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Name : Khadijah Herfina

Study Program : D- III Medical Laboratory Technology (Semester 1)

Subject : English 1 (Health Article)


Immunization is an effort to prevent infectious diseases by giving vaccines so that

immunization or immunity against the disease occurs. Vaccines are types of bacteria or viruses
that have been weakened or killed to stimulate the immune system by forming antibody
substances in the body. These antibodies protect the body in the future. Immunization is the
process of actively or artificially forming antibody substances through vaccine administration.

The benefits of immunization for infants and children far outweigh the risk of side
effects, protecting the baby's or child's body from attacks and threats from certain bacteria or
viruses, preventing children from contracting diseases caused by bacteria or viruses, and
increasing the body's immunity against certain diseases and improving their status. The health of
infants or children that has an impact on the quality of the developing body and the productivity
of human resources in the future.

Basic immunization aims to get initial active immunity, while advanced immunization is
more aimed at maintaining the level of immunity and extending the period of protection
(booster). Community participation to continue to increase awareness and motivation of the
importance and benefits of carrying out complete basic immunization in children.

Reference :
Dwi Mardiati Safitri, dkk. Faktor-faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Rendahnya Cakupan
dalam Pemberian Imunisasi Dasar Lengkap pada Anak.

dr. Budiyono, dkk. Imunisasi.

Maria Dyah K., dkk. Determinan Ketidaklengkapan Pemberian Imunisasi pada Bayi /

Pengertian Imunisasi.

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