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Applied Subject
SY 2022 - 2023


Understanding the Writing Styles, Reviewing the Literature and
Writing the Rationale of the Study

Name: ROBES, Neil Dominic M. Date: 02/14/2023

Section: Grade 11 STRAND - St. Luke the Evangelist Teacher: Mr. Rowen O. Magararu, Jr

Note: Write your answer/s and/or response/s on the space provided below. You may exceed on
the allotted space provided for each task.

Activity 5: Research Rationale (Major Performance Task)

Directions: Prepare your research rationale using the guidelines specified in this module. The
minimum word count should be 500 words (including in-text citations). Be careful with your
sources; do a citation. Write your references in a separate paper and attached it. Be guided by
the GRASPS and the rubric below for scoring your work.

General Format:
Arial 11, justified, single spacing (leave space after each paragraph), no indention


To establish an understanding of the range of research topics in the area of inquiry, the value
of research in the area of interest, and the specificity of the problem posed through a research
rationale (in accordance with the students’ strand).
As stated in Lesson 5
Research Teacher
Researcher and 6 (instructions Research Rationale
and Co-researchers
and directions).
Each indicator is worth ten (10) points each. The research rationale rubric is composed of five
(5) items.
Applied Subject
SY 2022 - 2023

Research Rationale
The present situation of Grade 11 STEM students is that they are getting drained because of
the many school and home works that were given to them. In today's new learning system,
where students attend physical classes and online classes, Grade 11 STEM students are
experiencing a lot of stress because of the many tasks that were given to them. According to
Shankar, L. & Park, C., (2016), there are pathways through which stress affects physical health,
the psychological effects of stress on mental health, and the cognitive effects of stress (e.g.,
attention, concentration) on academic success. A study claimed that Only 6% of students said
they found their homework "very useful" in preparing them for learning, tests, papers or projects,
and many experienced stress, compromised health and a lack of balance. Students also voiced
their frustration with their workload, saying things like; "There’s never a time to rest, there’s
always something more you should be doing;" "It can feel like you are drowning;" and "My body
crashes when I’ve done maybe half of my homework." (Stenger, M., 2018). This shows that
many students are experiencing hardship with their schoolwork.

Students are sacrificing their mental health just to finish or complete their schoolwork. Students
are also sacrificing their time, meals, and sometimes their sleep just to finish their schoolwork.
An article states that there are many dangers that come along with this concept. In 2017
Huffington Post published an article with the statistic that 62 percent of students struggle with
toxic anxiety. Unspoken, undiagnosed and often unnoticed by others, students are living with
constant worry but are only focused on getting the best possible grade (Stultz, C., Writer, S.,
2018). Students doing things that are simply bad for them, both physically and mentally. This
includes staying up all night studying, not eating properly or regularly, not taking the time to
socialize or even associating our grades with our value and worth as people (Tennent, Z.,
2015). This isn’t the kind of stress that gives us enough juice to perform and stay on task. And
not the kind that typically comes along with today’s market conditions and rigorous standards.
Over half of students are wrestling with the "what-if-I’m-not-good enough", nail biting, running
scared and no-room-to-breathe kind (Amjad, H., 2022).

Stress is a force to be reckoned with. It eats away at us. It erodes our sense of wellbeing. To
say that it can disrupt the learning process is a dramatic understatement. On top of being a
major health concern, it is the number one culprit that impedes academic performance and
persistence. And this is true for all ages and types of students-from undergraduate to graduate.
Stress can make us sick and stop us in our tracks (Amjad, H., 2022). Research says that having
Applied Subject
SY 2022 - 2023

too much work could really have negative implications on a students mental health. Having too
much work adds unnecessary stress, limits students’ social life, and can limit students’ time for
leisure. With the school day being 9 hours long (8:30-5:30 assuming students have co-
curriculars) then having to travel home to do 2-5 hours of work, it barely gives students time to
sit and enjoy a meal or spend time with loved ones. If students want to make time for leisure,
they have to sacrifice their sleep and stay up till almost 1-2 in the morning. Sacrificing sleep is
in no way a small issue. Sleep is absolutely crucial to the health and well-being of a teenager
(Sandoval, J., 2021).

What does fundamentally change who you are is your mental well-being and happiness. That
is what we’re sacrificing when we engage in these kinds of self-destructive behaviors. Nothing
is more satisfying than getting a good mark and considering it to be a representation of you,
but that reasoning only sets you up to feel like a failure when and if you receive a poor grade.
It needs to be said that grades are an exceptionally hollow and subjective assessment. We
might like to believe that they truly do speak to our greater intelligence, but that would be to
admit that our evaluation of ourselves should be based on what other people have to say about
us. It’s important to live up to your potential and we should all aspire to do our best under the
circumstances. But when our classes come into conflict with our health, we need to put our best
interests over our grades (Tennent, Z., 2015). Grades are important, but the state your mind is
in is even more important. Sacrificing the perfection of an assignment is much better than
sacrificing your happiness, ability to cope, and ultimately, your health (Stultz, C., Writer, S.,
Applied Subject
SY 2022 - 2023


[1] Shankar, N. L. & Park, C. L. (2016). Effects of stress on students’ physical and mental
health and academic success.
[2] Stenger, M. (2018). Don’t Overload Students: Assigning Too Much Work Discourages
[3] Stultz, C., Writer, S. (2018). Sacrificing Mental Health for the Grade. The Edge.
[4] Tennent, Z. (2015). Students sacrifice too much for school. The Sheaf – the University of
Saskatchewan Newspaper Since 1912.
[5] Amjad, H. (2021). Students sacrificing their health for good grades Nowadays it has
become a major concern to have. Medium.
[6] Sandoval, M. J. (2021). Workload negatively affects mental health. Tower.
Applied Subject
SY 2022 - 2023

Explain the quote: “If you want to understand today, you have to search yesterday” (Pearl Buck).
Write your reflection below.

This quote means that if you want to understand what is happening in your present time, you
should use the past as a lesson for you to have a better understanding. The past can help us be
better and be wiser at things because we may have done something wrong in the past. Let this
be our guide for us to be more mature in the present and in the future.

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