEX 0.18
NetherlandHeat LT AgrAgr06_03 TheoreticalFOM 0.16
NetherlandHeat LT AgrAgr06_03 TheoreticalFuels 26.25
NetherlandHeat LT AgrAgr06_03 Real CAPEX 0.18
NetherlandHeat LT AgrAgr06_03 Real FOM 0.16
NetherlandHeat LT AgrAgr06_03 Real Fuels 26.25
NetherlandHeat HT InHTI01_01 TheoreticalCAPEX 0.05
NetherlandHeat HT InHTI01_01 TheoreticalFOM 0.03
NetherlandHeat HT InHTI01_01 TheoreticalFuels 10.65
NetherlandHeat HT InHTI01_01 TheoreticalEmissions 5.54
NetherlandHeat HT InHTI01_02 TheoreticalCAPEX 0.08
NetherlandHeat HT InHTI01_02 TheoreticalFOM 0.16
NetherlandHeat HT InHTI01_02 TheoreticalFuels 11.46
NetherlandHeat HT InHTI01_02 TheoreticalEmissions 2.26
NetherlandHeat HT InHTI01_03 TheoreticalCAPEX 0.46
NetherlandHeat HT InHTI01_03 TheoreticalFOM 0.48
NetherlandHeat HT InHTI01_03 TheoreticalFuels 16.08
NetherlandHeat HT InHTI01_03 TheoreticalEmissions 2.76
NetherlandHeat HT InHTI01_04 TheoreticalCAPEX 0.56
NetherlandHeat HT InHTI01_04 TheoreticalFOM 0.79
NetherlandHeat HT InHTI01_04 TheoreticalFuels 17.28
NetherlandHeat HT InHTI01_04 TheoreticalEmissions 1.13
NetherlandHeat HT InHTI01_05 TheoreticalCAPEX 0.16
NetherlandHeat HT InHTI01_05 TheoreticalFOM 0.03
NetherlandHeat HT InHTI01_05 TheoreticalVOC 0.5
NetherlandHeat HT InHTI01_05 TheoreticalFuels 20.13
NetherlandHeat HT InHTI01_06 TheoreticalCAPEX 0.08
NetherlandHeat HT InHTI01_06 TheoreticalFOM 0.03
NetherlandHeat HT InHTI01_06 TheoreticalFuels 4.94
NetherlandHeat HT InHTI01_06 TheoreticalEmissions 10.93
NetherlandHeat HT InHTI01_07 TheoreticalCAPEX 0.1
NetherlandHeat HT InHTI01_07 TheoreticalFOM 0.16
NetherlandHeat HT InHTI01_07 TheoreticalFuels 5.31
NetherlandHeat HT InHTI01_07 TheoreticalEmissions 4.44
NetherlandHeat HT InHTI01_08 TheoreticalCAPEX 1.02
NetherlandHeat HT InHTI01_08 TheoreticalFOM 0.16
NetherlandHeat HT InHTI01_08 TheoreticalFuels 18.76
NetherlandHeat HT InHTI01_09 TheoreticalCAPEX 1.27
NetherlandHeat HT InHTI01_09 TheoreticalFOM 0.48
NetherlandHeat HT InHTI01_09 TheoreticalFuels 20.17
NetherlandHeat HT InHTI01_09 TheoreticalEmissions -8.25
NetherlandHeat HT InHTI01_09 Real CAPEX 1.27
NetherlandHeat HT InHTI01_09 Real FOM 0.48
NetherlandHeat HT InHTI01_09 Real Fuels 20.17
NetherlandHeat HT InHTI01_09 Real Emissions -8.25
NetherlandHeat HT InHTI01_10 TheoreticalCAPEX 1.15
NetherlandHeat HT InHTI01_10 TheoreticalFOM 0.95
NetherlandHeat HT InHTI01_10 TheoreticalFuels 18.62
NetherlandHeat HT InHTI01_10 TheoreticalEmissions 9.68
NetherlandHeat HT InHTI01_11 TheoreticalCAPEX 1.4
NetherlandHeat HT InHTI01_11 TheoreticalFOM 1.59
NetherlandHeat HT InHTI01_11 TheoreticalFuels 19.6
NetherlandHeat HT InHTI01_11 TheoreticalEmissions 3.85
NetherlandHeat HT InHTI01_12 TheoreticalCAPEX 1.27
NetherlandHeat HT InHTI01_12 TheoreticalFOM 0.95
NetherlandHeat HT InHTI01_12 TheoreticalFuels 19.6
NetherlandHeat HT InHTI01_12 TheoreticalEmissions 10.19
NetherlandHeat HT InHTI01_13 TheoreticalCAPEX 1.53
NetherlandHeat HT InHTI01_13 TheoreticalFOM 1.59
NetherlandHeat HT InHTI01_13 TheoreticalFuels 21.07
NetherlandHeat HT InHTI01_13 TheoreticalEmissions 4.14
NetherlandHeat HT InHTI01_14 TheoreticalCAPEX 1.78
NetherlandHeat HT InHTI01_14 TheoreticalFOM 1.27
NetherlandHeat HT InHTI01_14 TheoreticalFuels 1976391
NetherlandHeat HT InHTI01_14 TheoreticalEmissions 58.11
NetherlandHeat HT InHTI01_15 TheoreticalCAPEX 3.05
NetherlandHeat HT InHTI01_15 TheoreticalFOM 1.9
NetherlandHeat HT InHTI01_15 TheoreticalFuels 52.53
NetherlandHeat HT InHTI01_16 TheoreticalCAPEX 3.56
NetherlandHeat HT InHTI01_16 TheoreticalFOM 2.38
NetherlandHeat HT InHTI01_16 TheoreticalFuels 55.53
NetherlandHeat HT InHTI01_16 TheoreticalEmissions -22.71
NetherlandHeat HT InHTI01_17 TheoreticalCAPEX 0.43
NetherlandHeat HT InHTI01_17 TheoreticalFOM 0.16
NetherlandHeat HT InHTI01_17 TheoreticalFuels 22.92
NetherlandHeat HT InHTI01_18 TheoreticalCAPEX 0.25
NetherlandHeat HT InHTI01_18 TheoreticalFOM 0.1
NetherlandHeat HT InHTI01_18 TheoreticalFuels 27.18
NetherlandHeat HT InHTI01_18 Real CAPEX 0.25
NetherlandHeat HT InHTI01_18 Real FOM 0.1
NetherlandHeat HT InHTI01_18 Real Fuels 27.17
NetherlandHeat LT IndLTI01_01 TheoreticalCAPEX 0.16
NetherlandHeat LT IndLTI01_01 TheoreticalFOM 0.03
NetherlandHeat LT IndLTI01_01 TheoreticalVOC 0.5
NetherlandHeat LT IndLTI01_01 TheoreticalFuels 20.13
NetherlandHeat LT IndLTI01_02 TheoreticalFuels 7
NetherlandHeat LT IndLTI01_02 TheoreticalEmissions 3.64
NetherlandHeat LT IndLTI01_03 TheoreticalCAPEX 1.4
NetherlandHeat LT IndLTI01_03 TheoreticalFOM 0.25
NetherlandHeat LT IndLTI01_03 TheoreticalFuels 4.98
NetherlandHeat LT IndLTI01_03 Real CAPEX 1.4
NetherlandHeat LT IndLTI01_03 Real FOM 0.25
NetherlandHeat LT IndLTI01_03 Real Fuels 5.2
NetherlandHeat LT IndLTI01_04 TheoreticalCAPEX 2.04
NetherlandHeat LT IndLTI01_04 TheoreticalFOM 0.48
NetherlandHeat LT IndLTI01_04 TheoreticalFuels 4.98
NetherlandHeat LT IndLTI01_05 TheoreticalCAPEX 1.75
NetherlandHeat LT IndLTI01_05 TheoreticalFOM 0.44
NetherlandHeat LT IndLTI01_05 TheoreticalFuels 19.93
NetherlandHeat LT IndLTI01_06 TheoreticalCAPEX 5.83
NetherlandHeat LT IndLTI01_06 TheoreticalFOM 0.58
NetherlandHeat LT IndLTI01_06 TheoreticalFuels 19.93
NetherlandHeat LT IndLTI01_07 TheoreticalCAPEX 2.29
NetherlandHeat LT IndLTI01_07 TheoreticalFOM 0.63
NetherlandHeat LT IndLTI01_07 TheoreticalFuels 18.4
NetherlandHeat LT IndLTI01_08 TheoreticalCAPEX 1.78
NetherlandHeat LT IndLTI01_08 TheoreticalFOM 1.27
NetherlandHeat LT IndLTI01_08 TheoreticalVOC 10
NetherlandHeat LT IndLTI01_09 TheoreticalCAPEX 0.05
NetherlandHeat LT IndLTI01_10 TheoreticalCAPEX 0.07
NetherlandFurnace HeFHI01_01 TheoreticalCAPEX 1.6
NetherlandFurnace HeFHI01_01 TheoreticalFOM 0.6
NetherlandFurnace HeFHI01_01 TheoreticalFuels 11.76
NetherlandFurnace HeFHI01_01 TheoreticalEmissions 6.11
NetherlandFurnace HeFHI01_02 TheoreticalCAPEX 2.01
NetherlandFurnace HeFHI01_02 TheoreticalFOM 0.66
NetherlandFurnace HeFHI01_02 TheoreticalFuels 12.74
NetherlandFurnace HeFHI01_02 TheoreticalEmissions 2.5
NetherlandFurnace HeFHI01_03 TheoreticalCAPEX 8.02
NetherlandFurnace HeFHI01_03 TheoreticalFOM 3
NetherlandFurnace HeFHI01_03 TheoreticalFuels 19.51
NetherlandFurnace HeFHI01_04 TheoreticalCAPEX 9.63
NetherlandFurnace HeFHI01_04 TheoreticalFOM 4
NetherlandFurnace HeFHI01_04 TheoreticalFuels 21.01
NetherlandFurnace HeFHI01_04 TheoreticalEmissions -8.6
NetherlandFurnace HeFHI01_05 TheoreticalCAPEX 2.57
NetherlandFurnace HeFHI01_05 TheoreticalFOM 0.66
NetherlandFurnace HeFHI01_05 TheoreticalFuels 28.75
NetherlandFurnace HeFHI01_05 Real CAPEX 2.57
NetherlandFurnace HeFHI01_05 Real FOM 0.66
NetherlandFurnace HeFHI01_05 Real Fuels 28.75
NetherlandFurnace HeFHI01_06 TheoreticalCAPEX 2.81
NetherlandFurnace HeFHI01_06 TheoreticalFOM 1.05
NetherlandFurnace HeFHI01_06 TheoreticalFuels 24.91
NetherlandLPG RFP01_01 TheoreticalVOC 27.5
NetherlandLPG RFP01_01 Real VOC 27.5
NetherlandNaphtha RFP02_01 TheoreticalVOC 50
NetherlandRoad Fuel RFP03_01 TheoreticalCAPEX 2.15
NetherlandRoad Fuel RFP03_01 TheoreticalFOM 0.8
NetherlandRoad Fuel RFP03_01 TheoreticalFuels 48.64
NetherlandRoad Fuel RFP03_01 TheoreticalEmissions 1.38
NetherlandRoad Fuel RFP03_02 TheoreticalCAPEX 2.28
NetherlandRoad Fuel RFP03_02 TheoreticalFOM 0.95
