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OBJECTIVE 2: Evaluated with colleagues the effectiveness of teaching strategies that promote learner

achievement in literacy and numeracy.(PPST 1.4.3)

Minutes/Notes: Coaching and Mentoring Session

Date: [Insert Date]

Time: [Insert Time]

Location: [Insert Location]


[Insert Name]

[Insert Name]

[Insert Name]

[Insert Name]

[Insert Name]


Objective of Improving Teaching Strategies through Technology

Discussion Points:

The session began with a warm welcome and introduction of all participants.

[Insert Name] initiated the discussion by emphasizing the objective of improving teaching strategies
through the effective use of technology.

[Insert Name] highlighted the importance of integrating technology into teaching practices to enhance
student engagement, facilitate personalized learning, and promote critical thinking skills.

The participants shared their experiences and success stories related to incorporating technology in the

[Insert Name] emphasized the need for continuous professional development to ensure educators are
equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge to effectively use technology in teaching.
The participants engaged in a discussion on various technology tools and resources that can be utilized
to improve teaching strategies, such as interactive whiteboards, educational apps, online collaboration
platforms, and virtual reality.

[Insert Name] shared insights on the benefits of blended learning, which combines traditional classroom
instruction with online resources and activities.

The group discussed the importance of assessing the effectiveness of technology integration and shared
strategies for evaluating its impact on student learning outcomes.

[Insert Name] highlighted the significance of addressing potential challenges and barriers when
implementing technology in the classroom, such as access to technology devices, technical support, and
privacy concerns.

The participants brainstormed ideas on how to overcome these challenges, including seeking
partnerships with community organizations, advocating for funding and resources, and providing
professional development opportunities for teachers.

[Insert Name] suggested establishing a peer mentorship program where teachers can support and learn
from each other in utilizing technology effectively.

The participants shared recommendations for incorporating technology into different subjects and grade
levels, ensuring its relevance and alignment with curriculum objectives.

[Insert Name] volunteered to compile a list of recommended technology tools and resources for further

The session concluded with a recap of the main discussion points and action items for the next meeting.

The next meeting was scheduled for [Insert Date] at [Insert Time] in [Insert Location].

Action Items:

[Insert Name] to compile a list of recommended technology tools and resources.

All participants to explore innovative ways of integrating technology into their teaching practices.

[Insert Name] to research and share information on professional development opportunities related to
technology integration.


The meeting was adjourned at [Insert Time].

Minutes recorded by:

[Insert Your Name]

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