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Jakarta, July 18th, 2023

No : 001.00.JFT.HR-SP.VII.2023
Regarding : Warning for Disciplinary Incident
To : Mrs. Ira Puspita

Dear Mrs. Ira,

This letter is to serve an official warning to you for the incident that happened on Thursday, July 13th
2023. We were informed about your failure to fulfill your duties and responsibilities as a company
representative to a client. This kind of misconduct is not expected in the workplace and is against
Company Policy article 3 :
1. Point 8 : Absent (Absent from work for reasons that are not clear)
2. Point 15 : Ignore the obligations determined by the company

Our policy and guidelines are designed with a goal to help each member in our company to contribute to
the best of their abilities and meet the objectives laid out in their job role. We expect every employee to
respect and follow these guidelines in order to encourage a collaborative and performance oriented work

Since you have been found to be violating the rules, we are hereby putting you on a warning period for 1
month. During this period, your behavior will be monitored.

Any re-occurrence of the violation will ensure strict action against you that may be followed by

(a) Suspension without pay or

(b) Termination.

We continue to believe that you are a valuable part of our organization and expect you to show immediate
improvements. Looking forward to seeing positive outcomes of this discussion.

You are requested to sign a copy of this letter to indicate your acknowledgement of the discussion.

Hangzhou JF Technology, Marketing & Sales Department,

Sheilla Inty Rizqulloh Ira Puspita

Human Resources Specialist Pre Sales Manager

Menara Palma 5th Floor, 503,

Jl. H. R. Rasuna Said X6 No. 9,
Kuningan, Setiabudi, South Jakarta.

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