NetherlandRoad Fuel RFP03_02 TheoreticalFuels 50.5
NetherlandRoad Fuel RFP03_02 TheoreticalEmissions 0.52
NetherlandRoad Fuel RFP03_03 TheoreticalCAPEX 2.15
NetherlandRoad Fuel RFP03_03 TheoreticalFOM 0.75
NetherlandRoad Fuel RFP03_03 TheoreticalFuels 49.3
NetherlandRoad Fuel RFP03_03 TheoreticalEmissions 0.9
NetherlandRoad Fuel RFP03_04 TheoreticalCAPEX 2.28
NetherlandRoad Fuel RFP03_04 TheoreticalFOM 0.9
NetherlandRoad Fuel RFP03_04 TheoreticalFuels 51.16
NetherlandRoad Fuel RFP03_04 TheoreticalEmissions 0.34
NetherlandRoad Fuel RFP03_05 TheoreticalCAPEX 3.58
NetherlandRoad Fuel RFP03_05 TheoreticalFOM 1.5
NetherlandRoad Fuel RFP03_05 TheoreticalFuels 94.12
NetherlandRoad Fuel RFP03_05 TheoreticalEmissions 2.49
NetherlandRoad Fuel RFP03_06 TheoreticalCAPEX 3.9
NetherlandRoad Fuel RFP03_06 TheoreticalFOM 1.8
NetherlandRoad Fuel RFP03_06 TheoreticalFuels 97.25
NetherlandRoad Fuel RFP03_06 TheoreticalEmissions 0.95
NetherlandRoad Fuel RFP03_07 TheoreticalFuels 15.81
NetherlandRoad Fuel RFP03_07 TheoreticalEmissions -6.57
NetherlandRoad Fuel RFP03_07 Real Fuels 15.81
NetherlandRoad Fuel RFP03_07 Real Emissions -6.57
NetherlandRoad Fuel RFP03_08 TheoreticalFuels 38.6
NetherlandRoad Fuel RFP03_08 TheoreticalEmissions -6.57
NetherlandRoad Fuel RFP03_09 TheoreticalFuels 30.11
NetherlandRoad Fuel RFP03_09 TheoreticalEmissions -6.57
NetherlandRoad Fuel RFP03_09 Real Fuels 30.11
NetherlandRoad Fuel RFP03_09 Real Emissions -6.57
NetherlandRoad Fuel RFP03_10 TheoreticalVOC 50
NetherlandKerosene RFP04_01 TheoreticalVOC 50
NetherlandFuel Oil RFP05_01 TheoreticalVOC 50
NetherlandOther Oil PRFP06_01 TheoreticalVOC 50
NetherlandBio NaphthRFB00_01 TheoreticalVOC 70
NetherlandBio EthanoRFB01_01 TheoreticalCAPEX 2.08
NetherlandBio EthanoRFB01_01 TheoreticalFOM 3.94
NetherlandBio EthanoRFB01_01 TheoreticalVOC 8.42
NetherlandBio EthanoRFB01_01 TheoreticalFuels 7.39
NetherlandBio EthanoRFB01_01 Real CAPEX 2.08
NetherlandBio EthanoRFB01_01 Real FOM 3.94
NetherlandBio EthanoRFB01_01 Real VOC 8.42
NetherlandBio EthanoRFB01_01 Real Fuels 7.39
NetherlandBio EthanoRFB01_02 TheoreticalCAPEX 2.82
NetherlandBio EthanoRFB01_02 TheoreticalFOM 4.49
NetherlandBio EthanoRFB01_02 TheoreticalVOC 9.52
NetherlandBio EthanoRFB01_02 TheoreticalFuels 28.13
NetherlandBio EthanoRFB01_03 TheoreticalCAPEX 3.85
NetherlandBio EthanoRFB01_03 TheoreticalFOM 11.19
NetherlandBio EthanoRFB01_03 TheoreticalVOC 3.59
NetherlandBio EthanoRFB01_03 TheoreticalFuels 32.57
NetherlandBio EthanoRFB01_04 TheoreticalVOC 70
NetherlandBio Diesel RFB02_01 TheoreticalCAPEX 4.1
NetherlandBio Diesel RFB02_01 TheoreticalFOM 1.45
NetherlandBio Diesel RFB02_01 TheoreticalFuels 69.03
NetherlandBio Diesel RFB02_02 TheoreticalCAPEX 3.25
NetherlandBio Diesel RFB02_02 TheoreticalFOM 2.5
NetherlandBio Diesel RFB02_02 TheoreticalFuels 55.4
NetherlandBio Diesel RFB02_03 TheoreticalVOC 70
NetherlandBio KeroseRFB03_01 TheoreticalCAPEX 3.25
NetherlandBio KeroseRFB03_01 TheoreticalFOM 2.5
NetherlandBio KeroseRFB03_01 TheoreticalFuels 55.4
NetherlandBio KeroseRFB03_02 TheoreticalVOC 70
NetherlandBio KeroseRFB03_02 Real VOC 70
NetherlandSyn Diesel RFS01_01 TheoreticalCAPEX 1.3
NetherlandSyn Diesel RFS01_01 TheoreticalFOM 0.8
NetherlandSyn Diesel RFS01_01 TheoreticalFuels 56.67
NetherlandSyn Diesel RFS01_02 TheoreticalCAPEX 0.98
NetherlandSyn Diesel RFS01_02 TheoreticalFOM 0.75
NetherlandSyn Diesel RFS01_02 TheoreticalFuels 70.27
NetherlandSyn KeroseRFS02_01 TheoreticalCAPEX 1.3
NetherlandSyn KeroseRFS02_01 TheoreticalFOM 0.8
NetherlandSyn KeroseRFS02_01 TheoreticalFuels 56.67
NetherlandSyn KeroseRFS02_01 Real CAPEX 1.3
NetherlandSyn KeroseRFS02_01 Real FOM 0.8
NetherlandSyn KeroseRFS02_01 Real Fuels 26.99
NetherlandSyn KeroseRFS02_02 TheoreticalCAPEX 0.98
NetherlandSyn KeroseRFS02_02 TheoreticalFOM 0.75
NetherlandSyn KeroseRFS02_02 TheoreticalFuels 70.27
NetherlandSyn KeroseRFS02_02 Real CAPEX 0.98
NetherlandSyn KeroseRFS02_02 Real FOM 0.75
NetherlandSyn KeroseRFS02_02 Real Fuels 35.13
NetherlandSyngas RFS03_01 TheoreticalCAPEX 0.26
NetherlandSyngas RFS03_01 TheoreticalFOM 0.15
NetherlandSyngas RFS03_01 TheoreticalFuels 21.38
NetherlandSyngas RFS03_01 Real CAPEX 0.26
NetherlandSyngas RFS03_01 Real FOM 0.15
NetherlandSyngas RFS03_01 Real Fuels 21.38
NetherlandSyngas RFS03_02 TheoreticalCAPEX 0.08
NetherlandSyngas RFS03_02 TheoreticalFOM 0.05
NetherlandSyngas RFS03_02 TheoreticalFuels 38.28
NetherlandSyngas RFS03_02 TheoreticalEmissions 5.24
NetherlandSyngas RFS03_03 TheoreticalCAPEX 0.07
NetherlandSyngas RFS03_03 TheoreticalFOM 0.03
NetherlandSyngas RFS03_03 TheoreticalFuels 28.62
NetherlandSyngas RFS03_03 TheoreticalEmissions 4.9
NetherlandSyngas RFS03_03 Real CAPEX 0.16
NetherlandSyngas RFS03_03 Real FOM 0.07
NetherlandSyngas RFS03_03 Real Fuels 18.47
NetherlandSyngas RFS03_03 Real Emissions 4.9
NetherlandMethanol RFS04_01 TheoreticalCAPEX 0.07
NetherlandMethanol RFS04_01 TheoreticalFOM 0.04
NetherlandMethanol RFS04_01 TheoreticalFuels 32.28
NetherlandMethanol RFS04_02 TheoreticalCAPEX 0.12
NetherlandMethanol RFS04_02 TheoreticalFOM 0.1
NetherlandMethanol RFS04_02 TheoreticalFuels 31.5
NetherlandMethanol RFS04_02 TheoreticalEmissions 5.6
NetherlandMethanol RFS04_02 Real CAPEX 0.12
NetherlandMethanol RFS04_02 Real FOM 0.1
NetherlandMethanol RFS04_02 Real Fuels 28.5
NetherlandMethanol RFS04_02 Real Emissions 5.6
NetherlandNatural GaGas01_01 TheoreticalCAPEX 0.16
NetherlandNatural GaGas01_01 TheoreticalFOM 0.22
NetherlandNatural GaGas01_01 TheoreticalFuels 0.07
NetherlandNatural GaGas01_01 TheoreticalEmissions 0.05
NetherlandNatural GaGas01_02 TheoreticalCAPEX 7.88
NetherlandNatural GaGas01_02 TheoreticalFOM 0.59
NetherlandNatural GaGas01_02 TheoreticalFuels 34.01
NetherlandNatural GaGas01_02 TheoreticalEmissions -1.13
NetherlandNatural GaGas01_03 TheoreticalVOC 9.8
NetherlandNatural GaGas01_03 Real VOC 9.8
NetherlandNatural GaGas01_04 TheoreticalCAPEX 0.58
NetherlandNatural GaGas01_04 TheoreticalFOM 0.43
NetherlandNatural GaGas01_04 TheoreticalVOC 1.01
NetherlandNatural GaGas01_04 TheoreticalFuels 8.3
NetherlandNatural GaGas02_01 TheoreticalCAPEX 0.05
NetherlandNatural GaGas02_01 TheoreticalFOM 0.03
NetherlandNatural GaGas02_02 TheoreticalCAPEX 0.07
NetherlandNatural GaGas02_02 TheoreticalFOM 0.04
NetherlandNatural GaGas03_01 TheoreticalCAPEX 0.63
NetherlandNatural GaGas03_01 TheoreticalFOM 0.15
NetherlandNatural GaGas03_01 TheoreticalFuels 9.97
NetherlandNatural GaGas04_01 TheoreticalCAPEX 20.41
NetherlandNatural GaGas04_01 TheoreticalFOM 19.71
NetherlandNatural GaGas04_01 TheoreticalFuels 1.81
NetherlandNatural GaGas04_01 TheoreticalEmissions -5.09
NetherlandNatural GaGas04_02 TheoreticalCAPEX 3.84
NetherlandNatural GaGas04_02 TheoreticalFOM 3.66
NetherlandNatural GaGas04_02 TheoreticalFuels 23.67
NetherlandNatural GaGas04_02 TheoreticalEmissions -5.09
NetherlandNatural GaGas04_02 Real CAPEX 3.84
NetherlandNatural GaGas04_02 Real FOM 3.66
NetherlandNatural GaGas04_02 Real Fuels 23.67
NetherlandNatural GaGas04_02 Real Emissions -5.09
NetherlandNatural GaGas04_03 TheoreticalCAPEX 10.35
NetherlandNatural GaGas04_03 TheoreticalFOM 8.16
NetherlandNatural GaGas04_03 TheoreticalFuels 22.9
NetherlandNatural GaGas04_03 TheoreticalEmissions -5.09
NetherlandNatural GaGas04_04 TheoreticalCAPEX 11.46
NetherlandNatural GaGas04_04 TheoreticalFOM 8.16
NetherlandNatural GaGas04_04 TheoreticalFuels 24.52
NetherlandNatural GaGas04_04 TheoreticalEmissions -11.36
NetherlandNatural GaGas05_01 TheoreticalCAPEX 0.63
NetherlandNatural GaGas05_01 TheoreticalFOM 0.15
NetherlandNatural GaGas05_01 TheoreticalFuels 9.8
NetherlandNatural GaGas05_01 Real CAPEX 1.79
NetherlandNatural GaGas05_01 Real FOM 0.41
NetherlandNatural GaGas05_01 Real Fuels 9.8
NetherlandNatural GaGas06_01 TheoreticalVOC 8.3
NetherlandNatural GaGas06_01 Real VOC 8.3
NetherlandHydrogen Hyd01_01 TheoreticalCAPEX 1.2
NetherlandHydrogen Hyd01_01 TheoreticalFOM 1.35
NetherlandHydrogen Hyd01_01 TheoreticalFuels 13.23
NetherlandHydrogen Hyd01_01 TheoreticalEmissions 6.88
NetherlandHydrogen Hyd01_02 TheoreticalCAPEX 1.28
NetherlandHydrogen Hyd01_02 TheoreticalFOM 3.61
NetherlandHydrogen Hyd01_02 TheoreticalFuels 21.84
NetherlandHydrogen Hyd01_02 TheoreticalEmissions 6.06
NetherlandHydrogen Hyd01_03 TheoreticalCAPEX 5.28
NetherlandHydrogen Hyd01_03 TheoreticalFOM 8
NetherlandHydrogen Hyd01_03 TheoreticalFuels 1.62
NetherlandHydrogen Hyd01_04 TheoreticalCAPEX 2.67
NetherlandHydrogen Hyd01_04 TheoreticalFuels 29.27
NetherlandHydrogen Hyd01_05 TheoreticalCAPEX 3.94
NetherlandHydrogen Hyd01_05 TheoreticalFuels 29
NetherlandHydrogen Hyd01_06 TheoreticalCAPEX 3.05
NetherlandHydrogen Hyd01_06 TheoreticalFuels 21.7
NetherlandHydrogen Hyd02_01 TheoreticalCAPEX 0.21
NetherlandHydrogen Hyd02_01 TheoreticalFOM 0.11
NetherlandHydrogen Hyd02_02 TheoreticalCAPEX 0.29
NetherlandHydrogen Hyd02_02 TheoreticalFOM 0.14
NetherlandHydrogen Hyd03_01 TheoreticalVOC 25
NetherlandHydrogen Hyd03_01 Real VOC 25
NetherlandHydrogen Hyd04_01 TheoreticalCAPEX 0.76
NetherlandHydrogen Hyd04_01 TheoreticalFOM 0.18
NetherlandHydrogen Hyd04_01 TheoreticalFuels 25
NetherlandHydrogen Hyd04_02 TheoreticalCAPEX 0.76
NetherlandHydrogen Hyd04_02 TheoreticalFOM 0.18
NetherlandHydrogen Hyd04_02 TheoreticalFuels 25
NetherlandHydrogen Hyd04_02 Real CAPEX 0.93
NetherlandHydrogen Hyd04_02 Real FOM 0.21
NetherlandHydrogen Hyd04_02 Real Fuels 25
NetherlandCrude Oil EPF01_02 TheoreticalVOC 19
NetherlandNational NEPF01_04 TheoreticalVOC 7.7
NetherlandUranium EPO01_01 TheoreticalVOC 0.81
NetherlandUranium EPO01_01 Real VOC 0.81
NetherlandMunicipal EPO01_02 TheoreticalVOC 3
NetherlandMunicipal EPO01_02 Real VOC 3
NetherlandPlastic WasEPO01_03 TheoreticalVOC 7
NetherlandPlastic WasEPO01_03 Real VOC 7
NetherlandWood EPB01_01 TheoreticalVOC 10
NetherlandWood EPB01_01 Real VOC 10
NetherlandWood EPB01_02 TheoreticalVOC 15
NetherlandWood EPB01_02 Real VOC 15
NetherlandWood EPB01_03 TheoreticalVOC 35
NetherlandWood EPB01_03 Real VOC 35
NetherlandGrasscropsEPB01_04 TheoreticalVOC 8.2
NetherlandGrasscropsEPB01_04 Real VOC 8.2
NetherlandDry organi EPB01_05 TheoreticalVOC 4.5
NetherlandDry organi EPB01_05 Real VOC 4.5
NetherlandWet organiEPB01_06 TheoreticalVOC 0.1
NetherlandWet organiEPB01_06 Real VOC 0.1
NetherlandManure EPB01_07 TheoreticalVOC 0.1
NetherlandManure EPB01_07 Real VOC 0.1
NetherlandSugars EPB01_08 TheoreticalVOC 4.5
NetherlandSugars EPB01_08 Real VOC 4.5
NetherlandStarch EPB01_09 TheoreticalVOC 22
NetherlandStarch EPB01_09 Real VOC 22
NetherlandVegetable OEPB01_10 TheoreticalVOC 38
NetherlandVegetable OEPB01_11 TheoreticalVOC 45
NetherlandnER-GHG CNER02_02 TheoreticalCAPEX 20.06
NetherlandnER-GHG CNER02_02 Real CAPEX 20.06
NetherlandnER-GHG CNER02_04 TheoreticalCAPEX 10.03
NetherlandnER-GHG CNER02_04 Real CAPEX 10.03
NetherlandnER-GHG CNER02_05 TheoreticalCAPEX 110.33
NetherlandnER-GHG CNER02_05 Real CAPEX 110.33
NetherlandnER-GHG CNER02_06 TheoreticalCAPEX 381.15
NetherlandnER-GHG CNER02_07 TheoreticalCAPEX 15.05
NetherlandnER-GHG CNER02_07 Real CAPEX 15.05
NetherlandnER-GHG CNER02_08 TheoreticalCAPEX 381.15
NetherlandnER-GHG CNER02_09 TheoreticalCAPEX 10.03
NetherlandnER-GHG CNER02_09 Real CAPEX 10.03
NetherlandnER-GHG NER02_11 TheoreticalCAPEX 5.02
NetherlandnER-GHG NER02_11 Real CAPEX 5.02
NetherlandnER-GHG NER02_12 TheoreticalCAPEX 80.24
NetherlandnER-GHG NER02_12 Real CAPEX 80.24
NetherlandnER-GHG NER02_13 TheoreticalCAPEX 381.15
NetherlandnER-GHG NER02_14 TheoreticalCAPEX 20.06
NetherlandnER-GHG NER02_14 Real CAPEX 20.06
NetherlandnER-GHG NER02_15 TheoreticalCAPEX 75.23
NetherlandnER-GHG NER02_15 Real CAPEX 75.23
NetherlandnER-GHG NER02_16 TheoreticalCAPEX 381.15
NetherlandnER-GHG NER02_17 TheoreticalCAPEX 18.05
NetherlandnER-GHG NER02_17 Real CAPEX 18.05
NetherlandnER-GHG FNER02_19 TheoreticalCAPEX 8.02
NetherlandnER-GHG FNER02_19 Real CAPEX 8.02
NetherlandnER-GHG FNER02_20 TheoreticalCAPEX 28.08
NetherlandnER-GHG FNER02_20 Real CAPEX 28.08
NetherlandnER-GHG FNER02_21 TheoreticalCAPEX 8.02
NetherlandnER-GHG FNER02_21 Real CAPEX 8.02
NetherlandCO2 CCUS Emi01_01 TheoreticalVOC 20
NetherlandCO2 CCUS Emi01_01 TheoreticalEmissions -20
NetherlandCO2 CCUS Emi01_01 Real VOC 20
NetherlandCO2 CCUS Emi01_01 Real Emissions -20
NetherlandCO2 CCUS Emi01_02 TheoreticalCAPEX 25.1
NetherlandCO2 CCUS Emi01_02 TheoreticalFOM 12.51
NetherlandCO2 CCUS Emi01_02 TheoreticalFuels 95.66
NetherlandCO2 CCUS Emi01_02 TheoreticalEmissions -70
NetherlandCO2 CCUS Emi01_02 Real CAPEX 25.1
NetherlandCO2 CCUS Emi01_02 Real FOM 12.51
NetherlandCO2 CCUS Emi01_02 Real Emissions -70
NetherlandCO2 CCUS Emi01_03 TheoreticalCAPEX 25.1
NetherlandCO2 CCUS Emi01_03 TheoreticalFOM 12.51
NetherlandCO2 CCUS Emi01_03 TheoreticalFuels 171.39
NetherlandCO2 CCUS Emi01_03 TheoreticalEmissions 20
NetherlandCO2 CCUS Emi01_04 TheoreticalCAPEX 0.92
NetherlandCO2 CCUS Emi01_04 TheoreticalFOM 0.47
NetherlandCO2 Air ETEmi02_01 TheoreticalVOC 90
NetherlandCO2 Air ETEmi02_01 TheoreticalEmissions -90
Tech_ID Name Units_of_CNode Category Sector Sub_sectorActivity Units_of_Activity
Res01_01 Dummy stan [PJ/y] NetherlandFinal ResidentialAppliancesElectricity [PJ]
Res01_02 Flexible st [PJ/y] NetherlandFinal ResidentialAppliancesElectricity [PJ]
Res02_01 House with[khouses/yNetherlandFinal ResidentialFlats Houses - Re[khouses]
Res02_02 House with[khouses/yNetherlandFinal ResidentialFlats Houses - Re[khouses]
Res02_03 House withh NetherlandFinal ResidentialFlats Houses - Re[khouses]
Res02_04 House with[khouses/yNetherlandFinal ResidentialFlats Houses - Re[khouses]
Res02_05 House with[khouses/yNetherlandFinal ResidentialFlats Houses - Re[khouses]
Res03_01 House with[khouses/yNetherlandFinal ResidentialTerrace Houses - Re[khouses]
Res03_02 House with[khouses/yNetherlandFinal ResidentialTerrace Houses - Re[khouses]
Res03_03 House with[khouses/yNetherlandFinal ResidentialTerrace Houses - Re[khouses]
Res03_04 House with[khouses/yNetherlandFinal ResidentialTerrace Houses - Re[khouses]
Res03_05 House with[khouses/yNetherlandFinal ResidentialTerrace Houses - Re[khouses]
Res04_01 House with[khouses/yNetherlandFinal ResidentialDwellings Houses - Re[khouses]
Res04_02 House with[khouses/yNetherlandFinal ResidentialDwellings Houses - Re[khouses]
Res04_03 House with[khouses/yNetherlandFinal ResidentialDwellings Houses - Re[khouses]
Res04_04 House with[khouses/yNetherlandFinal ResidentialDwellings Houses - Re[khouses]
Res04_05 House with[khouses/yNetherlandFinal ResidentialDwellings Houses - Re[khouses]
Ser01_01 Dummy stan [PJ/y] NetherlandFinal Services AppliancesElectricity [PJ]
Ser01_02 Flexible st [PJ/y] NetherlandFinal Services AppliancesElectricity [PJ]
Ser02_01 Space with[Mm2/y] NetherlandFinal Services Buildings Space - Ser[Mm2]
Ser02_02 Space with[Mm2/y] NetherlandFinal Services Buildings Space - Ser[Mm2]
Ser02_03 Space with[Mm2/y] NetherlandFinal Services Buildings Space - Ser[Mm2]
Ser02_04 Space with[Mm2/y] NetherlandFinal Services Buildings Space - Ser[Mm2]
Ser02_05 Space with[Mm2/y] NetherlandFinal Services Buildings Space - Ser[Mm2]
Agr01_01 Dummy stan [PJ/y] NetherlandFinal AgricultureAppliancesElectricity [PJ]
Agr02_01 Dummy bala [PJ/y] NetherlandFinal AgricultureHeat demanHeat deman [PJ]
Agr03_01 Dummy bala [PJ/y] NetherlandFinal AgricultureHeat demaHeat deman [PJ]
Agr04_01 Fuel based[PJ/y] NetherlandFinal AgricultureMachineryMachinery [PJ]-
Agr04_02 Hybrid mach [PJ/y] NetherlandFinal AgricultureMachineryMachinery [PJ]-
IBM01_01 Blast furna[Mton_SteeNetherlandFinal Industry Basic MetaSteel produ[Mton_Steel]
IBM01_02 Blast furna[Mton_SteeNetherlandFinal Industry Basic MetaSteel produ[Mton_Steel]
IBM01_03 Blast furna[Mton_SteeNetherlandFinal Industry Basic MetaSteel produ[Mton_Steel]
IBM01_04 Hisarna - S[Mton_SteeNetherlandFinal Industry Basic MetaSteel produ[Mton_Steel]
IBM01_05 Hisarna wCC [Mton_SteeNetherlandFinal Industry Basic MetaSteel produ[Mton_Steel]
IBM01_06 Hisarna bi [Mton_SteeNetherlandFinal Industry Basic MetaSteel produ[Mton_Steel]
IBM01_07 Direct redu[Mton_SteeNetherlandFinal Industry Basic MetaSteel produ[Mton_Steel]
IBM01_08 Direct redu[Mton_SteeNetherlandFinal Industry Basic MetaSteel produ[Mton_Steel]
IBM01_09 Direct red [Mton_SteeNetherlandFinal Industry Basic MetaSteel produ[Mton_Steel]
IBM01_10 Low temper [Mton_SteeNetherlandFinal Industry Basic MetaSteel produ[Mton_Steel]
IBM01_11 High temper [Mton_SteeNetherlandFinal Industry Basic MetaSteel produ[Mton_Steel]
IBM02_01 Hall Heroul[Mton_Al/yNetherlandFinal Industry Basic MetaAluminum [pMton_Al]
IBM02_02 Hall Herou[Mton_Al/yNetherlandFinal Industry Basic MetaAluminum [pMton_Al]
IBM02_03 Hall Heroul[Mton_Al/yNetherlandFinal Industry Basic MetaAluminum [pMton_Al]
IBM02_04 Hall Herou[Mton_Al/yNetherlandFinal Industry Basic MetaAluminum [pMton_Al]
IBM02_05 Hall Herou[Mton_Al/yNetherlandFinal Industry Basic MetaAluminum [pMton_Al]
IBM02_06 Hall Herou[Mton_Al/yNetherlandFinal Industry Basic MetaAluminum [pMton_Al]
IBM03_01 Reference [Mton_Zn/NetherlandFinal Industry Basic MetaZinc produc[Mton_Zn]
IFE01_01 Nitric Acid [Mton_AN]NetherlandFinal Industry Fertilizers Nitric Acid [Mton_AN]
IFE02_01 Urea produ[Mton_UreNetherlandFinal Industry Fertilizers Urea produc [Mton_Urea]
IFE02_02 Urea produ[Mton_UreNetherlandFinal Industry Fertilizers Urea produc [Mton_Urea]
IFE03_01 Ammonia dem [Mton_NH3NetherlandFinal Industry Fertilizers Other Ammon [Mton_NH3]
ICH01_01 Existing na[Mton_Ey/NetherlandFinal Industry Chemicals Ethylene pr[Mton_Ey]
ICH01_02 Existing n [Mton_Ey/NetherlandFinal Industry Chemicals Ethylene pr[Mton_Ey]
ICH01_03 Existing b [Mton_Ey/NetherlandFinal Industry Chemicals Ethylene pr[Mton_Ey]
ICH01_04 Existing s [Mton_Ey/NetherlandFinal Industry Chemicals Ethylene pr[Mton_Ey]
ICH01_05 Electrified [Mton_Ey/NetherlandFinal Industry Chemicals Ethylene pr[Mton_Ey]
ICH01_06 Electrified [Mton_Ey/NetherlandFinal Industry Chemicals Ethylene pr[Mton_Ey]
ICH01_07 Hydrogen f[Mton_Ey/NetherlandFinal Industry Chemicals Ethylene pr[Mton_Ey]
ICH01_08 Hydrogen f[Mton_Ey/NetherlandFinal Industry Chemicals Ethylene pr[Mton_Ey]
ICH01_09 Ethylene f [Mton_Ey/NetherlandFinal Industry Chemicals Ethylene pr[Mton_Ey]
ICH01_10 Methanol to [Mton_Ey/NetherlandFinal Industry Chemicals Ethylene pr[Mton_Ey]
ICH01_11 Ethylene im[Mton_Ey/NetherlandFinal Industry Chemicals Ethylene pr[Mton_Ey]
ICH01_12 Propylene [Mton_Py/NetherlandFinal Industry Chemicals Propylene [Mton_Py]
ICH01_13 Propylene [Mton_Py/NetherlandFinal Industry Chemicals Propylene [Mton_Py]
ICH01_14 Propylene [Mton_Py/NetherlandFinal Industry Chemicals Propylene [Mton_Py]
ICH01_15 Other HVC [Mton_HVCNetherlandFinal Industry Chemicals Other HVC [Mton_HVC]
ICB01_01 Bioplastics[Mton_BP/NetherlandFinal Industry Chemicals Bioplastics[Mton_BP]
ICL01_01 Chlor - alk [Mton_Cl2/NetherlandFinal Industry Chemicals Chlorine pr[Mton_CL2]
IGS01_01 Conventiona [Mton_GlasNetherlandFinal Industry Other InduGlass produ[Mton_Glass]
IGS01_02 Efficient f [Mton_GlasNetherlandFinal Industry Other InduGlass produ[Mton_Glass]
IGS01_03 Electric co [Mton_GlasNetherlandFinal Industry Other InduGlass produ[Mton_Glass]
ICS01_01 Conventiona [Mton_CerNetherlandFinal Industry Other InduCeramics p[Mton_Ceramics]
ICS01_02 Electric ki [Mton_CerNetherlandFinal Industry Other InduCeramics p[Mton_Ceramics]
IPP01_01 Convention[Mton_PapNetherlandFinal Industry Other InduPaper and [Mton_Paper]
IPP01_02 Compressed [Mton_PapNetherlandFinal Industry Other InduPaper and [Mton_Paper]
IPP01_03 Compressed [Mton_PapNetherlandFinal Industry Other InduPaper and [Mton_Paper]
IFD01_01 Reference [Idx_2020/NetherlandFinal Industry Other InduFood produ[Idx_2020]
IFD01_02 Improved f[Idx_2020/NetherlandFinal Industry Other InduFood produ[Idx_2020]
IOC01_01 Reference [Idx_2020/NetherlandFinal Industry Chemicals Other ETS c[Idx_2020]
IOC01_02 Improved r[Idx_2020/NetherlandFinal Industry Chemicals Other ETS c[Idx_2020]
IOC01_03 Improved r[Idx_2020/NetherlandFinal Industry Chemicals Other ETS c[Idx_2020]
IOE01_01 Reference o [Idx_2020/NetherlandFinal Industry Other InduOther ETS -[Idx_2020]
IOE01_02 Improved ot [Idx_2020/NetherlandFinal Industry Other InduOther ETS -[Idx_2020]
ION01_01 Reference [Idx_2020/NetherlandFinal Industry Other InduOther non-E [Idx_2020]
ION01_02 Improved ot [Idx_2020/NetherlandFinal Industry Other InduOther non-E [Idx_2020]
ION01_03 Improved ot [Idx_2020/NetherlandFinal Industry Other InduOther non-E [Idx_2020]
IMM01_01Standard m[PJ/y] NetherlandFinal Industry MachineryMachinery [PJ]
IMM01_02Hybrid mac[PJ/y] NetherlandFinal Industry MachineryMachinery [PJ]
IMM01_03Electric ma[PJ/y] NetherlandFinal Industry MachineryMachinery [PJ]
WAI01_01 CHP Waste[GW] NetherlandFinal Waste DispMunicipal Waste Man[Mton_Waste]
WAI01_02 CHP Waste[GW] NetherlandFinal Waste DispMunicipal Waste Man[Mton_Waste]
WAI01_03 Gasificati [Mton_WasNetherlandFinal Waste DispMunicipal Waste Man[Mton_Waste]
WAI01_04 Pyrolysis [Mton_WasNetherlandFinal Waste DispMunicipal Waste Man[Mton_Waste]
WAI01_05 Refurbishm[Mton_WasNetherlandFinal Waste DispMunicipal Waste Man[Mton_Waste]
WAS01_01CHP after [PJ/y] NetherlandFinal Waste DispSewage WaSewage Ma[PJ]
WAL01_01Gasification[PJ/y] NetherlandFinal Waste DispLandfill WaWaste Landf[PJ]
TRD01_01 ICE Vehicle[MvehiclesNetherlandFinal Transport Road Motorcycle[Gvkm]
TRD01_02 Electric Ba [MvehiclesNetherlandFinal Transport Road Motorcycle[Gvkm]
TRC01_01 ICE 2010 no[MvehiclesNetherlandFinal Transport Road Passenger [Gvkm]
TRC01_02 ICE 130g Ve[MvehiclesNetherlandFinal Transport Road Passenger [Gvkm]
TRC01_03 ICE 95g Veh[MvehiclesNetherlandFinal Transport Road Passenger [Gvkm]
TRC01_04 ICE 70g Veh[MvehiclesNetherlandFinal Transport Road Passenger [Gvkm]
TRC01_05 ICE Hybrid [MvehiclesNetherlandFinal Transport Road Passenger [Gvkm]
TRC01_06 ICE Natural[MvehiclesNetherlandFinal Transport Road Passenger [Gvkm]
TRC01_07 Plug-In Hyb[MvehiclesNetherlandFinal Transport Road Passenger [Gvkm]
TRC01_08 Electric Ba [MvehiclesNetherlandFinal Transport Road Passenger [Gvkm]
TRC01_09 Electric Ba [MvehiclesNetherlandFinal Transport Road Passenger [Gvkm]
TRC01_10 Electric Ba [MvehiclesNetherlandFinal Transport Road Passenger [Gvkm]
TRC01_11 Hydrogen Fu [MvehiclesNetherlandFinal Transport Road Passenger [Gvkm]
TRL01_01 ICE 2010 n[MvehiclesNetherlandFinal Transport Road Light-Duty [Gvkm]
TRL01_02 ICE 175g Ve[MvehiclesNetherlandFinal Transport Road Light-Duty [Gvkm]
TRL01_03 ICE 147g Ve[MvehiclesNetherlandFinal Transport Road Light-Duty [Gvkm]
TRL01_04 ICE 114g Ve[MvehiclesNetherlandFinal Transport Road Light-Duty [Gvkm]
TRL01_05 Plug-In Hyb[MvehiclesNetherlandFinal Transport Road Light-Duty [Gvkm]
TRL01_06 Electric Ba [MvehiclesNetherlandFinal Transport Road Light-Duty [Gvkm]
TRL01_07 Electric Ba [MvehiclesNetherlandFinal Transport Road Light-Duty [Gvkm]
TRL01_08 Hydrogen Fu [MvehiclesNetherlandFinal Transport Road Light-Duty [Gvkm]
TRH01_01 ICE 2010 n[kvehicles]NetherlandFinal Transport Road Heavy-Duty[Gvkm]
TRH01_02 ICE efficie [kvehicles]NetherlandFinal Transport Road Heavy-Duty[Gvkm]
TRH01_03 ICE Natural[kvehicles]NetherlandFinal Transport Road Heavy-Duty[Gvkm]
TRH01_04 Electric Ba [kvehicles]NetherlandFinal Transport Road Heavy-Duty[Gvkm]
TRH01_05 Electric Ba [kvehicles]NetherlandFinal Transport Road Heavy-Duty[Gvkm]
TRH01_06 Hydrogen Fu [kvehicles]NetherlandFinal Transport Road Heavy-Duty[Gvkm]
TRB01_01 ICE Vehicle[kvehicles]NetherlandFinal Transport Road Buses [Mvkm]
TRB01_02 ICE Vehicle[kvehicles]NetherlandFinal Transport Road Buses [Mvkm]
TRB01_03 Plug-In Hyb[kvehicles]NetherlandFinal Transport Road Buses [Mvkm]
TRB01_04 Electric Ba [kvehicles]NetherlandFinal Transport Road Buses [Mvkm]
TRB01_05 Hydrogen Fu [kvehicles]NetherlandFinal Transport Road Buses [Mvkm]
TRR01_01 Compression [trains] NetherlandFinal Transport Rail Rail [Mvkm]
TRR01_02 Conventiona [trains] NetherlandFinal Transport Rail Rail [Mvkm]
TAI01_01 Conventiona [planes] NetherlandFinal Transport Aviation Intra-EU Av[Mvkm]
TAI01_02 Bio Kerosen[planes] NetherlandFinal Transport Aviation Intra-EU Av[Mvkm]
TAI01_03 Syn Kerosen [planes] NetherlandFinal Transport Aviation Intra-EU Av[Mvkm]
TAI01_04 Hydrogen Ai [planes] NetherlandFinal Transport Aviation Intra-EU Av[Mvkm]
TAE01_01 Conventiona [planes] NetherlandFinal Transport Aviation Extra-EU Av[Mvkm]
TAE01_02 Bio Kerosen[planes] NetherlandFinal Transport Aviation Extra-EU Av[Mvkm]
TAE01_03 Syn Kerosen [planes] NetherlandFinal Transport Aviation Extra-EU Av[Mvkm]
TAE01_04 Hydrogen A[planes] NetherlandFinal Transport Aviation Extra-EU Av[Mvkm]
TNI01_01 Heavy Oil S[vessels] NetherlandFinal Transport NavigationInland-Dom[Mvkm]
TNI01_02 Vegetable O [vessels] NetherlandFinal Transport NavigationInland-Dom[Mvkm]
TNI01_03 ICE Ship - [vessels] NetherlandFinal Transport NavigationInland-Dom[Mvkm]
TNI01_04 Biodiesel S[vessels] NetherlandFinal Transport NavigationInland-Dom[Mvkm]
TNI01_05 Syn Diesel [vessels] NetherlandFinal Transport NavigationInland-Dom[Mvkm]
TNI01_06 CNG Ship - [vessels] NetherlandFinal Transport NavigationInland-Dom[Mvkm]
TNI01_07 Ammonia Sh [vessels] NetherlandFinal Transport NavigationInland-Dom[Mvkm]
TNB01_01 Heavy Oil S[vessels] NetherlandFinal Transport NavigationInternation[Mvkm]
TNB01_02 Vegetable O [vessels] NetherlandFinal Transport NavigationInternation[Mvkm]
TNB01_03 ICE Ship - [vessels] NetherlandFinal Transport NavigationInternation[Mvkm]
TNB01_04 Bio Diesel [vessels] NetherlandFinal Transport NavigationInternation[Mvkm]
TNB01_05 Syn Diesel [vessels] NetherlandFinal Transport NavigationInternation[Mvkm]
TNB01_06 CNG Ship - [vessels] NetherlandFinal Transport NavigationInternation[Mvkm]
TNB01_07 Ammonia Sh [vessels] NetherlandFinal Transport NavigationInternation[Mvkm]
TOT01_01 Dummy cons [PJ/y] NetherlandFinal Transport Other Other Tran[PJ]
NER01_01 CH4 Enteri[MtonCO2/NetherlandEmission nER GHG AgriculturenER-GHG Ag [Mton_CO2]
NER01_02 Manure Ma[MtonCO2/NetherlandEmission nER GHG AgriculturenER-GHG A[Mton_CO2]
NER01_03 Manure Ma[MtonCO2/NetherlandEmission nER GHG AgriculturenER-GHG A[Mton_CO2]
NER01_04 Fertilizer [MtonCO2/NetherlandEmission nER GHG AgriculturenER-GHG Agr [Mton_CO2]
NER01_05 Refrigerati [MtonCO2/NetherlandEmission nER GHG Product UsnER-GHG Pr[Mton_CO2]
NER01_06 Other CO2 [MtonCO2/NetherlandEmission nER GHG Other nER-GHG Al[Mton_CO2]
NER01_07 Other CH4 [MtonCO2/NetherlandEmission nER GHG Other nER-GHG Al[Mton_CO2]
NER01_08 Other N2O[MtonCO2/NetherlandEmission nER GHG Other nER-GHG Al[Mton_CO2]
NER01_09 Other F-ga[MtonCO2/NetherlandEmission nER GHG Other nER-GHG All[Mton_CO2]
NGE01_01Exports of [PJ/y] Europe Exports Final Gas EExport GasNatural Ga[PJ]
OPE01_01 Exports of [PJ/y] Europe Exports Refineries Export HydNaphtha Ex[PJ]
OPE01_02 Exports of [PJ/y] Europe Exports Refineries Export HydNaphtha Ex[PJ]
OPE01_03 Exports of [PJ/y] Europe Exports Refineries Export HydNaphtha Ex[PJ]
OPE02_01 Exports of [PJ/y] Europe Exports Refineries Export HydRoad Fuel [PJ]
OPE02_02 Exports of [PJ/y] Europe Exports Refineries Export HydRoad Fuel [PJ]
OPE02_03 Exports of [PJ/y] Europe Exports Refineries Export HydRoad Fuel [PJ]
OPE03_01 Exports of [PJ/y] Europe Exports Refineries Export HydKerosene E[PJ]
OPE03_02 Exports of [PJ/y] Europe Exports Refineries Export HydKerosene E[PJ]
OPE03_03 Exports of [PJ/y] Europe Exports Refineries Export HydKerosene E[PJ]
EIM01_01 Dummy stan [PJ/y] Europe External Power EU eDemand Electricity [PJ]
EIM02_01 Dummy stan [PJ/y] Europe External Power EU eDemand Electricity [PJ]
EIM03_01 Dummy stan [PJ/y] Europe External Power EU eDemand Electricity [PJ]
EIM04_01 Dummy stan [PJ/y] Europe External Power EU eDemand Electricit [PJ]
EIM05_01 Dummy stan [PJ/y] Europe External Power EU eDemand Electricity [PJ]
PBE01_01 Inland gen [GW] Europe External Power EU Inland gen Electricity [PJ]
PBE01_02 Export fro [GW] Europe External Power EU XC Trade Electricity [PJ]
PBE01_03 Import fro [GW] Europe External Power EU XC Trade Electricity [PJ]
PBE01_04 Import fro [GW] Europe External Power EU XC Trade Electricity [PJ]
PDE01_01 Inland gen [GW] Europe External Power EU Inland gen Electricity [PJ]
PDE01_02 Export fro [GW] Europe Exports Power EU XC Trade Electricity [PJ]
PDE01_03 Import fro [GW] Europe External Power EU XC Trade Electricity [PJ]
PDE01_04 Import fro [GW] Europe External Power EU XC Trade Electricity [PJ]
PDE01_05 Import fro [GW] Europe External Power EU XC Trade Electricity [PJ]
PDK01_01 Inland gen [GW] Europe External Power EU Inland gen Electricity [PJ]
PDK01_02 Export fro [GW] Europe Exports Power EU XC Trade Electricity [PJ]
PDK01_03 Import fro [GW] Europe External Power EU XC Trade Electricity [PJ]
PDK01_04 Import fro [GW] Europe External Power EU XC Trade Electricity [PJ]
PDK01_05 Import fro [GW] Europe External Power EU XC Trade Electricity [PJ]
PNO01_01Inland gen [GW] Europe External Power EU Inland gen Electricity [PJ]
PNO01_02Export fro [GW] Europe Exports Power EU XC Trade Electricity [PJ]
PNO01_03Import fro [GW] Europe External Power EU XC Trade Electricity [PJ]
PNO01_04Import fro [GW] Europe External Power EU XC Trade Electricity [PJ]
PNO01_05Import fro [GW] Europe External Power EU XC Trade Electricity [PJ]
PGB01_01 Inland gen [GW] Europe External Power EU Inland gen Electricity [PJ]
PGB01_02 Export fro [GW] Europe Exports Power EU XC Trade Electricity [PJ]
PGB01_03 Import fro [GW] Europe External Power EU XC Trade Electricity [PJ]
PGB01_04 Import fro [GW] Europe External Power EU XC Trade Electricity [PJ]
PGB01_05 Import fro [GW] Europe External Power EU XC Trade Electricity [PJ]
PNS01_01 Electricity [GW] NetherlandConversionPower NL GenerationElectricity [PJ]
PNL01_01 Electricity [GW] NetherlandConversionPower NL GenerationElectricity [PJ]
PNL01_02 Electricity [GW] NetherlandConversionPower NL GenerationElectricity [PJ]
PNL01_03 Electricity [GW] NetherlandConversionPower NL GenerationElectricity [PJ]
PNL01_04 Electricity [GW] NetherlandConversionPower NL GenerationElectricity [PJ]
PNL01_05 Electricit [GW] NetherlandConversionPower NL GenerationElectricity [PJ]
PNL01_06 Electricit [GW] NetherlandConversionPower NL GenerationElectricity [PJ]
PNL01_07 Electricity [GW] NetherlandConversionPower NL GenerationElectricity [PJ]
PNL01_08 Electricit [GW] NetherlandConversionPower NL GenerationElectricity [PJ]
PNL01_09 Electricity [GW] NetherlandConversionPower NL GenerationElectricity [PJ]
PNL01_10 Electricity [GW] NetherlandConversionPower NL GenerationElectricity [PJ]
PNL01_11 Electricity [GW] NetherlandConversionPower NL GenerationElectricity [PJ]
PNL01_12 Electricit [GW] NetherlandConversionPower NL GenerationElectricity [PJ]
PNL01_13 Electricit [GW] NetherlandConversionPower NL GenerationElectricity [PJ]
PNL01_14 Electricity [GW] NetherlandConversionPower NL GenerationElectricity [PJ]
PNL01_15 Electricity [GW] NetherlandConversionPower NL GenerationElectricity [PJ]
PNL01_16 Electricity [GW] NetherlandConversionPower NL GenerationElectricity [PJ]
PNL01_17 Electricity [GW] NetherlandConversionPower NL GenerationElectricity [PJ]
PNL02_01 Undispatche [GW] NetherlandConversionPower NL Unidspatc Electricity [PJ]
PNL03_01 Compresed[GW] NetherlandConversionPower NL Storage Electricity [PJ]
PNL04_01 Import fro [GW] NetherlandPrimary Power NL XC Trade Electricity [PJ]
PNL04_02 Import fro [GW] NetherlandPrimary Power NL XC Trade Electricity [PJ]
PNL04_03 Import fro [GW] NetherlandPrimary Power NL XC Trade Electricity [PJ]
PNL04_04 Import fro [GW] NetherlandPrimary Power NL XC Trade Electricity [PJ]
PNL04_05 Import fro [GW] NetherlandPrimary Power NL XC Trade Electricity [PJ]
PNL04_06 Import fro [GW] NetherlandConversionPower NL XC Trade Electricity [PJ]
PNL05_01 Transforme[GW] NetherlandConversionPower NL XC Trade Electricity [PJ]
PNL06_01 Electricity [GW] NetherlandConversionPower NL GenerationElectricity [PJ]
PNL07_01 Transforme[GW] NetherlandConversionPower NL XC Trade Electricity [PJ]
LTR01_01 Boiler Gas [GW] NetherlandConversionResidentialHeat Heat LT Ho[PJ]
LTR01_02 Boiler Gas [GW] NetherlandConversionResidentialHeat Heat LT Ho[PJ]
LTR01_03 District He [GW] NetherlandConversionResidentialHeat Heat LT Ho[PJ]
LTR01_04 Hybrid Hea[GW] NetherlandConversionResidentialHeat Heat LT Ho[PJ]
LTR01_05 Electric He[GW] NetherlandConversionResidentialHeat Heat LT Ho[PJ]
LTR01_06 Boiler Hydr[GW] NetherlandConversionResidentialHeat Heat LT Ho[PJ]
LTR02_01 Dummy C-G [GW] NetherlandConversionResidentialHeat Heat LT Ho[PJ]
LTR02_02 Boiler Gas [GW] NetherlandConversionResidentialHeat Heat LT Ho[PJ]
LTR02_03 Electric He[GW] NetherlandConversionResidentialHeat Heat LT Ho[PJ]
LTR02_04 Electric He[GW] NetherlandConversionResidentialHeat Heat LT Ho[PJ]
LTR02_05 Electric H [GW] NetherlandConversionResidentialHeat Heat LT Ho[PJ]
LTS01_01 Boiler Gas [GW] NetherlandConversionServices Heat Heat LT Ser[PJ]
LTS01_02 Boiler Gas [GW] NetherlandConversionServices Heat Heat LT Ser[PJ]
LTS01_03 District He [GW] NetherlandConversionServices Heat Heat LT Ser[PJ]
LTS01_04 Hybrid Heat[GW] NetherlandConversionServices Heat Heat LT Ser[PJ]
LTS01_05 Electric He[GW] NetherlandConversionServices Heat Heat LT Ser[PJ]
LTS01_06 Electric He[GW] NetherlandConversionServices Heat Heat LT Ser[PJ]
LTS01_07 Electric He[GW] NetherlandConversionServices Heat Heat LT Ser[PJ]
LTS01_08 CHP Gas - [GW] NetherlandConversionServices Heat Heat LT Ser[PJ]
LTS01_09 CHP H2 - LT[GW] NetherlandConversionServices Heat Heat LT Ser[PJ]
LTS01_10 Boiler Hydr[GW] NetherlandConversionServices Heat Heat LT Ser[PJ]
LTN01_01 Boiler Gas [GW] NetherlandConversionHeat NetwHeat Heat LT Ne[PJ]
LTN01_02 Boiler Gas [GW] NetherlandConversionHeat NetwHeat Heat LT Ne[PJ]
LTN01_03 Boiler Biom[GW] NetherlandConversionHeat NetwHeat Heat LT Ne[PJ]
LTN01_04 Boiler Bio [GW] NetherlandConversionHeat NetwHeat Heat LT Ne[PJ]
LTN01_05 Geothermal[GW] NetherlandConversionHeat NetwHeat Heat LT Ne[PJ]
LTN01_06 Hot water s[PJ/y] NetherlandConversionHeat NetwHeat Heat LT Ne[PJ]
LTN01_07 Boiler Hyd [GW] NetherlandConversionHeat NetwHeat Heat LT Ne[PJ]
Agr05_01 CHP Gas - L[GW] NetherlandConversionAgricultureHeat Heat LT Agr[PJ]
Agr05_02 Boiler Gas [GW] NetherlandConversionAgricultureHeat Heat LT Agr[PJ]
Agr05_03 Geothermal[GW] NetherlandConversionAgricultureHeat Heat LT Agr[PJ]
Agr05_04 Shallow Soi[GW] NetherlandConversionAgricultureHeat Heat LT Agr[PJ]
Agr05_05 Boiler Biom[GW] NetherlandConversionAgricultureHeat Heat LT Agr[PJ]
Agr05_06 Boiler Hydr[GW] NetherlandConversionAgricultureHeat Heat LT Agr[PJ]
Agr06_01 Co-Digestio[GW] NetherlandConversionAgricultureHeat Heat LT Agr[PJ]
Agr06_02 Boiler Gas [GW] NetherlandConversionAgricultureHeat Heat LT Agr[PJ]
Agr06_03 Boiler Hydr[GW] NetherlandConversionAgricultureHeat Heat LT Agr[PJ]
HTI01_01 Boiler Gas [GW] NetherlandConversionIndustry Heat Heat HT In[PJ]
HTI01_02 Boiler Gas [GW] NetherlandConversionIndustry Heat Heat HT In[PJ]
HTI01_03 Hybrid Boil[GW] NetherlandConversionIndustry Heat Heat HT In[PJ]
HTI01_04 Hybrid Boil[GW] NetherlandConversionIndustry Heat Heat HT In[PJ]
HTI01_05 Electric Bo [GW] NetherlandConversionIndustry Heat Heat HT In[PJ]
HTI01_06 Boiler Coal[GW] NetherlandConversionIndustry Heat Heat HT In[PJ]
HTI01_07 Boiler Coal[GW] NetherlandConversionIndustry Heat Heat HT In[PJ]
HTI01_08 Boiler Biom[GW] NetherlandConversionIndustry Heat Heat HT In[PJ]
HTI01_09 Boiler Biom[GW] NetherlandConversionIndustry Heat Heat HT In[PJ]
HTI01_10 CHP Gas - H[GW] NetherlandConversionIndustry Heat Heat HT In[PJ]
HTI01_11 CHP Gas wC[GW] NetherlandConversionIndustry Heat Heat HT In[PJ]
HTI01_12 CHP Coal - [GW] NetherlandConversionIndustry Heat Heat HT In[PJ]
HTI01_13 CHP Coal w[GW] NetherlandConversionIndustry Heat Heat HT In[PJ]
HTI01_14 CHP BFG - L[GW] NetherlandConversionIndustry Heat Heat HT In[PJ]
HTI01_15 CHP Biomas[GW] NetherlandConversionIndustry Heat Heat HT In[PJ]
HTI01_16 CHP Biomas[GW] NetherlandConversionIndustry Heat Heat HT In[PJ]
HTI01_17 Direct Heat[GW] NetherlandConversionIndustry Heat Heat HT In[PJ]
HTI01_18 Boiler H2 - [GW] NetherlandConversionIndustry Heat Heat HT In[PJ]
LTI01_01 Electric Boi[GW] NetherlandConversionIndustry Heat Heat LT Ind[PJ]
LTI01_02 Dummy HT[GW] te NetherlandConversionIndustry Heat Heat LT Ind[PJ]
LTI01_03 Heat Pump[GW] NetherlandConversionIndustry Heat Heat LT Ind[PJ]
LTI01_04 Heat Pump[GW]E NetherlandConversionIndustry Heat Heat LT Ind[PJ]
LTI01_05 MVR heat p[GW] NetherlandConversionIndustry Heat Heat LT Ind[PJ]
LTI01_06 MVR heat p[GW] NetherlandConversionIndustry Heat Heat LT Ind[PJ]
LTI01_07 Geothermal[GW] NetherlandConversionIndustry Heat Heat LT Ind[PJ]
LTI01_08 Co-Digestio[GW] NetherlandConversionIndustry Heat Heat LT Ind[PJ]
LTI01_09 Hot water s[GW] NetherlandConversionIndustry Heat Heat LT Ind[PJ]
LTI01_10 Phase chang [GW] NetherlandConversionIndustry Heat Heat LT Ind[PJ]
FHI01_01 Natural Gas[PJ/y] NetherlandConversionIndustry Heat Furnace He[PJ]
FHI01_02 Natural Ga[PJ/y] NetherlandConversionIndustry Heat Furnace He[PJ]
FHI01_03 Biomass Fu[PJ/y] NetherlandConversionIndustry Heat Furnace He[PJ]
FHI01_04 Biomass Fu[PJ/y] NetherlandConversionIndustry Heat Furnace He[PJ]
FHI01_05 Hydrogen F[PJ/y] NetherlandConversionIndustry Heat Furnace He[PJ]
FHI01_06 Electric Fu [PJ/y] NetherlandConversionIndustry Heat Furnace He[PJ]
RFP01_01 Imported LP [PJ/y] NetherlandPrimary Fossil Fossil SecoLPG [PJ]
RFP02_01 Imported N[PJ/y] NetherlandPrimary Fossil Fossil SecoNaphtha [PJ]
RFP03_01 Deep cracki[PJ/y] NetherlandConversionRefineries Fossil BaseRoad Fuel [PJ]
RFP03_02 Deep cracki[PJ/y] NetherlandConversionRefineries Fossil BaseRoad Fuel [PJ]
RFP03_03 Basic crack[PJ/y] NetherlandConversionRefineries Fossil BaseRoad Fuel [PJ]
RFP03_04 Basic crack[PJ/y] NetherlandConversionRefineries Fossil BaseRoad Fuel [PJ]
RFP03_05 Koch refine[PJ/y] NetherlandConversionRefineries Fossil BaseRoad Fuel [PJ]
RFP03_06 Koch refine[PJ/y] NetherlandConversionRefineries Fossil BaseRoad Fuel [PJ]
RFP03_07 Dummy bio-e [PJ/y] NetherlandConversionRefineries Bio Based Road Fuel [PJ]
RFP03_08 Dummy bio-d [PJ/y] NetherlandConversionRefineries Bio Based Road Fuel [PJ]
RFP03_09 Dummy syndi [PJ/y] NetherlandConversionRefineries Synthetic Road Fuel [PJ]
RFP03_10 Imported Ro [PJ/y] NetherlandPrimary Fossil Fossil SecoRoad Fuel [PJ]
RFP04_01 Imported K[PJ/y] NetherlandPrimary Fossil Fossil SecoKerosene [PJ]
RFP05_01 Imported Fu [PJ/y] NetherlandPrimary Fossil Fossil SecoFuel Oil [PJ]
RFP06_01 Imported Ot [PJ/y] NetherlandPrimary Fossil Fossil SecoOther Oil P[PJ]
RFB00_01 Imported B[PJ/y] NetherlandPrimary RenewableBio Fuels Bio Naphth[PJ]
RFB01_01 Bioethanol[PJ/y] NetherlandConversionRefineries Bio Based Bio Ethano[PJ]
RFB01_02 Bioethanol[PJ/y] NetherlandConversionRefineries Bio Based Bio Ethano[PJ]
RFB01_03 Bioethanol[PJ/y] NetherlandConversionRefineries Bio Based Bio Ethano[PJ]
RFB01_04 Imported Bi[PJ/y] NetherlandPrimary RenewableBio Fuels Bio Ethano[PJ]
RFB02_01 Biodiesel f [PJ/y] NetherlandConversionRefineries Bio Based Bio Diesel [PJ]
RFB02_02 Biodiesel o[PJ/y] NetherlandConversionRefineries Bio Based Bio Diesel [PJ]
RFB02_03 Imported Bi[PJ/y] NetherlandPrimary RenewableBio Fuels Bio Diesel [PJ]
RFB03_01 Biokerosene [PJ/y] NetherlandConversionRefineries Bio Based Bio Kerose[PJ]
RFB03_02 Imported B[PJ/y] NetherlandPrimary RenewableBio Fuels Bio Kerose[PJ]
RFS01_01 Syndiesel o[PJ/y] NetherlandConversionRefineries Synthetic Syn Diesel [PJ]
RFS01_02 Syndiesel o[PJ/y] NetherlandConversionRefineries Synthetic Syn Diesel [PJ]
RFS02_01 Synkerosene[PJ/y] NetherlandConversionRefineries Synthetic Syn Kerose[PJ]
RFS02_02 Synkerosene[PJ/y] NetherlandConversionRefineries Synthetic Syn Kerose[PJ]
RFS03_01 Syngas from[PJ/y] NetherlandConversionRefineries Bio Based Syngas [PJ]
RFS03_02 Syngas fro [PJ/y] NetherlandConversionRefineries Synthetic Syngas [PJ]
RFS03_03 Syngas from[PJ/y] NetherlandConversionRefineries Synthetic Syngas [PJ]
RFS04_01 Methanol f[PJ/y] NetherlandConversionRefineries Synthetic Methanol [PJ]
RFS04_02 Methanol di[PJ/y] NetherlandConversionRefineries Synthetic Methanol [PJ]
Gas01_01 Gas Extract[GWh/d] NetherlandConversionFinal Gas Fossil BaseNatural Ga[PJ]
Gas01_02 Methane fr[PJ/y] NetherlandConversionFinal Gas Synthetic Natural Ga[PJ]
Gas01_03 Imported Na[PJ/y] NetherlandPrimary Fossil Fossil PrimNatural Ga[PJ]
Gas01_04 LNG decomp [GWh/d] NetherlandConversionFinal Gas Fossil BaseNatural Ga[PJ]
Gas02_01 Small scale[GWh/d] NetherlandConversionFinal Gas Storage Natural Ga[PJ]
Gas02_02 Large scale[GWh/d] NetherlandConversionFinal Gas Storage Natural Ga[PJ]
Gas03_01 LD to HD c [GW] NetherlandConversionFinal Gas Internal GaNatural Ga[PJ]
Gas04_01 Gas from M[PJ/y] NetherlandConversionFinal Gas Bio Based Natural Ga[PJ]
Gas04_02 Gas from M[PJ/y] NetherlandConversionFinal Gas Bio Based Natural Ga[PJ]
Gas04_03 Gas from So[PJ/y] NetherlandConversionFinal Gas Bio Based Natural Ga[PJ]
Gas04_04 Gas from So[PJ/y] NetherlandConversionFinal Gas Bio Based Natural Ga[PJ]
Gas05_01 HD to LD c [GW] NetherlandConversionFinal Gas Internal GaNatural Ga[PJ]
Gas06_01 Imported L[PJ/y] NetherlandPrimary Fossil Fossil PrimNatural Ga[PJ]
Hyd01_01 Gas Reform[PJ/y] NetherlandConversionHydrogen Fossil BaseHydrogen [PJ]
Hyd01_02 Gas Reform[PJ/y] NetherlandConversionHydrogen Fossil BaseHydrogen [PJ]
Hyd01_03 Nuclear Ge[PJ/y] NetherlandConversionHydrogen Nuclear BaHydrogen [PJ]
Hyd01_04 Alkalyne El[GWe] NetherlandConversionHydrogen Synthetic Hydrogen [PJ]
Hyd01_05 PEM Electr[GWe] NetherlandConversionHydrogen Synthetic Hydrogen [PJ]
Hyd01_06 Solid Oxide[GWe] NetherlandConversionHydrogen Synthetic Hydrogen [PJ]
Hyd02_01 Small scale[GWh/d] NetherlandConversionHydrogen Storage Hydrogen [PJ]
Hyd02_02 Large scale[GWh/d] NetherlandConversionHydrogen Storage Hydrogen [PJ]
Hyd03_01 Imported H[PJ/y] NetherlandPrimary Hydrogen Imported Hydrogen [PJ]
Hyd04_01 LD to HD c [GW] NetherlandConversionHydrogen Internal H Hydrogen [PJ]
Hyd04_02 HD to LD c [GW] NetherlandConversionHydrogen Internal H Hydrogen [PJ]
Amm01_01Haber Bosc[PJ/y] NetherlandConversionAmmonia Ammonia Ammonia [PJ]
Amm01_02Haber Bosc[PJ/y] NetherlandConversionAmmonia Ammonia Ammonia [PJ]
Amm01_03Haber Bosc[PJ/y] NetherlandConversionAmmonia Ammonia Ammonia [PJ]
Amm01_04Haber Bosc[PJ/y] NetherlandConversionAmmonia Ammonia Ammonia [PJ]
Amm01_05Solid Stat [PJ/y] NetherlandConversionAmmonia Ammonia Ammonia [PJ]
Bio01_01 Biomass fr [PJ/y] NetherlandConversionFinal Biom Bio Based Biomass [PJ]
Bio01_02 Biomass fr [PJ/y] NetherlandConversionFinal Biom Bio Based Biomass [PJ]
Bio01_03 Biomass fro[PJ/y] NetherlandConversionFinal Biom Bio Based Biomass [PJ]
EPF01_01 Imported C[PJ/y] NetherlandPrimary Fossil Fossil PrimCoal [PJ]
EPF01_02 Imported C[PJ/y] NetherlandPrimary Fossil Fossil PrimCrude Oil [PJ]
EPF01_04 National N[PJ/y] NetherlandPrimary Fossil Fossil PrimNational N[PJ]
EPO01_01 Imported [PJ/y] NetherlandPrimary Other Nuclear Uranium [PJ]
EPO01_02 Municipal [PJ/y] NetherlandPrimary Other Waste Municipal [PJ]
EPO01_03 Plastic Wa [PJ/y] NetherlandPrimary Other Waste Plastic Was[PJ]
EPB01_01 Wood (crop[PJ/y] NetherlandPrimary RenewableBiomass Wood [PJ]
EPB01_02 Imported [PJ/y] NetherlandPrimary RenewableBiomass Wood [PJ]
EPB01_03 Imported [PJ/y] NetherlandPrimary RenewableBiomass Wood [PJ]
EPB01_04 Grasscrops[PJ/y] NetherlandPrimary RenewableBiomass Grasscrops[PJ]
EPB01_05 Dry organi [PJ/y] NetherlandPrimary RenewableBiomass Dry organi [PJ]
EPB01_06 Wet organi[PJ/y] NetherlandPrimary RenewableBiomass Wet organi[PJ]
EPB01_07 Manure [PJ/y] NetherlandPrimary RenewableBiomass Manure [PJ]
EPB01_08 Sugars [PJ/y] NetherlandPrimary RenewableBiomass Sugars [PJ]
EPB01_09 Starch [PJ/y] NetherlandPrimary RenewableBiomass Starch [PJ]
EPB01_10 Vegetable O[PJ/y] NetherlandPrimary RenewableBio Fuels Vegetable O [PJ]
EPB01_11 Imported V[PJ/y] NetherlandPrimary RenewableBio Fuels Vegetable O [PJ]
EPR01_01 Wind Ener [PJ/y] NetherlandPrimary RenewableWind Wind Ener [PJ]
EPR01_02 Solar Ener [PJ/y] NetherlandPrimary RenewableSolar Solar Ener [PJ]
EPR01_03 Ambient En[PJ/y] NetherlandPrimary RenewableAmbient Ambient En[PJ]
EPR01_04 Geothermal[PJ/y] NetherlandPrimary RenewableGeothermaGeothermal[PJ]
EPR01_05 Solar Heat [PJ/y] NetherlandPrimary RenewableSolar Solar Heat [PJ]
NER02_01 Emmited n[Mton_CO2NetherlandEmission nER GHG CO2 nER-GHG C[Mton_CO2]
NER02_02 MACC Comp [Mton_CO2NetherlandEmission nER GHG CO2 nER-GHG C[Mton_CO2]
NER02_03 Emmited n[Mton_CO2NetherlandEmission nER GHG CH4 nER-GHG C[Mton_CO2]
NER02_04 MACC Compo [Mton_CO2NetherlandEmission nER GHG CH4 nER-GHG C[Mton_CO2]
NER02_05 MACC Compo [Mton_CO2NetherlandEmission nER GHG CH4 nER-GHG C[Mton_CO2]
NER02_06 MACC Compo [Mton_CO2NetherlandEmission nER GHG CH4 nER-GHG C[Mton_CO2]
NER02_07 MACC Comp [Mton_CO2NetherlandEmission nER GHG CH4 nER-GHG C[Mton_CO2]
NER02_08 MACC Comp [Mton_CO2NetherlandEmission nER GHG CH4 nER-GHG C[Mton_CO2]
NER02_09 MACC Comp [Mton_CO2NetherlandEmission nER GHG CH4 nER-GHG C[Mton_CO2]
NER02_10 Emmited n[Mton_CO2NetherlandEmission nER GHG N2O nER-GHG [Mton_CO2]
NER02_11 MACC Compo [Mton_CO2NetherlandEmission nER GHG N2O nER-GHG [Mton_CO2]
NER02_12 MACC Compo [Mton_CO2NetherlandEmission nER GHG N2O nER-GHG [Mton_CO2]
NER02_13 MACC Compo [Mton_CO2NetherlandEmission nER GHG N2O nER-GHG [Mton_CO2]
NER02_14 MACC Comp [Mton_CO2NetherlandEmission nER GHG N2O nER-GHG [Mton_CO2]
NER02_15 MACC Comp [Mton_CO2NetherlandEmission nER GHG N2O nER-GHG [Mton_CO2]
NER02_16 MACC Comp [Mton_CO2NetherlandEmission nER GHG N2O nER-GHG [Mton_CO2]
NER02_17 MACC Comp [Mton_CO2NetherlandEmission nER GHG N2O nER-GHG [Mton_CO2]
NER02_18 Emmited nE [Mton_CO2NetherlandEmission nER GHG F-gas nER-GHG F[Mton_CO2]
NER02_19 MACC Compo [Mton_CO2NetherlandEmission nER GHG F-gas nER-GHG F[Mton_CO2]
NER02_20 MACC Compo [Mton_CO2NetherlandEmission nER GHG F-gas nER-GHG F[Mton_CO2]
NER02_21 MACC Compo [Mton_CO2NetherlandEmission nER GHG F-gas nER-GHG F[Mton_CO2]
Emi01_01 CO2 Storag[Mton_CO2NetherlandEmission Industry CCUS StoraCO2 CCUS [Mton_CO2]
Emi01_02 CO2 from D[Mton_CO2NetherlandEmission Industry CCUS CO2 CCUS [Mton_CO2]
Emi01_03 CO2 from D[Mton_CO2NetherlandEmission Industry CCUS CO2 CCUS [Mton_CO2]
Emi01_04 Small scale[kton_CO2/NetherlandEmission Industry CCUS CO2 CCUS [Mton_CO2]
Emi02_01 CO2 ETS Al[Mton_CO2NetherlandEmission Emission National E CO2 Air ET[Mton_CO2]
Emi03_01 CO2 Emissi[Mton_CO2NetherlandEmission Emission National n CO2 Air n- [Mton_CO2]
Emi05_01 CO2 Emissio[Mton_CO2InternationEmission Emission Bunker CO2 Air Int[Mton_CO2]
Emi06_01 CO2 Emissi[Mton_CO2InternationEmission Emission Scope 3 CO2 Air Fee[Mton_CO2]
IFG01_01 Natural gas[GW] NetherlandInfrastruct Final Gas Final Gas Natural Ga[PJ]
IFG01_02 Natural gas[GW] NetherlandInfrastruct Final Gas Final Gas Natural Ga[PJ]
IFH01_01 Hydrogen HD[GW] NetherlandInfrastruct Hydrogen Hydrogen Hydrogen [PJ]
IFH01_02 Hydrogen LD[GW] NetherlandInfrastruct Hydrogen Hydrogen Hydrogen [PJ]
IFC01_01 CCUS grid p[Mm] NetherlandInfrastruct CCUS CCUS CO2 CCUS [Mton_CO2]
IFP01_01 HV Electrici[GW] NetherlandInfrastruct Power NL NL HV Electricity [PJ]
IFP01_02 LV Electrici[GW] NetherlandInfrastruct Power NL NL LV Electricity [PJ]
IFL01_01 LT Heat net[Mm] NetherlandInfrastruct Heat NetwLT Heat Heat LT Ne[PJ]
Tech_ID Activity Type
Res01_02 Electricity Load Shifting
Ser01_02 Electricity Load Shifting
IBM01_10 Electricity Shedding
IBM01_11 Electricity Shedding
IBM02_01 Electricity Load Shifting
IBM02_02 Electricity Load Shifting
IBM02_03 Electricity Load Shifting
IBM02_04 Electricity Load Shifting
IBM02_05 Electricity Load Shifting
IBM02_06 Electricity Load Shifting
IBM03_01 Electricity Load Shifting
ICH01_05 Electricity Shedding
ICH01_06 Electricity Shedding
ICL01_01 Electricity Shedding
IPP01_01 Electricity Load Shifting
IPP01_02 Electricity Load Shifting
IPP01_03 Electricity Load Shifting
WAI01_01 Electricity CHP
WAI01_02 Electricity CHP
TRC01_09 Electricity Smart Charging
TRC01_10 Electricity Vehicle-to-grid
TRL01_07 Electricity Smart Charging
TRH01_05 Electricity Smart Charging
PNL03_01 Electricity Storage
LTR02_04 Electricity Passive Storage
LTR02_05 Electricity Load Shifting
LTS01_08 Electricity CHP
LTS01_09 Electricity CHP
LTN01_06 Heat LT NeStorage
Agr05_01 Electricity CHP
HTI01_10 Electricity CHP
HTI01_11 Electricity CHP
HTI01_12 Electricity CHP
HTI01_13 Electricity CHP
HTI01_14 Electricity CHP
HTI01_15 Electricity CHP
HTI01_16 Electricity CHP
LTI01_09 Heat LT NeStorage
LTI01_10 Heat LT NeStorage
RFS03_03 Electricity Shedding
Hyd01_04 Electricity Shedding
Hyd01_05 Electricity Shedding
Hyd01_06 Electricity Shedding
Amm01_04Electricity Shedding
Amm01_05Electricity Shedding
This scenario assumes a BAU development of the energy system accordingly with existing national and european policies, with
nal and european policies, with highly unconstrained potentials. The JRC's POTENCIA Central Scenario of the Netherlands was used to dete
Netherlands was used to determine commodity prices, as well as the drivers for the energy demand (namely residential, services, agricultu
y residential, services, agriculture, industrial, and transport activity volumes). Data from TNO's OPERA's refernce scenario based on the 201
nce scenario based on the 2016 National energy Outlook of the Netherlands (NEV 2016), was used to complement country/sectoral specifi
ement country/sectoral specific data on technology potentials and industrial ammonia. Data from TNO scenarios for climate neutral energ
arios for climate neutral energies system was used for resources potentials. Data on electricity generation stocks and interconnevtivity in E
ocks and interconnevtivity in European countries as well as their projected electricity demands was extracted from COMPETE's database.
d from COMPETE's database. Remaining model specific data was obtained from the reference scenario of PBL's ENSYSI model.
BL's ENSYSI model.
Solver GUROBI 9.5
Type of th LP
Solution EnPJ
Solution MM€
GMP Transition{ 2050 }
Number of206619
Number of156708
Number of1384898
Number of98
Solving Ti 0.3 [min]
Elapsed Ti 1 [min]
Used Mem1648.5 [MB]
Peak Memo337.4 [MB]
Objective 796256.67 [M€]
Date of Ru2022-10-24 00:19:13
Solver StatNormalCompletion
Mathematic Optimal
Intra-year no
Total Run 1.32 [min]
Database Vdata\IESA-1.xlsx
Model VersIESA-Opt v4.2.2
Hours per 3

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